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Bleach parody | Patreon Reward

Chapter 12 

Chapter 13

Baka master, baka baka baka!” Shiro was chewing Ichigo out in their inner world. “I knew it, I knew it, that technique was too much for you in that state.”

“Well...we knew there would be some rebound...oww oww oww!”

You are too reckless, now who’s gonna do your job while you are out of commission?”

“We have a pup trained don’t we, or are you saying he can’t handle it?”

Tch, he can handle it, I trained him after all!” He wasn’t about to let Ichigo’s sacrifice go to waste after all.

“Man my body really hurts…”

No shit…’ Shiro huffed. Ichigo probably could have handled it better without everything that happened. “Consider this punishment for being reckless my stupid master.”

‘I leave it to you Sora…’


Sora was facing off with Grand Fisher, the hollow that nearly caught him and made him a monster. “Huhuhu the one that nearly got away.” He eyed the soul. “Instead of becoming a hollow it seems you’ve become one of those detestable Soul Reapers.”

His eyes roamed over Sora’s form. “It matters not, I’ll still devour you and you’ll become part of my strength.” He flexed his claws.

“I’m not the same as I was before!” Sora drew his zanpakuto. “I’ll fight you!”

Fisher laughed. “Good, good, make this entertaining, I enjoy a bit of fun before I eat.” He lashed out at Sora, but the brunette was able to defend with his two zanpakuto. “I’ll admit I’ve never seen a soul reaper with two zanpakuto. I wonder if that’ll make you taste better!” Grand Fisher creepily licked his claws.

“You don’t scare me...compared to master Shiro….” He mumbled the last part. Sora made a traumatized face, just thinking about his training gave him chills.

The zanpakuto spirit was terrifying...scarier than any hollow…

“We’ll just see.” Fisher smirked. ‘It hasn’t been that long, there is no way this little runt of a soul had time to gain control of his new abilities.’ His smirk grew. ‘Perfect I get to eat such a rare soul reaper with ease.’

Grand Fisher lunged at Sora, swiping at him with his claws.

Sora danced with his blades, clashing with the claws and preventing them from doing any damage. ‘He’s not bad...but not good enough.’

With a swipe of his claw, Sora caught it with his blades, suddenly the nails lengthened and pierced Sora’s shoulder. “Gah!”

“That’s not all!” The hollow’s fur bristled and shot out like spears. “You’re dead!”

“Fight With Me...Shuno!” His zanpakuto glowed and transformed becoming a knight’s shield. In an instant a golden barrier formed around Sora, blocking Grand Fisher’s attack.

“What?!” He wailed on the barrier, but he couldn’t make a crack in it. His hair pulled back. ‘He can use the zanpakuto release...how is that possible?’

Grand Fisher had killed Soul Reapers before so he was aware of some of their tricks. Kido, sword arts, the ability to release zanpakuto power.Just as he knew the size of one’s zanpakuto can be a measure of one’s spiritual pressure, so they say. It was why him having two surprised him so.

The barrier fell and Sora was standing with his knight shield, the crest on the front was like an angel, as if crests of light and hope combined. “I’ll finish this right now.” His shield reverted back into sword form and he raised the other one. “Fight with me Tsubaki!”

Sora’s zanpakuto glowed shifting to that of a knight’s sword, broad and thick. “Hiyah!” With one swing he released a golden energy it cut through the air so quickly and it sliced through Grand Fisher’s arm and obliterated it.

“Damn you!” Not one for backing down he unleashed a counter attack with his hair spears.

“Haaaa!” Sora thrust his sword forward and sent out another blast of gold energy. It destroyed the hair spears but Fisher was able to dodge out of the way and avoid getting another hole through his body.

‘I see one sword is for offense the other defense, but it doesn’t look like he can use both at the same time.’ He smirked, thinking he had a way to win.

His lure appeared, having a creepy human design, it’s eyes glowed.

“What are you…” He was cut off as a blinding flash of light came from the lure.

When Grand Fisher got his his him with his claws he used a sinister trick that let him scan a person’s memories. It’s a brief scan, merely looking for potential forms to transform his lure into to prevent his opponent from attacking. While one way was to transform the lure into someone they loved, but there was another way…

This hollow was strong but it took something else to gain command of so many hollows. Fear…

Sora had deep trauma in his past and the figure that embodied that trauma was…

As the light faded Sora’s eyes widened in horror as the figure of his father was before him. Seeing this man brought back horrible memories. The lure could even replicate his voice, and hearing that man speak again, even say his name made him ill. “Sora...there you are...I’ve come to take you back son...you and Orihime...it’ll be just like it was…”

‘No get away…’ Sora began to sweat and panic.

Hollows would do anything to escape fear, even obey Grand Fisher. This trick could trap a hollow in a state of trauma, unable to move or escape.

He thought the trick was working as Sora’s Tsubaki zanpakuto reverted back to it’s sealed state. ‘Nothing like one’s inner demons to break a spirit.’

“Fight with me Shuno!” Sora shifted weapons going for the shield.

‘Oh trying to protect yourself, an amusing reaction.’ Fisher thought with twisted glee. ‘That shield won’t help you, my lure has already caught you, but go ahead burn what spirit energy you have then.’ He could already picture it Sora using his barrier with the construct of his trauma phasing through it.

The hollow wanted Sora to break down, to be pushed to the point of flight. Once he ran he’d be killed. He could have fought but that matter was moot now. The fact he couldn’t bring himself to fight his father, to kill him despite how much he’s grown was shown by him dropping his offensive zanpakuto.

“Shield of the Just!” Suddenly his shield glowed brightly unleashing a mighty wave of light. It ripped apart Grand Fisher’s illusion, returning the lure to it’s original state. “I get it now how you hurt so many others, you are just like him...hurting others for your own amusement, making people suffer...you are just a monster and I will slay you!”

‘Here it comes!’ Grand Fisher had a back up plan, intending if his lure failed, he’d wait for Sora to switch between his zanpakuto again, in that time he’d run him through.

“Fight with me…” Hair spears shot at Sora, only to be met with a barrier.


“Tsubaki!” His other sword transformed forming a knight sword, but his shield didn’t vanish.

“But how, how can you use both at the same time?”

“Did I ever say I couldn’t use both.” He hadn’t, Fisher just assumed because of the shift. In truth Sora could dual wield both it just took more energy to use both at the same time. “Holy Joust!” Sora combined offense and defense turning his barrier into a weapon.

The soul reaper surged through the air and ripped Grand Fisher apart. “It’s over…”

“Hahahahaha…” His eyes widened. “Not bad, but I’m not out of tricks yet.” It was the lure.

Grand Fisher’s last trick Migration, it allowed him to switch his consciousness into the lure, as both it and his main body were the same, if one body is injured he can jump into the other. “You bested me today, but I’ll remember you and I’ll be back!” He escaped, slipping into the void even as Sora slashed at him.

“Damn it!” He powered down, that was a lot, but seeing Orihime safe made it all worth it. ‘I hope Ichigo is okay!’ He thought and raced off, he still had plenty enough strength to swing his swords, so he did, hunting down as many hollows as he could find before the Menos appeared.

That fight ended as it did.


“What the heck?!” Uryu wanted to yell and snap at Ichigo but the orangette collapsed. “Shiba...hey Shiba!” Smoke began to pour out of his body and the soul reaper was reverted into a large orange dog/wolf. “Ehhhh?!”

He couldn’t just leave him there, not after all he did to clean up this mess. Uryu scooped the dog up and carried him home. ‘It’ll be fine as long as I don’t run into…’

“What do you have there Uryu?” He tensed.

“Crap!” Uryu cursed as Ryuken approached him. “I uh...found a dog...he needs help…”

“I’m a doctor not a vet.”

‘Well he’s a soul reaper not a dog, I don’t know where to take him!!’ Uryu thought.

Ryuken eyed the dog, noting it’s strange orange fur and...reiatsu… He adjusted his glasses. “I’ll take a look at him.”

“Thank you…” Uryu bowed.

After some time and treatment. “How did this dog gain such injuries he’s completely exhausted?”

“I...don’t know…”

“Well you brought him home, you need to see this through to the end. Until he’s back at full strength he’s your responsibility.”


“If you want to be a man see things through to the end!” Ryuken snapped.

Uryu brought Ichigo to his room. “What have I gotten myself into.”

“Well it’s your own fault. I tried to tell you to knock it off but you wouldn’t listen to me.” Uryu jumped from the bed, not expecting Ichigo to be able to talk in this form. “Your dad seems nice by the way.”

Ishida couldn’t help but feel weird hearing a talking dog. “You can talk?!”

“Well duh, I am a soul reaper.”

“Right…” Uryu adjusted his glasses and tried to calm down. “You are a soul reaper so take your leave.”

“Would love to...but can’t…” He laid down in Uryu’s bed.


“I’m stuck like this for at least a week. So I’ll be in your care for the time being.” He rolled over, rubbing himself all over the quincy’s bed sheets.

“You can’t be serious?”

“Sadly I am, with my bankai sealed, my power restriction, and having Shiro train that newbie I was at my limit, this is the price I pay for using that technique when I wasn’t at full strength.”

“You mean you had all that and did so well in our duel.” He sat down in shock.

“Something like that…” He yawned. “So you are gonna have to take responsibility for this.”

Uryu wanted to protest. “Fine…”

“Really, wow I didn’t have to break out the puppy eyes.” Ishida twitched.

“As if that would work on me. You saved my life I owe you this much.” A stomach growled.

“Uryu…” The quincy looked at the orange hound, shooting him the biggest puppy eyes. “I’m hungry…” The look shot through Uryu’s heart.

He was so fucked…

To be continued


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