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As always this story contained futa. If that ain't your bag don't worry, I'll have other stories soon enough. If it is then read on! Particularly if you like public sex and a little assplay . . . 

For an all too brief couple of hours Betty was finally left alone to try and come to terms with the insanity that had been her life that day. She cleaned herself up, changed her sheets, and even started making herself some food without interacting with another person. Her cock was in the way the entire time but it was a little easier to ignore when she had other things to focus on. It and the needs that arose because of it were always on her mind though and she still couldn't figure out a proper way to hide it's damning bulge. She briefly considering masturbating to try and bring it down some but that notion was quickly shot down by her more sensible and prudish side. Nothing she could do would make any lasting impact on it and about all she could hope for was that her cock would disappear as suddenly as it arrived. Maybe even by the next morning . . .

“Hey stud!” A voice from the entryway called, “Guess what we're doing tonight!”

“Oh no . . .” Betty sighed.

“Clubbing!” Beatrice continued, “We even picked the perfect outfit for you!”

Against her better judgement Betty turned to look at her roommate, unsurprised to see Samantha standing there grinning as well. Her heart nearly plummeted into her stomach upon seeing the outfit they'd chosen for her. It was more in line with something a teenager girl might wear when going out with her friends and completely at odds with how she normally dressed. But there was nothing she could do to stop either of them from getting what they wanted, last night was evidence enough of that, and so with another sigh she set down her food and took the outfit. She started walking towards her bedroom to get changed but Beatrice quickly blocked her path. Realizing what her perpetually horny roommates wanted a moment later Betty's shoulders slumped and her cock perked up as she started undressing right there in the kitchen.

She felt surprisingly little embarrassment at being watched, everything she'd gone through that day having dulled her once strong sense of propriety considerably. Both women stared unabashedly at her dick the entire time she was disrobing and only when it had partially disappeared beneath the skimpy little miniskirt did their eyes find another place to ogle. They inevitably settled on her perky tits for the brief moments they remained uncovered. Though even after she'd pulled her top on there was still enough of her breasts left exposed they and anyone else watching would have more than enough to enjoy. Betty knew better than to ask if their choice in attire came with underwear, one look at what they'd given her made it clear they weren't interested in having obstacles getting in the way. The pleated black skirt they picked out would have been short enough to flash her panties in the slightest breeze and with Betty's new appendage it was outright impossible to hide her new dick and balls. A comparatively plain white top was the second part of the ensemble and the free flowing cloth had been inexpertly cut to show off as much abdomen as possible. It's hem was so high up her smooth tummy the underside of her soft breasts were just barely visible  if the moved her arms any higher than shoulder height.

“What about shoes?” Betty wondered.

“Wear whatever you want!”

“It's not like anyone's gonna be looking at your feet!”

Unable to argue that point Betty slipped by the two and retrieved a modest pair of blue heels from her bedroom closet. They didn't really match her outfit at all but she was long past the point of caring about that. While alone she tried to adjust her outfit in some way that might allow her a shred of modesty or privacy. But nothing could hide the fact that she had a cock most men would be jealous of and a pair of balls big enough to actually make walking a little difficult. Her shaft was either jutting out from between her legs, lifting the skirt up along side it, or swaying between her thighs like fleshy pendulum when she moved. If she was really unlucky, and aroused, it would point almost straight up regardless of what she was doing. In that situation she might as well be totally naked as her throbbing member revealed nearly everything. Only her plump ass remained even slightly hidden but that wasn't much comfort to the shy young woman. 

Betty stepped out of her room a few minutes later to find Samantha and Beatrice standing mere feet from her door. Both were wearing near identical black dresses cut almost as short and as low as her own attire. What they lacked in exposed midriff they more than made up for with leg and cleavage. The latter had put her hair into a bun while the former let it fall freely around her face. They each struck a little pose to show off their skin tight clothes and almost immediately Betty noticed how the dresses they'd picked showed off their plump, shapely asses more than anything else. She was starting to worry that they were dragging her into something even bigger than they let on. Her roommates stepped forward and slid their arms around her waist, none too subtly guiding her out the door and into the parking lot below. Somehow they managed to go unnoticed by the other people in their apartment complex but there was no way that trend would continue once they got to their destination.

All three of them piled into Samantha's truck with Betty being squished between her roommates in the front. She had just enough time to wonder why before they started driving and the answer was made readily apparent. The vehicle wasn't even out of the lot when Beatrice's hand found Betty's dick and started stroking. She didn't look at her well endowed companion or even acknowledge what was happening but her hand pumped up and down it's girthy length without a thought. Betty instantly started to whimper and squirm from the pleasure, doing her best to not show how much she was enjoying the attention. Beatrice started talking to Samantha as though she wasn't jerking off another woman between them and the two planned out where they'd be going. Too engrossed in her own stimulation to listen Betty stared blankly out the windshield with her mouth hanging open. Precum dribbled out of her swollen tip and against her will her hips began to thrust upwards in small, uncontrollable motions. She wanted to cum more than anything and even her long standing prudishness wasn't going to get in the way of that satisfaction.

Unfortunately her roommate didn't have any intention of letting her get off quite that easily. Just as Betty was starting to audibly moan and clench her fist Beatrice's vanished from her cock. For several seconds it was left to throb wildly in the open air while she stared down at it in comical disbelief. After a few more moments of adjustment she slowly turned to look at her companion with an expression of pleading desperation. Beatrice smiled at her, licking the precum off her fingers, and slowly shook her head. She continued chatting with Samantha as though nothing had happened, leaving poor Betty to squirm uncomfortably between them. An increasingly vocal part of her mind demanded she finish the job started by her 'friend' regardless of the consequences. She'd already masturbated with it before what was the harm in doing so again? Luckily for the interior of Samantha's truck the decision was made for Betty when they finally reached their destination less than a minute later. 

In a flash the demure woman was dragged out of the car and pulled into the crowded nightclub by her overeager companions. Her cock brushed against so many different people in the span of a few seconds she could barely keep track of who she'd just inadvertently smeared with cum. They stopped somewhere in the middle of the dance floor and that's when the full scope of Samantha and Beatrice's plan became clear. They started by lifting up their own dresses to reveal a complete lack of underwear covering their completely shaven cunts. As soon as Betty's dick was back to full attention the two of them pressed their undeniably soft buttocks together around her pole and started grinding against it like strippers putting on a show. Their asses were just fat enough to obscure most of her twitching shaft but they couldn't, or didn't care enough to, conceal the sticky head. They bounced and jiggled in time with the music, the friction of their skin making Betty's knees tremble. She could feel the heat radiating out from their sopping cunts and each time the music reached a crescendo their wet slits would momentarily brush against her. It took all of her self control to not immediately blow her wad then and there. And that restraint was eroding fast. 

The crowd around them didn't seem to notice what was going on but that could all change with even a casual glance in their direction. That fear mingled with her arousal to create an intoxicating array of sensations that rooted Betty in place. Her roommates, having no such qualms of concerns, were free to use her like a strippers dancing on stage. They rubbed themselves up and down every single inch of her swollen dick, occasionally lifting their legs to half straddle it or even press their sopping pussies together with Betty's shaft smushed between them. Yet no matter how they moved their bodies always came back to the wild assjob they'd started with. Betty had no idea how long they remained there, in full view of everyone, all she could think about was what would happen if she came and how badly she wanted to do it. There was no telling what would happen when her voluminous balls emptied their payload and she knew they were already pushing their luck. Still none of that mattered as her orgasm loomed larger and larger inside her weary mind. Without meaning to her hands found their way to her companions' bodies and she pushed them together as tightly as she could around her member. For a few moments they twerked against her dick and finally, at long last, she reached the point of no return.

“I'm cumming!” Betty cried, her voice lost in the noise.

But even if they had heard her Samantha and Beatrice wouldn't have stopped rubbing themselves against her dick. If anything they probably would have done it with even more gusto. Of course they knew what was about to happen when Betty's dick went suddenly stiff, both women looking back in time to see the head swell and a gooey streak of cum erupt from the tip. It sprayed into the air like a fountain, arcing over their intertwined bodies to come splashing back down in a messy cascade. Most of the first load landed directly on their juicy ass cheeks but the second exploded out with even more force and managed streak up the backs of their dresses and even into their hair. All three ladies moaned in delight, Beatrice and Samantha grinding harder than ever to try and squeeze as much spunk out as they possibly could. As much as she might have wanted to stop Betty simply couldn't keep her cock from unloading every drop it'd been saving up since she last came. Jizz continued to erupt out of her prick in an ever expanding shower of sticky fluids until the three of them were coated in a fine layer of semen. Much of the surrounding crowd had been hit as well and many were even starting to notice what was soaking into their skin and clothes. But it was only after the last drops of cum oozed onto Beatrice and Samantha's asses that they pulled back and yanked their dresses down.

The three of them left the club the instant Betty had finished cumming, Samantha and Beatrice walking ahead of their exhausted sex toy and cooing over what they'd just done. “God that was fun!” Samantha exclaimed, “Do you think anyone noticed?!”

“I'm sure they did, but who cares?" Beatrice laughed, “I think Betty might've ruined my dress though!”

“As if! We both know she's not the first person to cum all over it! She's not even the first in that club!”

“Yeah you're right, still . . . I didn't think she'd have that much left!”

“I know right?! We're definitely gonna have to remember her whenever we want a quickie. Something tells me she's always gonna be ready for a fuck.”

Betty opened her mouth to say something but thought better of it and simply continued following her roommates. When they got that worked up it was best to simply let things run their course. Protesting too much would only get her more headaches than she already had. Plus they were her ride home and if there was one idea she didn't relish it was walking home with her cock half hanging out of her mini skirt. Especially not with her underpants sitting somewhere back at the club, undoubtedly covered in cum. 

“Let's go Betty! We gotta get you home before someone else sees that monster you're packing and decides to use it for themselves!” Beatrice remarked.

“Yeah, we wouldn't want some lady cop 'arresting you'!”

As they both cackled Betty sighed and thought, “God I hope this thing is gone when I wake up tomorrow!”


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