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Bleach parody | Tier 1

AN: Another kinda redux, added some updates and better flow to it

Chapter 1 

Chap 2 Hypnotic

Renji lay in his bedroom. The incident was a curious one, the huge hollows were brought down, but nothing like that. Momo was now riding the Captain Aizen train, she was smitten completely. She kept fangirling about the man, not that Kira was much better. The blonde couldn’t stop gushing about Gin.

Shuuhei has been in recovery. After the incident they were given time to mentally or physically recover. Ichigo had been missing for 5 days, the investigation, and interrogation of the male was also a strange factor.

He couldn't get it out of his head, Ichigo Kurosaki. He was so strong, Renji was amazed. The male made his heart race and his blood rush. No denying he was good looking, but his powers were a curiosity. ‘Hypnosis...huh…’ His penis pulsed and throbbed.

'I want to see, I want to know!'

'You want to be with him.'a dark voice echoed in his mind. He blushed, and felt his manhood twitch. He didn't know what the voice was but it sounded familiar to him somehow.

Ichigo was stuck dealing with several inquires. It made sense many soul reapers were killed as were a few students. No one knew just how so many giant hollows were able to infiltrate their testing sight. The official report was that had Ichigo not been there the death count would have been increased.

The way Ichigo handled the situation was clear, he received several letters wanting to promote him to a ranked officer, but Ichigo declined. “I will join the ranks once my training at the academy is complete.” So he said and left. He’d be responding to the letters rejecting them. Squad 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, and 13.

Renji tensed sensing Ichigo's return. 'He's back.' He ran out to see him but he wasn't the only one. There was a crowd of students, not just the ones he saved, the story was well told. His fans had only increased in number.

He was getting requests left and right, some guys wanted Ichigo to train them, people were asking Ichigo to show of his zanpakuto, some girls were seeking private lessons from him, and even a few were asking for dates. “Sorry that's not possible, I'm a student just like anyone else. Excuse me.” he made his way through the crowd.

“Oi Ichigo,” the boy spotted Renji. “Let's talk alone.”

“Sure,” they went off.

Rukia noticed. ‘What’s he up to?’

“Anybody who follows will get an ass kicking!” the red head snapped. The crowd dispersed going back to their own training and lessons. Ichigo couldn’t help but chuckle.

The two walked in silence till they found a rather secluded spot. “Here is good!” He rubbed the back of his head. “So umm, you’re looking good.”

“Always the charmer aren't you Renji? How is everyone?”

“Oh, Kira and Momo are fine, Shuuhei is still recovering, but he's not in any life threatening danger.” Renji remembered how Ichigo and Shuuhei interacted and couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy.

“That's good.” he breathed a sigh of relief.

‘He’s worried about Hisagi?’ Another pang of jealousy.

“Listen Ichigo, I was wondering if you and I could spar.”

“A spar?” he raised a brow at the red head.

“Yeah, I mean it'd be a way for us to test out both of our skills.” he says, though Ichigo isn't buying it.

“What are you after Renji?”

“I don't know what you mean?” he couldn't look Ichigo in the eye.

“You are lying to me, true a spar would be a good way to test our skills, but that's not why you want to spar with me.”

“I uh...want to see your zanpakuto.” The words were innocent enough but the tone in his voice was rough. Giving the words a rather perverted edge to it. Ichigo's eyes widened and Renji blushed. “No I mean I want to see you release.”

It was Ichigo's turn to blush a little, while Renji's whole face turned red. He began stuttering and what was coming out of his mouth just sounded worse and worse. “I wanna cross swords with you...not like that...damn it...”

Ichigo put a hand on his shoulder. “Okay Renji, I get it.” he drew his sword. “You want to see my sword's power first hand. I'll spar with you.”

“Really!” Renji couldn’t help but smile, the two took a fighting stance.

Ichigo's reiatsu began to rise. “Flutter Hypnotic Butterfly.” his zanpakuto transformed. Renji shivered under Ichigo's pressure. The red head tried to keep his footing. “Get ready, my zanpakuto draws on my own energy to create particles.” he waved his sword releasing the particles. The golden dust appeared, more and more.

With a flick of the wrist he launched the attack. Renji tried to dodge, but the particles changed directions. “I can control the particles until they burn out.” The red head tried to block the attack, but was thrown back.

'Crap he's strong.' he got up. 'So this is the power of a zanpakuto.' His power surged and he tried to push back against the particles.

He rushed at Ichigo and slashed, he cut through the boy only for the body to morph into a butterfly. “What the hell?”

“Dance of the butterfly,” the butterfly returned to Ichigo's zanpakuto. “It can create illusions.”

Ichigo was suddenly behind him. “I can control anything I cut even a small nick is all it takes.” The blade slides along Renji's shoulder.

“Ohhh!” Renji shudders and his eyes glazed over. “Listen to me Renji, I want you to remove your clothes. As each article is removed I want you to be honest, I want the bare truth.”

He obeys, Ichigo watches as his naked skin was exposed. Soon his clothes lay in a pile and his semi hard dick stood at attention. Ichigo walked up to him and caressed his firm muscles. His hand trailed down from his pecs across his rock hard abs. He admired Renji’s tattoos.

“You have a good size Renji.” his hand reaches his crotch, feeling his nest of pubes, before caressing his hard flesh. Renji was atleast 8 inches long with a lot of girth. His words stroked the boy's ego, and his manhood hardened. “Anything you want to say to me?”

“I missed you,” he confessed. “I was worried when you didn't come back, and thought you got whisked off to one of the squad positions.”

“I am not ready for that yet.” He gripped Renji’s penis and pumped it firmly.

“But you are so strong!” he bucked into Ichigo's grasp.

“But I can become stronger,” he releases the male's cock and the red head bucked. “You can become stronger to Renji.”

“Please don't stop, touch me more.” His cock began to leak pre. Ichigo spread the essence along his shaft.

“Do you like that?” he fondles Renji big balls instead and the male trembles.

“Yes!” his pre runs down his cock.

“Touch yourself Renji, show me how much you want me.”

Renji doesn't hesitate he reached down and began pumping himself. “Ichigo!” the pre spread evenly, allowing him to jerk himself faster.

His body glistened with sweat, his body flushed with arousal. He jerked himself faster and faster, his thumb rubbing the sensitive head. “Are you close?”

“Yes...so close...Ahh!”

“Don’t cum yet Renji.” The red head groaned as a mental cock ring was slapped on him. “But don’t stop.”

With a groan Renji kept playing with his penis. “Why did you want to see my zanpakuto?”

“I...I saw what you did with the hollows, I wanted to see it again.” Renji gulped and licked his lips. “I wanted you to use your power on me.”


“Please...I don’t know I…” His eyes closed and Ichigo cupped his cheek.

“You do know, tell me, sink down deep for me and find the answer.” Renji obeyed, the truth he may have been too proud to admit being found deep down.

“I wanted you to control me, I needed to be under your sway!” His hips were rocking, the need to cum burning from his loins and through his veins. “I don’t understand why...but I wanted it...so badly…”

He leaned into Ichigo’s touch, heat and desperation in his eyes. Kurosaki had a warm smile on his face. “Good boy, now cum for me!”

Renji came...hard, his seed erupting and splattering his chest and abs, thick ropes of cum painting his body.  He dropped to his knees, as his orgasm washed over him. Ichigo leaned down and whispered. “Wake up,” Renji blinked.

He gasped, as he felt the wind brush across his naked body. “Gah I'm naked,” he quickly covered his crotch, only to blush harder as he felt his fresh cum on his body. 'Oh fuck what did I do?' His pecs and abs were a mess of cum, with the ground in front of him sharing in the mess.

You were under his control, and you enjoyed it.’ A voice spoke to Renji, making the red head shiver.

Ichigo collected some of the cum off his chest. Renji's eyes watched as the slick fingers went to his lips and Ichigo licked some of the cum away. It was so hot Renji got a nose bleed. “I think you are strong Renji, stronger than you know. I believe you are close to awakening your own zanpakuto very soon.”

“Uhh Ichigo,” he remembered what Ichigo said about his zanpakuto being hypnotic. The cut he had was gone and he had a butterfly mark on him.

“I’ve left my mark on you, given your sexy tattoos, I don’t think anyone will notice it.”

“Your mark?” Abarai shivered. “You think my tattoos are sexy?”

“Indeed.” Ichigo placed a hand over his mark.

“Ohhh!” Renji blushed, feeling Ichigo’s power wash over him.

“I’ve marked you, which means I can take control of you at any time.”

“You what?!” Renji wanted to be mad, but his hard cock gave him away. The idea clearly excited him. “Shit!”

“You like being in my control don’t you?”

“What?!” He looked away. “No! Who would like that, that’s weird right?”

“Relax!” Renji did, a wave of relief washed over him, physically and mentally relaxing.

“I've decided, we can train together, we'll push each other and reach new heights.”

“You mean it?” He smiled, and Ichigo nodded.

“Indeed, but I’m gonna set up some ground rules, when we spar we are gonna do so naked.”

“WHAT?!” The idea of sparring naked flashed in his mind.

“Oh yes,” Ichigo got close to him. “And Renji you are super sexy when you are honest.” He cupped the male's cheek and captured his lips. Renji's eyes widened and the kiss lasted to short in his opinion. Before he knew it he came again, adding to the mess on the ground.

Despite two orgasms Abarai was still hard and wanting. His eyes roamed up Ichigo’s figure, catching the sight of the orangette’s bulge, before landing on his smirking face.

“I uhh got to go, see you at the training hall tomorrow!” he grabbed his clothes and ran off naked. Ichigo watched him scramble his hard penis bobbing away and admired his ass when he darted off.

“See you tomorrow Renji!” Those final words lit a fire in the red head. He went to his room to get a shower, and he stroked his cock as images of Ichigo swam in his head. A fantasy of him jerking off as Ichigo watched prominent in his mind, he wanted to do more!

“Fuck!” Renji came, the shower washing away the evidence of what happened. His hand came up and touched the butterfly mark, it felt like Ichigo was still here with him.

Ichigo smiled at his work. 'Now Renji should be protected. I won't let any harm come to him.' It was a little known fact about hypnotic or mind altering zanpakuto that they were typically first come first serve.

'You should mate him king, that red head cutie is a fine piece of ass.' Ichigo twitched.

'Don't be so vulgar. He is cute though, and strong to.'

'Aww King you are in love.' Ichigo sealed his zanpakuto and sheathed his sword.


Renji went to his bed. 'That boy likes you.' Renji blinked as the voice seemed to echo. 'You are lucky to have someone like him.' Renji blushed.

‘Shut up!’ Renji pulled a pillow over his head.

You bared your truth to him and he didn’t shun you. You should tell him the truth.’

‘What truth?!’

The truth that you love him!’ Renji didn’t get much sleep, tossing and turning in heated frustration. The strange voice in his head teasing him.

“I gotta talk to Ichigo tomorrow.” He thought he was going crazy. 

To be continued


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