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For a long time Poison has been one of those characters I wanted to do something with but never did. Thanks to that story I can finally cross her off that particular list! Same with a Street Fighter centric smut piece as well! As always the usual warnings about futa apply. Steer clear if that ain't your bag lads. This one's also a bit shorter than usual.

“Another one!” Poison grunted, slamming her empty glass against the bar, “Gimme two fingers!”

Her black peak cap tilted comically to the side atop her swathe of waist length purple hair. One of the straps on her midriff baring white tank top was starting to slide down her pale shoulder and her short blue, cut off jean shorts were hanging similarly low around her wide hips. A bright red thong peeked out above her Daisy Dukes, the color matching those of her high heels. The chain securing her bottoms around her waist was identical in style to the one sliding around her cap while directly contrasting the single garter tied around her right thigh. To cap off her biker chick look a thick belt-like collar had been fastened around her neck to act as a choker. For reasons best left unexamined a pair of handcuffs dangled from her left side. Simply moving her arm in such a vigorous motion had sent her barely contained breasts jiggling wildly inside her top and when combined with the taut, muscular look of her arms, midriff, and legs she made for quite and enticing sight. If anyone was brave enough to approach the obviously irate, drunken woman for conversation. Though more than able to hold her liquor she'd already imbibed enough to put most people under the table for the rest of the night. If all went according to plan she herself would end up in such a position before too long. Standing next to her watching the debacle was her longtime friend Crimson Viper.

“There are less expensive ways of getting over a breakup.” C. Viper said in a slightly questioning tone.


“Dealing with a loss?”

“. . .”

“Oh come on girl what's going on with you?”

Poison sucked down her alcohol as soon as it was finished pouring and glared at the bartender for not providing her more already, “It ain't something I need to talk about.”

“Not as long as whiskey is around anyways.”


“What about when you wake up hung over and feeling even shittier? You gonna drink more then too?”

“Maybe.” Poison replied with a grin. She glanced at her friend out of the corner of her eye and said, “My problems ain't the kind you tell other people.”

C. Viper folded her arms and fixed her companion with a disapproving look. Unlike Poison she was dressed far less appropriately for a seedy dive bar but the differences only drew more eyes to the odd pairing they formed. Her red hair was fastened into a tight braid that stopped some distance down her back with only a single strand falling in front of her yellow aviator shades. Business wear of any kind was rare in those parts, particularly sleek black jackets left unbuttoned to show off a white vest trying to contain a landslide of tanned cleavage. A thin black tie was tucked between her breasts and into the white cloth just barely keeping her rack under control. Both her navel and a small slice of her stomach were left bare by her choice in top and the gold buckled belt holding up her slacks was positioned just low enough on her curvy waist to draw the eye down. Thick combat boots covered her feet, the only other hint to her fighting abilities aside from a pair of dark bicycle gloves on her person.

“You don't really know how this whole 'friendship' thing works do you?” She asked.

Poison ignored C. Viper for a moment in favor of waving her glass at the absent bartender for several seconds. When he didn't respond she heaved a sigh and said, “Fine, you really wanna know?”


“I was fuckin this girl for a few months and she had to move away for work.”

“Oh so it was a breakup! I'm so s—”

“Nah it wasn't anything like that. We were just hooking up. I need a certain kinda woman to satisfy me you know?”

“Not really,” C. Viper laughed, “But I get the concept.”

“Yeah. Well with her gone I'm not getting much fun anymore.”

“Right. Why don't you pick someone up around . . .” She looked at the patrons of that particular bar and quickly changed focus, “ . . . town?”

“I hate meetin chicks at bars. It's such a hassle.” Poison finally gave up on getting another drink and turned to face her friend.

“Makes sense.”


A short silence lapsed between them as they both dwelled on Posion's predicament. “Why don't we hook up?” C. Viper proposed.


“Why don't we hook up? We've done it before. You're certainly drunk enough!”

“Yeah but that was just to blow off a little steam and goof around. That ain't gonna cut it this time around.”

“And why not?”

“Cause I wasn't just sleepin with that girl. You and me only ever fucked.”

“You just said—”

“I was being classy.”

“Right. Well as long as you're not gonna shit on me I'm game for pretty much anything.”

“Is that right?” Poison asked, a sly grin lighting up her face, “You think you can take over for my booty call?”

“Sure.” C. Viper shrugged, “At least until you find someone new. You're not the only one who needs some fun. What did your last booty call do that was so special?”

Figuring the look of surprise on her friend's face would be worth losing a little privacy Poison leaned towards C. Viper. Her companion did the same and tilted her head so her frustrated ally could whisper the big secret into her ear. The list of sex acts were longer than she'd have thought and by the end of it her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. She'd always considered herself a pretty adventurous girl by most standards but apparently Poison was the true kink queen among them. Suddenly the prospect of taking over for whatever crazy woman her friend had been with seemed a lot less plausible. C. Viper straightened as soon as her partner was finished. She did her best to play off her sudden hesitation. And her relative inexperience.

“That doesn't seem so bad.”

“Oh really?”

“Sure. It's a little tame for my tastes though.”

Poison nodded and smirked, seeing right through her freind's bravado, “Obviously.”

C.Viper managed to keep her nonchalance going for a few more seconds before breaking and admitting the truth, “I've never done anything like that before. I've never even thought about it if I'm being honest. I'm not sure I could do that sort of thing for you.”

“No worries. Most ladies can't. I appreciate the offer.”

Sliding off her stool and stretching for a moment Poison clapped her comrade on the shoulder, “Don't sweat it. I'll just stop by a whorehouse on the way home or something. I'm gonna use the bathroom before I leave, you gotta go?”

“I'm good for now.” C. Viper replied. She couldn't help but feel like she was letting her friend down. If some ordinary woman could do what Poison liked why couldn't she? “Hang on a minute!”


“I think I can do it.”

“Are you serious?”

“Mmhmm. Well mostly.”

“And that means?”

C.Viper collected her thoughts, “I can do some of the stuff you talked about. Not all of it. But the last couple of things. Probably.”

“You sure know how to fill a lady with confidence,” Poison teased, “I ain't interested in pressuring you into stuff.”

“You're not!”

“No but you are ain't you?”

Grinning a little C. Viper held up her thumb and index finger, looking at Poison through the small gap left between the two fingers, “We can always go for our usual if I lose my nerve right?”

“Course. I'll never turn down a chance at your ass.”

“Say it a little louder, I don't think the rest of the bar heard you.”


C.Viper clapped a hand over Poison mouth, staring at her ally with a mixture of amusement and frustration, “Let's go before I change my mind.”

Poison grabbed the hand covering her mouth and led C. Viper away from the bar. Rather than heading out of the building entirely and going to either one of the apartments she made a beeline for the bathroom. The unexpectedly spacious women's restroom was devoid of any other customers, much like the rest of the bar, and remarkably clean considering the circumstances. It's notably large handicap stall was one of the few holdovers left from the days when the place had been a fancy restaurant. Kicking in the door and dragging her more and more reluctant friend inside Poison slammed it shut with even greater force. The latch snapped into place with a noisy clack as the two women stared at each other in their private little space.

“Last chance to bail Maya.”

“I'm good.”

With a shrug Poison wriggled out of her short shorts and tossed them away. Her decent sized cock was already at full attention beneath her panties, poking out from behind the useless cloth like a gently throbbing spear. As many times as C. Viper had seen it she was still a little amazed at how well her fuck buddy managed to hide such a big tool. It was just a bit too large to stand fully upright and the sack dangling behind it gave her whole package a very meaty appearance. Under normal circumstances she'd already be on her knees with both hands wrapped around it's girth and her lips working on the swollen tip. But that wasn't part of the plan this time around. Instead Poison turned her back to Maya and adopted a pose like she was about to frisked. Her hands flattened against the tiled wall and her legs spread nice and wide to show off both her plump bubble butt and the eager member hanging between her thighs. A thin dribble of precum seeped from the head of her dick to smear against the wall and trickle all the way down to the floor.

Her hips swayed gently from side to side as she smiled back at C. Viper and grinned expectantly. For a few seconds nothing happened, both of them waiting for the other to move. Maya was busy going over everything she was comfortable doing in her head while Poison wondered just how far her friend would go. Eventually her anticipation outstripped her understanding and she let out a small, impatient whimper. One of her hands left the wall to swat her ass cheek. A small red welt appeared at the center of her buttock a few moments later. She promptly added to it with another quick spank. The sound filled the bathroom and even made C. Viper jump a little. After two more slaps to really get her body riled up she grabbed her ass cheeks with both hands and unceremoniously spread them apart. Her tight, winking asshole was suddenly on full display along with the stretch of cleanly shaved skin leading down to her sack. She released her ass for a moment and slid her fingers a little deeper between her cheeks. The tips of her digits were just barely brushing against her puckered backdoor as if unsubtly pointing the way for C. Viper.

Realizing it was now or never Maya stepped forward and pressed two fingers against her friend's waiting hole. They disappeared almost immediately inside Poison's ass and both women trembled a little. She pushed her companion a little harder against the wall as another finger coyly slipped into her backdoor. It was all too clear Poison was no stranger to having her ass played with. Suddenly C. Viper couldn't help but wonder just what her surprisingly kinky lover liked to pleasure herself with. If what she'd asked for was any indication she must be quite the size queen. A fourth finger swiftly joined the others and soon all the was left was her thumb and the remainder of her hand. Curling the last digit inwards to try and make it as easy as possibly C. Viper gently pushed forward. To her continued amazement the whole of her hand vanished into Poison's ass without any resistance. It slid up to the wrist and even a few inches of the forearm before she finally stopped to let her comrade adjust. Clearly loving every second of it Poison alternated between breathless gasps and almost inaudible moans. She'd been dying to have someone fist her since her fuck buddy moved away and simply having an entire hand inside of her was enough to make her whole body squirm. That probably would've been enough for her to eventually get off but she'd made sure to express to Maya just how far down her depravity really went. After all, if she was gonna introduce her friend to that world there was no sense holding back.

Taking a few deep breaths before moving on to the second part of their little experiment C. Viper knelt down. Now eye level with her companion's ass she was able to properly admire the sight of her own hand buried inside it and the way her body quivered as a result. While trying to figure out just how Poison had discovered she was into such things Maya brought her second hand up to the thoroughly stuffed ass in front of her. With a fair bit of wriggling and shifting she managed to slide in another two fingers. Poison squirmed and moaned loud enough for it to echo out into the mostly empty bar beyond, thrilled at finally getting her ass double stuffed. She relaxed as much as she was able and tried to let it all wash over her. Little by little C. Viper's gloved fingers squirmed their way into her asshole, stretching her inner walls wider with every movement. A near constant dribble of precum seeped out of the head of her painfully erect cock. The urge to stroke it was almost unbearable but she managed to resist in favor of going for a bit of handsfree fun. Her grip on her own ass cheeks tightened a little more every time Maya found purchase inside her ass. When she finally felt her lover's thumb brushing along the outer edge of her hole she knew it was only a matter of time until. Everything about C. Viper's motions exuded uncertainty and inexperience yet she didn't hesitate to slide that last finger in and curl her hand into a fist.

Suddenly glad her friend's hands were larger than average for a woman Poison moaned like she was being paid to put on a show. Simply having two fists pressing together within her ass was enough to do what several pints of liquor couldn't/ Thick spurts of precum erupted from her dick as the big O she was seeking threatened to arrive. Her asshole was stretched so wide it felt like she could fit both of Maya's arms inside without any trouble. Once her companion began moving, pushing her fists in several inches and pulling them back out until they were pushing against her gaping entrance, most thoughts simply vanished into the ether. Surprisingly it didn't take very long for the awkward position and Poison's tightness to start wearing on C. Viper's endurance. Moving both fists at the same time while keeping her balance and ignoring the pain in her knees was no easy feat. She couldn't quite find an angle that worked for her and the constant shifting around as she attempted to only made Poison squirm even more. At times her hands moved in a simply thrusting pattern and at others they strained against the sides of her ass like she was attempting to work a stubborn lever. Once she even found herself accidentally pushing her hands apart without even realizing it. Upon seeing her companion's asshole stretched even wider and the soft pink flesh within quivering like mad C. Viper knew she had to change tactics or be constrained by their current position until Poison came.

“Get on the floor,” She commanded, trying unsuccessfully to sound authoritative, “On your back!”

“Absolutely!” Poison grinned.

Pulling herself off her lover's fists as one might slide off a comfy chair she wasted no time reclining against the dirty tile floor. Her legs were splayed nice and wide and she kept her hips in the air for easy access to her slightly gaped asshole. C. Viper knelt down between her companion's legs, grabbing the large cock draped across her belly with one hand and bringing the other back to her asshole. She tilted her lover's prick towards her mouth. Her fingers slid back inside like they belonged there while at the same time her lips closed around the head of Poison's dick. Picking up where she'd left off only moments ago her fist started pumping in and out of her friend's ass, only now she had something else to focus on besides the incredible tightness around her wrist. Even with the added kink sucking a dick was like second nature to C. Viper and she lost herself in the simple pleasure of bobbing up and down on a nice cock in no time. If she really thought about it what she was doing was simply a more extreme version of the classic two fingers in the ass during oral that most guys and chicks with dicks already enjoyed. Poison just happened to be a few shades more extreme than them! Perhaps best of all was the entirely justifiable excuse she now had to only use one hand and avoid any further damage to her sore wrists. As it turned out she probably wouldn't have even been able to bring the other hand back into the picture. Simply moving a few inches up and down her lover's prick while simultaneously trying to tear apart her asshole was the last push Poison needed. Every inch of her body started to shake and for an all too brief moment her hips attempted to push her dick even further into Maya's throat. Just as quickly as it had arrived her frenzy of activity ended with a climactic cry.

“Oh fuck!” Poison squealed, “Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! I can't take it anymore!”

Stopping mid thrust to look at her partner C. Viper knew what was about to come next from personal experience. Or at least she thought she knew. Sliding her fist elbow deep inside Poison's ass she teasingly pulled her mouth back until only the tip remained inside. The coy little grin spread across her face went completely unnoticed by her twitching companion. It vanished completely the instant the first jet of cum exploded into her throat. Another load joined the first an instant later. Soon after another was spraying from her lover's pent up balls. Her ass clamped down around C. Viper's arm with so much force it would've hurt had she been paying that part of her body any attention at all. More jizz than Maya had ever felt in her life suddenly filled her cheeks like water from a broken dam. It was thicker than Poison's already above average spunk, gooey strands coating the walls of her mouth in the blink of an eye. Too taken aback to think about how to dispose of so much cum C. Viper drank it down as fast as she was able. Several huge, teary eyed gulps barely made a dent in the endless flow assaulting her throat. It was like trying to drink directly from a firehose only considerably more unpredictable. She was only just able to swallow enough to keep most of it from seeping out of her overstuffed lips. Though despite her best efforts two messy strands of spit and jizz were slowly trickling out of her nose by the end of Poison's climax. She might not have cum much longer than normal but the sheer volume more than made up for that.

C.Viper pulled herself off Poison's dick as soon as she was able. Her curled fist retreated from her companion's ass a few seconds later, albeit at a slower pace. Identical ropes of cum dangled comically from her nose as she tried to stand up and failed. Her ass hit the floor with a thud and she stared at Poison with a newfound respect. Despite her trembling legs and twitching body she somehow remained upright as much as she was able. Her jiggling ass continued to shake several inches above the tiles while her slowly softening cock dropped lower between her thighs. The massive, gaping evidence of their copulation remained open and pulsing throughout, only slightly closing as the moments wore on. Before long her dick fell across the wide open hole that was once her tight little ass, partially blocking the mess that had become of her backdoor. Slowly but surely her butt sank towards the floor and her legs gradually followed suit. Neither of them said a word for almost a full minute afterwards. As was often the case Poison was the first to speak, her hoarse voice signaling her own satisfaction as well as any cumshot.

“Gimme a minute . . .” She gasped, “We can fuck how you like after I catch my breath.”

C.Viper nodded, still rendered speechless by what she'd just experienced. She managed to find her voice after swallowing the last drops of cum still inside her mouth, “Don't worry about it.”

“You sure? I don't mind gettin you off too!”

“Who says I didn't get off?”

Poison fixed her friend with a grin and nodded, finally noticing the large stain spreading across C. Viper's slacks, “Fair enough. Thanks for that by the way.”

“Sure. I never knew you were into being so submissive.”

“Neither did I. After they see what I've got most chicks like it when I go to town on them.”

“I was one of them,” C. Viper laughed, “But that was surprisingly fun. Eventually.”

“Glad to hear it. You wanna do it again sometime?”

Her cock started to throb at the idea and Maya was finding it hard to shoot down the idea, “Sure. But next time we're doing it at your place. This floor was murder on my ass!”

“You have no idea!” Poison smirked, “Let's get out of here. I'm starving.”

“Really? I'm pretty full.”

“Consider that a bonus then!”


Fooled Trooper

Oh wow...I really wasnt expecting this...Not a normal request indeed...


I was originally gonna go way more extreme with it. But I wasn't sure adding a bunch of extra kinks would go over well. I know futa by itself is already polarizing lol


Oh my, my glasses nearly steamed up at this! Wasn't expecting Poison to be the more submissive partner but damned if it wasn't hot as hell!


Then my spur of the moment plan worked! I thought it might be a fun subversion to make her the bottom in a scenario since most of the time futa ladies are the unstoppable sex machines in written/drawn erotica.