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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Ash Ketchum (Hybrid/Satyr) 11 inches long/4 fingers thick
Ability: Nature’s Aura – Can change the form of Deerling, unlocking different typings.
Moves: Energy Ball, Sweet Scent, Grass Whistle

Badges Unova: 1; Trio Badge

Pokemon on Hand 4/9

Pikachu | Ability: Static | Size 6 inches | Moves: Thunderbolt (Counter Shield), Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Parabolic Charge | Style Moves: Spin Dodge

Oshawott | Ability: Shell Armor | Size 4 Inches |  Moves: Tackle, Water Gun (Counter Shield), Razor Shell, Icy Wind

Summer (Deerling) Ability Serene Grace | Moves: Tackle, Double Kick, Leech Seed |

Tepig | Ability Thick Fat | Moves Tackle, Odor Slueth, Defense Curl, Flame Charge | Style Moves: Spin Dodge

Pokemon at Oak’s Lab: Bulbasaur, Kingler, Muk, Tauros x 30 Snorlax, Bayleef, Quilava, Totodile, Donphan, Swellow, Sceptile, Torkoal, Glalie, Staraptor, Infernape, Buizel, Gliscor
Pokemon In Training: Squirtle, Primeape, Charizard,

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7 Companions

Ash was caught like a Deerling in a Flash, his mind racing as the gym leaders he faced caught him in his naked hybrid form, mating with his Pokemon. His eyes took them in and noticed the prominent bulges of arousal they were sporting. ‘Maybe we can work something out.’

Summer pulled out of his making Ash whine at the loss, his form shivered. The noises he let out, made the trio of brothers gulp, a jolt of delight surging right into their loins. “Could you guys come in and shut the door?” They nodded dumbly and did so, Cress locking it as he entered. “Clearly we need to talk, umm but you guys seem a bit uncomfortable.”

They blushed. “Would you mind taking your cocks out for a moment?”

Cress, Cilan, and Chili looked at each other, surprised at the strange request. They had come this far, why not?

Chili practically broke his button off undoing his fancy pants. Hard cocks sprang into the air. “Good, I didn’t want you to make a mess in your pants!”

Before they could question what he meant. “Sweet Scent!” Ash’s move released some powerful pheromones into the room. A chorus of moans followed as people and pokemon alike, relaxed and felt their libido’s surge.

In seconds Pikachu, Oshawott, Tepig, Summer, Chili, Cilan, and Cress all came together. The orgasms were entence bringing the brothers to their knees, and his pokemon melting into the mattress.

“Okay...let’s begin…”


Everyone was allowed to collect themselves before Ash explained anything. The gym leaders tucked themselves back into their pants, Ketchum was able to put on pants. The Pokemon recovered but no one was going into their balls, until they were sure Ash was safe.

Ash filled them in on everything, how he rescued a Deerling, entered the veil of mist, was lost to time for a bit, drank some sacred waters and became a hybrid. He could perform some Pokemon moves, he could hear the true voices of Pokemon, and produce a green aura now instead of blue. “This is all kinda knew to me, I’m still figuring some stuff out but this is the gist of it.” Ash bowed his head. “Please consider keeping this a secret!”

“Huddle!” Cilan called for a brother huddle.

The trio circled up and began to whisper. “So obviously we are gonna keep Ash’s secret right?”

“Absolutely!” Chili said.

“Of course!” Cress said.

They understood how they were accepting there would be others not so inclined. There might even be a few folks that would lock Ash up and do un-Arceusly experiments on him. If his secret got out there could be trouble, so it was best to keep it on lock down.

“Given our...arousal...we each have feelings for Ash yes?” Cilan asked and his brothers blushed and nodded. “And we are still gonna travel with him yes, if he’ll have us?” Another nod.

None of them were turned off by Ash’s new monster boy features, in fact if anything they found him cuter. They also never thought of mating with a Pokemon before, personal preferences aside they could all agree seeing Ash mating with his mons was beyond erotic.

Given this new information, it certainly opened up more possibilities. He was sleeping with multiple Pokemon so it meant one or all of them could have a shot. “We make a promise now, no matter what happens there will be no interference and no hard feelings.”

“Promise!” Chili and Cress said together.

“Anything else before we break?”

“Can I ask him out first?” Chili asked. Bop! Bop! “Oww!”

The huddle broke with Cilan and Cress standing up first. “We’d be happy to keep your secret!”

“Your secret is safe with us!” Cress said with a polite bow.

Chili whimpered and raised his hand up giving them a thumbs up.

“So um, why did you guys come to see me anyway, was there something wrong?”

The trio blushed. “Well about that…” Cilan rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

“You guys want to travel with me?”

“Yes!” The trio confirmed.

Cress touched his chest. “I was moved by your contest style moves and wish to learn more about them. I’ve always wanted to be a coordinator you see.”

Chili balled his hands into fists. “Our battle spoke to me, and lit a fire in my soul, I want to know more about battles and open up my own gym one day, the first fire gym in Unova!”

Cilan folded his hands. “You see I may have settled after becoming an A Class Connoisseur, but you’ve opened up my eyes, there is so much for me to learn and to grow. Not only our battle but seeing you battle my brothers, truly exceptional!” Without realizing it his work had become mundane, lacking focus, Ash had been able to defy his evaluation. He had settled, not reaching for S-Class at all.

Instead he’s found other hobbies, other interests, other things to be a connoisseur of. Subconsciously he may have been avoiding become an S-Class fearing he’d hit the ceiling and be unable to stop growing at all.

“You guys can join me!” He smiled brightly, making all three brothers blush.

‘He’s too cute!’ Was the shared thought.

“But is it okay, all three of you traveling would mean closing the gym?” He remembered how difficult the gyms in Sinnoh could be.

“That’s not a problem.” Ash blinked.

“Unova has 15 gyms in total!” Chili said.

Pikachu and Ketchum’s jaws dropped. “Fifteen!?”

Cilan smiled. “Oh yes, the Unova League wanted it’s gym leaders to have the chance to grow, so up to six gyms can be closed at a time, so there will always be 9 gyms open no matter what.”

“More than enough to get the 8 badges required to enter the league.”

Ash became deep in thought. ‘Come to think of it Gary had 10 badges back in Kanto and was going for an 11th.’ He hadn’t even thought of looking for the other gyms back then. ‘Maybe I should go for 10 here…’

“Ash?” He blinked and came back.

“Oh sorry...I got lost in thought…” He chuckled.

Ash!” Pikachu and Ash shared a look.

“Looks like we got the same idea huh buddy?”

Yes! Let’s go beyond, we can do it!” Pikachu was getting hyped up. It’d be good training.

They would be prepared for the Unova League. “Do what, what’s happening?” Oshawott asked.

Be more focused, can’t you feel it?” Summer said. Ash’s nature aura was overflowing with excitement.

Don’t talk so high and mighty!” Oshawott and Summer started a glaring match.

We gonna battle?” Tepig asked, his tail wagging.

Lots of battles and we are gonna need to win.” Pikachu said.

The brothers watched the exchange, as Ash and his Pokemon have a huddle of their own. “Can he really communicate with his Pokemon?” Chili asked amazed.

“That girl Iris mentioned this, but she didn’t believe it.” Cilan pondered.

“Given his hybrid nature it makes sense.” Cress broke down what seemed fantastical into something completely logical.

By the way master, are these guys really gonna be traveling with us?” Oshawott asked.


I don’t think we need those guys hanging around.”

Still so short sighted.” Summer said, making Oshawott glare at him. “Having humans master can trust, will only benefit him.”

Ha...these three are supposed to help protect master?”

Pikachu sighed. “Ash has had traveling companions in the past, one being a gym leader like these guys.”

Come on, we don’t need them, we can protect Ash all on our own, right guys?”

Summer hummed. “I hate to agree with him, but I wonder the same.” They did interrupt the special alone time with Ash. “Do we really need them?”

The mons turned to Tepig. “As long as they make Ash happy I don’t mind. Besides...if they hurt Ash in anyway we can roast them!” He said so cheerily it was striking.

It’s always the cute ones that are the most terrifying!’

Ash sweat dropped and chuckled nervously. Pikachu sighed, these youngsters were quite wild. “It’ll be fun guys, you’ll see!” With that said Oshawott and Summer sided with Ash, no matter what happened they’d protect him.

They cleaned up the room and headed out. Cilan, Cress, and Chili met with Nurse Joy and informed her that the Gym would be closed. “Of course, you’ll be the second gym this year to close.”

“What other gym is closed?”

“Let’s see.” She looked up the official records. “Lenora’s gym at Nacrene city.”

Ash checked the guidebook for Unova and saw that was the closest gym. “Aw man!” He hung his head.

“We can still go there, see!” Nacrene City had the first Pokemon Contest Hall. “We can compete for the Nacrene Ribbon!”

Ash got excited. “Pokemon contests?” His smile fell as he heard a familiar voice. “What a kid, don’t you know how difficult it is to be a Pokemon Trainer, but you are taking on both the gyms and the contest circuit what a joke.”

“Who is this?” Chili asked.

“Is she another companion of yours?” Cress asked.

Ash, Pikachu, Oshawott, Summer, and Tepig all made an annoyed face. “No way!”

Iris huffed feeling insulted, and she ran outside. Little did they know there was trouble on the horizon.

Team Rocket had come to Unova as well and were on a mission to analyze a strange energy signature at the Dream Yard.

Iris comes running in, holding her Axew who was glowing pink. “Oh my what happened?”

“There’s some weird pink dust falling from the sky.” The boys look outside and see that it’s true the whole city is under some weird pink light. Pokemon outside of their balls have fallen asleep and are glowing pink.

“What is happening?”

As if answering his question a woman appeared, rushing into the center with a pink pokemon. “Munna use Dream Eater!”

Yes ma’am!” Munna sucked up the energy and after the flowers on her body flash a bit, she expels a cloud.

Axew wakes up. “Hey what happened...I was having such a nice dream to…” Said dream appeared in the cloud, showing Axew evolving into a Fraxure and then into a Haxorus. “That!” He wailed reaching out for it as the cloud evaporated like vapor.

“Professor Fennel what is happening?” Cilan asked.

“I’m afraid the whole city is enveloped in Musharna’s dream mist, but that shouldn’t be possible.” There had been an experiment being performed at the Dreamyard, trying to harness a new form of energy. Her partner Musharna had been key to this project and experiment, but some bad people had wanted the power of dreams for themselves.

Musharna had fed on those terrible dreams and got sick, the energy got corrupted and exploded. She vanished and Fennel had ceased the research. “Munna had detected Musharna’s presence again, so I came back, but found things in this state.”

“Then let’s get to the dreamyard and check it out!” Ash said confidently.

“But will our Pokemon be okay?” Chili asked.

“So long as they remain in their balls they are perfectly fine.”  Fennel said.

Iris returned Axew to his ball. She looked at Ash and saw how all his Pokemon were still out. “Well you see Professor, Pikachu doesn’t like to be in his ball, and the others well...let’s just say they want to keep me safe.” The mons nodded.

“Such a kid, still don’t have proper control of your Pokemon do you?”

“There might be another way!” Ash had an idea, he let his aura flow and spread out of him, he shifted it and let it form a dome around him and his team.

“My word!” Fennel was surprised.

They walked out and as the pink mist came in contact with Ash’s barrier, it fizzled away. “Good, it worked!” He was essentially using his nature’s aura to replicate Safeguard.

“I’ve never seen such a thing before.” Fennel gasped. Cilan, Chili, and Cress, began to sweat. “But is this the power of aura?”

“Right!” The boys said quickly and together. Iris folded her arms, giving them a “I don’t buy that” look.

They race to the Dreamyard and find Team Rocket. “Not you three!” Ash groaned. “What are you doing here?”

After a quick introduction and Team Rocket’s new motto. The trio admits that they planned to harness the residual dream energy and use it to help conquer Unova. “That’s not gonna happen.”

“We’ll just see!” Jessie calls out her Woobat, but because of the Dream Mist, it instantly falls asleep and starts glowing pink. “How is the twerp’s Pokemon fine?”

“Wait...how are you fine Meowth?” Meowth was wearing a black hat and trench coat, when the light particles collided with the hat they fizzled and did nothing.

Pikachu unleashes a Thunderbolt, which is able to safely pass through Ash’s aura, it connects and knocks Woobat out. “Return!”

Oshawott and Tepig unleash some long range Water Gun and Ember. “We aren’t the same old Team Rocket you used to know.” They had gadgets, some weird umbrellas that blocked and dispersed their attacks.

“Let us help!” Cilan said. “Pansage!”

“Pansear!” Chili called out.

“Panpour!” Cress called for.

Tepig and Pansear teamed up with a Flamethrower and Ember combo, Oshawott and Panpour teamed up with a double Water Gun, and Pikachu teamed up with Pansage and they unleashed a Bullet Seed and Thunderbolt combo! That attacks hit the umbrellas and ripped them apart.

“What should I do?” Fennel asked.

“If Musharna is here, maybe you and Munna can connect with her.” She tried and it worked.

The ground shook and Musharna rose from the ground. With her finally awake the dream mist died down. “Oh Musharna!” Fennel ran over to hug her.

“So that’s the source behind the dream power. Let’s take it and bring it back to the boss.” The wicked trio activate a machine to try and capture Musharna.

“Not happening Team Rocket!” With the mist problem gone, Ash dropped the veil. “Pikachu Summer, use Iron Tail and Double Kick!” The two mons raced forward and managed to destroy their machine.

“Munna Musharna, use Psychic!” The psychic types unleashed their power freezing Team Rocket. “Let’s take them to Officer Jenny.”

“We won’t be getting caught today.” James reached into his pocket and activated a device. A black cloud erupted from it, causing both a smokescreen and caused the pair to loose focus. Team Rocket escaped using jet packs. Ash noticed they were carrying a briefcase of some kind.

They got away with some research data and a sample of the dream energy.

The experience was helpful, Fennel was reunited with her Musharna. Oshawott and Summer got to see how useful having the brother trio on the squad could be. They were certainly more helpful than the dragon girl who keeps hanging around and insulting their master.

“With Team Rocket having some of your data, you may need to continue it in case they try to use what they got for bad things.” Fennel felt Ash was right.

There was no telling what Dream Energy might be capable of in Team Rocket’s hands.

To be continued


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