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Chapter 24 

Chapter 25 Calm Before the Storm

The wave was over, they had managed to survive. Bazz-B had helped them get back to the village, it was quite the chore given he was bringing everyone back with him. The place was trashed but there were many survivors.

Ichigo’s squad rushed over and began giving treatment, there was still plenty of potions still so wounds and stamina were treated. The villagers were overjoyed, with the wave over, the remaining monsters were easily picked off and cleaned up.

It was Ichigo and his party who recovered first. “Shield Hero!”

“Ehh?” A trio raced over to him.

“Guys chill!” Bazz-B said.

“Oh you guys are Bazz-B’s party.”

“Yes!” The three of them struck a pose.

“We are the proud followers of the Bow Hero!” A tall dapper man said.

“Roll call!” Bazz-B face palmed. “Ririn!” A small girl with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes said. She was wearing a pink fur trimmed coat, with a bird themed cape and red boots. This girl was a Filolial, more precisely a Filolial Queen.

“Kurodo!” The tall dapper man said, he had glasses, a multi-color suit, a gray top hat and boots. He had a thin mustache and two-tone color hair black on the right yellow on the left. Despite his human appearance, Ichigo sensed he was a demi-human.

“Noba!” When Ichigo looked at him, the male got shy and zipped his mask closed, hiding his face. He was human but had very unique powers and abilities. If not for his fur coat, he had ninja garb. Before he had zipped up his mask he had red hair and green eyes.

“So you are Ichigo the Shield Hero master Bazz-B is always talking about.” Kurodo raced over to Ichigo, and to the orangette’s surprise he transformed into an exact duplicate of Ichigo only without the shield on him. “You are even more handsome then he described!”

Bazz-B blushed.

‘He talks about me?’ Ichigo thought, matching his blush.

Kurodo took the shield hero’s hand and kissed the back of it. It was a bit weird seeing he was still in Ichigo’s form. “Change back right now!” Grimmjow snapped.

“Eeep!” Kurodo quickly transformed back, revealing fox ears and a tail. “Please don’t hurt me!”

“Easy Grimmjow!” As soon as Kurodo backed up Ririn swooped in. “Umm hi?”

“Are you gonna be master’s wife or his husband?”

“Ehh?!” Toshiro tensed as the avian girl got close to his master.

“Do you go both ways that’s even better!”

“Ehhhhhh?!” The longer she was near him the more annoyed he became.

“Master Bazz-B is always moaning your name in his sleep and when he wakes up he’s all….” Bazz-B grabbed her and covered her mouth.

“Ririn, stop bothering Ichigo now hehehe...let’s go patrol the area make sure there aren’t any monsters left.” He dragged her off. Kurodo swiftly followed. Noba gave a bow to Ichigo before vanishing in some kind of portal.

“We’ll collect the materials for your party to.” Kuroda said.

‘Looks like he has his hands full with his party too.’ They seemed like a good team though. Ichigo noted that they were different than the party the kingdom had initially given him. ‘Wonder what that’s about.’ Then again Askin had different girls than last time, besides Bambietta(Bitch). Cang Du seemed to have the most consistent team from before.

The fight with Halibel took more out of them then the Soul Eater or the Pirate Ship Boss. The loot was pretty good. Ichigo experimented with what he could and couldn’t absorb. He took pieces from the ship and fed it to the shield.

Helm’s Wheel Shield: Nautical Boost (Small), Sail the Ship; a skill that allowed Ichigo to sail a ship with his mind/mana. The shield itself looked like a helm wheel.

Kraken Shield: Undersea Breathing (While Equipped), Ink Spray, Tentacle Counter, Tentacle Snare. Ink Creation

Soul Eater Shield: Spirit Resistance (Medium) Spiritual Attack Resistance (Medium) Sp up, Phantom Shield. Equip effects: Soul Eat, SP Recovery (Weak)

Assault Goblin Shield: ATK + 5

Lizardman Shield: ATK + 5

Parrot Wyvern Shield: Sonic Boom, Sound Wave Endurance (Medium)

Voice Gengar Shield (Parrot Form) Voice Recorder

Quiet Shield : Cone of Silence, Hush! (Temporarily steals all sound from an area for 30 seconds.

Ichigo noticed he couldn’t get any new shields from the pirate captain or the kobold thieves, but guessed the others would be able to. With such a complex boss, each of the heroes probably had a favored enemy, and thus their weapons would have favored drops. ‘I unlocked the Quiet Shield by having three gengar shields. So is it possible I’m lacking shields that would benefit from these other bosses and monsters?’

He watched Bazz-B collect materials, he couldn’t get anything from the ship or the pirate captain either. He unlocked Kraken’s Bow, Soul Eater Bow, Parrot Bow, and Thief’s Bow. ‘Just how do these weapons work.’ They were certainly a mystery.

Ichigo took stock of their levels, Renji was up to 58, Grimmjow and Toshiro were still locked at 40. Komamura was raised up to 90, Rose got up to 48. His Squad had all gained 2-3 levels. It seems fighting the boss had quite the boost to the EXP. Ichigo wasn’t able to get any exp since he was fighting alongside the other heroes. He only got 2 levels from defending the village. ‘I guess the boss drops make up for that.’

He began to prepare meals for the villagers. Cang Du’s team came to but remained at his side. Uryu got up and went for his drops. Being so close Ichigo could see what he obtained.

Bone Sword, Captain’s Blade, Kraken’s Fang, Soul Eater’s Blade, Tuning Fork Sword, Lizardman’s Fang. If he got more from his skill trees, Ichigo couldn’t see that much. It was probably only because their weapons were in close vicinity. He couldn’t see what they could do or what stats they granted.

Much to Ichigo’s surprise the girls with Askin, actually approached him for food, besides Bambietta. It was the food. The smell made their stomachs growl. “Won’t Bambi-chan be mad if we eat with the Shield Hero.” A large breasted pink haired woman said. She was Meninas, a brawler.

“She chased us off so she could have Askin-sama to herself.” A tiny blond girl said. This was Liltotto, a trap expert.

“So what she doesn’t know won’t hurt us huh?” A taller blonde said. This was Candice, a lightning magic user.

“What do you girls want?” Grimmjow growled.

“Easy tiger, we just want some food.” Liltotto said.

Ichigo eyed them. “The first bowl is free, if you want seconds you’ll have to pay.”

“Noted!” Grimmjow gave them their food.

“Fuck! Boy!” Kukaku cried out. “You can fight, you are good looking, and you can cook?” She stuffed herself, sitting next to her brother Ganju. “Are you married?”

Ichigo blushed. “I actually don’t like girls that way, I sleep with men.”

Meninas’s eyes widened. “Didn’t Bambi-chan say hey assaulted her, if he’s gay then…” She whispered.

“Shhh!” Liltotto said. “Keep it quiet.”

Unlike the other two Liltotto knew Bambietta was twisted, before the heroes came along, even as an adventurer supposedly she murdered a male adventurer she was partied with. The whole incident was hidden because of her father.

Had she not murdered one of her adventurer buddies, Liltotto wouldn’t have known either.

“That’s good, even better, my stupid brother could use someone like you!” She made Ganju blush.


“If you need help he’s an Earth Bender with our family’s talent for exploding things. I’m sure he can be useful to you.”

Ichigo had a feeling she wasn’t gonna let this go, Ganju looked ready to implode from embarrassment. “I’ll think about it.”

“Ha!” Ganju buried his face in his food. “See that little brother you got a shot to be with a real hero, don’t screw it up.”

Ganju had a look on his face he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him. To Ichigo’s surprise it did.

“Now hold on!” Ririn piped up. “If Ichigo-sama is gonna marry anyone it’s Bazz-sama!”

“Ririn!” Bazz-B face palmed.

“Ohh a wedding I do so love a wedding!” Kuroda used his magic to transform into Ichigo again, only this time he was wearing a wedding dress. Ichigo spat out his food in shock.

Renji, Grimmjow, and Rose got a nosebleed. “Oi!”

“So pretty!” Toshiro’s eyes sparkled.

“Kurodo-san you have excellent taste but Ichigo-sama would look lovelier in a dashing tux, plus black is much more his color.” Rose said.

“Like this!” His fox tail ran over his form, and now the fake Ichigo looked like a stud from out of a host club.

“Stop that!” Ichigo snapped.

“Eeeei!” Kurodo panicked and detransformed, quickly hiding behind Bazz-B.

“Oi!” Ichigo glared at him. “Don’t go running around with my face got it, I got a bad enough reputation as it is.”

“U-Understood sir…” Kurodo was sweating bullets.

“I wouldn’t let him do anything like that I promise.” Bazz-B’s and Ichigo’s eyes met, and the two had a little moment.


“This food of yours is really tasty.” Bazz tried to fill the void with eating.

“Seconds please!” Ririn cheered. “Ichigo-sama should marry Bazz-B-sama then we can have delicious food like this all the time.”

“Ichigo isn’t joining up with you guys, he’s our master!” Toshiro snapped.

“So, things can change, and Ichigo-sama is so sweet, you wouldn’t mind taking care of us too right?”

“You wanna go feathers?” Toshiro transformed into his dragon form.

“You think you scare me shorty.” Ririn transformed into a large bird. “Let’s go I’ll make a purse out of you.”

The two glared at each other, sparks flying.

“What is happening?”

“Dragons tend to have a rivalry with each other, but Dragons and Filolials are said to have a natural hatred for each other.” Renji explained.

The two started having an eating contest, the two gluttons going at it.

Bazz and Ichigo both face palmed.

“He’s not what I expected.” Meninas said.

“They weren’t kidding about being a good cook, I haven’t eaten this good in a long time.” Liltotto said.

“Let’s just hurry up and get back before Bambi freaks out on us.” Candice snapped.

“Yeah, yeah,” They finish eating.

“Thanks for the food!” Meninas said, giving Ichigo a wave.


The church was observing. “The knights will be there soon, that boy...the shield hero...he was the most effective of the heroes.”

“Do not lose hope sir, the Bow Hero did quite well.” Quilge said. Each of the four high priests had a preferred hero they support. Opie’s just so happened to be the bow.

“We can’t allow this to stand, the four heroes church must get involved.” Koga said. “At this rate the king will end up doing something foolish.”

“His hatred for the Devil of the Shield has served us so far, but…” Gerard said.

“That accursed Shield Hero is gaining favor among the people.” Driscoll said.

“If he’s allowed to join up with the faction of the Shield Hero Church, or worse yet if the Queen should return to back him…” Nodt said in worry.

“Both of those things will not happen. Quilge, do you think you can reach out to your hero and get him on our side?”

“I would be happy to!” He said with a bow.

“The rest of you, see to it that the heroes do not lose more face. If it is deemed they are false heroes it’s our duty to exterminate them.”


“Soon...this kingdom may have a new ruler in the near future, this royal family has poorly handled things, the church shall govern it all.”

To be continued...A Storm Brews

The kings knights arrive, not pleased at what’s happened, or that only Ichigo and Bazz-B did enough to hold their own in the wave. The king demands Ichigo explain, but honestly he isn’t sure himself, he planned to speak to Bazz-B about it, but something happens.


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