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Full disclosure: I took an old idea I had for this one and reused it with the new prompt. Nothing was actually written down yet but I had a lot of ideas and that's why this one ended up being much longer than the previous stories. If you guys like the longer, more dialogue focused style let me know and I'll try to do it more often. I personally really like writing dialogue and setup so you'll get no complaints from me here lol. Oh and this does take place in the same town/school as the futa cheerleader story (with no futa though). I'm gonna try and build my own little universe one smutty chapter at a time :)

Summer was fast approaching and the students of Blue Valley High were gearing up for what looked like a record breaking heat wave. Everyone that had excuse remained in the nicely air conditioned hallways while the unlucky few forced outside didn't stay any longer than they had to. Even when the final bell had run and it was time to leave most milled around their lockers or the exteriors of the classrooms waiting for their rides to arrive. After a while parents and relatives started trickling into the school looking for their charges. Once such adult was wandering down the the halls with a nostalgic grin spread across his face. He was dressed in a slightly worn, blue three piece suit and stood nearly a head taller than everyone around him. His dirty blonde hair was cut short and kept in a neat side parting and his face bore only the slightest shadow of a beard. Though almost as pale as the people around him he had just enough color in his skin to give him an exotic, by Blue Valley standards, look. A pair of warm blue eyes roamed the many posters and trophies lining the walls of his old alma mater as he made his way to a classroom on the far side of the school.

He made his way through the crowd until he was finally at room one eight one. Stopping with his hand on the knob he peered into the mostly empty classroom for a moment. Standing in the center of the room with her backpack dangling from one shoulder was his 'kid' sister. She was dressed like a rocker from a stereotypical eighties movie complete with a red bandanna holding back her hair and aviator glasses perched on the bridge of her nose. Her strawberry blonde hair was just as frazzled as ever and everything from her ripped white t shirt and baggy blue jeans hung loosely from her slender frame. His face lit up in a smile at the sight of her, particularly when he recalled the decidedly more girly attire she'd been dressed in less than six months previously. That grin only widened when he looked to person she was talking to and saw exactly the teacher he'd been hoping to run into.

Mrs. Hollis looked exactly as he remembered her if not better. The same mysterious blend of German and Italian that left her skin with a beautifully dusky shade. Wavy shoulder length auburn hair that framed her strong but still somehow soft features. Crisp hazel eyes always peering out from behind or over the top of thick, black rimmed glasses sitting on the bridge of her slightly upturned nose. Thick lips rounded off her impeccably beautiful appearance, their slight frown always quick to turn into a smile on the rare occasion someone impressed her. She was still dressing in plain button up blouses and pencil skirts that showed off her impressive chest and thick thighs just enough to drive her students wild. Her long legs were enhanced by a pair of dark pantyhose and black heels that made her calves pop even when she was sitting down. By any standards she would have been exotic but in Blue Valley she was practically from another world. Add to the recipe the fact that she was the strictest teacher in school by a mile and it was no wonder she was at the top of every students fantasy list. 

“Danny?” Jenny exclaimed, “What are you doing here?”

“I said I'd be back in time to pick you up from school,” He answered, “Did you forget?”

“No! But I didn't think you meant that literally!”

“I thought you knew me better than that kid.”

“I'm not a kid I'm—”

“Younger than me. Which makes you a kid.”

“Pfft whatever. This is my teacher Mrs—”

“Mrs. Hollis,” Danny said with a wide grin, “She was my History teacher Junior and Senior year.”

“Hello Mr. Mueller,” Mrs. Hollis greeted with a smile of her own, “How's Georgia state?”

“Great! Pretty soon I'll be your colleague,” He grinned, “Maybe I'll even come work here . . .”

“Is that so? I'll have to remind Principal Graves how much of a troublemaker you were!”

“Allegedly. You never had any proof.”

“I had enough to keep you in detention all those weeks.”

“Yeah but you would've done that regardless.”

Mrs. Hollis smiled and nodded, unable to refute his claim, “Fair enough. Are you staying for the summer or did you just stop by to teach your sister how the best ways to give me hell?”

“I'm here for the summer. But not the whole thing. I'm starting my next semester a little earlier than usual. My scheduling's gonna be a bit weird. But I do like the idea of teaching Jenny a thing or two . . .”

“Whatever you're gonna say can you do it in the car?” Jenny whined, “I wanna go home.”

“Here,” Danny said, tossing her the keys, “I'll meet you out there.”


Jenny rushed out of the room while Danny folded his arms and looked at his former teacher with an impressed grin, “What?” She asked.

“Nothing's changed around here.”

“Did you think it would?”

“A little bit yeah. My mom kept telling me it was 'so different' over the phone. I don't know which town she was living in though.”

Mrs. Hollis chuckled and sat back down in her seat, leaning back and looking Danny up and down in that same authoritative way she always did. For a moment he felt like he was back in highschool about to be lectured once again. “So what are you studying?”

“History, European stuff mostly.”

“I could never get you to pay attention to American history.”

“It's so boring!”

“You're gonna make a great teacher!” Mrs. Hollis laughed.

“I will! Kids like having someone they can relate to.”

“The fact that you just called them kids tells me you're not gonna relate to them one bit.”

Danny scoffed and waved dismissively at her, “Maybe I'll just take a page out of your book then.”


“I'll just be really strict and make them all too afraid to hate me.”

“You were never afraid of me and you know it.”

“I knew better.”

“Did you know?”

“Yeah, it was all an act.”

“Was it? And what do you base that little revelation on?”

Danny unfolded his arms and sat on the edge of the desk closest to Mrs. Hollis, “You know the Log Cabin?”

“Of course. Unlike Atlanta we don't have more than one bar.”

“Yeah yeah. Well me and my friends used to sneak in there when were seniors.”

“I knew it!” Mrs. Hollis leaned forward and grinned up at him, “You had fake IDs didn't you?”

“Yep. But Jerry never carded us. Anyways, we saw you and Mrs. Steinman getting drunk there more than a few times.”

Mrs. Hollis' stomach did a little flip and she had to fight to keep her expression from betraying her surprise, “I see.”

“Yeah. And once you've seen your 'mean' history teacher singing karoake and falling over every step you don't really think of her as intimidating anymore.”

“No I suppose that would ruin the illusion.” She breathed a sigh of relief, her fears that he'd seen her on one of her many sexual misadventures suddenly quelled, “I guess the rest of your class wasn't quite as lucky as you.”

“No they weren't.” Danny replied, immediately recalling the time he'd watched her going down on a man in her car after the bar closed, “But I always did have the best luck.” 

“I certainly can't argue that!”

Danny was about to reply when his phone suddenly started vibrating. He pulled it from his pocket to see his sister's much younger face glaring at him on the screen, “What's up kid?” He said as he took the call.

“Hurry up!” She shouted loud enough for Mrs. Hollis to hear, “I don't wanna spend my whole night stuck in your car!”

“Why not? I just got a new air freshener!”

“Ugh! Come on Danny!”

“Fine, fine. I'll be out there in a bit.”


He hung up the phone and smiled at his former teacher, “Guess that's the end of our reminiscing.”

“It seems so. You should stop by again soon. I'd love to hear more stories about your delinquency.”

“Sounds like fun. See you soon Mrs. Hollis!”

“See you soon Mr. Mueller.”

Danny left the school with a small spring in his step. He drove his sister home, taking every chance to needle her during the ten minute trip, and settled into the comfortable routine of enjoying his momentary void of schoolwork. But college life was far more eventful than anything to be found in Blue Valley, even for someone who rarely went to parties, and by the time dinner rolled around he was starting to go a little stir crazy already. After a surprisingly pleasant meal with his parents and sister he decided to go for a little drive down the back roads he used to frequent as a teenager. In the blink of an eye the sun was starting to set and he was almost an hour outside of town coasting down a barely lit and poorly maintained highway. With an amused chuckle he quickly turned around and started heading back. Despite his age and relative independence his mother would start to worry if he was gone too long without giving any sort of indication of where he was. It would be best to remain in town for at least the first week or so. Let her get used to the idea of him being around before he vanished for greener pastures.

“I could go for a beer . . .” He said aloud, “The Log Cabin's probably open . . .”

Flipping on his lights and cranking up his music Danny headed back into town and towards the only bar worth visiting for nearly a hundred miles. It was nearly seven thirty when he finally pulled up and the place looked just as empty as it always did. To left of the old fashioned looking building was a small highway that cut through most of the town and to the right was a copse of trees that was starting to grow into the parking lot. If outward appearances were all that counted the place probably would've shut down before he was born. But being the only bar in a town full of southern folks more or less ensured it stayed in business pretty much forever. Pulling into the spot closest to the door he climbed out and pulled a few bills from his wallet. He didn't want to spend too much on the first night and he always put the cash he was comfortable using in his front pocket for easy access. Nodding to the aging biker he knew to be their bouncer Danny pulled the door open and stepped inside.

He  made a beeline for the nearest stool and sat down with a contented. Only five other people were spending their time there and two of them were the same bartenders he'd ordered from when he was in highschool. One was affably chatting with the only female patron in the place while the other was counting the money in the register and making notes on a pad. She looked up after a few seconds and smiled at him, shutting the till with a clang and approaching.

“Hey there, how you doing tonight?”

“Pretty well. How are you?”

“I'm doin fine. Could always be busier but I'll take what I can get.”

“At least you have a little downtime to do the books.”

“Yeah that's always nice! Anyways, what can I getcha?”

Danny looked over the chalkboard behind the bar at the list of drinks, “Uhm . . . I'll take a beer . . .”

“What kind?”

“Your favorite. I'm not picky.”

“Sounds good, be back in a jiffy!” She left with a spring in her step and Danny counted out what he'd owe plus a tip. When she returned he handed the money to her and she gave him his beer, “Thanks darlin. Lemme know when you want another.”

“Will do. Thank you.”

He had a quick sip of the drink and leaned forward, idly spinning the bottle in place like a top as he looked around the bar. Since he couldn't very well people watch with so few of them around he decided to try and find any differences in the decor between when he'd first snuck in and present day. Nothing jumped out at him though and after ten minutes his drink was starting to get warm and he was quickly growing bored. Toying with the notion of finishing up and heading out he glanced at the door as it swung open, freezing in his tracks. Standing in the doorway dressed almost exactly as she'd been when he saw her a several hours ago was Mrs. Hollis. She had her hair up in a loose ponytail and the top most button of her blouse had been undone. But otherwise she looked the same. Danny immediately perked up and waved cheerfully at her. After a moment she noticed him and her shoulders slumped dramatically while she tried not to smile.

“Danny!” Mrs. Hollis said in a slightly startled voice, “I didn't expect to see you here!”

“After our talk I thought it might be fun to have a legal drink.” Danny replied. He raised his beer to his lips and took a sip, “Where's Mrs. Steinman?”

“Ha ha ha,” Mrs. Hollis approached the bar beside him and leaned against the polished wood with one arm, “She quit drinking after her husband passed away.”

“Oh I'm sorry to hear that.”

“Yes it was very sad. But she's enjoying much healthier hobbies now.”

“And cheaper I imagine.”

“Surprisingly no. Apparently quilting is quite costly.”

“My great Aunt can certainly confirm that!” Danny took another swig and looked and leaned back to look at Mrs. Hollis, “So I guess that means you're drinking alone?”

“Unless you're leaving I'm not alone.”

“I don't have anywhere else to go.”

“Good. Then you're buying me a drink. It's the least you could do after all the times I almost pulled my hair out because of you.”

“That sounds fair. Do you still like Appletinis?”

“God you really did come in here often didn't you?”

Danny simply smiled and waved down the bartender, “Could I get an Appletini please? Oh and another beer when you get the chance?”

“Sure thing darlin. Good to see you Kat!”

“You too Becky!”

Mrs. Hollis sat down on the stool beside Danny and waited for his quip about her nickname. When he didn't offer one she let out an impressed chuckle, “Wow. I expected you to jump all over that. I guess college has matured you.”

“Honestly, I was trying to think of soemthing,” He admitted with a laugh, “I couldn't come up with anything fast enough.”

“You're supposed to get smarter in college,” Mrs. Hollis teased, “I guess your attendance hasn't improved much.”

“Oh it has. But so did my 'extracurricular' activities.”

He raised his beer for emphasis and drained the remaining liquid in one fluid gulp, “Of course they have. Did you join one of the fraternities?”

“Hell no. Why, do I seem like a frat guy?”

“Not from my time. But you kids sure are different from my day!”

“Hah! Your day? My parents are older than you and even they aren't that out of touch.”

“I imagine they had to be pretty hip to keep up with you.”

“My mom ran circles around me until I was seventeen. And I'm pretty sure my dad knew about every single thing I got up to.”

“Oh really? I should've asked him then. I kept setting up the parent teacher conferences with your mother.”

“He'd never rat on me.” Danny said with a wistful smile, “He'd just make work construction with him on the weekends. Always said I hated physical labor.”

“You do.”

“How do you know?”

“I saw your grades remember? I know you almost failed gym every year.”

“That wasn't cause I hated working out.”

“Oh no?”

“No. I was just stoned and Coach Heppford talked way too fast.”

Mrs. Hollis burst into laughter, covering her mouth with one hand while the other clutched her stomach. After a moment she turned away from Danny and took a deep breath, “You really did get away with a lot.”

“Of course I did,” He replied, her mirth infecting him as well, “But you were the only teacher who seemed to realize that.”

“No I was just the only one who cared. As long as you weren't setting fires or beating anyone up most of the faculty couldn't give a shit.”

“Well that's a little disappointing. Here I thought was being clever.”

“Teenagers always do.”

“True enough. Speaking of teenagers how's your daughter?”

Mrs. Hollis smirked and took the drink offered to her by Becky while Danny grabbed his and paid her with a word of thanks, “Snotty and full of herself. Like any fourteen year old girl.”

“I see.”

“She's attending a boarding school in New York right now. My sister's in charge of admissions and it was the only way we could keep from killing each other.”

Danny laughed softly and tipped the beer bottle to his lips, “Whatever works. Sometimes I think my parents encouraged me to go to Atlanta so I wouldn't be around to bother them.”

“Can you blame them?” She teased.

“I suppose not. But it is funny how sentimental they get whenever I come back.”

“They're you're parents. It's gonna get sappy. No matter how much of a shit you are.”

“To parents,” Danny said, lifting his beer towards her.

“To parents.” Katrina replied, clinking her glass against his.

For several hours they sat and talked about anything and everything that came to mind. Danny ordered them another round a little while later and Katrina took the liberty of getting 'the best food on the menu'. More people slowly filtered in and surrounded them at the bar but they didn't stop talking, save to eat some appetizers or use the restroom. By the time they decided to leave the place was starting to look like a proper bar and getting just a little too noisy for either of them to hear the other. The two of them finally emerged from the bar well after midnight laughing like old friends. Danny was grinning from ear to ear, his head buzzing from the liquor just enough for him to finally admit, “You know . . . I saw you going down on a guy in this parking lot once.”

Katrina gasped and looked at him with wide eyes and flushed cheeks, “You did? Oh god! How many people did you tell?”


“Bullshit! There's no way you didn't tell all your friends about it!” Danny was just a shade too distracted by her cute embarrassment to notice the subtle hint of excitement creeping into her voice, “And they probably told the whole school! No wonder Mrs. Krevensky always looks at me like that!”

“I didn't tell anyone I swear!”


“Yeah! If I told any of my friends they'd wanna see it for themselves.”

“Ohhhhhh I get it. You wanted to spy on me alone huh?”

“Not at all. I just didn't think it was right to—hang on . . . how often did you do that?” Suddenly realizing she'd given more away than she meant to Katrina bit her lip and mumbled something under her breath. “What was that?” Danny asked with a growing smile.

“A couple times a month.”

Not even a child on Christmas day could rival the look of glee on Danny's face in that moment. He stared at his former teacher in abject shock, delighting in the way she nervously shifted from one foot to the other and looked anywhere but at him. It wasn't so much her admission that made him smile, though the idea of her promiscuity was just as appealing as it had been when he was a teenager, as it was just how embarrassed she was by it. She looked more cute then ever when she was flustered and the strangely innocent way in which it manifested was almost enough to make him drop the matter right there. Almost. But he was nothing if not eager to see just how much enjoyment he could wring out of torturing his teacher.

“Really? Wow, I had no idea there were so many different guys in this town!”

“Shut up!” Katrina squealed, pushing him away with both hands, “I don't do it with a different guy every time!”

Danny stumbled a few feet back and laughed, “Oh that makes sense. You have a nice little collection! Like how a rich person has a stable of horses. Only they're all studs in your stable . . .”

“Oh my God!” Eager to regain control in the conversation and embarrass him Katrina quickly asked, “I bet you thought about it a lot huh? Probably in the shower especially!”

“Of course. Why wouldn't I?”

Her shoulders slumped in defeat and she looked at him with a frustrated smile. It was nigh impossible to beat someone who seemed to have no shame. But at the same time it was oddly refreshing to interact with a man who didn't hesitate to be honest. No matter how it made him look. Finally looking him in the eyes Katrina bit her lip and examined the feelings she'd been developing all night. There was no denying Danny was handsome and he'd grown into quite the charming young man. Were he anyone else she'd probably have jumped his bones already. But their past relationship was holding her back more than she wanted to admit. It felt a touch strange, in more ways than one, to entertain the thoughts flitting through her brain. Yet those thoughts persisted regardless of her input and they only grew more vivid as the two of them stood there looking at one another. She knew something similar must be going through his head from the way his smiled subtly shifted and his chest ever so slightly puffed out. There really wasn't any reason they couldn't have a little bit of fun before calling it a night. Some light petting and a bit of kissing wouldn't do any harm . . .

She stepped forward and Danny leaned back in surprise, “What are you doing?”

“Humor me.”

Sliding her arms around his shoulders Katrina moved in close and pressed her body against his. Danny rested his hands on her hips and pulled her in a little tighter. There was no mistaking the bulge in his slacks for anything else and the moment she felt it her body started to tremble. She stood up on the tips of her toes to reach him and even then she was still just a hair too short. A little shiver of excitement coursed through her body but she hesitated just shy of going through with it. His breath stopped dead in his throat and he slowly licked his lips, too nervous to follow through. All his fantasies were suddenly about to come true and he was paralyzed with indecision and plain old shock. Katrina was gripped by the same uncertainty, even while her hips gently grinded against his throbbing member. She blinked rapidly for several moments before throwing caution to the wind and suddenly bridging those last few inches. Her lips met his and her eyes closed as stars danced behind the lids. Immediately their grip on one another tightened and they both smiled. 

Katrina let out the smallest of whimpers and slid her hand to the back of his neck. She subtly pulled him down and away from the door, her body compelling her to move out of sight for whatever would happen next. Danny felt her trying to lead him away and he followed without question. His only real focus was the amazing softness of her lips and the almost maddeningly sweet taste of her tongue. He could still taste hints of her earlier drinks and the little flavors only made it better. For her part she was caught up in the unexpectedly skillful ways he moved not only his lips but his entire body. No matter how she moved his cock was always brushing against her body and the thin fabric separating it from her pussy felt like tissue paper. They stumbled closer and closer to the car, neither one wanting to break off the kiss for even a moment. It was surely a sight to behold but they were far too engrossed in each other to care. Katrina was seriously toying with the notion of jumping him on Danny and letting him carry her the rest of the way. And that was the tamest thing she wanted to do to him. Her mind was racing with ideas but there was at least one certainty: she wasn't stopping at a kiss.

The asphalt beneath them grew more cracked with every wobbly step, bringing even more difficulty to their already challenging endeavor. As they came near her truck Katrina finally broke off the kiss to look around then smile up at Danny. She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the back where they'd have some small amount of privacy. Anyone who walked more than a few feet out from the bar could see them but they were just hidden enough for her exhibitionist side to really flourish. She lowered the tailgate for later and quickly knelt down in the dirt in front of him. To his surprise she didn't start groping for his cock as he expected but rather unbuttoned her top and removed her bra to expose her breathtakingly massive tits for his viewing pleasure. Katrina smiled up at him, delighted by the way he stared at her breasts. Her eyes slowly drifted down his body to the prominent bulge straining against his pants. Unable to keep herself from it any longer she unzipped his slack and freed his dick from his underpants with a hungry moan. It was just a bit bigger than she expected and almost the perfect size for her to play with and not have too much difficulty. Of course a little gagging never hurt! She grabbed the base and was about to start sucking away when she noticed his peculiar expression.

“What's that face for?” Katrina asked, pulling back enough to speak.

“I'm just imagining how I would've reacted four years ago if I knew this was gonna happen,” Danny remarked with a grin.

“Oh yeah? And what'd you come up with?”

“With surprise and enthusiasm.”

“Well I hope you still have that same enthusiasm now!”

“Why don't we find out?”

Her lips closed around the head of his shaft and almost instantly a shiver ran through both of them. She swirled her tongue around his sensitive tip while her hand gently slid up and down his length. Each time it neared her mouth she pushed herself a little farther onto him. A little dribble of precum pooled on her tongue and she swallowed faster than he his balls could produce it. Saliva trickled down her chin in long strands, soaking her chest or falling straight onto the ground to join the puddle forming beneath her pussy.  Inch by inch she worked his way down his member until her hand could no longer hold it without obstructing her lips. It quickly leapt to her naked breasts, fondling and playing with her nipples while her mouth and throat picked up all the slack. Katrina held herself on his dick for a few seconds, savoring the way Danny's face flushed and his dick pulsed in the back of her throat. When her gag reflex started to kick in and her body began to convulse she pulled back just slowly enough to make her already oxygen deprived brain cry out in frustration. She kept moving away until his shaft slid completely free of her warm mouth and only ropey strings of spit mixed precum connected the two.

Once more grabbing his dick, this time with both hands, Katrina sucked it back into her mouth and started focusing almost exclusively on the head while her fingers flew up and down his shaft. There was just enough room for both of them to pass back and forth along his member without getting too much in the way and from the sudden upsurge of cum trickling into her mouth she could tell she was on the right track. After a little while she started deepthroating him once more, this time even faster. His prick slid effortlessly into the far back of her throat until it was pressing against her uvula and making her gag again. Without an ounce of hesitation her head started bobbing back and forth with a steadily increasing speed. She grabbed his waist and held him steady so she could completely take control. He was all too happy to let her be in charge as the sensations echoing out from his member were better than any other blowjob he'd ever had. In a little over a minute he was already at the limit of his endurance. After another thirty seconds of her sloppy movements he was about ready to burst.

“I'm gonna cum!” Danny warned.

“Good!” Katrina moaned.

Keeping his cock perched on her bottom lip Katrina stroked his shaft as fast as she could with one hand and groped her tits with the other. Danny's eyes slowly closed despite the incredibly arousing sight beneath him while his chest rose and fell faster and faster with every pass of her skilled fingers. She alternated between licking the swollen tip of his member and moaning as enticingly as possible, eager for a nice hot load across her face. And though he lasted longer than she expected in the end he couldn't stand up to two decades of experience. Gasping and grabbing the car behind him for support he just managed to cry out her name before his prick swelled and his balls tightened. The next moment Katrina's mouth was filled with a load of cum thick enough to almost make her choke in surprise. She moaned at the bitter taste and leaned back just enough to let the next spurt arc across her cheeks and lather the bridge of her nose. Her eyes shit tightly and jerked him off harder than ever while streaks of hot spunk flew across her flushed, smiling expression. In just a few seconds his jizz was coating her eyes, forehead and nose in a fine layer of pure arousal. Katrina couldn't so much as think about breathing without inhaling the familiar musky smell of cum and her entire body was shivering from the sheer pleasure of being drenched in her former student's seed.

She let his dick fall limply from her lips in so her hands could move to the copious amounts of spunk spread across her features. The fluids still between her lips remained there, her tongue swirling them around behind her closed and smiling lips. The taste was as bad as it was intoxicating and she was already hungry for another, fresher load. If there was one thing she loved above all else when it came to sex it was the mess. Trailing her quivering digits through the mess that was her face Katrina smeared his semen across every inch of skin that didn't already have a healthy dose to sample. When she was done giving herself an almost literal jizz mask she brought her dirty fingers to her mouth to start 'cleaning' them off. Really it was little more than a flimsy pretext to taste more cum and even play with some of what was still sloshing around inside her mouth. With her eyes closed Katrina had no idea what Danny thought of her enthusiasm but she could feel his gaze glued to her rapturous expression the entire time. Like most men he was taken aback by the incredibly arousing sight but also utterly enthralled by it as well. There was an added dose of surreality as he watched his teacher play with his cum that made the whole thing feel even more arousing than the blowjob. 

“Don't think you're off the hook just yet!” She said with a smack of her lips, “I'm not done with you!”

“Glad to hear it!” Danny laughed, “Do you need a towel or something?”

“No, I just need your fingers!”

Her eyes still closed and his jizz still spread across her face Katrina rose to her feet and slid onto the lowered tailgate behind her. She opened her legs to give him a full view of her sopping pussy, pulling aside her panties with one hand to show him just how turned on she was. Danny couldn't help but gasp softly at the sight of her beautifully pink slit suddenly on full display mere inches from him. A thick tuft of curly black hair surrounded her puffy lips but it only enhanced her looks. Katrina smiled and leaned back, waiting for him to take the 'hint' and bury his fingers inside her pussy like she wanted. Just a few seconds after she exposed herself he was standing at the edge of the truck bed, his hands on either side of her slid. The mere touch of his fingers so close ot her wanting slit was enough to make her bt her lip and whimper. Being unable to see what was happening was the perfect kind of maddening. Her already moist cunt was practically overflowing at the thought of finally getting some attention. When his fingers finally brushed against her slit she had to make a conscious effort to not cry out. 

Correctly reading her desires Danny slid his middle finger knuckle deep inside her pussy and started moving almost immediately. Her slick inner walls clamped down around his intruding digit hard enough to actually make his start. He recovered a moment later and started sliding his finger in and out of her hole with long, fluid strokes. Katrina whimpered and let out a sequence of barely audible swears in response. She leaned back hard on her elbows and did her best to remain upright with he toyed with her poor little pussy. What she really wanted was a nice hard dick but she'd long ago learned not to rush too quickly into sex when the wait could make things so much better. As Danny shifted she reached out and fumbled around until she found what she was looking for. A wide smile spread across her face as she grabbed his half hard dick and started stroking it. He tensed at her touch and immediately started to swell while Katrina gently grinded against his finger. In response to her movements he slyly pushed his ring finger into her pussy as well and she gasped loud enough for her voice to echo through the parking lot. A few passersby looked around at the sound, one even craning her neck in their direction, but didn't stay long enough to spot them. 

Unable to take not seeing him or what he was doing Katrina finally reached into her pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. She wiped her face off as quickly as she could and looked up at him with wide, delighted eyes. He smiled down at her and moved his fingers a little faster. She returned his grin and looked down at his hand pumping back and forth into her naked slit. Licking her lips to taste the last remnants of his cum Katrina's gaze bounced between his juicy shaft, her own pussy, and the adorable expression of concentration on his face. Without warning her mind drifted back to tall the times she'd been alone with him in class, fantasies of jumping his bones filling her head and making her cunt grip his fingers even harder. At the time she'd never let herself entertain such foolishness notions but with the benefit of hindsight it was just about the only thing she could think of. Her body already trembling from the kinkiness of it all an impish little idea popped into her head. It could very well be her own downfall but at that point she didn't care anymore.

“C-call me Mrs. Hollis!” She said in a breathy gasp.

“Of course Mrs. Hollis . . .”

Her pussy immediately tightened around his fingers and she squeezed his cock even harder. It was already starting to swell at her touch and she wasted no time stroking it back to it's full size. While she was focused on getting him back at full power he was busy trying to remember everything he'd ever learned from past girlfriends. Curling his middle and ring fingers inwards Danny pressed them against a particularly soft patch within her slit. An immediate tremble coursed through Katrina's body and her inner walls clamped down even harder. With a smile he started rubbing her g spot with slow, deliberate movements. She writhed with each pass of his fingers as a steady trickle of juices dribbled down his hands and over her naked thighs. She awkwardly groped her tits with her free hand, pinching her swollen nipples and even pulling on them for a little extra stimulation. Their eyes met after a little while and the moment they did something passed between them. Katrina let out an adorable little whimper and he suddenly inhaled. They both leaned in an instant later for a lustful kiss. Any random person could happen upon them in their distraction but they didn't care. All that mattered to them was the feel of the other's body pressed against theirs. The entire town could start watching and they probably wouldn't have noticed. Katrina probably would have loved it!

Danny broke off the kiss and smiled, his forehead pressed against hers. She smiled back at him at bit her lip while her hand slowed it's pace over her cock. Stroking him with long, languid motions she debated between having another sample of his bitter yet tasty cum or letting his pound her much neglected pussy until he was ready to dump another load all over her tits. Mrs. Hollis was so focused on what was easily her best dilemma in a long time she didn't notice the sly look spread across her paramour's face. But she definitely noticed when his index finger was suddenly pressing against the tight confines of her already stuffed cunt. A little moan and shiver was all she managed to get out before he pushed his third digit inside her slit and a fresh surge of pleasure flooded her body. This time it was accompanied by just the slightest twinge of pain and even a little bit of fear. No one had ever put three fingers inside her at the same time and the sensation felt oddly kinky despite the myriad of other things she'd done in and around that bar. Danny clearly knew what he was doing though as all three fingers slowly bunched up before gradually spreading outwards and stretching her to the absolute limit of what she could handle.

For a moment her hand left his dick to grab his wrist, halting his movements just long enough for her tight little pussy to adjust to the new feeling. She wanted his to keep going but one look at his throbbing cock reminded her that there was something much better on the menu that evening. But even with that tantalizing option in front of her Mrs. Hollis couldn't refrain from pushing his fingers deeper into her cunt for just a moment to savor the feeling. Danny helpfully wriggled them around inside her and rubbed against her g spot in the brief moment he had, giving her even more reason to ache for his dick. With a slightly pouty smile she yanked his fingers out of her pussy and grabbed the waist of her skirt. She lifted her hips and pulled both it and her panties down her tanned legs, tossing them somewhere behind her and opening her legs wider than ever before. Danny drank in the sight of his teacher spread open and waiting for his dick as he moved forward. He flattened one hand against her smooth belly and used the other to steady his cock, rubbing the precum soaked tip up and down her sopping lips. Mrs. Hollis smiled at the little ripples of pleasure from his touch but quickly grew bored of the teasing.

“Give me that cock!” She gasped.

Danny laughed and started pushing forward as soon as the words were out of her mouth. Her hand jumped to her clit as soon as the head of his cock started to enter her pussy and she wasted no time rubbing it like crazy with every centimeter that continued inwards. Danny's smile quickly faded into a grimace as the pleasure overtook him and he was made suddenly aware of just how long it had been since he'd last fucked anyone. He wasn't about to cum but he could definitely feel that eventuality stronger than he would have liked. A quarter of his shaft slipped inside before the sensations started to truly overwhelm them both. For a woman in her early forties with a child Mrs. Hollis was incredibly tight and the constant stimulation to her swollen clit only made her tighter. And though she'd had the pleasure a lot more recently than him all the buildup to it had left her poised on the edge of a toe curling climax already. Part of her was actually hoping he wouldn't last long so she'd have some more delicious cum to play with. The rest of her didn't really care either way so long as she managed to get off too. 

By the time the base of his dick was nearing his outer lips Mrs. Hollis' excited whimpers were reverberating through the truck bed and out into the night. They didn't reach much farther than that thanks to the noise of the bar but anyone who passed by would surely know what was going on. They might even creep closer for a look like Danny had. Her body shivered at the thought and she moved her fingers a little faster over her clit. When she finally felt his hips against her naked flesh Mrs. Hollis let out a long, low sigh of satisfaction. His cock was almost the perfect size to fill her up, stretch her out, but still leave just enough room for plenty of uninhibited and wild fucking. She knew from the way both his member and the rest of him tensed that Danny dearly wanted to start slamming into her as hard as he possibly could. Odds were good he wouldn't last long once he started but she was so close it really wouldn't matter. Either his thrusting or the resulting cum bath would push her over the edge. She was just about to encourage him with the dirtiest statement her horny mind could create when he spoke.

“Are you ready Mrs. Hollis?” He asked in a strained voice.

“Fuck yes!” She gasped in a tone much louder than she meant to use, “Fuck me! Fuck me hard”

Never one to disappoint his female companions Danny did as he was bidden and slammed into her with every ounce of power he had. Mrs. Hollis squealed in delight and grabbed the edge of the truck bed with one hand. Her other remained firmly attached to her clit but it could barely keep up with his unexpectedly ferocious assault. His prick plunged in and out of her hole so fast she didn't have a moment to think about the pleasure flooding her body. It all blurred together into a beautiful miasma of building ecstasy. Her orgasm had been building since she started sucking him off and in just a few seconds it was already upon her. She managed to cry out his name amidst the incoherent babble flooding out of her lips. Thick streams of creamy pussy juice gushed out of her slit, splattering all over their bodies and her vehicle with every thrust of his dick. And of course the wild tightening of her cunt only made him move that much harder. Danny groaned and fucked his old teacher like he'd always fantasized about. Her pussy felt better than he could have ever dreamed and the mere fact that she was loudly cumming all over his dick at the same time made it a million times better.The suspension on her truck creaked and whined from the force of his blows, the whole thing rocking back and forth in an incredibly telling fashion. More and mor people in the parking lot were starting to notice and the faint sounds of their words provided the perfect fuel to their lust filled antics. Mrs. Hollis in particular was almost delirious with pleasure by the time Danny finally reached his limit.

“Mrs. Hollis!”

Her quivering body stiffened at the tone of his exclamation, as well as his continued use of her last name, and she gasped, “Pull out!”

He nodded and thrusted into with abandon until he could no longer take the feeling of her slit around his cock. As soon as he was about to burst he pulled his dick free in a shower of juices and precum. But before his hands could move down to give it the last few strokes he needed Mrs. Hollis beat him to it. She grabbed his prick with both hands and started clumsily  jerking him off. She moaned enticingly and angled his member as high as it could go, hoping for a nice, sticky bath. A moment later she got her wish and a gooey jet of spunk erupted across her tits and neck. It wasn't quite as voluminous as his first load of the night but that didn't stop her from hungrily calling out his name at the feel of his warm fluids soaking into her skin. The next spurt found its home in the ample cleavage between her heaving breasts, jizz tricking down between her soft mounds to run down her taut belly. More was added with every pulse of his sack and before long cum had started to seep into her already matted pubic hair. By the time he'd drained his balls Danny, with Mrs. Hollis' help of course, had given nearly every inch of her exposed flesh a thin layer of spunk.

Like before she immediately started smearing his fluids across her skin, scooping up mouthfuls to drink down with one hand while the other spread it evenly across her body. Danny watched for as long as he was able but events were already taking their toll on him and he was finding harder and harder to remain standing. As Mrs. Hollis slurped down his cum he crawled onto the truck and laid down beside her with a smile. She grinned eve wider at him and licked her lips. With both hands she pushed thick globs of cum down towards her pussy, rubbing it against her outer lips and in her now completely sticky pubic hair. Her tits squished together from the movement of her arms and jiggled appealingly in the low light. Danny probably could have watched her all night and from the way she was going he felt confident she could've gone that long. But surprisingly she stopped playing with his cum only a few seconds later in favor of rolling onto her side and looking at him with a sly grin. As much as she wanted to keep going Mrs. Hollis couldn't pass up a chance to needle her former student at least one more time. 

“So tell me the truth: was this all part of your plan?” She asked in a teasing tone.

“What? Sleeping with you?”

“Yeah. Was I on some kind of list?”

“If anything you are the list!”

“So it was deliberate?” Mrs. Hollis smiled at him with a triumphant grin.

“Of course I wanted to sleep with you,” Danny laughed, “Who wouldn't? But I didn't plan it all out or something. How could I?”

“I dunno, you men are crafty when it comes to sex. I once had a guy go through more than most boyfriends just to try and get my number!”

“Did you give it to him?”

“No. But I gave him a handjob. He seemed happy with the compromise.”

Shaking his head in bemusement Danny shifted into a more comfortable spot at said, “Man you're like a walking fantasy.”

“I know.”

“Well as long as your humble about it!”

“Pfft! What good is humility after we've already fucked? I rocked your world and you know it!”

“Maybe. But don't pretend like I didn't hold my own either.”

“Oh you did a great job. Better than most guys in this town by far.”

“Good. Where do I rank on your list?”

“Shut up.”

He grinned through her ensuing punch and watched her sit up, delighting in the way her breasts bounced, “So what happens now?”

“We go home. And I see you when you come to pick up your sister.”

“Sounds good.”

“Good. Now let's get dressed!”

Danny didn't see his old teacher again until the following Monday when he arrived to pick up Jenny once again. Just as before he walked down the halls with a grin etched upon his face but this time the nostalgia was far more recent. It was only when he reached the classroom that the notion of Mrs. Hollis being less than thrilled by their little tryst crossed his mind. He paused with his hand on the handle and furrowed his brow. Mrs. Hollis and his sister were in the same positions he'd encountered them in on Friday. They were even wearing strikingly similar clothes. There was no telling what she'd want to do if he brought up a possible continuation of their relationship, which he very much wanted. If he was lucky she'd be all for it but it seemed more than likely she wouldn't want to go any further than what they did on Friday. With a sigh and a slightly hopeful smile he pulled the door open and stepped inside.

“Oh thank God, let's go!” Jenny said the moment she looked up.

“Not so fast. You know the drill,” Danny said as he held out the keys, “You're gonna have to wait.”

“Whhhyyy? You can talk about how shitty of a student you were later!”

“Watch your language Mrs. Mueller,” Mrs. Hollis reprimanded.

“Sorry Mrs. Hollis.”

“I won't be long.”

“Yeah that's what mom says too.”

Jenny snatched the keys out of his hand and let the room muttering under her breath. As soon as the door shut behind her Danny turned to Katrina and said, “So about what happened on Friday . . .”

“No we're not having sex on my desk.”

“I—you—that wasn't—what?”

“You weren't gonna try for a quickie while you're here?”

“No . . . I was gonna . . . I thought we should talk about us.”

“You did huh? That's pretty rare for the guys I sleep with.”

“Yeah well I'm well I'm special.”

Katrina smiled and winked at him, “Did you think I was gonna be filled with regret? That I'd wanna pretend it never happened and go back to normal?”

“Something like that. I imagine you don't sleep with many former students.”

“As far as you know! And I've been down the whole 'let's try and ignore things' road before. It's awful and it never works. We had sex. I liked. So did you.”

“Yeah I liked it a lot.”

“Exactly. And it won't be the last time we have it either.”

“Is that right?” Danny grinned at her confidence, “And what makes you so sure?”

“Please! The way you acted on Friday you've probably been fantasizing about me for years!”

'The way I acted huh? Then what was all that 'call me Mrs. Hollis' stuff about? I wasn't the only one with a fantasy.”

Katrina's cheeks flushed and she suppressed a smile as she peered at him over the top of her glasses, “No you weren't. And I bet you'd like to make it happen again.”

“Of course I would.”

“As would I. So why don't we go get something to eat on Wednesday? I'll have plenty of free time for 'extracurricular' activities . . .”

“How about we meet at Freddy's Diner?”

“I'm always in the mood for a steak.”

“Perfect. Then it's a date!”

“Yes it is. And I'm looking forward to it.”

“Me too.” Danny grinned at her for a few seconds before suddenly remembering his sister waiting in the car, “I should probably get going.”

“Yeah . . . you'll be back tomorrow right?”

“Someone's gotta pick up Jenny.”

“Good. Maybe I'll have a little more free time . . .”

Danny froze halfway through reaching for the door, Katrina's promise hanging in the air. He turned to look at her with a knowing smile. She returned his look and slowly rose from her seat. His hand continued towards the door, twisting the lock and pulling down the shades. She approached with a soft giggle and he stepped forward at the same time. They met in front of the white board in an eager, breathless kiss. Danny slid his arms around her plump waist and lifted her off her the ground. Without missing a beat Katrina's legs coiled around him and she grabbed a handful of his soft hair. The intertwined pair stumbled back a few steps until her back was pressed against the lectern at the from the of the class. She released her hold on him and pulled back while he straightened and laughed.

“I think I can find a little time now,” She mumbled, “Think your sister can wait?”

“We'll just have to find out Mrs. Hollis.”


Fooled Trooper

Point proven. I always loved witty dialoges. It really showed how much it enhanced and fleshed out the characters and the interaction between them was far more emotional and relatable...10/10!


Well thank you for calling the dialogue witty. I've never felt my writing was quite appropriate for that descriptor but I won't argue with a compliment lol