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I hope y'all are in the mood for a double dose of futa today because that's exactly what you're getting! And both stories even ended up being rather similar in ways I definitely didn't plan from the outset, although this one is a lot softer and more romantic. So if that's your cup of tea read on and hopefully enjoy!

“Put your back into sailor, I want every inch of the deck spick and span before we reach port!”

Isabela's heel pressed into the small of Hawke's back as she lorded over her companion in a dashing pose with daggers drawn and a smile plastered across her face. Hawke dutifully pretended to scrub the poop deck with her own eager grin as both women continued their charade just a little bit longer. Her nightgown was climbing higher and higher up her plump yet toned figure with every pantomimed movement and it wasn't long before the fabric was bunching up against her partner's boot. A tantalizing sight Isabela couldn't help but enjoy as she bit her lower lip and trembled ever so slightly, her bright eyes sparkling with unabashed delight. Even the tiniest glimpse of her lover's chubby curves was enough to send arousal flooding through her body and the most perverted thoughts flickering through her head. Seeing the full swell of those soft cheeks peeking out from the hem of her flimsy clothes was enough to send goosebumps erupting across every last inch of her tanned body!

And with her own ensemble lying in a crumpled heap nearby she was free to act upon those desires the very moment she felt them! First by lifting her heel just a little bit more so Hawke's dress could slide even further down her back as she none too subtly arched her back. Then by letting one hand roam across her body and caress her trembling stomach all the way down to the neatly groomed thicket of curly hairs above and around her sex. The heady smell of sex and arousal was nothing short of intoxicating as warmth trickled down her legs before she'd even touched her pussy. To say nothing of the messy little puddle slowly forming between her lover's knees. Though she couldn't quite see the cock raging between her thighs or those cutely tightening balls Isabela hardly needed to!

Her wild imagination and the heady scent of precum oozing onto the stone as they played their little game was more than enough! Especially when her fingers drifted across her clit for the firs time and a wave of ecstasy flooded her senses. She couldn't help but cry out a moment later and Hawke couldn't help but look back at her with a knowing smile. Their eyes locked for just a moment as both women considered giving in right then and there. Everyone else at Hawke's estate was asleep and there wasn't a single reason to hold back any longer.

But as tempting as that was Isabela didn't want to give in just yet! She couldn't bring herself to stop their fun even if it led to something better. So she pressed her boot down even harder between Hawke's shoulder blades and moaned again. Her fingers were already flying across her swollen pearl and watching the woman she loved shake with that same excitement was utterly ruinous.

“I didn't tell you to stop!” She moaned, nearly all of her once authoritative tone completely gone.

“S-Sorry Captain!” Hawke gasped, her own voice a mixture of contrition and exhilaration as she shyly averted her eyes and resumed her swabbing.

“I don't want apologies! I want my deck cleaned!”

“Yes Captain!”

Pretending to scrub even harder and arching her back all the more she pushed her ass out and even wiggled it back and forth exactly how Isabela liked. Hawke was nothing if not willing to play as dirty as possible and her lover couldn't help but appreciate that effort. Particularly when it meant watching her fat ass jiggle and bounce with every slightest movement. Or when she heard the soft wet slap of her cock smacking against her chubby thighs.

How she managed to resist that unimaginable temptation for even a second was a mystery only the Maker himself could answer. But after a few more seconds Isabela's lust had so complete taken over it was impossible to hold herself back. The whole of Kirkwall could've been watching and she still would've thrown aside her daggers and dropped to her knees behind the woman she loved. Hawke barely had time to smile before Isabela was lifting her ass into the air and burying her face between her plump cheeks. An instant later her woman's tongue was buried deep in her quivering ring as she wrapped a hand around her now painfully hard cock.

“Oh Maker!”

Far too busy doing a little swabbing of her own Isabela barely even heard Hawke's shuddering squeal, she was far too busy pushing and straining against her quivering ring to care about much else. That sweet, musky taste and the simple pleasure of her tight little ass trembling so fiercely around her never failed to leave her completely intoxicated within seconds. Her eyes disappeared into the back of her head before Hawke's could do the same and the unimaginably sloppy sounds of her lick and kissing and sucking on her relentlessly quivering entrance quickly filled the entire bedroom. Maybe even the entire estate! It was hard to say for certain as both women shook and squirmed in abject delight. Their minds were already flooded with enough ecstasy to drown out everything and with more waves of bliss crashing down on them every second that certainly wasn't about to change!

If anything the abject mania blossoming between them only continued to grow as Isabela pushed deeper into Hawke and Hawke grinded against Isabela as much as she could. It was a dance they'd done a thousand times and one they knew by heart and yet the pleasure coursing through them was completely undiminished. It might've even been greater than it was the very first time they'd enjoyed one another's company! Hawke was certainly reduced to a quivering puddle much, much faster than either of them realized and Isabela certainly didn't waste any time launching into an absolute frenzy of pure, unbridled lust. Her tongue swirled around her lover's entrance with a ferocious abandon while her hand glided up and down her cock so frantically it was almost a blur. And every thick, gooey strand of precum she milked from her prick was another dose of pleasure for both women. Another badge of honor glazing their thighs and clouding their every ragged breath. Though nothing could quite compare to the eruption they were both awaiting with overwhelming excitement.

“I-Isabela!” Hawke's voice was shrill and frantic as she clawed at the floor beneath her. She moved like a wild animal cornered by another beast and she continued to squeal with every last scrap of air left in her lungs, “Isabelaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”

Utterly enamored with every spasmodic quiver and convulsive shudder Isabela basked in her lover's cry and smiled against her beautifully quivering ring. Pushing herself even deeper between those luscious cheeks she slid the tip of Hawke's cock between her thighs. In the few seconds she had before her companion succumbed to her ecstasy Isabela pressed her swollen, madly throbbing tip against her clit and slowly rubbed as much of her dick as she could with her soft curves. Whether or not that had any effect on Hawke's ensuing madness it was impossible to say. But neither of them could even begin to care. Not when a tidal wave of pleasure crashed down upon Hawke and Isabela was left to reap all the rewards!

A flood of deliciously hot cum exploded between her thighs as Hawke's entire body descended into uncontrollable shudders. The first jet alone was enough to completely soak Isabela's pussy and splatter her downy tuft in thick strands of fresh, creamy jizz. But of course her beautiful lover wasn't even close to finished. That was only Isabela's first taste of something even better and all the motivation she needed to continue slobbering all over her companions entrance. As if she needed any more motivation beyond a simple love of the game!

Jet after massive jet sprayed between Isabela's thighs as Hawke completely lost her mind. Ever after years and years of cumming almost every single day she still managed to produce a genuinely astonishing flood of cum. Enough to leave her companion all but drowning in it even with her tongue buried in her ass!

Her inner thighs were absolutely drenched in fresh cum and a messy little puddle of their arousal slowly spread across the stone beneath them with each new load. Especially as thick strands of jizz erupted out of that snug little tunnel and splattered across the rest of Isabela's legs! A few particularly gooey jets even managed to reach her stomach and sear just a little bit more of her goosebump riddled skin. Though of course no matter where it ended up Isabela was overjoyed to feel Hawke's cum, to bask in the flood and drink in the heady smell of it as she continued her relentless ministrations. Nothing excited her more than feeling, hearing, and even tasting the woman she loved wholeheartedly succumbing to pleasure. It was the perfect prelude to a night of unbridled passion and just about everything she could've wanted now that everyone else was asleep.

And when that seemingly endless deluge finally started to taper off Isabela was more than happy to relent in her ferocious assault. Much as she might've wanted to continue she knew how sensitive Hawke was after such an explosive finish and she certainly didn't want to push her too far. At least not yet. That would undoubtedly change in the next few hours but for now she was more than happy to hold back and let her beautiful partner collapse against her in a state of total disarray.

“That's my good girl...” She moaned, idly groping and playing with Hawke's fat ass as she smiled down at her lover, “That's my good girl...”

“Oh Maker...” Hawke whimpered, unable to open her eyes in the afterglow of her pleasure.

Giggling at her companion for a moment or two Isabela lifted her up again and gently rolled her onto her back. Hawke let out an almost terrified whimper as she was turned over but a giddy little smile still lit up her face almost immediately. Before her lover's hands could slide under her ass and lift her right back up again. Though not before her lower half was left completely soaked in the gooey warmth splattering Isabela's thighs long strands of spunk connecting their quivering bodies as the two women finally looked at one another.

Their eyes met a split second before Isabela's lips wrapped around Hawke's gradually softening prick and only one of them managed to hold that gaze as she did. Immediately looking away as she squealed in ecstasy Hawke tried to find something to hold on to as her partner gleefully swallowed every last inch of her cock. But she never found anything to grab and Isabela glided all the way down to the base of her shaft in a single, effortless stroke. She planted a giddy kiss on the hilt of her length and put her ever eager tongue to work barely a heartbeat later. Her cheeks sank inwards as she started sucking more fiercely than anyone Hawke had ever known while tongue darted out of her mouth to lick and caress every last inch of her softly quivering balls. And like she always did Hawke started to perk up immediately. How could she not when faced with such indescribable and wholly overwhelming pleasure mere moments after cumming?

She might've squealed Isabela's name like she was being tortured and she might've squirmed and writhed against her in spasmodic, uncontrollable fits but Hawke adored every second. There wasn't so much as a moment's discomfort, only a constant and ever rising flood of pleasure as her cock swelled little by little in her lover's mouth. And when she started bobbing up and down her length with all the same enthusiasm Hawke had come to expect there was no room for anything but ecstasy. Isabela's every last movement absolutely destroyed her and she knew precisely what she was doing as it happened. Both of them did and both of them reveled in every moment she spent bringing her back to full mast less than a minute after her eruption.

But instead of continuing her relentless efforts even after Hawke's cock was throbbing like mad in the depths of her throat and completely filling her mouth Isabela showed a rare moment of restraint. Or rather she put aside the immediate thrill that was a belly full of cum in favor of something much, much more tempting. Releasing Hawke's prick with a wet pop and lowing her back onto her lap felt like an enormous struggle but it was well worth the effort when she pulled away. When she rose to her feet, crawled onto the bed, and pushed her ass out with a knowing grin.

“You missed a spot sailor...” She cooed, looking back at Hawke as she slowly spread her toned cheeks apart with one hand, “And I won't tolerate any more laziness!”

“Of course Captain!” Hawke moaned. Springing to her feet and moving behind her lover she pressed her swollen tip against Isabela's ring and sucked in a ragged little breath as she braced herself for an onslaught of pleasure, “I won't let you down!”

Their eyes met as Isabela gave her an adoring little smile, “I know you won't...”



An amazing story!


Thanks! I had a bit of trouble starting pretty much all the stories in this most recent block but once I got going I really enjoyed writing them!