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Without bothering to check I think this is my longest story to date. At least of what I've written exclusively for Patreon lol. I dunno what it is about writing Blue Valley stuff that makes me so verbose and flowery but that's just where I'm at apparently! Hopefully there's enough sex to satisfy the actual purpose of writing these and I didn't lose myself in the setup/payoff.

“For lunch today the cafeteria will be serving bean and cheese burritos with a side of a rice. In sports news the . . .”

As the morning announcements droned on many of the students at Blue Valley High were already mentally checking out for the day. The weekend was drawing near and only the most cruel of teachers had bothered assigning them any work. For those in Mrs. Hillen's first period AP Calculus class there was no such respite. Many of them were already passing the previous night's homework to the front of the row in preparation for her inspection. By the time the announcements had finished she was halfway through collecting the assignments and thumbing through the lot. Her stern look softened every so slightly when she reached the last row and took the stack offered by her favorite student. It was the only time many in that class ever saw her severe looks soften into something approaching human. Not to mention the only time any of them realized just how attractive she could look with a smile. The moment passed faster than usual when she flipped through the pages and noticed a name absent from the headers.

“Majd? Where's your homework?”

“I didn't do it.” he immediately lied.

“Yeah right!” A nearby student scoffed.

“I suggest you do your own work before you criticize someone else's Ricky.” Mrs. Hillen snapped. “You always do your homework Majd. Where is it?”

He shrugged and avoided her piercing stare, “It s-slipped my mind.”

It was then she noticed a small bruise half hidden by his curly black hair and a good deal of clumsily brushed away dirt on his jacket, “I see.” She turned away from him without another word and dropped her papers on the desk, “Please open your textbooks to page three hundred and eighty one. We're going to pick up where we left off yesterday. Jamie, would you like to get us started?”

The girl in question jumped slightly and fumbled for her book, “Uh yeah! Uhmmm . . . Question eleven right?”


By all outward appearances the rest of the class passed as it always did. Only Mrs. Hillen and one or two of the students noticed Majd's uncharacteristic silence. When the bell finally rang many of the students jumped to their feet, eager to get out of the classroom. For the first time that she'd ever seen he was one of them. She just barely managed to call him back through the horde of seniors trying to stampede out. Turning back towards her and walking up to the front podium like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar Majd kept his eyes down and his mouth shut. Mrs. Hillen looked him up and down a few a times as she decided what to say. The facts of the situation were easy enough to piece together. They so often were in small towns like theirs. 

As the only child of Middle Eastern descent in the entire school Majd Abdul Samad would've been an oddity in Blue Valley no matter what. Since he was well over six feet tall and just skinny enough to be lanky certainly didn't help. A curtain of thick, curly black hair covered his slender face, often hiding warm brown eyes and a strong nose that fit quite well with his full lips. Perhaps as a consequence of his heritage he always dressed in the most mundane clothes: often blue or black jeans with varying monochromatic t shirts and jackets to cover them. His shoes were often plain sneakers and his backpack was one of the same brands nearly every other student used. In many ways he matched the look of an average high school senior a little too well. It was a shame many of his more vindictive classmates wouldn't see past his olive skin and  undeniably foreign name.

“Who took your homework?” Mrs. Hillen asked the moment they were alone.

“I said I didn't—”

“And I don't believe you. So tell me, who took your homework. Was it the same people who threw your backpack in the girl's bathroom last Tuesday?”

“Yes . . .”

“What did they do this time?”

Majd shrugged and awkwardly brushed some grass and leaves from his clothes, “They tripped me while I was walking. I had the assignment in my hand because I wanted to change something I'd written last night.”

“Why did they take it? None of them are in this class right?”

“No. They threw it into some puddles by the parking lot.”

“I see.” Mrs. Hillen resisted the urge to put a hand on his shoulder. She couldn't afford to risk looking to intimate with him, not after she and the rest of the faculty had caught wind of the rumors filtering out from his previous school, “Why didn't you say that before?”

“You said you don't like hearing excuses . . .”

“Being bullied isn't an excuse Majd. If anything it's something you should be telling me about immediately.”

“I know.” He sat down on a nearby desk and looked at her for the first time since class ended, “Don't mention it to anyone please. The last time you did they hid all my things around the school.”

Mrs. Hillen sighed and nodded, “I won't. But protecting them won't do any good. I don't care who they are they can't get away with this sort of thing.” 

The sad reality of the situation was they very much could get away with it. Without knowing their names she had no way to be certain but she was as confident as one could be that Majd's primary bully was Todd Harrison. And since Todd was on both track and field and the swim team it was unlikely any authority figures would reprimand him for 'just being a boy'. At least not as long as he continued excelling at both and winning awards for the school. Unfortunately nobody was more aware of this than Majd. He did his best not to show how little faith he had in his favorite teacher's words but the feeling was evident no matter what. 

“I only have to survive one more year.” He remarked.

“Can you tell me why he did it at least? Was there any special reason?”

“I'm tutoring Cindy and he doesn't like it.”

“Cindy Barnes?”


“Why would he care if you're tutoring her?”

“They're dating. I think they've been together for a few months now . . .”

“Oh.” Unsure of why she even asked considering how little that revelation did to change anything Mrs. Hillen folded her arms and sighed, “Well in the future please be honest with me. I'm not going to punish you for being a victim. Consider your homework turned in.”

“Really?” A relieved smile lit up his face.

“Of course. We both know you'd have gotten an A on it anyways. If this happens again you can make it up later.”

“Thanks Mrs. Hillen.”

He rose from the desk and moved like he was going to hug her. Common sense got the better of him and he stopped just shy of actually do it, “Don't worry about it Majd.” She replied with a slight blush creeping into her cheeks, “Let me give you a a note in case your late to your next class . . .”

The rest of the day passed without incident, Majd's spirits lifting considerably after that. Through his usual tactics of staying in the library during lunch and only traversing the halls at the very beginning of the bell he managed to avoid Todd completely. Of course the only other person he'd want to steer clear of more didn't have any trouble tracking him down as the final bell rang. Not two steps out the door beside the gymnasium his path was blocked by Cindy and several of her friends. Most of them didn't look twice at him as they continued to chat about their after school plans.

“Hey, did you not see my text?” She asked.

“What? No, I must've had my phone on silent or something . . .” Majd lied.

“Uh huh. Well I can't make our usual time today so—”

“Oh that's okay! We can take a rain check on it. There's no—”

“So we're gonna have to do it right now.” She continued, grinning bemusedly at his flurry of words.

“That's not gonna work for me. I-I have things to do right after school.”

“Like what?” One of her friends chimed in, “You can do your homework any time nerd.”

“Shut up Tamara,” Cindy chastised, “C'mon Majd! I've almost got my grades above a c minus!”

Despite knowing better Majd couldn't help but be swayed by her pleas. Perhaps it was his natural affinity for helping people or his equally ingrained love of mathematics. Or maybe it was simply because Cindy was by the far the prettiest girl in the school who didn't call him nerd, geek, dork, or any other derogatory name. To his face at least.

Unusually tall for a woman she stood only an inch or so below him and unlike his gangly physique she wore her height well. As both a swimmer and tennis player her body was a pleasing mixture of lithe and muscular, most notably in her long, smooth legs. She almost always wore skirts or dresses that showed off her well toned calves and with a light breeze her equally fit thighs could be glimpsed as well. That particular day she had on a sleeveless blue sun dress that not only showed off her mile long legs but also the softly tanned musculature of her arms and shoulders. It both hid and accentuated her firm, round ass and showed just as much of her small breasts as she could get away with. She kept her strawberry blonde hair short to frame her face and keep out of her sky blue eyes, a neatly maintained fringe hovering just past her carefully plucked eyebrows. In contrast to the rest of her body she had a remarkably soft, almost cherubic face that gave her a constantly soft demeanor despite her very brusque mannerisms.

“I-I really don't—we'd have to—It's not like—okay.”

“Great! Thank you so much! Then let's go!”


Motioning to her car parked on the street nearby she said, “C'mon I'll drive us. We're goin the same place anyways right? It'll save you the walk!”

“Y-yeah I guess that makes sense . . .”

“Obviously!” Cindy laughed, “Now let's go. I'll see y'all tonight!” She said to her friends.

Most of them waved or nodded at her as they slowly started to disperse. All but certain he would be caught Majd followed his companion to the car so closely he stepped on the back of her flip flops twice in the thirty second walk. Both times Cindy jokingly scolded him and made a comment about how much he enjoyed math. By the time they reached her car his ears were burning and his cheeks were flushed. He moved to get into the backseat, assuming he could lie down to avoid any prying eyes. As any sane person would Cindy immediately questioned his actions.

“What the hell are you doing?” She wondered while he crawled into the back, “If you're gonna throw up you'd better do it out the window!”

“I-I'm not gonna throw up.” He said, “I just felt like lying down . . .”

“Well do it in the front seat. I'm not your chauffeur!” She laughed, “Hurry up or we're gonna get stuck behind everyone else!”

Feeling even more stupid for not thinking of simply reclining the passenger seat Majd did as he was told. He lowered the seat as far back as it would go and sank down even lower just to make sure. The top of his curly head was still a little visible but it was about the best he could do. Cindy rolled the windows down to enjoy the fresh air before finally pulling out of her spot. They drove out of the parking lot and towards the more heavily wooded and affluent side of town. While the disparity between the classes wasn't quite as pronounced as in larger areas the houses on the north side of Blue Valley, and coincidentally those closest to the lake, were still noticeably larger and fancier than the rest. Majd and his family actually lived fairly close by, albeit more towards the middle class areas than where Cindy and her family were situated. 

Five minutes into the drive she finally asked the question he knew she'd ask, “So what's up with you today? Are you finally getting sick of tutoring me?”

“No!” He stated, emphatically shaking his head, “I like tutoring people!”

“Then what is it? Cause you're acting all kinds of weird.”

“Nothing. I-I ate some bad cafeteria food. That's all.”

“That food is always bad,” She smirked, “And you don't eat in the cafeteria anyways.”

“Sometimes I do! Why would you know that?”

“Because you never leave the library. It's not hard to notice when you're the only one in there every single lunch period.”

Still wondering why she'd paid enough attention to notice such a pattern Majd quickly changed subjects, “Did you get the practice sheets for your next test yet?”

“Yeah I picked them up this morning. Don't change the subject. What's your deal?”

She looked directly at him as they came to a stop at the last set of lights before their houses. As always Majd was unable to meet her intensity for long and he caved, “Todd said to stay away from you or he was gonna make my life hell.”

Cindy's eyes widened for a moment then narrowed just as quickly, “Oh really? Oh really?!” Majd nodded and glanced at her, surprised by how angry she suddenly seemed, “Where does he get off trying to control my life?”

“Uhm . . . I don't—”

“Oh he's gonna regret sticking his nose in. What did he do to you?”

“He ruined my homework.”

Her expression softened a little and she said, “I'm sorry. I keep telling him to leave you alone but once he's with his idiot friends there's no telling what'll happen.”

“You're telling him to leave me alone?” Majd asked, completely floored that anyone besides a teacher would care.

“Of course! You don't deserve it and I don't want a bully as a boyfriend!”

“. . . Thank you . . .”

“Heh, thank me when it works. Has it been happening as much lately?”

“No . . . I thought it was because he was too busy with track and field though.”

“It probably is,” Cindy said with a half serious grin, “Whatever. If he pulls that shit again tell me and I'll sort him out.”

“Okay . . . But won't that just make it worse?”

“I don't know. But I'm not above threatening to withhold sex if he keeps it up.”

Blushing at her frankness but smiling at the devious look on her face Majd nodded and said, “Thank you.”

“Hey it's the least I can do. Almost literally.”

They pulled into the driveway a few seconds later and he was saved the difficulty of responding to her words. He followed her into the house, quickly learning both her parents and sisters were gone when she loudly announced her return. Majd was actually a little disappointed to learn they were alone, Cindy's family was quite fun to be around. Especially her father and youngest sister. Most of the time he remained for a half hour or more after he finished tutoring just talking with them. Always at their insistence too. Though having peace and quiet was certainly a welcome advantage when trying to teach trigonometry to someone who despised math. The both of them traipsed upstairs and into Cindy's almost comically girly bedroom. As she shut the door he sat down at his usual spot by her desk to wait.

Grabbing the practice material from her bag Cindy tossed her pack onto the bed, kicked off her shoes, and straddled the bench in front of her desk to face Majd, “I looked it over a bit and there's no way I can do most of it without your help.”

“I'm sure that's not true,” He laughed, “We already went over this . . . and these questions are just more complicated versions of what we covered two weeks ago!”

As it had so many times before an amused and slightly amazed grin spread across her face while Majd launched into his over eager explanation of complicated mathematics. After how long she'd been working with him the level of enthusiasm he held really shouldn't surprise her anymore. But somehow it always did. Likely because he was normally so subdued at school it was like meeting a whole different person. One Cindy happened to like a lot more than she thought she would. Being surrounded by moody people hiding behind layers of irony and sarcasm certainly wore on her nerves after time. A little sincerity was always refreshing to see, particularly when it came from such an amusingly genuine and eager place.

“Slow down a bit,” She said upon realizing she hadn't been listening to him, “Can we start from the beginning?”

“Sure! All you have to do . . .”

Cindy's mind simply would not focus on anything school related at that moment. Which wasn't entirely unusual for her but it was no less remarkable despite that. Instead she found herself simply watching him as he unnecessarily gestured towards the paper and drew the diagrams in the air before writing them down properly. It was during her little mindless aside that she noticed a few of the marks leftover from Todd's harassment earlier. A few scrapes along his hands that hadn't quite faded and some minor fraying on his clothes that was just a bit too fresh to be normal wear or tear. Her smile hardened a little at the thought, then softened again when he looked at her directly for a moment. Of course he was entirely too engrossed in what he was doing to notice her. Even if he had been paying attention Cindy or her expressions Majd's natural inclinations would have led him to assume she was smiling about something else entirely.

She started thinking more about the differences in his behavior and how different he'd probably be treated if he wasn't so quiet around others. And like most people who gave him more than a passing thought Cindy was eventually reminded of the rumors she'd been hearing about him since the day he transferred from a neighboring. Nobody was quite sure where they'd started but like any high school gossip everyone who heard it either swore by the words or vehemently denied any possibility of their truth. For many the latter made the most sense regarding Majd. Cindy and a handful of her friends always like to believe they were true purely for the humor it brought them. Like most jerks Todd and his friends hadn't started with physical threats and acts straight away, they'd opened with a more insidiously mean angle of talking behind his back and insulting him. But knowing the rumors as well as she did his words always carried an air of jealousy and inferiority complex that just made her laugh.

Maybe it was her frustration with Todd resurfacing again, her tutor's innate charm when he was teaching, or plain old boredom but Cindy was growing more inclined to finally test those rumors out for herself. There was no pretending she hadn't thought about it before. Usually on the not so rare occasions she and her boyfriend were fighting about something. Pretty much every girl who knew more than the bare minimum about his supposed talents had thought about once or twice. None of them were ever in as good a position as her. Most of them probably didn't have stubborn idiot jocks for boyfriends either. As with most ideas of that kind the more she thought about it the more she was able to hype herself up for it. The pros vastly outweighed the cons. She could really only think of one significant con anyways and if bad sex was enough of a reason not to do something she'd still be a virgin. The tipping point came when he paused to smile at her and ask why she was smiling too.

“Well . . .” She started, licking her lips and trying to think of something clever to say, “Because . . .”

Nothing came to mind and she just went for it. Sliding in close she wrapped one hand around the back of his head and pressed the other against his chest. Her lips met his before he had a chance to react. His entire body stiffened in surprise, all the previous times he'd kissed a woman suddenly flying out the window. While he was as lively as a board she remained fluid. Delighted by his reaction and how soft his mouth was Cindy moved in closer until she was almost sitting on his lap. Her tongue darted out of her own mouth to find his. When they touched he actually jumped a little. A split second later he finally started reciprocating her kiss as if her tongue had jump started his brain. Though just as tentative as she expected it was still a pleasant enough response. His tongue gingerly coiled around hers while the rest of his body leaned in a little more. Both hands moved to her thighs like he was going to take it a step further. To her disappointment they remained perched on the edge of her dress and didn't move. Cindy continued to make out with him for a few more seconds before suddenly leaning away to laugh.

“You're not a bad kisser."

“T-thank you . . . but why did you—”

“Is that really your biggest concern right now?”

She looked down at his hands and arched an eyebrow. He immediately pulled them away, assuming she didn't want him touching her, “Sorry! I don't know what came over me . . .”

“Exactly what's supposed to dummy!” Cindy grabbed his hands and put them right back where they were, “I wasn't telling you to stop!”

“Oh . . . okay . . .”

“So keep going?”

“Right! Sorry! Uhm . . . but . . . but why?”

“Seriously?” Cindy might have groaned if she wasn't so caught off guard by his reticence.

“Well you've never shown any interest in me before . . . and you have a boyfriend . . . who's gonna kill me if he finds out about—”

Cindy kissed him again before he could work himself up too much, “Come on, it's not like he hasn't cheated on me before.”

“But that's no reason to—”

“Are you really gonna try and talk your way OUT of this?”

“. . . N-no . . .”


“But girls like you don't do this sort of thing with guys like me.”

“Who says so?”

Majd opened his mouth, then closed it again. He thought about it for a moment, “The laws of high school!”

“Wow! 'The laws of high school' huh? I'll just leave that one alone for now. Because you and I both know I'm not the first girl you've done this sort of thing with.”

He blushed a little at her insinuation, quietly realizing why she was suddenly interested, “Oh . . . you heard about all that?”

“Of course. Most of the school has.”

“Right . . . so you wanna know if it's true?”

Picking up on his slightly melancholic tone Cindy quickly said, “Well yes but only because you're cute and sweet and actually pretty fun to be around outside of school. If you were a total ass I wouldn't care what the rumors were!” Majd nodded, a little smile creeping onto his face. His brow furrowed slightly as he processed her words. “Todd isn't all bad.” She added, “You just haven't seen the other side of him.”

“Sure . . .” His tone was less than convinced but Cindy didn't care to continue that line of conversation.

“So are we gonna do this or should I take a cold shower?”

He laughed quietly at her words, “Y-yeah we can . . . we should move to the bed though . . .”

“Oh yeah? You just gonna jump right in?”

“No, my butt hurts sitting in this chair . . .”

Laughing harder than she had in a long time Cindy stood up, taking Majd's hands in her own, and led him over to her small twin bed. She tried to steer him in such a way that she could playfully shove him onto the mattress but he resisted. Instead he gently but firmly guided her onto the sheets, moving between her legs as she sat down. Because of their similar heights he barely had to stoop as he kissed her again. His lips were far more enthusiastic the second time around and Cindy was free to explore his body a little while they made out. Her hands rather speedily jumped to his butt, her own curiosity about what he had going on beneath his jeans getting the better of her. She was quickly delighted to find he had a surprisingly nice ass and a small, approving smile spread across her face. It only widened when she felt his hands begin to roam her form. Unlike the first time around his movements were tentative or restrained in the least. They were simply slower and more sensual. The tips of his fingers dragged along her thighs and past her waist towards the underside of her breasts. Unable to suppress a shiver she waited to feel his hands on her tits.

Instead of feeling her up or trying to expose her rack his fingers continued traveling upwards. They paused momentarily to tenderly brushed against the sides of her tits. It was just enough to let her know his motions were deliberate and send a little tremble down her spine. While she maintained her grip on his buttocks Majd brought his own hands to Cindy's collarbone. For a few moments he cupped her chin and face with his unexpectedly long fingers. He subtly tilted her head back as they continued to kiss, an unexpectedly tender but dominating aura slowly surrounding him. More than happy to be along for the ride and a little taken aback by how different he suddenly seemed Cindy le him guide her closer to the wall behind her. She felt her head come to rest against one of the posters. His hands left her face a moment or so later, finally moving down to the straps of her sun dress. A pair of fingers slid under each one and slowly pulled them aside. When they neared the sides of her shoulders he pulled away to, she assumed, admire what he was about to reveal.

Naturally that guess proved wholly incorrect when he knelt lower and moved in. She shuddered when his lips first made contact with her body just below her jawline. Goosebumps erupted all along her neck and only spread further while he kissed lower. Momentarily absorbed in what he was doing Cindy simply let herself bask in the feeling of his mouth dancing along her skin in a seemingly haphazard pattern. His intentions were clear but the route he took to get there was just unexpected enough to make her the tiniest bit surprised when she finally felt him kiss her collarbone. He never stopped moving her dress while he worked either, a fact that totally slipped her mind even when those flimsy little strips fell of their own accord down her arms. No longer needing to guide them Majd's hands quickly returned to other parts of her form, one finding the back of her neck as the other slipped beneath her thigh. Cindy scooted forward just a hair to try and make it easier for him to do whatever it was he had planned. She was honestly as excited to find out as she was to actually get to the naughtier parts.

With that in mind she pulled her arms free of the straps keeping her dress up and tugged the hem down in two quick movements. Her perky tits were revealed in the blink of an eye and for a moment Majd actually paused to admire them. His eyes widened slightly while a goofy smile lit up his face. Cindy certainly didn't have the largest breasts but they were almost perfectly round even without a bra and her nipples just a hair larger than average. Both were already stiff and trembling, their rosy pink color clashing nicely with the untanned swathe of skin surrounding them. The two of them looked at one another as he moved back in, her face momentarily flashing a cocky grin. That expression melted away the moment his lips found one of her areolas. His tongue didn't waste a second swirling around her pert nipple as he sucked on her breast just eagerly enough to fill the bedroom. Cindy brought one hand up to her mouth and grabbed a fistful of his wild hair with other, quietly fearful someone from her family might come home and hear what they were doing if she was too loud. Of course they'd have to physically barge into her room to stop them before she'd consider ending anything. Already she was starting to see why those rumors had started and it was just the beginning.

Covering her other breast with one of his large hands Majd gently squeezed and groped her tit in time with his ministrations. He could already tell how aroused Cindy was from the way she panted and squirmed beneath him. It was difficult not to break away and dive right into his favorite part. Only the thought of seeing just how far he could push her before that point kept his mouth on her nipple. At least until he decided to switch. A delighted mixture of laughter and moaning greeted his shift in focus, her unattended nipple momentarily sending a spike of pleasure through her body as it was finally given its due. There was no telling how long he intended to keep it up but considering his eagerness and proficiency Cindy wouldn't have been surprised if he was aiming to make her cum without ever touching her vagina. Nor would she have been surprised if he succeeded. When they were kissing she'd felt that familiar ache between her legs and a slight dampness that always arrived with such naughtiness. By that point it was starting to feel like she'd stepped out of the shower without drying herself off. She could only imagine how hard he must be considering the circumstances! Part of her wanted to reciprocate his gesture somehow but their positioning made it almost impossible. She couldn't reach his dick even if she had the energy. And that kind of wherewithal was starting to drop precipitously.

Her moans continued to ebb and flow in time with his movements. The more eager he was the more loudly she tried to encourage him. It was just about the only thing she could do outside of rubbing one out while he worked. Which certainly crossed her mind more than once but she managed to refrain under the assumption that he wouldn't stop at her tits. Such a notion was probably obvious to any capable of rational thought but after several minutes of kissing and having her breasts sucked Cindy was barely capable of thought period. Her half conscious urges proved correct regardless though as Majd finally pulled away and sank even lower. For a moment she was actually annoyed that he had stopped, her excitement at learning how sensitive her nipples were overshadowing anything else. When she saw him kneeling on the carpet at the edge of her bed and felt his hands on her thighs she knew it was time for the big finish. Feeling simultaneously excited and nervous she opened her legs wide for him while lifting up the hem of her dress. The warm pink panties covering her sex were so thoroughly soaked after all his hard work they looked like she'd just pulled them from the washing machine. An intoxicating fragrance of arousal filled the air upon her initial reveal and it only increased when he leaned in to plant a soft kiss at the center of her dampness.

Her most violent shiver yet wracked Cindy's entire body and she gasped in a high pitched voice very unlike her own, “What porno did you still that move from?” She breathlessly asked.

Majd softly snorted at her remark, “I've never seen a porno that had that.”

“Me neither! I was hoping you might've though . . .”

“Why, did you like it?”

“No, I'm always this wet.”

“Oh good . . .”

Unable to tell if he was finally being sarcastic or just being more of himself Cindy helpfully lifted her hips when his hands slid further beneath her dress to find the waistband of her panties. As he started to pull she was momentarily gripped by a burst of self confidence. Overall there was very little about her body that bothered her, particularly for a teenager girl in an image obsessed culture. But of the small list number one with a bullet was about to be revealed in full to him. She was almost certain he wouldn't comment on it and positive it wouldn't stop him in anyway but that irrational fear of being judged persisted regardless. It almost possessed her to reach out and stop him mid pull. In the time it took her brain to push away such a thought her underwear had already passed her thighs. Majd slid them most of the way down her closed legs until they were far enough along that she was able to slide a foot free. Her wet panties dangled from her right ankle as she nervously spread her legs once more. She watched his face like a hawk when he first laid eyes on her naked pussy, searching for any sign that he might be bothered or grossed out by what he saw.

Majd grinned wider than he had in months upon finally seeing her sex. It had only the thinnest layer of blonde hair atop her mound while the rest was utterly hairless. As if to contrast the rest of her toned, often muscular body her pussy looked amazingly soft and plump. Her lips were just big enough to tremble with her movements. Even as he watched beads of arousal formed across her sex and slowly trickled down. With how far apart her thighs had moved the outer folds of her slit were peeled wide open to reveal the gooey pink center between them. At the crest was an already swollen clitoris that looked ripe for the licking. He barely noticed how much larger it was than the average woman's he was so excited by the prospect of tasting her. Not mention how flattering it felt to have made such a noticeable impact on her body without really doing all that much. Comparatively speaking at least. If he'd been more familiar with her preferences he might have aimed his sights lower, the appeal of her tight little asshole calling to him just as much as her vagina. 

“You're very pretty down there.” He said awkwardly.

“Thanks.” She replied with an equal level of awkwardness.

Her worries unwittingly assuaged Cindy bit her lip and watched Majd slowly move closer. His breath grew hotter on her slit as he moved, each little gust making her anticipation grown. She tried not to think about how large her clit must look and focus solely on just how much he was turning her on in that moment. From her position she couldn't quite see what he was doing, Majd's crazy thicket of hair certainly not helping, and it was with a small amount of surprise that she felt his fingers before his tongue or lips. The tip of what seemed to be his middle digit brushed against her plump lips to slide across her skin in a slow, circular pattern. It drifted ever closer to her hole while his mouth finally made contact. The little eruption of pleasure that came from that first touch partially masked the initial penetration of his finger. By the time she properly realized what he was doing more than half of his digit had slid into her tight, wet hole. Smiling at the way her walls squeezed and sucked him deeper he was glad he'd only gone with one to start. Just from feel alone he could tell Cindy was just a little too tight to fit more comfortable. At least not without a bit more attention.

He pushed as much of his finger in as he needed to in order to find that special place that would really make her squirm. Majd knew he had it when he started curling the tip of his digit back towards his hand and Cindy let out a gasp loud enough to rattle the window panes. She looked away the moment the sound faded from her lips, crimson overtaking her cheeks. Moans like that were not something she was used to. Especially not when a man's head was buried between her thighs and a finger was almost knuckle deep inside her pussy! Uncertain of what to do with her hands while he was undeniably in control Cindy grabbed two big fistfuls of his soft hair. She tried not to pull hard enough to hurt him but such things were pretty much beyond her ken at that point. Majd did wince slightly when she first gripped his locks but the discomfort passed quickly enough. Or more appropriately it became less noteworthy as he started to taste the sweet flavors of her sex. It felt odd to think about cunnilingus as a past time but if one considered such it was undoubtedly his favorite by far. To his delight Cindy proved to not only have a delicious pussy but an incredibly sensitive one as well. He barely had to do anything to make her shake like she was going to pass out.

Though no stranger to guys going down on her Cindy definitely wasn't used to any sort of experience being employed during. Or feeling it at all when it wasn't her birthday or her partner hadn't done something wrong. A combination of those two facts was likely the reason she felt such a sudden, powerful surge of pleasure when his lips first touched hers. All the buildup and teasing beforehand paid off instantly as his tongue darted across her outer folds. He continued to move his finger at the same time, pushing and rubbing against her g-spot almost perfectly. Cindy hadn't even realized how wet she was until he started licking and those wet, indecent sounds filled the room. She probably would have found the noisy slurps comical had she only been hearing them. But thankfully she was doing far more than listening as Majd went to work and the sounds of her incredibly wet pussy being licked, sucked, and fingered was just icing on the cake. It was upgraded to almost totally irrelevant when he finally found her clit. The millisecond his lips closed around her swollen bud Cindy lost it. She didn't give a damn about how loud she was being, who knew what, or how to spell her own name. That sudden flurry of ecstasy arriving as a tidal wave in an already tumultuous ocean was exactly what she craved.

Her hips started bucking soon after he focused his attention on her large clitoris, the rest of her body twitching and shaking from the increased pleasure. She was only dimly aware of the sheer volume of juices seeping out of her slit with every passing second. If her normal amount was akin to a steady trickle what she produced at that point could have passed for a fire hose. Pretty much every inch of her dress below her ass was completely soaked and the stain had long ago spread to her bed sheets as well. What little her partner could manage to slurp up barely made a dent in the stream. Cindy didn't notice her head gradually sliding down the wall as she was overwhelmed little by little. To her the only thing currently happening in the entire world was Majd's skillful tongue work over her bud and the equally knowledgeable way he rubbed her inner walls. It was rapidly becoming too much for her to handle, something bigger than she could have ever guessed welling up within her. Some crazy voice in the back of her mind wanted to wait, to hold out a bit longer and feel his efforts just a bit more. But she was far past the point of no return.

“Oh God!” She cried out.

Gritting her teeth and closing her eyes Cindy's entire body tightened for a split second. Despite knowing what was coming Majd didn't let up in the slightest and in the next moment everything came crashing down. Wave after wave of pleasure cascaded through her body, every inch of her trembling in unison from the sheer volume of it. She felt her toes curl back against the underside of her feet so hard they cracked as her thighs attempted to close despite Majd's presence between them. Her legs curled around his head to hold him in place as if her hands weren't already doing that. Mostly unfazed by the reaction his tongue persisted in it's steady dance around her clit. Both it and his finger slowed ever so slightly while she writhed around, each moving in time with her contractions to try and heighten the pleasure she was feeling. Cindy was completely unaware of those changes but she certainly felt their effects in full. Almost a minute of pure, unadulterated bliss wracked her body. She started to wonder if it would go on forever and she'd simply die from dehydration. Sadly she had no such luck and the ecstasy did begin to fade eventually. Though even as it did she was still gasping and panting like she'd just run a marathon. The biggest downside to her fading pleasure was the loosening of her grip on Majd, allowing him to pull away before she could recover enough to keep him locked in. She collapsed against the bed as soon as he'd completely departed, her eyes fluttering open and a delirious smile cresting her face.

But unlike the handful of other times she'd had such a fantastic orgasm Cindy wasn't alone. And having the person responsible for her satisfaction so close to hand resulted in a very different effect. Rather than being wiped out from the pleasure and content to simply lay there sprawled in her own mess she felt invigorated. He still hadn't cum nor had she seen his cock yet. Both of those problems needed to be rectified straight away. She fell against the bed in a clumsy heap of barely controlled limbs and reached into her nightstand. After a bit of fumbling she managed to find one of the condoms her parents had insisted she own. Tossing it to him with a smile she winked and licked her lips.

“Hurry up!” She panted.

He nodded and didn't say a word, simply unbuttoning his jeans and pulling out his throbbing dick. After what she'd just enjoyed his dick could've been the size of her thumb and she still would've wanted him inside her. The fact that he was easily a good six inches long and thick enough around to make her slit preemptively twinge was nothing short of perfection. Majd slid the condom over his dick and climbed onto the bed, Cindy not so subtly pulling him between her legs as he did. Her ankles crossed behind his back as she reached down with both hands to feel his package for herself. Despite the dark blue wrapper stuck around it his cock still felt remarkably nice against her fingers. His tensing balls even more so. Nodding eagerly like a dork the whole time she half guided, half pulled him towards her pussy. His tip brushed against her slightly agape entrance and both of them shivered. He smiled down at her, hesitating for a split second. Cindy was halfway through urging him to do it when he pushed inside her sex.

Still recovering from her climax and more sensitive than she realized Cindy actually winced a little upon feeling him slid into her. Her slit was just tight enough to make his passage difficult but just aroused enough to keep it relatively smooth all the way to the base. As soon as his hips hit hers the pleasure came back in full force and what little discomfort she'd vanished in its wake. Happy to finally return at least some of the satisfaction he'd given her she wasted no time moaning and squeezing his shaft as hard as her aching body could. A cute look of amazement spread across his face when he looked down to see their bodies connected. Even after everything they'd just done part of hims still didn't think they'd get that far. Fortunately for them both that part was not connected to the same one controlling his hips. Using the same smooth rhythms that had worked so well earlier he thrusted in and out of her sex.

He might have been a bit more gentle than she'd have liked but that could easily be chalked up to his inherently passive nature. What he'd just finished doing with his tongue and finger was anything but gentle so she'd simply have to coax a little more fire out of him. Though she didn't want to do anything that might make him think she wasn't still enjoying herself. The whimpers emerging from her mouth were very much genuine! They might have been as loud and as passionate as her earlier ones if he could find the courage to really work his hips. But it was absolutely delightful to continue feeling him in any way shape or form regardless. Time melted away as they enjoyed one another fully, Cindy finding a surprising amount of pleasure in simply watching his face as he moved and Majd gradually losing himself in the tightness of her sex. Whether he meant to or not his  movements did gradually begin to pick up speed and both of them enjoyed themselves all the more for it. Slowly but surely he moved fast enough to fill the air with the ever increasing sounds of wet, ball slapping sex. Her tits started to bounce and jiggle from the force of his thrusts and creaky bed springs below them sounded about ready to snap. She had no clue how long he could last but every second he continued was one more she reveled in. True to form the only sounds coming from his end was a steady stream of quiet gasps until he finally betrayed his waning endurance.

“Cindy!” He grunted after a few minutes.

“Yes!” She moaned.

Grabbing his arms and pulling him into a tight embrace she kissed him just as his cock started pulse madly inside her pussy. Realizing a moment too late that she was on birth control and could've easily gone without the rubber Cindy felt the condom expand inside her. Each mighty twitch of his shaft sent delighted bursts of pleasure through her and pumped another jet into the tip of his contraceptive. For about ten wonderful seconds he unloaded everything he had inside that condom while she moaned into his lips and wished she was feeling it raw. Towards the end of his climax she couldn't help but wonder just how pent up he'd really been. With a final shuddering groan Majd finished emptying his load, breaking off the kiss to smile at her with that same sheepish expression. She returned the look, albeit with far more amusement, and bit her lip. He started pulling out immediately after and Cindy was torn between the prudence of not risking any further pregnancy and wanting him to keep fucking her regardless. 

In the end the former won out and she allowed him to slide free without too much frowning. She made sure to sit up and look at the cum filled sleeve clinging to his cock. The amount he'd released felt like a lot when swirling around inside a balloon and she was happy to see that her sensations hadn't lied to her after all. His lack of a sex life paid off once again. Reached between her legs before he could do it she tenderly pulled the condom off his member and tied it off so it wouldn't leak. Enough cum to make her salivate still clung to his shaft but he was clearly exhausted after his exertions. She was too despite her posturing. While he slumped against the wall she'd been resting on not ten minutes previously she reclined comfortably across the bed, lifting her leg to rest both across his lap. He idly started stroking her neatly shaved skin and they basked in the afterglow. For about thirty seconds.

“Oh my fucking God!” Cindy exclaimed, “Where did you learn to do that?!”

“I lost my virginity to a much older woman. She made sure I knew a few things before I moved.”

“Really? How old was she?”

“At the time I think thirty eight?”

“How old were you?”


“Damn . . .” She sighed and thought about it for a second, “That's actually really hot.”

“Yeah. We still talk sometimes.”

“Lemme guess, you worked a little of that magic on some of the girls in school?”

“A little. After I went to homecoming alone one of the girls there took pity on me.”

“Nice. Then word got out.”

“Probably. It still took a few more months for anything to happen with anyone else though.”

“Why is that?”

He smirked at her and said, “I'm still a nerd.”

“So what? You could be a leper and it wouldn't matter! How come that first girl wasn't all over you after that?”

“I'm not sure. I think she was into someone else.”

“Pfft! Her loss right?”

“Yeah . . .”

Stretching into a more comfortable position Cindy smiled up at him, “So was it worth it?”

“Was what worth what?”

“Sleeping with me? Was it worth Todd killing you?”

Much of the color drained out of his face and he almost fell off the bed, “What?! But you said you wouldn't—”

“It's a joke! I was joking Majd!”

“A joke?” Hyperventilating and looking like he was about to pass out Majd nodded several times, “A joke . . . a joke . . . yeah . . .” 

“Yeah . . .” Cindy said in a soothing voice, actually feeling a little bad upon seeing how real his fear was, “I'm never gonna tell him this happened. You don't have to worry.”

“Thank you Cindy.”

“Sure. I mean he already thinks this is happening right? Best to just let him continue assuming?”

“Okay . . . I guess that makes sense . . .”

“Good. Now would you hand me my underwear? I should start getting ready for that party.”

“Oh . . . right . . . uhm . . . here you go!”

“Thanks. I guess we'll have to pick this up some other time huh?”

“What?” Color instantly returned to his cheeks as he blushed, his cock visibly perking up a little, “I-I don't know if that's a good idea! What if your parents came home while we were—”

“I was talking about the tutoring you goof!” Cindy wriggled into her panties and sat up, cheerfully punching his arm.

“Of course. Of course. I knew that.”

“Yeah. Cause we're definitely doing this again at some point!”

Majd didn't see Cindy again for the rest of the weekend. She invited him to the party she was attending but he turned her down straight away. That kind of thing wasn't really part of his world and he was still far, far too nervous about Todd to risk tipping him off in any way. When Monday arrived he assumed everything would go back to the way it was. As he traipsed across the rain soaked parking lot he spotted the last person he wanted to interact with surrounded by several of his football buddies. The group spotted him before he had a chance to hide. But rather than lumber towards him shouting insults as they usually did most simply glared at him or made vaguely threatening gestures. Todd himself simply watched with narrowed eyes, like a shark peering through a cage at it's intended meal. Happy to not push his luck Majd rushed into the 'safety' of the school and headed for his first class. The first four classes of the day passed by without incident and Majd once again found himself sitting alone in the library. A quiet click pierced the stillness as the main door was opened some fifteen minutes into the lunch period. He instinctively looked up, expecting to see the librarian or perhaps a teacher. Instead he was greeted by the sight of Cindy and one of her friends.

Both of them were wearing their team uniforms for the meet. The dry land versions anyways. Even through the baggy jackets and sweats he could tell her companion was just as attractive as she was. The second girl's face was considerably softer looking and her light brown hair was cut tied into a braid slung across her chest. She stared pointedly at him with sparkling hazel eyes and a smile that made him both nervous and excited. Her smallish lips showed just the barest signs of makeup, as did her petite nose and freckled cheeks. They approached his isolated little table and the woman he didn't know sat down as if they were good friends while Cindy snatched up a book from the shelf at random.

“Hi, I'm Dana!” She said in an adorably high pitched voice, holding out her hand.

“I'm Majd . . .” He said, shaking her hand and looking at the two in confusion, “What's—”

“Cindy said I should meet you.”

“She did?”

He looked up at Cindy, his puzzled look turning into embarrassment the moment he noticed what she was doing. Still holding the book in one hand she had her other poised in front of her mouth with her index and middle finger spread open. Her tongue was rapidly bouncing between the two and moving in a pattern not unlike the one he'd employed on Friday. Majd's entire face turned crimson as he looked back to Dana. The slightest bit of rosy tinge had crept into her cheeks but she seemed otherwise unaffected or unaware of the situation going on behind her.

“I'll leave you two alone then,” Cindy grinned, “We'll talk later Dana.”

“Okay, see ya!”

“Bye Majd!” She added with a wink and wave.

“B-bye Cindy . . .”


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