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Normally I'd stagger all these stories out around my usual release window but since I'm writing every suggestion I get for the latest batch I figured I could spread things out across the whole month and give y'all a more even batch of content. But regardless of all that I hope you guys enjoy this little oral adventure!

I also just realized this Star Wars story perfectly lines up with May 4th despite that not being my intention in any way, shape, or form. You gotta love absurd little coincidences like that lol

A sharp, echoing knock at her door drew Padme's attention from the data reports strewn about her desk and sent an eager smile lighting up her face, “Come in Captain.”

The door to her office opened and a Clone Trooper entered, “You asked for me Senator Amidala?”

Dressed in the familiar white armor accented with red streaks across the arms, helmet, and shoulder plates he was identical to thousands of other Captains across the galaxy. But none of the other Clones who held his rank had saved her from a Separatist ambush a few days earlier. Even if he was completely identical to millions of other soldiers Padme wouldn't forget him, couldn't forget him. And she was eager to honor both his courage and his tenacity.

Rising from her chair and staring at him for a moment Padme waved him closer and said, “I never had the chance to thank you for your assistance the other day. Without you and your men I may not have survived my second assassination attempt.”

“We were only doing our duty Senator.” Captain Jido replied. His arms clasped behind his back as he naturally adopted a militaristic stance. Padme couldn't even tell if he was looking at her as she stared at his inscrutable faceplate, “And once the Jedi arrived our duties were all but concluded.”

“Maybe so...” Walking around her desk to lean against the front and smile just a little bit wider Padme didn't make any effort to hide her true feelings, “But I still owe you my life.”

“You don't owe me anything Senator. It was my—”

“It was your duty. I understand that. But I'm still grateful all the same. And I still want to give you a proper reward for your herosim.”

Be it her husky tone, the sparkle in her eyes, or simply Captain Jido's battle honed instincts but her words sent his head tilting to the side just the tiniest bit. No more than a centimeter or two. Yet in spite of that his response remained as predictable as ever, “Thank you Senator, but serving the Republic is it's own reward.”

Padme couldn't help but laugh at that remark. After their brief interaction on the battlefield that'd once been her landing bay she'd expected a certain amount of patriotism but Captain Jido continued to prove himself full of surprises, “So you don't want any reward? Nothing at all?”

She pushed herself off her desk and strolled closer to him as she spoke, her voice growing more tantalizing with every word. Captain Jido ever so slightly tensed at her approach, his back straightening even more as his muscles quite unmistakable tightened. But he neither spoke nor betrayed any of his thoughts despite Padme's lascivious grin. Or the unmistakable way she teasingly clasped her hands behind her back. There was no telling if he was looking down at her chest as she none too subtly pushed it out towards him but she didn't really worry too much about where his eyes might or might not have been.

“Not even a well deserved break from fighting and training?” She asked, stopping just shy of pressing herself against his armor, “Surely you've earned that much after your heroism?”

“I don't need a reward for doing my duty.” He replied.

His voice was ever so slightly strained. Ever so slightly tremulous And he seemed to realize it as he stiffened just a tiny bit more when Padme grinned up at him, “But do you want one?” She asked after a second or two. Finally pressing her breasts against his breastplate she sucked in a giddy little breath and asked, “Do you want a reward... from me?”

A long, impossibly tense silence filled the air. Captain Jido remained completely motionless as he stared down at her and she smiled right back at him. She could all but feel his muscles trembling even through his armor and Padme didn't think twice about draping her arms across his shoulders. Nor did she hesitate to pull herself against him and teasingly push against his codpiece with a soft giggle. Even that quiet laugh sounded like thunder in the stillness and when it faded the quiet that followed seemed more deafening than ever.

“Yes...” He finally replied, that single word filled with a breathless excitement she'd never heard from a Clone Trooper, “I would like a reward from you...”

“Good,” Padme whispered, “Because I'm not sure I could've taken no for an answer!”

Letting those words hang in the air as she dropped to her knees Padme didn't waste another second on foreplay or teasing. With practiced ease and a truly unabashed excitement she unfastened his belt and the pesky little codpiece attached to it. Captain Jido scarcely had time to groan before her soft, trembling fingers were caressing the fat bulge waiting for her just beneath his arm. And the soft gasp he let out a split second later was almost completely drowned out by her eager moan as she cupped his wonderfully heavy balls with one hand while pulling his skin tight under armor down. All ten inches of his deliciously thick cock sprang into view a moment later, a thick bead of precum oozing from the swollen tip. Padme happily slid his balls free a moment after that, greedily licking her lips as she reveled in the familiar sight. One hand wrapped around his prick and the other slowly massaged his oh so weighty sack as she grinned up at him.

“Let me take care of everything...” She murmured, her lips brushing against the head of his prick for just a moment, “You've already done enough!”

“Senator... I don't—”

His protest ended in a sudden, frantic groan as she wrapped her lips around his prick, effortlessly taking half of him into her mouth with a single stroke. His madly throbbing, precum slathered tip glided into the back of her throat faster than he could even fathom. And his hands jumped to head entirely on instinct. Captain Jido continued to groan and gasp like he'd been shot while Padme swallowed load after gooey load of precum like it was her sole purpose in life. Her lips curled into an even wider smile upon looking up at him with so much of his dick in her mouth but they both knew she wasn't about to stop. The thought never even occurred to her! She just paused for a few seconds to stroke his shaft, milk out a little more precum, and give him a chance to adjust.

Of course after a lifetime of complete celibacy he'd need more than a few seconds to adjust to the warm confines of her mouth. To the abject pleasure of her tongue swirling around his prick and lavishing every last inch she could reach with attention. But she didn't give him the hours, or even days, he truly needed to comprehend such an amazing feeling. Padme only gave him five seconds before she swallowed the rest of his prick and pressed her lips against the base of his shaft even faster. Before she'd inhaled every last centimeter with a gleeful abandon.

Suddenly her tongue was lapping at his balls and her hands were wrapped around his waist as she held herself against him. Like so many others he tried to instinctively withdraw from the ecstasy assailing his senses and washing over his body. And when she didn't let him withdraw he immediately tried slamming even deeper inside her as instincts took over.


Gurgling and slurping as loudly as she could Padme slid off his cock with a long, sloppy moan as spit and precum oozed from the corners of her mouth. She let it cascade down her chin and drip onto her chest as she smiled up at him and said, “Don't worry Captain, it gets even better!”

“How is that possible?”

Slowly stroking his prick with one hand as she licked her lips and made a little show of swallowing Padme simply replied, “You're about to find out!”

An instant later she was deepthroating his cock and moaning like a Twi'lek dancer as she did. Captain Jido moaned even louder as that unbearable pleasure returned but his voice was quickly silenced as Padme started moving. Or rather as she started flying up and down his prick in an absolute frenzy of pure, unbridled lust. Her cheeks sank inwards and the sloppy sounds of her passions echoed throughout her office as she bobbed up and down his prick in a truly wild burst.

Holding nothing back and giving him every last ounce of gratitude she had Padme was an absolute fiend. Lurching back and forth so quickly she was almost a blur she tongue as much of his cock as she could reach and stroked everything she was sucking whenever she withdrew. And when she came plunging back down onto his shaft she slobbered all over his balls and moaned so fiercely she hardly even sounded like herself! Captain Jido certainly couldn't believe what he was hearing, although of all his senses hearing was perhaps the least overwhelmed. Especially as her pace quickened and her movements grew even more frantic with every passing second!

Just watching her suck his cock and feeling her tongue and lips and mouth and everything else work his length was enough to completely overwhelm his mind. Years of intensive combat training and simulations could begin to prepare him for the ecstasy of her every last stroke. Nothing even compared as she glided back and forth along his dick in a nonstop frenzy. Completely losing himself in the warmth of her mouth, the wetness of her tongue and softness of her hands, he forgot about everything else. Where he was, what he'd been doing, even the orders he was meant to carry out once he'd answered her call. Everything else simply disappeared into the chaotic haze that was Padme sucking his cock so wildly his knees startled to buckle after barely ten seconds. The rest of his body strained even harder as he bent down over her and groaned in utter bliss in less than thirty.

But no matter how hard he trembled, how desperately he clung to her, Padme didn't slow down and she certainly didn't stop. Her mind was every bit as blank as his and the pleasure of gulping down his precum and worshiping his fat prick remained utterly intoxicating. Even after sucking off hundreds if not thousands of Clone Troopers she'd never lost her taste ofr their bittersweet jizz. Or their almost adorable whimpers and groans as she gave them their first taste of pleasure. The thrill was more exhilarating than ever and she couldn't have stopped even if she'd wanted. Nothing short of an entire company of troopers storming in would've kept her from Captain Jido's prick. And even then she would have put up one hell of a fight! The taste of his precum and the simple joy of his prick straining so amazingly hard against the walls of her throat was too addicting. As was the adrenaline coursing through her as she eagerly pushed him closer and closer to the edge. Padme couldn't wait to enjoy yet another belly full of fresh, pent up spunk!

And thanks to his complete lack of sexual experience she wouldn't have to wait very long at all. None of the Clones she'd rewarded, or simply enjoyed for no other reason, had lasted more than two minutes at the very most. Few made past one after she reached her full speed and started flying up and down their pricks so frantically it was nearly inhuman. Captain Jido was no exception as his gloved fingers curled into fists and he groaned like some wounded animal. He started thrusting as he neared the limits of his endurance, the limits of his sanity, and Padme effortlessly matched his frantic strokes. She outright encouraged them before long! Pulling him into her every bit as wildly as she slammed herself onto him she did everything she could to absolutely ruin her latest companion.


His frantic attempt at a warning barely left his lips before his whole body tightened and his cock swelled inside her mouth. Padme moaned louder than ever and slammed herself onto him one last time just as the first gooey jet erupted from his tip. It sprayed into her stomach amidst a long, shuddering cry as Captain Jido held on to her for dear life and she hugged him even more tightly as his warmth filled her stomach. Load after hot, gooey load gushed into her body and Padme shuddered at every single one, unable to control herself as she continued slurping on his prick with all her strength.

Sucking out every last drop of cum she could get Padme didn't relent even when Captain Jido was on the verge of total collapse. Too eager to even consider she moaned and gurgled around his prick with complete abandon. For every last second it took him to empty his fat balls and nearly buckle under the sheer weight of his first orgasm.

And when he tried to stagger away from her she finally let him withdraw, her tongue swirling around his softening prick as he pumped a few messy spurts into her mouth before withdrawing entirely with a strained whimper, “Senator...”

Captain Jido slumped against the wall and sank down to the floor in a state of utter disarray while Padme slowly rose to her feet and licked her cum glazed lips, “I hope you enjoyed your reward...” She said with a knowing smile, “You certainly deserved it!”

“I did...” He groaned, looking up at her as she approached and making no effort to pick himself up or do anything to cover his body, “Thank you...”

“You're welcome.” Padme said with a radiant smile. She knelt down in front of him a moment later and said, “When you've recovered, would you mind fetching the rest of your company? I'd like to thank them too...”

“That's... that's more than a hundred troopers!”

“One hundred and sixteen after the casualties you suffered protecting me.” Padme stated. “And they all deserve the same gratitude you received!”

Captain Jido stared at her for a few seconds and she smiled back at him without the slightest hint of shame or hesitation. When he finally spoke again his voice was ever so slightly more resolute, “I can send them along in squads of five...”

“Make it seven.” She replied, “I don't want to keep the entire company waiting too long.”

“As you wish Senator.”

He shakily pushed himself upright and tucked his cock back into his under armor. Padme handed him his belt and codpiece soon after, smiling even wider as he fastened them about his waist. Only when he was fully dressed did she turn away and sit behind her desk once more, cheekily saying, “And once I've rewarded the rest of your company... you should return to see me. There's more to... discuss...”

Once again stiffening and falling unnaturally still Captain Jido eventually gave a small nod as he quietly replied, “As you wish Senator...” before walking out the door without another word.

“I'll see you soon Captain.” Padme said with a knowing giggle.


Keith Rogers

This remind me of some of shabby blues art.


I'm both flattered and not at all surprised, I've been a fan of Shabby Blue for quite some time so their work can definitely seep into anything I do related to Star Wars!