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Wererabbit's Rule

It's  not impossible for a monster to want to take over the world. Conquer a  kingdom, kidnap a prince or princess, and all around cause mischief. For  one Wererabbit he has plans to conquer the world, celestia help those  that get in his way. 

Chap 1 King of the Forest

A  young Wererabbit was walking down a dirt path. He had long furry legs  and big feet, and he had the cutest bunny tail. His upper half was  human, except he he could morph his arms into rabbit paws, the fur went  up to his elbow. The were man had short black hair and long bunny ears a  top his head. He was wearing short shorts with straps over his  shoulders, there were two knife holders on the straps and he had a belt  with another two knife holders and two pouches for items. 

Outside  of that he didn't have much else equipped. Not much need for to many  weapons and armor being a monster. Monsters have high stats when it  comes to HP and Magic, DEF and ATK power are a given, but the ace of a  Wererabbit was his Speed and Stamina.

The Wererabbit had traveled far from his home and was heading towards a vast forest. “Young Monster, please stop.” 

“Hmm?”  he turned and saw a fortune teller on the side of the road. He had a  little table, and seemed to be using a floating cushion. He had a  crystal ball in his hands. “What do you want with me?” 

“I am merely here to give warning, the forest you are about to enter is a magical place.” 

“You don't say, I have been sensing some magical power from here for some time.” 

The fortuneteller chuckled. “Of course, a monster's senses are quite sharp. Yet you don't know the history of this forest.” 

“That is true, will you tell me?” 

“Hehe, first you must offer me information in return. Nothing is free.” 

“And what if I choose to take the information by force?” his arms morphed into bunny paws. 

“If you were really that kind of monster, I would have let you go into the forest without warning.” 

“Very well,” he sat down. “How does this work?”

“Simple  you offer information about yourself, something I can't already see.”  he pointed at the male. “Like you are a Wererabbit, you are male, you  have orange and green eyes, etc.” 

“What if what I have to say upsets you?” the fortune teller smiles.

“It matters not, as long as it is the truth.” 

“Very well, My name is Igasu.” 

“A lovely name, this forest is called the Forest of Life.”

“Forest  of Life? Hmm...” he looked at the fortune teller who was smiling. “My  favorite color is blue,” the fortune teller made a hand gesture saying  he needed more. “I am a herbivore, my favorite foods are vegetables  and...semen.” he confesses blushing. The fortune teller smiles and gives  him a thumbs up. “Tell me what's so special about this forest to be  called this?” 

“This  forest has trees as old as time itself, yet they do not age. Every  plant in this forest has healing powers, there are even healing  springs.” 

“Hmm, this place would make a great base of operations.” 

“I'd advise against this, I did warn you this place is dangerous.” 

“You did, but why?” the fortune teller smiled. 

“Tell me why a Wererabbit has ventured so far from their territory.” he stood up, looking away from the fortune teller. 

“You wouldn't like the answer.” 

“I already told you the answer is information, so long is it's not lies I have no use for lies.”

“Very  well, I plan to take over the world, bring it under the rule of  Wererabbits.” the orb glowed blue, and the fortune teller chuckled. 

“Very  well I wish you luck with your conquest. Now for my end of the deal.  This forest was empty for some time, but a Werewolf has staked his claim  on it.”

“A  werewolf!” he turned towards the forest. If he had gone in there  without such knowledge he'd be overtaken in a second. “Troublesome but  not impossible to defeat.” 

The fortuneteller chuckled. “Interesting, interesting I look forward to what you tell me next time.” 

“Next  time?” he turned to look back at the fortune teller only to find him  gone, table and all. 'He's gone?!' he sniffed the air but found no trace  of him. “How strange, but he was right about one thing information is  power.” 

If  he was going to make this forest his base he would have to move. Calm  and casually, he entered the forest. Despite his appearance his body was  on full alert. His ears searching out for any sign of noise. 'If this  is going to work, I have to avoid his first attack. Upon entering his  territory he's no doubt sensed my presence, he will plan to strike me  down if I don't dodge that first blow it's over.'

Igasu's  ears twitched at the slightest movement. He was gonna have a hair's  difference between victory and defeat. Werewolves were a pack creature,  but often enough one will seclude themselves. 

If he was up against a pack, he'd stand no chance. A lone wolf however, had weakness. 

He  heard it, the shifting of the dirt beneath powerful paws, the light  rustle of leaves, the wolf was loose. Igasu jumped and flipped avoided  the werewolf's claws. He landed the wind from his speed catching up to  him. 

“Not  bad, not many have ever dodged my first attack.” They were equal in  height if you didn't count Igasu's ears. He had tan skin, no doubt from  sun bathing atop the trees. He had dark brown fur that went nicely with  his skin, his hair was short and messy, with wolf ears on the side. He  had a long wolf tail and his lower half was pure wolf, and the fur on  his arms reached up to his shoulders. He was bare chested, showing off  rock hard pecs and abs, his only clothing was a pair of shorts that went  down to his knees, baggy at that. “What's a little rabbit doing in my  forest?”

“I  am here to take this forest, surrender peacefully and I'll show you  kindness.” The werewolf was stunned for a moment but only for a moment.  He barked with laughter, tossing his head back. 

“You  don't know who you're dealing with. I'm Ruga, and this is my forest!”  he howled. “And if you don't want to end up as my personal fuck toy  you'd better run along little rabbit.” 

“I am Igasu, and I don't run from a challenge.” his arms morphed into bunny paws. “We'll see who ends up who's bitch.” 

The werewolf smirked. “Ohh you got some fire to ya.” he cracked his paws. “That's good you'll make a fine bitch.” 

They  circled each other waiting for the right chance to strike. This was the  way of were creatures, sizing the other up, looking for weaknesses. In  an instant the two vanished, and began to clash. 

Paw  for paw, kick for kick, blow for blow. They seemed evenly matched, or  so it appeared. 'Now I'll grab him by his furry ears, and when he dodges  I'll grab him with my teeth.' the werewolf thought. 

Ruga grabbed him by the ears, expecting the wererabbit to retreat. Instead...POW

Igasu  punched him right in the gut, the force made him let go of his ears.  Not only that he was sent flying into the nearby tree. Wham!

He  cracked the tree and he coughed, the wind getting knocked out of him.  To Igasu's surprise the tree healed itself. 'Amazing!' but he was back  on guard as the werewolf got up. 

“Hehehe, not bad, but let's stop fucking around!” he released his aura. 

Igasu did the same. 

“Wolf Rush!” he charged at Igasu. 

Monster  Encyclopedia: Wolf Rush: A technique used by all werewolves and  wolfmen. By harnessing one's aura it amplifies speed and power. 

“Bunny Blitz!” Igasu countered and the two clashed. Sparks flying as their claws/paws met. 

Monster Encyclopedia: Bunny Blitz: A technique similar to Wolf Rush, using one's aura to amplify their speed and power. 

Igasu  blocked one of Ruga's kicks, with his arms, and he got thrown into a  tree. He corrected himself, using the tree as a spring board. His aura  flared and he shot forward, making an x with his arms he slammed into  the werewolf. 

He skidded back. “Wolf Rend!” 

Monster  Encyclopedia: Wolf Rend: A technique used by wolfmen and werewolves, by  focusing one's aura into their claws. Can be used to launch a long  range attack, but is more powerful close range.

With  one flick of his claws he sent blades of energy flying at Igasu. He  dodged, but Ruga was on him in a second. “Now I got you!” Igasu did a  back flip and dodged his claw but it made a huge crater in the ground.  “You are fast little rabbit but sooner or later I will catch you.” 

“Not if I kick your ass first, Bunny Pummel!” he rushed forward, arms thrusting forward wildly. 

Mon  Encyclopedia: Bunny Pummel: A barrage of fists infused with aura. They  punch so fast it almost looks like they have multiple arms. 

The  werewolf got a wicked glint in his eye. He started dodging for a bit,  before he suddenly grabbed Igasu by the paws. “Funny thing about the  technique, it may look like you have multiple arms, but if I grab you  you can't do much can you?” He leaned in close and sniffed Igasu's hair.  “Hmm you smell good!” 

“Bunny Pummel – Revised!” Wham! The werewolf got knocked for a loop as his feet sprung up and he let out a barrage of kicks. 

“Flexible  to,” he coughed. “Don't think you've won.” he grabbed some nearby  berries and popped them into his mouth. Igasu's eyes widened as the  male's aura glowed green and his wounds healed. “You've just gotten me  more excited.” he groped the front of his crotch, showing the obvious  bulge of his erection. 

“I see this forest is quite powerful.” 

“Indeed  it is, and it's mine as you soon will be.” his aura ignited again and  he began to dash about using the trees as spring boards boosting his  speed. “Wolf Rend!” as he zipped around he let loose a barrage of  blades. 

Igasu dodged at first, but was forced to retreat into the air. 

“Got  you!” he jumped into the air, readying to deal a finishing blow. Just  as he was about to swipe him with his claws, it looked like the  wererabbit stepped in the air and he jumped! “What?!” 

“Sky Hop!” he jumped and flipped over him. 

Monster  Encyclopedia: Sky Hop: A technique used by wererabbits and rabbit  beastmen. Thanks to their powerful legs and a bit of aura they are able  to jump in mid air. 

“I'm  betting you can't dodge in mid air. Now it's my turn!” his paw began to  spark with what looked like electricity. “Lightning Paw!” he hit the  werewolf dead on, releasing the full force of his technique. 

“Ahhhhhhhhh!”  A mix of pleasure and pain hit him at once. Despite himself, the  electric shock that surged through his body effected all his erogenous  zones. Since he was aroused before the attack he came hard soaking his  shorts.

Monster  Encyclopedia: Lightning Paw: One of the great elemental paw techniques,  only two paw techniques can be learned at a time. Drawing on the power  of lightning they channel it into their paws and give a thrust motion  striking their target. The lightning paw was used for combat but was  later used in the bed room, as when used on someone who is aroused  forces

Ruga  dropped to the ground, his body twitching, his cock still hard, and he  was still leaking cum. His eyes rolled up and his tongue hung out of his  mouth. 'Shit, my body is totally numb, I can't move!' he whimpered. 

Igasu  went over to him, and yanked off his shorts, exposing his ass. Ruga  simply yelped, and his cock let out another stream of cum. “Do you  surrender?” 

Ruga  wanted to say no, but with his long 8 inch dick hanging out, wet and  still leaking cum, and his manhole pulsing like mad. He panted loudly,  his body still tingling from the attack. “N-N-N-No...” he stuttered out.

“Very  well.” he rolled Ruga over, he grabbed him by his furry legs and spread  them wide. He brought his furry foot to the werewolf's cock. Ruga's  eyes widened at the sudden burst of pleasure as the soft pads came in  contact with his hard dick. 

“Mmhhmm,” the pads were so soft. Igasu began to move his foot back and forth, making the werewolf howl. “Ahhhhh!” 

His  penis spasmed, he was too sensitive, and soon blew his load all over  his pecs and abs. Igasu didn't stop, he kept rubbing the sensitive  penis. 

All  the werewolf could do was claw at the earth, his tail wagging as he was  milked orgasm after orgasm. His tongue hung out of his mouth, as he  panted like a bitch in heat. 

Igasu  watched him paint his tan skin white. He felt him pulse against his  pads. The proud werewolf was becoming drunk on pleasure. “Do you  submit?” 

“Yes please, I submit!” 

“Then show your submission.” he tossed him a small golden egg from his pouch. “Put that inside you!” 

“Y-Yes!”  he moved shakily, and took the egg. He brought it to his manhole and  began pushing it inside. The golden egg felt warm, and began to pulse as  it kissed his hole. “It feels good!” 

Mon  Encyclopedia: Dominion Tools: There are many items known as dominion  tools. Their magical effects vary depending on the item, they usually  come in the forms of collars or bands. Their magic marks one as the  vassal to another and regardless of distance allows one to be summoned  to their master. One bound by a dominion tool can never harm their  master or betray them.

Igasu  had a very special dominion tool, these golden eggs in fact. As Ruga  pushed the egg into his ass he moaned. It felt good pulsing like mad,  teasing his manhole and inner walls. The fattest part of the egg  stretched his virgin hole wide. 

Soon  his ass swallowed the egg, and the ring of muscle closed. The egg began  to move on it's own, pulsing as it sank deep into his body. “Oh yes, oh  yes!” he moaned. 

The  golden egg sank into his ass, so deep, once settled it's magic took  effect spreading out through his whole body. “How do you feel, Ruga?”

“So good master!” he got on his knees his tail wagging. 

“Good,  now you can make your master feel good.” He undid the straps and  lowered his short shorts. From his sheath rose a very long incredibly  thick cock reaching 10 inches. 

“Master is so big!” The werewolf sniffed his crotch, humming in delight. “Smells so yummy!” 

“Get to it,” he gave a salute. 

“Yes  master!” he began to suck the wererabbit's cock, moaning in delight.  Being a monster they had no gag reflex, he happily deepthroated his rod.  His fat cock slid over his tongue and the werewolf's tail wagged with  glee. 

Tongue,  mouth, and throat were used in expert skill. It seems the werewolf was  no stranger to giving head. He bobbed back and forth, pleasing the  wererabbit. 

He  was rewarded with a pat on the head. Closing his eyes in bliss, the  werewolf doubled his efforts. 'Finally his big mouth is good for  something.' he felt his climax nearing and his furry balls lurched as he  came. 

Cum,  lots and lots, of cum erupted and were expelled from Igasu's big furry  balls. He filled Ruga's belly and mouth. 'So much cum, master!' 

The  werewolf fainted, passing out from the overload of cum. Igasu wasn't  done with him yet, or his orgasm. He painted the werewolf's face, neck,  chest, pits, abs in cum. The werewolf was filled and covered with it.  You couldn't even see werewolf in all that cum. 

His  cock slipped back into his sheath, and the wererabbit pushed into it,  filling his sheath with his jizz. He sprayed his semen all over his legs  and feet. His front was completely painted white, only his ass and back  were spared from the cum bath. This was enough to cement his dominion  over the werewolf. “Lay there and bask in the scent of my cum.” he  walked off to find a healing spring to refresh himself.

The  forest was his goal, but the werewolf was a bonus. 'He could be useful  to me.' He found a warm spring heated by a fire root tree. He sank in  sighing happily. 

He  could feel the forest shifting, it was becoming his territory now. This  place as a base of operations would prove very useful. 

To be continued

Chap 2 Dominion vs Mating A New Enemy Approaches Fear the Royal Guard


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