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And here's the second lesbian futa story of the day. This one's a lot more extreme and BDSM focused so if that's not your thing give it a pass. Also for clarification's sake Azula is at least eighteen years old in this story. I imagined her a bit older but didn't really go into detail because I couldn't find a way to put it in organically but there you go lol

Strutting across the deck of her ship with a terrifying calm expression Azula sent every last member of her crew scattering before her like insects. Not a single one knew why she was inspecting the every level from top to bottom but nobody was foolish enough to ask. Or to linger in her presence for more than a moment before rushing off. Terrifying as it was her cold fury could at least be predicted and understood by anyone unlucky enough to witness it.

But when she was utterly stoic? When she masked her true feelings beneath a restrained veneer of simple curiosity? Nothing was more frightening to those working under her leadership. There was no guessing who her ire might fall upon nor what punishments they'd have to endure, especially weeks out of port and no sign of her quarry anywhere to be found. The best any could hope for was something quick and merciful. Though few were stupid enough to believe such a thing was possible. Most simply bowed their heads in deference and set about their task with single minded terror in the hopes they wouldn't be noticed.

Though even after she'd passed, or after they'd found a reason to hurry out of her sight themselves, there was no time to rest. No hope of letting their guards down or breathing a sigh of relief. It was only a matter of time until her ire turned towards them no matter what they did and every last member of her crew knew it. Without the wayward Prince or the Avatar to fixate upon her boundless need to punish and subjugate went unfulfilled. Until someone was unlucky enough to make even the slightest mistake and suffer her wrath. Like the cook who'd spilled her meal or the guards assigned to clear the hull while they were docked in port. Nobody knew what happened after Azula dragged them away and none of her victims had spoken about their experiences. They'd simply returned in a state of delirium and gone about their duties jumping at even the slightest sounds...

“Just keep an eye out for her! If I hold it any longer I'm gonna explode!”

“And that would still be less painful than what Azula will do if she catches you away from your post!”

“She won't catch me! I'll be back in a couple minutes! Just keep an eye out and whistle of you hear her coming!”

“So you can come pack with piss soaked armor? What do you think will happen then?”

Unable to stand there a moment longer Lai could only offer an anguished little groan as she turned away and hurried down the hall, “Just whistle if you hear her coming!”

Throwing open the door at the end of the hall and stepping out onto the deck she breathed a sigh of relief at the vast, glittering ocean all around them, wholly ignoring her friend as he said, “You're gonna get both of us killed!”

The door swung shut before she could reply and she stepped towards the railing, glancing around for a second or two. Once she was absolutely certain Azula wasn't about to sneak up on her she pulled down her pants and whipped out her cock. Another long, contented moan spilled from her lips as she finally relieved some of the pressure that'd been building in her belly for hours.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes...” She groaned, her head falling back and her eyes drifting shut while she clung to the railing with one hand and her dick with the other, “I thought I was gonna die!”

“You still might.” A cold, terrifying voice hissed.

All the color drained from Lai's face as her blood ran cold and her life flashed before her eyes. “I-I-I can explain!” She stammered, still pissing into the ocean as she slowly turned her head to see the very last person she wanted to encounter standing barely a foot away, “Th-This isn't w-what—”

“Shut up.” Azula's voice was horribly calm and her expression utterly inscrutable. Save for her terrifyingly bright eyes as she said, “I don't care about your excuses...”

“I-I'm sorry...”

“No,” She stated, stopping closer to him and finally cracking a smile, “You aren't. But I'll make sure you know the meaning of the word...”

News of Lai's capture spread through the ship like wildfire. Nobody actually saw her dragged off by Azula but everyone knew where she'd ended up. And none of them were stupid enough to venture anywhere near the Princess' private chambers. Even the guards assigned to her by the Fire Lord himself kept a wide berth after the previous soldiers had suffered the pain of disobeying her. But anyone on the same deck, or the ones above and below, could hear the punishments Lai suffered for hours on end. Or rather they could hear her unearthly wails.

Screaming until her throat was raw and her lungs empty Lai strained against the bindings keeping her wrists tied together above her head. She thrashed against the chains holding her legs wide open and keeping them aloft as she dangled over Azula's bed. But most of all her back arched and her hips bucked in uncontrollable spasms as the Princess' fist slowly emerged from her sloppily quivering ass once more. Thick jets of cum erupted from her shamefully hard cock to paint another layer of jizz across her stomach and chest and even the lower reaches of her face. Her mind reeled at the agony she was enduring, the pleasure soaked, mind shattering ecstasy being forced upon her with every slightest movement of the arm withdrawing from her guts.

Even after losing herself to it more than a dozen times since Azula had caught her Lai didn't have any hope of quelling the fires raging through her body. She certainly didn't have the wherewithal to try after hours and hours of nonstop 'torture' of the most unbearable creative kind! How could she when just the wet pop of Azula's fist emerging from her slack, gaping entrance was enough to send another massive jet of warmth erupting from Lai's prick? To say nothing of the pleasure she felt as her once tight ring winked and sputtered in the aftermath of another brutal assault on her very sanity. Long strands of lube and her own cum bubbled out of her asshole and dripped onto the floor, endlessly joining the enormous puddle already lapping at her tormentor's feet. And she didn't even have the strength to lift her head as she continued to squirt all over herself! Not that it would've mattered much. The blindfold wrapped around her face hadn't budged an inch since they started. Regardless of how much she'd trembled.

“Don't you dare pass out!” Azula groaned, untying the impressive thick cock strapped around her waist and turning away to collect an even larger toy, “I'm nowhere near finished with you!”


Laughing at her newest plaything and glancing back at her for a moment Azula retrieved her biggest toy and tied it to the harness still wrapped snugly around her curves. The moment it was secure she returned to her pet and hefted her monstrous prick, “It's time for your true punishment!”

Delirious as she was Lai didn't have any hope of parsing what Azula had just said. In the state she'd been reduced to she barely even knew her tormentor was speaking. Though the gravitas of her tone and the sudden pressure of something utterly gigantic against her already ruined entrance still sent adrenaline lancing through her body. Enough to see her lifting her head for just a moment and staring at the woman about to break her even further. Of course she saw nothing but darkness and felt nothing but pleasure as the unmistakable head of an intricately molded cock pushed into her depths with the same ferocious strength as all the others. Only this time it was larger than anything she'd ever taken. Than the first that'd just emerged from her sloppy hole or any of the previous toys Azula had used on her. It was nothing short of terrifying in it's size, so naturally it was slammed into her guts without hesitation.

Every last inch of that near foot long prick disappeared into her guts faster than she could ever hope to comprehend. Her stomach bulged outward as her cock lurched into the air and a fresh jet of precum squirted onto her distended belly. Lai didn't even have a chance to scream before the breath was forced from her lungs and a whole new wave of pleasure was sent rearing through her senses. She only managed to let out a strained little whimper as her asshole was stretched wider than ever. So wide it felt like she was being torn in half. But as she'd quickly find out that was nothing compare to the ecstasy that was Azula pulling out just as ferociously.

Holding her plaything's hips with both hands she withdrew unimaginably fast, the head of her prick emerging from the devastated cavern that used to be her ass in the blink of an eye. And it plunged back into her guts a split second later. Before Lai could even fathom it's absence and before her sloppy asshole could even begin to tighten. Their bodies collided with an echoing slap and the woman responsible for her anguish laughed with unabashed delight.

“You're doing better than most!” She grunted, immediately launching into a wild barrage of truly unhinged strokes, “The last one couldn't take more than a few thrusts!”

Lai could only respond with a frantic, unceasing scream as she finally sucked in a ragged breath. Her entire body was wracked with ecstasy and her mind so lost in a churning sea of it she struggled to even function. Had her tormentor stopped then and there her efforts still would've been utterly devastating but she knew Azula wouldn't stop. Even as broken as she was.

In anything she was only growing more and more frenzied by the moment. More unhinged with every downright brutal stroke! Azula slammed her plaything onto her cock as surely as she slammed that same cock balls deep in her ass and she was nothing short of absolutely relentless in her assault. Utterly incapable of holding anything back she ravished her newest pet and rearranged her guts with just about every stroke while Lai was left squealing and grunting in pure bliss. And within a minute or two she was already on the verge of abject madness once again.

It didn't matter that she'd emptied her balls more times than she could fathom. More times than she had in months. Or that she'd already cum within the last few minutes and the aftershocks of her last eruption hadn't even faded yet. Lai was still pushed right up to the edge of another maddening bout of ecstasy all the same and she still succumbed to that very madness within seconds of it reaching it's peak. Azula threw her right over the edge without any care in the world and continued her unabashed assault on Lai's very soul as her whole body tightened and an unearthly wail burst from her lips. Her ferocity was completely undiminished no matter how her plaything might've reacted and when that tidal wave came crashing down once again she still didn't show any signs of slowing.

Load after fresh, gooey load erupted from Lai's cock so fast it was almost a single, continuous fountain of pure bliss. She soaked her breasts and painted her face in a massive deluge so thick and so creamy she could feel the weight of every spurt against her skin. Feel it pooling across her stomach and rolling down her goosebump riddled body in massive strands. All the while her cock strained and twitched so unfathomably hard it was almost unbearable. Her balls tightened more furiously than the rest of her body while her inner walls spasmed uncontrollably around the dick plunging in and out of her asshole what must've been a thousand times a second. Azula furiously assaulted her plaything's most tender places and she milked out a truly unimaginable flood of cum in the process. Enough to soak her newest pet's body and cloud the air with the bittersweet taste of fresh jizz before she'd even finished. And by the time Lai was done squirting even the hall beyond reeked of her arousal.

Then, just as suddenly as she'd started, Azula pulled out again. And without the slightest bit of concern for the woman shaking and shuddering before her. She simply wrenched her massive cock free in a shower of lube and what little cum remained inside her guts, laughing at the sight of her ruined entrance gaping in the firelight. It was such a tantalizing sight she couldn't help but continue laughing as she unfastened her cock and let it drop to the floor with the others. Though her mirth gradually faded when she approached her pet and found her still very much conscious even after everything she'd endured.

“You're still awake?” Azula remarked, both surprised and the tiniest bit impressed, “Interesting...”

“M... M... Mo... Mo... More....” Lai whimpered, “More... G-G-Give.... Give... me... m-more...”

Azula's face lit up as her heart skipped a beat, “You want more?” She asked in a giddy whisper, “Very well. I'll give you more!” Pressing hear clenched fists together and pushing them against her pet's woefully small asshole she let out another laugh and added, “Let's see how long you last now!”

Lai's anguished, delirious screams echoed throughout the ship throughout the rest of the day and long into the night. Every single member of the crew heard her squeals and many fell asleep listening to her shrieking. But not a single one truly knew what was happening inside the Princess' room. Only the nightmares their imagination conjured as she continued to wail in what must've been a truly unimaginable anguish...


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