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Oddly I don't have much to say about this one. I think it came out well enough and I hope you guys dig it lol. Enjoy the read!

Annie Hughes woke up on Sunday morning like she had so many times before: still tired but ready to face the day. Ever since her hours had been cut back at the diner she'd was facing an unprecedented amount of free time. Usually on the weekends. But with less money being earned she couldn't exactly enjoy that newfound freedom to any noticeable degree. Which she was slowly learning actually suited her more than she might have guessed. It still hadn't stopped her from picking up a second job as a maid to keep the lights on. Thankfully all her shifts were at night so she still had at least a modicum of personal time in the daylight. Annie slid out of bed and pulled a fluffy pink robe on over her red nightie, certain Hogarth wouldn't be around but unwilling to risk him seeing her almost naked anyways. After tying it firmly around her slender waist and doing up her long brown hair into something remotely manageable she left her bedroom and wandered towards the kitchen. 

Sure enough two steps into the room she spotted all of her son's telltale signs. His bowl and glass sitting beside the sink rather than in it, the handful of cereal pieces scattered across the floor, the single chair sitting a few inches out from the table, and the refrigerator door sitting just slightly ajar. She smiled and reflected on how much worse it would have been a few years ago before cleaning up the relatively small mess and fixing something for herself. With a plate of eggs and toast in hand Annie traipsed into the living room to read her new favorite book. A little smile spread across her face at the thought of her son knowing how often she broke their 'no eating outside of the kitchen' rule. It quickly widened upon cracking open her little romance novel and remembering the part she'd left of at. While certainly not as salacious as some of other passages it still had enough flavor to make her cheeks blush crimson. The protagonist was just about to be felt up by her man in the middle of a crowded park, a common occurrence and one that had only gotten sexier as time wore on. Absentmindedly dipping her beat in the egg yolk and lifting it to her mouth Annie's eyes scanned the pages faster and more eagerly with every passing second.

All of a sudden the plate resting on her lap wasn't quite as convenient as it had once been. Leaning a little more against the arm rest Annie moved it aside and subconsciously loosened her robe. The more she read the farther her hand dipped beneath the neck of her clothes. First it started sliding along the outer edge of her nightgown, then suddenly it was touching the skin below. Her lips parted ever so slightly while a rush of air escaped her lungs. Beneath the soft pink hems her thighs were starting to rub together, reacting to the dull heat aching between them. Pretty soon idly rubbing her collarbone wouldn't be enough to satisfy her. But as with the young cocktail waitress in her book Annie wasn't one to simply jump into the heat of things straight away. Even though her literary counterpart had much less concern with being sexual in public than she did. In a brief moment of distraction her hand left her body entirely to scoop up another piece of toast, if only to have something a little solid to nibble on while she read. Things heated up faster than she expected though and her meal was left dangling from her lips as her hand hurriedly moved down her stomach. Sometimes exceptions had to be made. 

Ignoring the light sprinkling of crumbs across her breasts in favor of what was happening between her legs Annie froze at the sound of thundering footfalls. “Oh damn.” She muttered through her toast. A moment later her son burst through the front door. Sucking down a large piece of bread a little too fast in her haste to present a normal facade for her son Annie snapped her book shut to look at him with a wild, flustered smile. It was one of the rare times she was actively grateful for how little attention he paid her most of the time.

“Hey mom!” Hogarth said, darting past her in his rush to the kitchen.

“Hi sweetheart!” She sputtered. “What're you doing back so soon?”

“I'm just getting a snack.” His head appeared in the doorway as he looked at her, “I thought we weren't supposed to eat in the living room!”

“You're not.”

She listened to his frustrated muttering for several seconds, continuing to eat her cold breakfast with a smile. For good measure she tucked her book between the cushions of the couch and pulled her robe a little more tightly across her body. Hogarth emerged from the kitchen holding a messily slapped together peanut butter and jelly sandwhich. He glowered slightly at the plate sitting on the couch beside his mother but otherwise offered no comment. Once at the door he paused for a moment and looked back at her.

“I'll be back before dark.”

“All right honey, be safe.”

“Sure thing!”

He stepped out of the house and Annie was left to listen to his retreating footsteps with a mixture of loneliness and relief. Part of her wanted to snatch up her book and pick right back up where she'd left off. But the moment was broken and trying to get it back wouldn't do much good. At least that's what she told herself as she rose from her seat. There were other, more pressing matters to attend to anyways. Not the least of which being groceries and taking down their drying clothes outside. Little flights of fancy would have to wait until the next time she was home alone. Like they always did. She ate the last scraps of her meal then set about her mental list of chores and errands for the day.

As much as she might have groaned about them Annie certainly couldn't deny a certain catharsis in having a list of menial but necessary tasks to work through. It wasn't glamorous, interesting, or very stimulating but such things did a fantastic job of killing time and letting her mind wander more than it ever could at her waitress job. By the time she returned home laden with food for the week it was already well past noon. Taking the clothes off the line, folding them all, and storing them in hers and Hogarth's rooms took almost a full hour. Cleaning the dishes ate up about half of that. There was even time to do a little gardening. Or rather what she considered gardening which was simply tearing the weeds out of the yard and making sure it didn't look too shabby. Everything else was far too much of a hassle to bother with, even if she'd had the entire day off! Faster than Annie realized the sun was dipping towards the horizon and it was time for her to start getting ready for work. If she took her time she could finish up right as Hogarth returned home and be able to say goodbye to him.

Annie collected her book and moved upstairs, slipping out of her robe and nightgown at the top of the landing. Perhaps it was a holdover from her quasi religious upbringing or simply a personal quirk of her own but there was something innately thrilling about being naked outside of her bathroom. Even in her bedroom she was almost always covered by a towel or some other garment. Like reading her special book she never indulged in that particular hobby when Hogarth was home. Yet with the near absolute certainty that he wouldn't be back any time soon suddenly she was sauntering down the hall naked as the day she was born. It was strangely empowering in ways she didn't care to dwell on. Much in the same way discovering her secret novel in a used bookstore and reading the first chapter right then and there had been. She pushed those sorts of thoughts from her head as she walked into her bedroom, collected the a plain set of underwear, and walked into the bathroom. They would only make sure she was late for work. Again.

Turning on the shower to give their aging water heater a chance to start up she turned to face her reflection in the mirror. Unlike most of her friends or even the parents of her son's friends she actually had very little issue with her own appearance. Often the women her age would jealously remark upon her naturally slender physique, narrow waist, and wide hips. When she was young such things were just another part of growing up around catty women. But after giving birth that kind of attention from other women, especially ones who didn't share her good genetics, was exactly the kind of confidence boost and ego swell she needed to keep a stiff upper lip. So much so she could never fully suppress a smile upon seeing herself. It didn't take long for the steam to cloud up the mirror and put an end to her self admiration. Annie quickly turned her mind back to the task at hand and stepped inside the shower.

In fifteen minutes the sweat from her day was cleaned off and she was blow drying her soft brown hair in front of the mirror. When it was as dry as she could get it Annie let the towel fastened around her chest fall to the floor. Once again she admired herself for a second or two: silently approving of the way her pale skin looked with just a hint of red coloring it. Or how her modest but perky breasts perfectly complimented her, mostly, petite body. Her dark green eyes scanned herself for a bit longer than usual while she wriggled into a comfortable pair of white cotton panties and slid into a matching bra. Soon after she left the bathroom and collected her second uniform. Rather amusingly it was nearly identical to the outfit she wore for the diner only with a black and white color scheme instead of pink and white. It had the same short sleeves, flared collar, and even pocketed apron but all made out of a much much nicer white cloth. Everything else was cut from a surprisingly soft black material that always felt remarkably good against her skin. The skirt portion was cut a few inches higher than her waitress uniform and she'd been given shoes to go with it. Instead of providing her own. The bow keeping her apron in place was also supposed to be tied in a more fanciful manner. Likely to accompany the small tiara like hat she wore in her hair as well. All in all it made for a nice, if a little flashy outfit that utterly failed to distract from the fact that she would wear it to dust, make beds, and clean up refuse.

After double checking to make sure everything was in order Annie made her way downstairs, unsurprised but a little disappointed to see the sun still barely clinging to that horizon. Hogarth wouldn't be back until the last possible second. He never was. Laughing a little at herself she locked the front door and left the house before any more time could be wasted. Fifteen minutes later she was parking outside of the only hotel in Rockwell. As if in direct contrast to the sleepy Maine town's relatively subdued atmosphere the Olympus Hotel was exactly the kind of flashy one might find in a much larger, more affluent city. Nobody was quite sure how it could support itself off the unimpressive tourism their little corner of the world had but they couldn't exactly complain about it's presence. Not when it provided so many jobs. Annie found her way inside a few minutes before her shift and ran straight into her boss before she could entertain the notion of resting moment.

“Ah Mrs. Hughes!” The night manager exclaimed, “Punctual as ever! Excellent!”

“I'm just happy to help.” She replied with a disingenuous smile.

“And that will get you far around here! But we talk about that later. For now there's work to be done.”

“Of course, where do you need me?”

“Well . . . the lobby is looking a bit out of sorts right now. Would you mind dusting it a tad? Oh and fixing the chairs. And the tables. We had a rowdy group come through earlier and they made quite the mess of things.”

“I'll get started right away Mr. Linberg.”

“Thank you. I'll punch your time card for you.”

Making sure to watch him do it before leaving Annie collected her basket of cleaning supplies and walked into the lobby. Just as she suspected her boss' flair for the dramatic had exaggerated the state of the place. To the casual observer the simple yet elegant lobby of the hotel looked how it always looked, perhaps with a little more of a lived in feel. It was about as big as her house in square footage and much of the room was left devoid of furnishings save paintings, carpets, and the occasional plant. Only the two pockets right by the double doors had any furniture at all. And that was all evenly spaced to look like some sort of lounge despite there already being an actual lounge in the bar across from the elevators. Even knowing how it was supposed to appear, like a pristine picture frozen in time, Annie barely registered the changes that demanded her attention. But since questioning her manager's perception was best left to the people who'd hired him she started working without complaint. Putting all the chairs back was her first and easiest task, taking perhaps a few minutes. Even with the steady stream of people filtering in and out of the hotel it was such a minor job she was amused Mr. Linberg even mentioned it. Once she was 'finished' and had started dusting it quickly became apparent that too was a massively overinflated need. It took longer than sorting out the seating arrangement, by perhaps a few minutes. Without question Annie could have wrapped up the entire project, which my the sound of it her boss expected to take the whole night, in the first half hour of her shift. She probably would have if she didn't already know exactly how the manager would respond.

“Perhaps you can double check your work?” He'd said the first time she ever finished a job early, “Make sure it's up to our usual standards before calling it finished?”

“How about you run through it again just for appearance's sake?” He'd said the second time she came to him sooner than he expected, “After all, it always looks good to have our workers busy!”

Wishing to avoid a third encounter Annie decided to remain for the majority of her shift, “I'm sure there's something that needs be done.” She thought to herself.

Against all logic and reason there wasn't. Short of doing the exact same thing again and again Annie didn't have a single thing to keep her legitimately busy. She went through the motions as long as she could but feigning interest in dusting perfectly clean surfaces was impossible after the fifth time she passed them by. A brief sojourn to the bathroom managed to alleviate the tiniest scrap of her boredom for a moment or two. Sitting there staring up at the ceiling for a minute or so after she'd finished Annie couldn't stop wondering what she was going to do. Even after the arbitrary amount of time it would take to do her job 'properly' was past anything else her manager would have her do would undoubtedly turn into the same miasma. It was more and more tempting by the second to remain the bathroom until someone came looking for her. At least in the comfort of her own little stall she could sit in utter privacy. In the future she might even bring a book for such occurrences. She knew for a fact all the other girls took extra long breaks every now and then. Most of them weren't reading though. Not according to the rumors anyways. Catching up on a bit of light reading would be enough for her though. Especially if it involved the only novel she had any interest in reading at that point.

She thought about where she'd left off that morning and the young woman through whom she'd been living vicariously through for weeks on end. Suddenly her hands were subconsciously running up and down her bare thighs and she was audibly sighing with a dreamy smile. Before she knew it Annie was quite turned on and in the perfect position to take care of it. Her mind was filled with all her favorite parts of the book, that she'd read anyways. All the times the protagonist had slept with her man while people were within earshot, all the times she'd dressed provocatively beneath a simple overcoat and strutted through town, all the times her man was touching and feeling her body in a public space, and all the times the main character had touched herself while at the diner. As her hands drifted closer and closer to her sex Annie finally noticed the blindingly obvious connection between all those different scenes. She recalled the firs time she'd really felt turned on by the story, the first act to make her sit up and tremble with excitement. It had been such a simple thing. Almost laughably so compared to what went on later. Yet it stuck with her so much she didn't realize she was halfway through reenacting it until she looked down to see her panties sitting in her hands. They were no longer wrapped around her knees or hanging partially down her calves but resting in a heap on her cupped palms. It would have been all too easy to put them back on and ignore her baser instincts . . . So easy it was almost insulting to consider. Before she could second guess herself Annie was standing up and tucking her underwear into the pocket of her apron like a handkerchief. There was no need to go any further than that, she told herself. That was enough for now.

The simple act of leaving the bathroom felt almost alien without something as basic as her panties. She was fully dressed, as far as anyone knew, yet she felt naked. Just walking back to the spot she'd been 'cleaning' earlier was more of a turn on than anything she'd done in recent memory. Even more than her book. By the time she was standing in front of the window sill looking out across the town Annie already felt the familiar shivers of arousal creeping up her spine. Without really knowing why she crouched down in front of the window and spread her legs, as if flashing the wall. Her hands nervously moved between her thighs, slowly pulling her skirt back as they drifted near her sex. She had no idea what she was going to do or even any certainty she was going to do anything. And still her fingers pressed against her naked and aroused pussy like it was the most normally thing in the world. That first instant of contact sent a wave of surprisingly powerful delight through her body. So much that she almost lost her balance right then and there. Just barely managing to keep herself steady, and even grabbing the sill in front of her to be sure, Annie didn't stop pressing her digits against her outer lips for one second. 

After a few more seconds she started moving them. First in small circular motions, then in a rougher up and down pattern. There was no time to 'make an evening out of it' as she liked to do. Not when at any moment someone could walk up and ask what the hell she was doing. Her hand flew across her sex as fast and greedily as she was comfortable doing. Eventually she found the perfect movements to make her feel good and avoid too much unnecessary exposure a hurried little back and forth across her clit with the entirety of her hand. All the bumps and ridges formed by her tightly clasped fingers brushing against her sensitive bud felt amazing. Naturally looking up from the blank patch of wall she was staring at mid masturbation to make sure she was still in clear just made things better. There was even a moment where she thought she'd been caught by the wife of a man as they stepped off the main elevator. The woman looked right at her and Annie actually froze mid stroke. But the haughty young gal looked away after a dismissive sniff and the couple walked off. Smiling with renewed energy she resumed playing with her clit like it was going out of style. Drops of arousal splashed across her inner thighs or dripped onto the floor as her frenzy continued unabated.  In no time at all the pleasure was nearing the kind of peak that usually took a great deal of time to reach. She might have questioned it at all if she hadn't been squatting in a hotel lobby as she did it.

It would have been a little orgasm, not much stronger than the kind she experienced when masturbating normally, yet because of the circumstances it nearly knocked her on her ass. Her eyes closed and she bared her teeth like a wild animal as spots danced across her vision. Bolts of ecstasy surged up from her pussy and the slightest movement of her fingers sent more radiating out. She braced against the wall as best she could but her footing remained unstable and tenuous throughout her climax. More juices than she'd produced in quite some time seeped out of her cunt like water from a cracked damn. It was a good thing nobody was seated anywhere near her or they would've heard all the whimpers and gasps slipping from her parted lips. Trying to keep them under control was only making her body quiver harder. No matter what she did it all folded back into itself like some wonderful paradox. There was no telling how  out of control she would get if things continued the way they did. Somehow the feelings assailing her weren't fading like the usually did. If anything they were getting stronger with every second her fingers continued to play with her pussy. And while it felt nothing short of amazing something in the back of her mind compelled her to stop. Her fingers vanished from her slit and she took a long, shuddering breath. Glancing behind her to see if anyone had noticed her Annie's heart skipped a beat when she spotted a man watching her from the elevators. His gaze continued past her a moment later and she allowed herself a relieved sigh.

“He doesn't know.” She thought, “He doesn't know. But just to be safe I should stop. For now. I'll give it a few seconds and go back to work.”

As the strongest of her tremors faded Annie stood up and straightened her skirt, casually pretending she was collecting her things as a cover for the ripples of pleasure still arcing up her legs. She looked down at the small puddle of fluids between her feet and subconsciously tightened her legs. As fun as her little aside had been she didn't want to make too much of a mess. Especially since she'd inevitably have to clean it up. Grabbing a cloth from her basket she knelt down and furtively wiped up her own juices in two quick swipes. Already the continued aftershocks of her climax were sending fresh rivulets of arousal to the floor. The smallest of shivers coursed up her spine as a droplet on either leg worked it's way down her pert buttocks. She could almost picture the clear beads hanging from her skin and slowly stretching as gravity pulled it away. Quickly standing before it could leave even more evidence of her little game Annie brushed the backside of her uniform in an unconvincing attempt to clean off any dust that might have accrued there. Since nobody seemed to have noticed her yet she actually gathered everything and moved away from that spot.

The further she walked the more reliably her legs seemed to shake. Whatever urges had overtaken her were simply not satisfied with the paltry amount of effort she'd put in to appease them. Before long every step could only have been more shaky if she was walking on ice. She stopped by the concierge desk, unable to go any further, and leaned heavily against the varnished wood. Her coworker was busy greeting a pair of thickly accented, surly looking businessmen and paid her no heed. One of the older gentleman glanced Annie's way but his eyes didn't linger very long. Taking several deep breaths to try and calm herself she set her basket on the counter and acted like she was searching through the supplies. With her right hand at least. Coincidentally her left just so happened to be the one closer to her unwitting audience and thus was the perfect candidate to resume the fun. It slid down her stomach and across the damp patch of cloth directly over her pussy. 

She grabbed the damp fabric and started lifting it with her index and middle fingers. Inch by inch the hem of her skirt crept higher to reveal more and more of her creamy skin. Soon it was passing the middle of her thigh and she couldn't stop herself if she wanted to. The cool air of the lobby felt incredible against her warm skin, even when the soft gusts of air from the vents rushed past the half dried streaks of pussy juice clinging to her legs. More was swiftly added when the edge of her uniform at long last was lifted above her bare slit. Her eyes instantly darted to the trio standing less than five feet from her and she swallowed several times. Though it was riding high enough to almost reveal the underside of her plump ass the back of her skirt still covered enough to only look modestly suspicious compared to the front. Yet she was still standing a good couple of inches back from the desk and anyone looking from the right angle wouldn;t be able to miss her hiked up dress. Or the curly mat of brown hairs peeking out just below the hem. Upon thinking about just how exposed she was Annie shivered slightly, looked back at her basket, and slowly leaned forward. She pushed her ass out a little more than she normally would have but even without the added sultriness or her compromised position her butt would've been on display.

Pushing the bulk of her crumpled skirt against her stomach with her wrist Annie's fingers returned to her slit once more. She started rubbing her outer lips the same way and for a few seconds the rush of ecstasy was almost as strong. But the cracks in her sense of modesty had only grown wider since she started and suddenly simply rubbing wasn't enough. Something else needed to happen. Since actual sex was out of the question she'd have to settle for the kind of thing that might have done the trick when she was a teenager. It didn't need to be big, elegant, or special. Anything phallic would do the trick. She continued to pet her cunt as her eyes scanned every nearby object for something to use. An extremely phallic metal paperweight stood out against the pens that made up her only real options but it was just a bit too far out of reach for her to grab without drawing attention to herself. Even with that in mind Annie bent lower over the edge of the desk and stuck her butt out a few centimeters farther. In a weak attempt to compensate for her lack of proper penetration two fingers casually dipped into her pussy with a soft schlick. They started moving in and out with a ragged, uncoordinated rhythm. A barely audible squishing and slurping echoed from her incredibly wet cunt as she grew more into it by the second.

Just as she was about to resign herself to another bout of wild fingering Annie happened to glance down at her basket. Sticking out of the collection like a beacon was the polished wooden handle of a feather duster she'd been using barely twenty minutes prior. Her green eyes widened in realization and her whole body shivered. She looked behind her to see if anyone had caught on yet. Then at the concierge and her guests. Somehow nobody was any wiser. Not even the man she'd completely failed to spot sitting to her left and reading a newspaper. If he looked up even a little he would see more of her body than any man alive. Her quivering digits slipped free of her pussy and she paused, waiting to be discovered. Almost wanting it to happen. But it didn't look like he was going to notice anytime soon and it was with a nervously excited smile that Annie snatched up her chosen tool. Bringing it down between her legs as fast as she could the smooth handle was pressing against her exposed slit before she could take a breath. The whole thing wasn't much bigger around than her thumb yet under the circumstances it felt absolutely enormous. Perhaps that could also be blamed on the utter lack of cock in her life for the last nine years or so.

Knowing it didn't really matter and deciding not to give a damn if it ever did she pushed that handle deep into her pussy. Immediately she was forced to stifle a moan as a flurry of pleasure erupted from what felt like every part of her body. What she'd experienced before was nothing more than a warm up and already the main act was looking like a real showstopper. Barely half of it's eight inch length was inside her and already her knees were shaking so bad she would have collapsed if not for the desk supporting her. Annie had to pause for a moment to regain her composure after six inches, the inner walls of cunt squeezing the duster so tightly she didn't even need to hold in place. That didn't stop her from squeezing the last bit of it so hard her knuckles turned white. Her body was torn between trying to push the improvised dick out of her and suck it as deep as it could possibly go. Each second that went by saw it shifting several centimeters in and out of her cunt completely independent of what she was doing. That felt amazing just by itself but if she was going to take such a massive risk it was going to be for something more. Burying her fingers in the nest of feathers like she would a man's hair she slid that last couple of inches in with one final push. Upon feeling the soft tuft pressing against her lips and what was easily the longest thing she'd ever had inside her rubbing against her inner walls Annie finally let out a whimper. She did her best to cover it with a cough a split second later, hoping nobody would notice just how much her voice wavered.

She bit her lower lip and started moving the feather duster in a vague thrusting motion. Her hand was entirely too shaky to have enough control for proper stimulation but it would be enough given the circumstances. It was really more of a circular, stirring motion with the occasional push after her inner walls squeezed it far enough out to warrant such a thing. This had the twofold benefit of stretching the entrance of her slit wider than it usually went and keeping the tip anchored right against her g spot the whole time. Her ass drifted even further out than before and the myriad of feathers not grasped by her fingers peeked out from between her thighs. More than half of her ass was exposed below her skirt and pretty much the entirety of her pussy was on display. Annie didn't even hesitate to keep shifting that wooden rod inside her for one moment. Knowing she was getting off on borrowed time she quickened the pace a little more every moment. A constant battle between wanting to simply go crazy and wanting to avoid making too much noise constantly raged between her legs. Slowly but surely the former was starting to win over the latter. The occasional wet squish or gooey smack gave way to a steady rhythm of unmistakable sounds. Had the guests of the concierge been even a little quieter in their conversation they would have heard her pussy being fucked more clearly than their own heartbeat. Even in her lust addled state Annie knew she was pushing her limits almost to the breaking point. She didn't stop pushing until she was standing at the edge of a cliff staring down and waiting to jump.

Her second orgasm of the night arrived much like the first: smack in the middle of her movements and hitting with so much force she could've passed out. Every fiber of her being screamed for her to let loose and cry out from the pleasure flooding her body. Thick streams of fluids squirted out of her filled hole in such amounts she would have drenched her entire skirt if not for the feathers conveniently fanning out around her. The wild contractions of her slit pushed the wooden handle several inches out of her cunt before hungrily sucking it back in. Her hand was incapable of doing anything more than curling into a fist. With nothing pressing against her clit anymore her hips started grinding against the side of the desk in a clumsy attempt to replicate the added pleasure. The movements remained just subtle enough to go unnoticed by most of the people around her but in the heat of the moment Annie felt like a two dollar whore grinding against anything that might get her off. And she absolutely loved it. Her dress fell back down to hide her shame, leaving only a small bump where the bulk of the duster was protruding from her sex to give away what was happening underneath. In addition to the steady drip of clear, pungent juices splashing against the ground. Thankfully as good as it felt to simply have the handle inside her without the proper motions to keep her body stimulated her furtive ecstasy wouldn't last forever. Ironically it was only after the heaviest waves had faded and she was nearing a modicum of self control that Annie finally cracked. It arrived at the same time as the concierge's attention finally focused on the quivering woman barely standing upright nearby.

“Oh God . . .” Annie whimpered, “Oh. My. God.”

“Are you all right darling?”

Recognizing the voice of her coworker without even looking Annie took several long breaths and said, “Of course. Just a little tired.” without even looking up.

“You're shaking. Do you need to lie down? I-I can get—”

“I'm fine sweetheart!” She lifted her head and offered a sincere smile, “Don't worry about me.”

“Are you sure? If you're not feeling well you should go home.”

Don't worry about it. I'm feeling fine.”

Smiling and waving her friend off with one hand Annie furtively shoved the feather duster deeper into her pussy with the other. She let her skirt fall back down to her knees and straightened. As her thighs instinctively closed around the soaking wet cleaning tool she turned on her heel and waddled towards the back rooms. A trail of pussy juice followed her the entire way, leading right back to the large puddle she'd left by the front desk. Someone would certainly notice eventually but until that point there was no reason to worry about it. There was no reason to worry about anything at the moment. About the only thing Annie could focus on was the continued pleasure arriving from the smooth wooden handle of her duster. Whatever model the hotel used she would have to buy for herself the moment she could. Or maybe she could just take the one she was 'using'. After all it was probably ruined by that point. And she certainly wasn't in any mood to take it just yet. She might leave it in her whole shift if she could find a way to work without needing to get anywhere quickly or gracefully.

She disappeared into the break room and collapsed against the first seat she could find. Content in her utter solitude Annie's legs naturally opened up almost immediately. Her entire body turned towards the door she'd just walked through, as if to dare anyone else to follow her. After a few seconds of waiting and idly rubbing her clit she finally looked down at the mess she'd made of herself. The sight of a feather duster poking out of her cunt, dripping with fluids, was both hilarious and oddly satisfying. She couldn't begin to describe how good it felt to think after her own needs and damn everything else for a little while. Discovering a new way to do it was just a delightful bonus as far as she was concerned. It probably wouldn't change much of anything in the long run. Certainly nothing about her work would change. But still, as she sat there playing with her clit and watching the door she couldn't help but think about just what else there was. If she could do something as brazen as masturbate in the middle of her hotel lobby why couldn't she get off in the shower? Or even when her son was home? What was stopping her from being naked downstairs too? Maybe even answering the door in just her nightgown sometime? Or perhaps watch one of those channels Hogarth was always trying to access . . .

“Maybe I should go home for the night . . .”


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