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Bleach parody | Tier 1

AN: Slight Redux, was working on an update for this, saw I hadn't posted it here so upgraded chapter 1 a bit.

5th Division Kurosaki

Ichigo Kurosaki a soul reaper with a rather unique zanpakuto.  He ends up in squad 5 as none other than the lieutenant to Sosuke Aizen.

Chap 1 Butterfly

Ichigo Kurosaki was the eldest son of the Kurosaki clan. He had a rather unique power, and despite his advanced power he didn't want any special treatment he wanted to go through the academy. Though rumor has it he already knew the name of his zanpakuto.

The teen had orange hair it already made him stand out. He was handsome and fit.

At the academy…

Renji Abarai, a red haired soul reaper. He was already placed in the advanced classes. Much to the annoyance of his friend Rukia. “How did an idiot like you get put in the advanced classes?”

“Shows what you know, why do you care about the advanced classes anyway?” Renji asked the raven haired girl.

“Shows what you know?” she threw back at him. “Everyone is talking about it, the Kurosaki heir is attending school and he's in the advance classes.” she swooned.

“Give me a break.” he face palmed. “So some rich kid is in school big deal.” they arrived at the academy. There was a crowd of female and male reapers gathered around.

“Is it him, can you see him?” Rukia was trying to push through the crowd, but no luck. The crowd was murmuring.

“He is so cute.”

“He's dreamy!”

“He’s gorgeous!”

“I wonder if he has a boyfriend.”

“Or girlfriend.”

“Maybe both!”

Ichigo had no idea what was going on, he was simply reading his book. A zanpakuto strapped to his waist. The orangette wasn’t blind or deaf, he was just trying to focus on his reading, ignoring the crowd.

“Renji give me a boost I can't see!” Rukia kept jumping up and down, but she was too short to see over the crowd.

“Jeez, how ridiculous.” Renji saw a tree with a few branches. “I'm gonna get a good look at this guy.” he climbed up the tree.

He gave Rukia the impression of a monkey.

“Renji get down, what if you fall?”

“Shut up I'm not gonna fall.” He shifted to get a look at this Kurosaki guy. ‘Let’s see what’s so special about...’ Crack, the tree branched cracked under Renji's weight. “Oh crap!” before he could see Ichigo the branch gave out.

“Moron!” Rukia shouted.

Before he could fall and break his neck the orangette scooped him out of the air, catching him and landing safely.

“You okay?” Renji looked up at the orange haired teen.

‘Oh wow!’ His hair was eye catching, but what stood out was his handsome features. The orangette looked like he could be a model or something. He blushed realizing he was being carried bridal style.

“I'm fine!” he struggled to escape the male's hold. Ichigo was handsome alright, his warm, like chocolate, eyes peering into the red head's eyes.

“Okay!” Ichigo released him and he fell flat on his rear.

“Owww!” Renji glared at Ichigo.

He smiled down at him. “What? You said you were fine right?”

The red head blushed. He got up and quickly brushed himself off. Some of the students laughed at Renji, while swooning over how cool Ichigo was. The orangette paid them no mind. His eyes remained focused on Renji.

He noticed and shot Ichigo a glare. “What?”

“Nothing!” He turned around, making Abarai shake in a mix of anger and frustration.

Bells chimed signaling it was time for class, everyone scattered and went to their respective classes. Ichigo walked off. 'That pompous jerk, I don't care if he's from a fancy clan, I'll show him.'

“What are you doing Renji, why didn’t you thank him for saving you.”

He crossed his arms. “He didn’t save me!”

To Renji's luck be it good or bad, Ichigo was in his class. He stood out along with a girl named Momo, and a boy named Kira. Momo did quite well in kido class, but Kira was by far superior to her in that aspect.

'Damn it, I won't lose to that guy either.' he glared at Kira as he stepped up to the starting line. He spoke the spell for Red Flame Cannon...Boom!

The spell blew up and smoke filled the room. Ichigo had acted fast and erected a barrier. Poor Renji had scorched off his upper clothing leaving him shirtless and his pants singed. He coughed.

Kira looked at him in shock. “He's insane, he could have killed us all.” he looked from Renji to Ichigo. 'On the other hand that guy created such a powerful barrier so fast, he's amazing.'

“Abarai 20 laps!” the instructor shouted.

“Yes sir,” he got up and had to run. The first day and he already ruined his uniform and made a fool of himself. Abarai was frustrated, and the next class was sword training. Renji went up against Kira, and he overwhelmed him with his raw power.

Kira may have been good with kido, but in terms of sword play he was no match for Renji. He got knocked back and landed flat on his ass. Some girls rushed to his side. “How can you be so mean?”

“That was cruel Renji!”

“Apologize!” He twitched at the glares he was hit with.

“Tch!” he turned his head away. Ichigo stepped up.

“Renji, is it? Fight me.” he took a fighting stance.

“Sounds good to me.” The two clashed, and everyone watched the intense fight. As Ichigo blocked Renji's attacks one after the other, Renji got madder and madder. 'Damn it why can't I hit him, he's just some spoiled kid.'

“You are quite skilled.” Ichigo says, surprising Renji.

“Are you mocking me?” their swords clashed.

“No, you have power and tenacity. Right now your skills are wild and unrefined, given time your skills will form a mighty blade.” Ichigo moved fast, and he disarmed Renji, pointing his sword at his throat. “Get stronger Renji.” he sheaths his sword and turns his back on the red head.

'What the hell?' Renji was stunned. Class ended for lunch, Renji went outside to relax, he couldn't get what Ichigo said out of his mind. 'I need to refine my skills? He was holding back I could tell, what was that thing Rukia said, he knows the name of his zanpakuto?'

Kira showed up. “Hey there.”

“Ohh Kira right, sorry for what happened in class.” he rubbed the back of his head. “I was riled up and took it out on you, my bad.”

“It's fine, I'm sure we all have our days like that.” he sat down beside Renji. “That orange haired guy, his name is Ichigo right?”

“Yeah, have you heard of him?”

“A bit, I know he's a member of the Kurosaki clan, but other than that it's all just rumors. I've heard he denied placement in squad 10, lot of rumors have said he knows the name of his zanpakuto and can release it.”

“No way, he's that skilled, he'd be a member of the 13 court guard squad already.” Learning the name of one’s zanpakuto and gaining shikai was what let one get into the higher ranks of a squad, one couldn’t be a lieutenant without that.

“I know right? No one knows why, but here he is.” They spotted him walking around, he seemed to be trying to find a quiet place to read and eat his lunch. Some other students kept following him. “Poor guy, can't catch a break.”

“Makes you wonder if he is truly capable of releasing his zanpakuto as they say.” Renji crosses his arms. It was posturing at best, he had crossed swords with the boy. He felt the power behind the boy's sword. ‘He’s strong...’

A new crowd was gathering. “What's going on?”

Momo passed by and stopped. “It's a captain and his lieutenant they are paying a visit.” Renji and Kira had to see this. They went over to the crowd, and there he was Sosuke Aizen and his Lieutenant Gin Ichimaru. They resonated an air of power and grace.

The two smiled and waved at those that came to greet them. ‘He’s so handsome!’ Momo thought gazing at Captain Aizen.

Among the group Ichigo was spotted. 'That boy…' he walked over to him.

Ichigo gave a bow. “Hello captain, my name is Ichigo Kurosaki, it is an honor to meet you.” Aizen eyes him, his heart rate increasing a bit.

“Ahh so you’re of the Kurosaki clan, what’s a noble like you doing here?” Gin asked.

“Don’t be rude Gin.” Aizen said.

“Sosuke Aizen,” he offers his hand to the teen. 'Let's see how he handles my power.' Ichigo takes it and Aizen released a controlled burst of his spiritual pressure. Now a normal or even a weaker shinigami would crumble under his intense spiritual pressure.

Ichigo however didn't seem affected by it at all, in fact his power seemed to just bounce off his own and was thrown right back at him. Aizen shuddered, the pulse radiated across his very being.

Aizen smirked. “I hope to see you at the division placement, please keep squad 5 in mind.” He walked off with Gin in tow, the fox looking man chuckling. 'Ichigo Kurosaki, he will play a part in my plan.'


The academy days continued on, Ichigo doing well in his classes. Renji kept a close eye on him looking for any sign of his true power. He hadn't seen it yet, but asking him was not an option, it was, but it wasn’t.

Abarai was playing detective trying to solve the mystery that was Ichigo Kurosaki. He wasn’t like other nobles.

No major incidents occurred until a field training exercise. Where the students were placed in teams of four, and led by an advanced student.

Renji, Kira, Momo, and Ichigo were placed under Shuuhei Hisagi. It was supposed to be a simple field mission facing faux hollows. Shuuhei went up to Ichigo.

“So you are the Kurosaki heir?” the raven asked.

Ichigo sighed. “Yeah and?”

“I have heard you are strong, after this I'd like a spar with you.”

“And I've heard about you, you are strong. They say you already got a seat in any division of your choosing.”

Shuuhei smirked. “There is only one squad I'm interested in. So...that spar?”

“I'll think about it.” he says and closes his eyes.

Shuuhei got closer to him, close enough to whisper. “If a spar is not an option how about a date.” Renji overheard this and found a pang of jealousy and annoyance with Shuuhei.

Ichigo chuckled. “Let's see if you can handle me in a spar first.” The portal opened up and the students headed to the world of the living.

No one could have predicted what was to pass.

Giant Hollows, capable of complete masking of their presence appeared. They slaughtered so many soul reapers.

Shuuhei ordered the students to run. Kira was frozen in fear, especially when the first big hollow called in more. Shuuhei was wounded as he tried to fight them.

Ichigo didn't run. “Come on what are you doing, he told us to get out of here.”

“Renji, take Kira and Momo and get out of here.” he drew his sword.

“What about you, you can't beat them all on your own. There are too many and they are too big!”

“Yeah so? In the end I can't just run away.” His spiritual pressure increased. The hollows felt him and turned their focus onto him. Renji was shocked, but still felt his resolve strengthen.

He took a fighting stance. “Damn it!” he was about to run in and help Ichigo but Momo stopped him.

“Stop it you'll just get yourself killed.”

“Let me go Momo!”

“Flutter...” the trio behind him stopped as butterflies made of reiatsu appeared. “Hypnotic Butterfly.” His zanpakuto changed, the handle changed to a purple and orange color, a white ribbon hanging from the base of the handle.

The blade didn't change but gained 12 black butterflies across the blade. “Come hollows.” he swung his blade in the air.

The original giant hollow roared, it rushed at Ichigo and bit him. “Ichigo!”

“I'm fine,” Ichigo's body vanished into light. The hollow roared as he was destroyed from the inside a butterfly all that was left. The butterfly fluttered and went back into Ichigo's blade. “You should be careful, when my butterflies flap their wings they release scales that are deadly.”

The hollows roar and rush at Ichigo. “Dance of the Scales!” He swung his blade and released a swirl of golden particles. Despite their large size they were cut through like butter.

There were still plenty more. Ichigo cut one with his sword. The giant beast froze. “Those are your enemies!” it turned on it's comrades and began to devour them.

Hypnotic Butterfly – Release: Flutter – Capable of controlling anything it cuts. Also the butterflies on the blade can be let loose they hypnotize anything they touch and can mesmerize anything that sees them. The one's on his blade can release particles made of Ichigo's reiatsu, gather enough of them can be deadly. His techniques come out in dances. His power is first come first serve, once he has control of someone they cannot be controlled by anyone else.

The hollows took out the controlled one and devoured him. It was a dog eat dog world for hollows and they had no need for the weak.

“We don't have time for this, Dance of the Butterflies!” he spun his blade and created butterflies from his reiatsu. The hollows were drawn to them and completely forgot about the soul reaper students. “Let's go.” he lifted Shuuhei up.

“You really can release your zanpakuto.” Renji says.

“Later, we need to get out of here.” Ichigo responds and they begin to move towards the group of three.

“Why? You are awesome, you can totally beat these guys.” Kira says.

“Don't be stupid!” Ichigo snapped. “Just because I can release my Zanpakuto doesn't mean we are safe.” A loud clap was heard. “Damn!”

The hollows had finished off his distraction. Now they were pissed. “Why do you think I joined the academy?” Ichigo asks passing Shuuhei off to Kira. The four don't answer. “I learned my zanpakuto's name and discovered my power at a young age, but so what? Do I just sit by my family's title, hell no.” he took a fighting stance. “I want to get stronger, to hone my power, to make it a mighty blade so I can protect all I care for.”

Ichigo's powers spiked and the butterflies appeared on his sword once more. “Grow strong, and keep reaching new heights, refine your sword and your spirit. Be someone who fights to protect!” these words Ichigo had etched into himself.

“Well said,” the appearance of Gin and Aizen to the scene was a shock but welcome sight. Gin and Aizen made quick work of the hollows.

Ichigo breathed a sigh of relief. He fell back and his zanpakuto reverted back to normal. 'That was dangerous, I'm still weak I must get stronger.'

'You did fine, you were holding back after all, if you wanted you could have slaughtered those big ass hollows all on your own.' his zanpakuto spoke to him.

'But if I went all out, those four would have been put in danger, and our peeping tom would have seen to. I don't think the others noticed.'

'Tch you are too nice for your own good. Do as you like and refine your power, just don't get yourself killed got it?' Ichigo gave a light nod.

To be continued


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