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Here's another chapter in the ongoing saga of Betty the futa accountant! I don't have much else to say about the series at this point except I personally enjoy writing futa quite a lot and I hope y'all can enjoy it too!

Betty climbed out of her car as fast as her wobbly legs would allow. Work had been nothing short of agonizing and somehow her tryst with Tracey had only made her condition worse. She grabbed her things from the back seat and held them in front of her groin as she shuffled up two flights of stairs to her apartment. She tried pushing her cock down with her bag but it resisted. If she hadn't been so mortified and embarrassed she might've found humor in the way it her things actually balanced on the end of her member like it was some kind of extra irritating coat hook. Unfortunately she was far too frazzled to see the humor in much of anything at the moment and it was all she could do to get the key in the lock and the door open before anyone saw her. She slipped inside her apartment with a slightly relieved sigh. The coast wasn't clear until she was in her room but at least she only had to worry about two more people getting in the way. 

Her roommates were, as usual, sitting almost naked on the couch watching television. Samantha was slumped over the side with her legs splayed open and her blonde hair draped over her face while Beatrice was curled up on the other end idly playing with her curly auburn locks. Both of them were wearing ratty old shirts and loose panties that revealed more than they covered. They looked up as Betty tried to quietly slip past, their eyes immediately darting from her face to her hands. And more importantly to the bag failing to hide her pronounced erection. Blush immediately spread across their pale cheeks and the pair of them smiled at each other and then their embarrassed roommate. Betty let out a little squeak and rushed into her room, dropping her bag in a mad dash for safety. Samantha and Beatrice were close behind and the two burst through the half shut door with gleeful abandon. Their hands were on her body before she even had a chance to turn around.

“What are you doing?” Betty exclaimed, trying and failing to stop them from lifting her dress. Her roommates had always been a bit too physical for her liking but they were suddenly taking it to another level, “Stop that right now!”

“Did you really think you could hide it from us forever?” Samantha asked.

“Yeah how long have you been hiding this 'little' beauty?” Beatrice added. She grabbed Betty's exposed cock as she spoke and let out a lascivious chuckle, “You owe us some fun!”

“It's only fair after you've been lying for so long!”

Betty quickly found herself forced onto the bed, her dress thrown up over her face to completely obscure her vision and expose her bare lower half.  Lying their with her own dress blocking her sight and her ass up in the air was quite possibly the most humiliating experience of her young life. So naturally her roommates had to make it even more difficult and more pleasurable. Two different hands grabbed her throbbing member and started stroking with a strangely rehearsed sense of unity. Their breath was hot on her ass as both women noisily licked their lips and stared at her naked bottom. She might not have been able to see their faces but Betty could picture the looks both women were sporting with ease. If she'd been less distracted she probably could have predicted their ensuing argument as well. An argument they had while their hands continued to effortlessly pump her cock like it was perfectly natural for them to do so. She was so overcome by the unexpected feeling ot their fingers Betty couldn't even raise a voice in protest or try and pull away.

“I wanna taste her first!” Samantha announced.

“Too bad cause I'm getting first taste!” Beatrice interjected.

“No fair! You always said I'd get to go first!”

“Did not!”

“You did!”

“Ugh! Fine! Hurry up though!”

Betty didn't have more than a moment to think about those words before a hot, wet tongue pressed against her asshole. It swirled around her tight entrance faster and faster with every pass while both women moaned. Samantha's hand quickly it's movements as she focused all her attention on her roommates ass. Beatrice more than made up for the deficit, watching with jealous glee and doing her best not to move too fast and spoil their fun. Betty herself was trying to stifle the steady stream of moans pouring from her lips. The pleasure of their touch was exactly what her wildly hormonal body had been crying out for. Her friend's tongue dancing across her asshole was an unexpected but grudgingly appreciated treat. Despite her body's resistance Betty could feel Samantha starting to worm her way deeper into her ass. Little by little she spread the tightly puckered hole and lathered it with a constant coat of saliva. Against her better judgement she started moving her ass in small, uncontrollable motions. Her lust clouded brain wanted nothing more than to accentuate her pleasure any way that it could, despite her inner voice's protestations. There was no telling what would happen when her inexperienced ass was finally penetrated yet she was all but certain it would be messy. She was spared the embarrassment of finding out when Beatrice's natural selfishness forced her into action.

“Now it's my turn!” Beatrice said, pulling her companion off Betty's ass and replacing her in a flash.

Where Samantha had focused almost exclusively on her virginal asshole Beatrice seemed completely enraptured by Betty's aching sack. She paid the poor young accountant's hole only the slightest bit of attention as she wrapped her lips around one of her.balls and started sucking with all her might. As different as the sudden burst of pleasure was it was no less encompassing than the stimulation to her ass. After a few moments her body returned to the heightened state she'd found herself before and the sensations only grew after that. Her prick swelled from the new and pleasurable feeling, a thick strand of precum falling from the tip. It was swiftly flung against her bare thigh by the frenzied motions of her roommate's hands and all but forgotten by the two cock hungry women. It took a minute or so for Samantha to realize she needn't go without something to use her mouth on, the sight of Betty's remaining testicle finally cluing her in. Lunging forward like a predatory animal she enveloped the other half of her friend's sack with just as much enthusiasm as Beatrice. Both of the clearly knew their way around a dick but after a few moments it became clear which of the two had more experience.

Samantha's tongue moved in ways that seemed to defy logic and the force of her lips as they moved around Betty's sack was nothing short of heavenly. Add to that their combined motions along her shaft and she was left barely able to think. Her moans ebbed and flowed in direct proportion the the constant tremors of pleasure reverberating through her body. As further proof they'd done this sort of thing before Samantha and Beatrice alternated their movements to make sure they were never quite in perfect sync. The resulting dissonance was as frustrating as it was breathtaking. Betty could never quite catch her breath or recover from the latest burst of delight within her body. The harder she tried to latch onto any one sensation the more impossible that prospect seemed to become. Everything continued to pile on and fold into itself like a rapidly expanding hurricane until she couldn't take it a moment longer. In one last desperate attempt to stop them before they pushed her over the edge Betty cried out.

“If you don't stop I'm gonna—I'm gonna—”

“Cum Betty!” Samantha moaned.

“Don't hold back!” Beatrice cried. 

Betty squealed as loudly as she could but it only seemed to egg on her horny roommates. They squeezed her cock and sucked her balls harder than ever while she weakly tried to pull away. Any semblance of resistance quickly faded away as the pleasure built to indescribably levels and she was forced to give in. Biting her lip in one last act of defiance she buried her face in the sheets to keep them from seeing how much she was enjoying their attention. Or at least how much her new dick was. But the only thing that mattered to Samantha and Beatrice showed all the pleasure it needed to. Betty's prick stiffened and her balls swelled in preparation for yet another climax. Time seemed to slow down, her breath caught in her throat, and her entire body tensed at once. She gritted her teeth and shut her eyes as pure bliss spread to every corner of her body.

After an impossibly short moment of anticipation it all came crashing down as a thick streak of cum exploded out of her pulsing rod. The two women servicing her continued their ministrations with fresh enthusiasm, both of them pulling a hand away to try and catch the spunk flying out of Betty's member. They released her sack with identical pops and stroked her cock faster than ever to try and milk every last drop. Jizz splattered across their barely cupped fingers, much of it landing on the bed below. What was saved was immediately brought up to their lips so they could partake in their treat. Neither of them seemed to care they were missing fresh loads with every second they spent sucking the spunk off their own fingers. By the time their were finished with their first meal Betty had painted the sheets beneath her white with puddles of her jizz. A small trickle was still dribbling out but her balls had been emptied for the moment.

Samantha instantly released Betty's dick in favor of scooping up more of the mess it had produced while Beatrice pulled it towards her mouth. She wrapped her lips around the still swollen head and drank down the trickle still pouring forth. Betty whimpered at the added stimulation to her hypersensitive tip. Her eternally horny body happily produced more jizz for her roommate to suck on, further goaded by the noisy slurps and moans of Samantha's 'cleaning'. In their own way the two women were just as insatiable as she was. But lacking the excuse Betty had made it all the more terrifying. Of course her long buried desires didn't have much in the way of complaints. Her dick had lost almost none of it's rigidity after the recent climax and the continued attention from Beatrice's skilled mouth threatened to return it to 'normal' within the minute. But since both her roommates were doing this solely for their own benefit the moment the jizz was gone they pulled back. Each one smacked their lips in contentment and cleaned what little spunk remained on their fingers away. Betty whimpered and did her best to hide the sudden upsurge of lust filling her body. She couldn't let them know how badly she wanted them to keep going, no matter how badly her body ached for it.

“That was amazing Betty!”

“Yeah we're definitely doing this again. I wanna see what this new toy can do!”

“Me too! How about tomorrow we try and ride it?!”

“You read my mind! Should we pick up some condoms?”

“Why bother, we can just take it up the ass!”

“God your so smart Samantha!”

“Thanks sweetie! Did you still wanna get something to eat?”

“Of course, I was thinking that little bistro down by . . .”

Their conversation faded away as they left Betty's room and she plopped down onto the bed. Her dick was already starting to perk up again. “What on earth is going on?” Betty wondered to herself, “Is this my life now?”


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