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And here's the second of the three ideas you guys suggested. The next one will round them out and return us back to our proper voting/suggesting norms. It's a bit shorter than the others since it's basically an advanced masturbation session and I always find those get a little tedious when they run long. Hopefully this is the right length for y'all to enjoy!

“Uhm . . . Ms. Woldney?”

Esther looked up from her paperwork and offered a kindly smile to the teenagerstanding in front of her desk, “What do you need Billy?”

“I was wondering if we had any copies of Mein Kampf left? I can't seem to fine them.”

“You know, you're the third person to ask that today—”


“It wasn't a complaint sweetie. Unfortunately we're out. Mrs. Hatten's class right?”


“Try asking some of your classmates if they've got a copy. We only stocked four editions sadly.”

“Okay. Thank you Ms. Wolney.”

“Sure thing.”

Focus now gone and nearly everything around her suddenly becoming far more appealing Esther put aside her paperwork took a deep breath. The library was surprisingly busy for a Wednesday afternoon but still she didn't have much in the way to occupy herself aside from administrative work. She pulled her free flowing dark hair into a ponytail behind her head and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her small nose. Hazel eyes peered out from behind the thick rimmed spectacles, searching the library for something to occupy herself. When nothing jumped out at her she let out a small sigh and rose from her seat. After smoothing out the ankle length blue dress and lighter blue cardigan she stepped around the main desk and walked towards her private office. Nobody paid the diminutive, pale skinned librarian any thought as she weaved her way between carts of books, studying high school students, and heavily laden bookcases. If they had they might've noticed the little smile spreading across her face with every step she took towards the door.

For weeks Esther had been biding her time just waiting for an opportunity. At least twice uncertainty and nerves had prevented her from going through with her plan. But after spending the better part of her day doing administrative work she wasn't going waste another second. She stepped inside her office and made a beeline for the bottom most drawer on her desk. Underneath the papers receipts stored within was a small box that fit perfectly along the bottom. With some difficulty she pulled it out and opened it, the contents immediately putting a smile on her face. Inside the velvet lined container was a small butt plug, a dildo, and battery powered vibrating egg. The first two had seen more than their fair share of usage during her time at the library but the last was still untested. Esther had picked it up a while back as a present to herself and it was finally time to enjoy it. She pulled out the egg and the attached corded remote that operated it before setting everything back and hiding it beneath paperwork.

“Should I put it inside?” She thought, “Or on my clit?”

Momentarily torn by indecision Esther rolled the egg between her fingers and slowly pulled up her dress. Wherever she ended up putting the toy she wasn't going to need her panties anymore! Sitting down on the edge of her desk and holding the hem of her garment between her teeth she slid her fingers into the waistline of her plain white underwear and pulled them down. She chuckled at the sight of her tousled and slightly overgrown pubic as her panties fell to the ground. On a whim she glanced towards her door and the small window cut into the center of it. Literally anyone passing by could look in at see her with her dress hiked up and her pussy almost totally exposed. Part of her was a little terrified by the prospect but the rest was quite turned on by it. She finally made up her mind and turned towards the door to give any potential voyeurs a better glance while scooping up a roll of duct tape from beside her computer. While perhaps not the most elegant solution Esther didn't want to spend anymore money until she knew it would be worth it. Tearing off a strip of tape and putting the egg in the center she pressed the pink orb against her clit. She smoothed it down with both hands as best she could until it was nice and firm against the crest of her naked pussy. 

“Now let's see if you were worth—ohhhhhh fuck!” Esther flipped on the switch as she spoke and immediately started to quiver, “Y-you're worth it!”

Clit stimulation had always been her favorite way to get off and within a few seconds she could tell her little egg was going to be her new favorite toy. It was only on the first of three speeds and already the sensations echoing out from her pussy were making it hard to breathe. She could feel her own fluids start to seep out of her tight little pussy and drip onto the desk beneath her. Not wanting to make too much of a mess in her own office she quickly slid off the edge, letting her dress fall back down to obscure her secret in the process, and started walking towards the door. She realized she hadn't secured the remote and shook her head in amusement. Allowing herself the smallest of moans at the continued pleasure Esther knelt down and pulled up her dress once more. She tucked the remote into the waistband of her dress in a spot where it could be easily pressed when she wanted to up the ante. Once it was secured and she was ready to go back to her routine she stood up, stepped outside, and shivered in delight.

Her first steps out of her office were like stepping into a whole new world. Everything seemed the same but even the simple act of walking back to the front desk was fundamentally different. Each person she passed made her adrenaline spike a little higher and her pussy leak a little more. The few that actually looked at her, even a casual glance, were enough to force her to clench her teeth hold her breath for fear of crying out. It was the most erotic experience of her admittedly banal life. In the time it took to reach her desk the outer lips of her cunt were absolutely soaked in juices and little drops were making their way down her thighs. Knowing if she sat down she probably wouldn't be able to get up again Esther remained upright, She flattened her hands on the desk and stared unblinkingly down at the information in front of her. Try as she might her mind simply couldn't process the words written out as anything other than gibberish. She didn't even realize it but her hips had actually started to sway gently from side to side in time with the waves of pleasure coursing through her body. It was a good thing she'd chosen a dress that day because the free flowing fabric did wonders for hiding her constantly trembling knees. 

“Excuse me?”

Esther looked up to see a middle aged woman with an armful of books standing across from her, “Yes?” She asked in a voice that barely contained her arousal.

“I was hoping I could check these out?”

“Of course . . .”

Taking several deep breaths as her pussy started to convulse and push out a steady torrent of fluids Esther lifted one hand off the desk and clumsily grabbed the books from the woman. She none too gently shoved them towards the scanner, pressing the buttons on her computer while pointedly not looking at her customer. Such was her focus on getting the transaction over with she failed to notice her mouth was hanging open until a glob of drool splattered across the very books she was trying to get rid of. Her already crimson cheeks darkened and she glanced up at the stranger across from her. The blonde haired lady looked down at the slowly spreading stain and back at Esther for a moment. She quickly looked away so the embarrassed librarian could furtively wipe away the spittle and close her mouth. But while she might have been able to stop herself from drooling on the books she couldn't quite suppress the little whimpers and moans echoed from the back of her throat. For good or for ill it'd been just over three days since she last came which in Esther's world might as well have been an eternity. The telltale rising pleasure was already beginning to overwhelm her and she knew it wouldn't be long until she was ready to burst. The presence of another person only increased that innate lewdness that had been in her since she first discovered porn. The simple act of trying to pretend everything was business as usual was comparable to burying two fingers inside her slit and pumping away.

“H-Here you go!” She muttered, “H-have a nice day!”

“Thanks . . . you too . . .”

As the woman rushed off Esther shuffled away from her desk and towards the cart of books that needed sorting. She pushed it towards an often empty part of the library, leaning heavily against it the whole time, until she was at least partially hidden from view. She'd need a little bit of privacy to adjust if she was to continue 'working'. Licking her lips and taking a deep breath she nonchalantly reached down to her wait and pressed the remote twice in quick succession. In the blink of an eye her entire world was reduced to the couple of pink centimeters vibrating against her swollen clit. Her mouth fell open in a silent cry of ecstasy and her eyes stared unblinkingly up in the ceiling as she threw her head back. Some of the people around her noticed the strange behavior, watching with confusion and trepidation while she started to convulse. The tremors started in her legs and worked their way up through the rest of her momentarily frozen body. After a few moments her eyes rolled back in her head and Esther suddenly slumped forward, her forehead pressing against the books she'd been putting away. Her knees quivered hard enough to collide with each other her stomach tensed fast enough to make her muscles ache and her perky little tits heaved as her chest struggled to find a scrap of air. Only her hands remained stationary, largely because they were gripping the shelves on either side so tightly the wood started to creak from the pressure. 

“Are you all right?” A voice from behind asked.

“F-fine!” She gasped, “I-I'm fine!”

Despite the obvious lie she was left alone to her ecstasy. Or at least as alone as she could be in a busy library. The faint sounds of people were all around her and if she looked it was beyond easy to spot someone through the book shelves on either side of her. But with her mind slowly losing what little control it had left all of that gradually faded into the background. She focused more intently on the ever vibrating toy stuck to her clit and the endless pleasure it could bring. Her hands pretended to work, shakily lifting books and putting them away, but no part of her was paying it any attention at all. In the span of a minute her control was so eroded she started gasping and whimpering loud enough for half the place to hear it. The sound of her toy was amplified by the messy stream of juices seeping out of her cunt and the constant shifting of her legs. Every so often her thighs would close and push the egg harder against her sensitive clit, resulting in a particularly strong burst of ecstasy that almost knocked her off her feet. Esther barely managed to last through two such flurries of pleasure before finally reaching the end of her rope. But when that big o reared up inside her it did so with more power and potency than she could have ever imagined. 

“Oh no . . .” She murmured, “Fuck here it comes!”

She bit down as hard as she could on the leather bound book and moaned louder than ever before as the biggest orgasm in years finally hit. For a split second everything stopped and her body went stiff. Then it all came crashing down in a tsunami of carnal bliss. In her haste to get off Esther had completely forgotten her most recent masturbatory revelation but she was reminded of it quite fast in the wake of her climax. Barely a second into her convulsions a powerful jet of clear fluid erupted from her pussy with enough force to ruffle her dress and filled the aisle with a juicy gushing sound. She squirted all over herself, the floor, and even a large portion of the lower shelves as her clothes tried and failed to stop the eruption. The first streak, though the thickest, came and went in the blink of an eye. It was the ensuing spurts that really made a mess of her trembling body. Each one burst out from between her quivering pussy lips like water from a busted pipe and the more wet she became the longer each stream seemed to stick around. It didn't last more than ten or fifteen seconds but in that short amount of time she'd not only soaked almost all of her lower body but also drench her socks, shoes, and an impressive portion of the area around her. And she could already feel another one starting to build in the wake of her shame and amazement. But there was no way she could handle another orgasm so soon without risking complete unconsciousness. She had to get back to her office if there was any hope of not collapsing in a heap of her own juices.

Esther staggered out from between the bookshelves, clutching anything that could support her trembling weight and holding on for dear life. Juices continued to trickle down her trembling thighs as an almost literal trail was left in her wake. The faint buzzing that had once been masked by her position was now reverberating freely through the otherwise quiet library. Everyone who had somehow missed the spectacle were suddenly clueing in as she gasped and whimpered her way towards her secluded back office. What was usually an insignificant distance had suddenly become a marathon because of the constant, debilitating pleasure inside her body. And with nothing to grab onto she was forced to rely on sheer force of will to get her there. She managed to take two shaky steps out from her little hidey hole before gritting her teeth and sinking to one knee. Fluids continued to seep out of her slit and over her pale skin, little stains forming all across her dress as she tried to move. The very noticeable stench of pussy followed her like a cloud and if the various people around her somehow hadn't noticed the spectacle she was making they had surely smelled it.

“Do you need some help ma'am?” A red faced teenage girl asked.

“I'm f-fine, thank you!” She squeaked. Esther covered her mouth and bit down on one of her knuckles to keep from moaning, “J-just a little t-tired!”

Hurling herself forward Esther stumbled a few feet closer to the door but was swiftly blocked by an oblivious young man walking by. He turned to face her just as she careened into his chest and grabbed onto his shirt. The young man instantly went beet red, his eyes darting around the room as if searching for some savior to come and free him. As embarrassing as it was she was glad to have something to support herself regardless of who it was. Her fingers balled into fists against his chest and she moaned like a bitch in heat against his neck. He was about a foot taller than her and her grip only made him hunch when she started sinking back down to her knees. Esther's body continued to convulse and squirm and her proximity to another person only made the arousal stronger. She managed to control herself enough to keep from outright grinding against him but there was nothing she could do about the whimpers. And if she'd been able to see the look of unmitigated pleasure spread across her face in that moment she probably would have died from embarrassment and ecstasy on the spot. Luckily for them both no such thing occurred and before the teenager's arms could grab her shoulders she shoved him away and staggered to her office, a trail of stains and pussy juice following her every step of the way.

The moment her door was open she threw herself inside and slammed it shut with enough force to make the walls shake. Esther finally collapsed against the floor in a wet, quivering heap. The toy continued to buzz cheerfully against her clit and despite everything in head telling her to take it off she just couldn't find the energy. Echoes of her first climax continued to rebound within her small frame and even the slightest movement felt utterly monumental. She was certain people were watching her through the small window in the middle of her door but she couldn't even find the will to roll over and confirm. All Esther was able to manage was a slow, spasmodic grinding of her hips against the worn carpet beneath her. If she moved just right she could press the egg even harder against her clit. She couldn't handle more than a split second of the added pleasure that movement brought but it was still enough to make her head spin. She rubbed herself against the floor for well over a minute before finally coming to another climax. It wasn't nearly as strong as the others and it was even accompanied by a little twinge of discomfort but she reveled in it all the same.

When it subsided Esther at long last rolled onto her back to stare up at the ceiling. Sure enough out of the corners of her vision she could see several people looking in on her with shock, delight, disgust, and all manner of other reactions spread across their faces. If she'd been even one bit more composed she might have tried to move out of sight but Esther genuinely couldn't give a fuck anymore. She waved to the people watching and closed her eyes, a cheerful smile spreading across her face. Before long they'd leave and once they did she could remove the toy and try to recuperate in private. For several minutes she lay there basking in the afterglow and trying to keep her breathing calm despite the continued stimulation. Her eye opened just a crack to check and when it looked like nobody was left she slowly opened them both. For a few seconds she stared at the window waiting for a new face to pop up or even for the door to open and someone to come in and finally reprimand her. But no such thing happened and at long last she was free to sort herself out.

“Well that was definitely worth the money,” She muttered, “I'll have to leave a good review . . .”

Hiking up her dress in a very unladylike fashion Esther reached down and ripped the tape off her pussy as quickly as she could. A little flash of pain flitted through her body and she let the fabric fall back and cover her shame once more. She held the small, pink egg above her eyes to stare at it like she'd just discovered some magical new element. A few hairs clung to the tape surrounding it and there was still enough moisture stuck on the plastic to make it just a bit messy. Esther switched it off and let it fall onto her chest along with the hand that was holding it. In the back of her mind she was already planning an outing to her favorite restaurant with her new toy. And thinking about what she could buy to make it feel even better. But above all else there was one thought that stuck around more than any other other.

“Maybe they'll finally fire me . . .”


Jimmy TwoTries

Wow. Amazing! I love all the detail, and a big, public climax is always fun. 👀


I agree, particularly when said climax isn't totally obvious. A little mystery can go a long way lol