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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1

AN: Warm Up story for the day

UB Breeder
Ash was not having the best go of it starting on his Pokemon Journey. He woke up late and instead of getting one of the Kanto Starters he got a Pikachu, who was disobedient and didn’t like Ash at all. Ash struggles to catch a pokemon on his own, but doesn’t have much luck. Without warning he bumps into an Ultra Beast, which attacks him and causes him to change. Ash/Trainer Cock Tail

Chapter 1

Ash’s first day as a Pokemon trainer wasn’t going well, he woke up late and instead of getting one of the Kanto starters; Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle. He instead gets a disobedient Pikachu, who shocks him as soon as meeting him.

Not wanting to be deterred or wait 6 months for another starter, Ash takes Pikachu and goes off on his journey. The little guy was being a brat, even shocking Ash’s mom and some neighbors who came to wish him luck on his journey. It only got worse as Ketchum had to physically drag Pikachu around with some rubber cord and gloves. He didn’t want to go into his Pokeball, which Ash tried to be considerate of, but the electric mouse was being SO DIFFICULT.

Things only got worse as Ash’s act of trust was met with Pikachu running off on him. “Hey!” Pikachu laughed at him and mocked him. ‘Ugh…’

He had monster balls so he hoped to catch a Pokemon that would be more obedient and nice to him. His first attempt at a Pidgey was a failure as it smacked the monster ball away from him.

Ash decided to go for a surprise attack. He took off his shoes, his vest, and set it aside with his back pack, grabbing one monster ball he snuck around, only to get tossed around by a Gust. Pikachu thought it was hilarious.

A Rattata snuck in and tried to steal Ash’s food. “Hey!” Rattata jolted and tried to run. Frustrated with how this was going Ash threw the ball hard and it smacked the normal type, sucking him in.

Jiggle Jiggle Jiggle...Ping!

“I did it!”

“Pika?” Pikachu was stunned.

Ash was feeling amazing after his first catch, even without Pikachu’s help. The two glared at each other. “Ok Rattata, you watch my stuff, I’m gonna get us another friend.” He left the normal mouse behind as he grabbed another monster ball and his Pokedex and went off to try and catch another mon.

This bit of over confidence was gonna cost him, as unknown to Ash an Ultra Wormhole had opened up and a creature beyond anything he’s seen before. Grass rustled and Ash went to check it out. “Who’s that Pokemon?” He checked the Pokedex.

Dexter: Data not found!

“Huh?” Ash blinked.

It’s color scheme was purple and yellow, it had six legs and a tail, with two pincers near it’s mouth. It’s legs were curved and jointed like a Kingler, but it had pointy feet, the creature’s legs seemed more insect-like then crab though, the other half his legs were almost bone-like. His legs were curved and bent almost like a Galvantula’s.

The main body was a creepy purple color, the main body was like a mix of a crab/spider/scorpion. Eighty percent of his tail was a pale yellow color, and the appendage looked segmented, almost like a Raticate tail. Ash couldn’t see it but it had a second mouth inside it’s main mouth.

It didn’t have any visible eyes or nose.

This was an Ultra Beast, UB Breeder, this was an undiscovered one so it didn’t have a proper name yet. It was small but fast.

“A rare Pokemon…” Ash got excited and tried to catch it. Even if had brought a Pokemon defeating an Ultra Beast wasn’t easy.

UB Breeder turned his attention on Ash. It began to salivate.

‘Uh oh!’ The beast unleashed some kind of attack, a blue mist that washed over Ash’s body. “Gah!”

It’s attack, must have been a poison type as it began to dissolve Ash’s clothing. His shirt, his jeans, his socks, even his underwear. In seconds Ash was bare ass naked, his skin was tingling from it.

His Pokedex and monster ball weren’t effected and dropped to the ground.

He blushed and covered himself, trying to hide his 4 inch penis. The creature scurried and lunged at Ash.

Instinct took over, there was just something about this creature that screamed, “go for the face”! Casting modesty aside, Ash lifted his hands to block his face from the monster.

This was a mistake as it landed on his crotch. The purple segments of his legs stretched out, and it used it’s legs to grab his ass, locking himself to Ash’s groin. “Hey!” Ash tried to pull him off, but the harder he tugged the tighter the creature’s grip became. It’s middle legs seemed to form a belt around him, so it wasn’t letting go.

Ketchum blushed as his ass was squeezed and cheeks spread apart, exposing his virgin hole to the world. He shivered and bucked. His best efforts couldn’t get the creature off him. ‘Is this a Wrap or a Constrict?’

Things only got wilder as the creature’s tail coiled around his penis. “Ah!” He bucked as the tail squeezed his length.

UB Breeder’s tail began to work his cock, squeezing and pumping causing his length to stir and get hard. “Ah ah ah ah ah ah!” Pleasure washed through Ash like a mighty Surf.

As heat spread through him his nipples got hard and his skin grew flushed.

Being a virgin Ash didn’t last long, his dick erupting and spilling his seed. He came shooting spurt after spurt. The orgasm rocked Ash, knocking for a loop, so much so he didn’t even feel it when the creature stung him and bit him.

“Uhhhh!” His eyes fluttered. Despite cumming his penis remained hard and throbbing. The sting to his balls made his testicles increase in size as they produced more and more cum. ‘I wanna cum...I wanna cum...I wanna cum…’

The creature’s venom spread through Ash’s body changing it and enhancing it. His baby fat melted away and his muscles became more prominent, he got taller.

UB Breeder’s tail opened op and swallowed Ash’s cock, encasing his full length. It began to suck on Ash relentlessly, non stop sucking him with such gusto ash might as well had his dick in a milking machine. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh~!”

Orgasms rocked Ash’s body, pleasure countering the severe changes that were going through his body. No matter how many times he came, there was still plenty of seed to give, if anything he wasn’t coming fast enough as his balls grew larger.

The tail seemed to get tighter on Ash’s penis, but it wasn’t shrinking his penis was growing, inch by glorious inch Ketchum’s cock grew. His once four inch penis tripled in size, jumping up to a full 12 inches.

That wasn’t all as Ash felt his bones grow hot and his flesh and muscles shift as he grew a new appendage, just above his ass where the middle legs were linked something began to form.

The legs unlocked, it didn’t need to be anymore, Ash was no longer resisting. A large, fat, phallic tail grew from Ash’s body, as it grew the legs came back poking and rubbing it as it grew to great length.

As Ash’s cock tail grew out, his insides were shifting to support it. His body would now break down all food and convert it into energy, his hole now existed purely for mating, special nerve endings lining his walls to enhance anal pleasure. The boy’s entrance twitched and throbbed, slightly parting. “Hnnnn!”

He was starting to feel it in his ass, an incredible itch he wanted scratched. His new tail began to sway as his needs and desires grew. ‘I want...I want...I want…’ His tail curled and thrust into his ass.

Fire works!

As if his brain used Explosion!

He had hearts in his eyes and he came again, but now not only did his dick spit seed, his massive balls were now connected to his new tail. Spurt after spurts was pumped into Ash’s ass.

Ketchum shook and shuddered with each spurt, his no longer virgin hole experiencing new and exciting feelings. He began to fuck himself with his tail, the appendage pulling back only to dive back in to his cum stuffed channel. “Ohhh~!” It was amazing, not only was the anal pleasure fantastic and enhanced. His anal walls squeezed his appendage, making Ash gasp and shudder, it felt so good.

Feeling the friction his tail was feeling his cock twitched in want. The idea of fucking and getting fucked were laced into Ash’s mind as he had an awakening of sorts. He was evolving, becoming a beast of lust and pleasure.

UB Breeder was rather impressed with Ash’s stamina and endurance, a natural potential that would have grown with experience, but got a serious jump start.

They were at it for hours before Ash finally fainted. The beast released him and escaped through a wormhole.


Pikachu’s stomach growled. ‘Where is he?’ He yawned. ‘Did something happen to him?’ Not that he was worried. ‘Hungry…’

He spotted an apple further up the tree and he went to get it. “Spearow!”


Ash came to, hearing Pikachu scream and cry out. “Pikachu!”  He grabbed his dex and the empty monster ball and ran back, he found Pikachu being attacked by a Spearow. “Hey leave him alone!”

A rock was thrown and it hit. Ash had an amazing arm. A lump grew from the Spearow’s head and a wicked glint formed in it’s eye. “Uh oh…”

“ROW!” A cry rang out and a huge swarm of Spearow came for a fight.

Ash grabbed his stuff and his Pokemon and made a run for it. The swarm chased them all through route one, to Pikachu’s surprise Ketchum was doing his best to protect and shield him.

A storm brewed and rain pelted them. The heavy rain didn’t slow the Spearow down. Ash and Pikachu were beat up from the Spearow attacks.

He got Pikachu’s ball. “Pikachu...get inside your ball...you’ll be safe in there…” He set the ball down and stood to face the flying types.

Instead of getting in the ball Pikachu jumped, lightning struck and Pikachu unleashed a mighty blast. The lead Spearow dropped while the rest of the swarm fled.

Ash was dropped with Pikachu by his side. “You...saved me…” Pikachu licked his cheek.

The storm passed, and another mysterious Pokemon flew over head, he glowed gold and left a rainbow in it’s wake. His Pokedex couldn’t identify it either. ‘Another mysterious Pokemon…’ As it flew away it dropped a glowing feather, it’s warm light gave the two injured the strength to get up.

“Spear...row!” The Spearow got up.

“Spearow please, I’m sorry!” Pikachu couldn’t fight in this condition. Spearow was also suffering from some Paralysis, but he wasn’t backing down. ‘He’s tough.’

The flying type charged at them only for. Pop! “Rata!” Rattata came out and fought the Spearow. A well timed Tackle did the trick and knocked him out.

Ash threw the empty monster ball he had at him. Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle...Ping! Spearow was caught!

“Thanks Rattata!” The normal mouse was pleased.

The boy was spent. His instinct to protect Pikachu made his adrenaline surge, he hadn’t even realized the changes in his body. Everything happened so fast, they barely had a second to catch their breath.

He’d have to summon up more energy as he had to get Pikachu and Spearow to the Pokemon Center for treatment. Ash put the feather in his bag and raced off, completely forgetting he was butt naked.

To be continued...Nothing’s Different
As Ash runs into Officer Jenny, Nurse Joy, and even calling his Mom and Professor Oak, no one seems to notice his changes at all, the fact he’s naked, has a dick swinging down to his knees, or he’s running around in the nude nothing seems to be noticed, like it’s completely natural for him to be like this, almost like he was a Pokemon?



😂The Senshi effect is gonna be out in full, huh? Welp, one less thing to worry about! 😁 Spirited beginning, and story flows well thus far, you were certainly in your groove when writing this. 😉