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Lamia Duelist

Jaden is a lamia and lives in a world of monsters. He's sad because his sisters all have their mates but he's all alone. Using a shadow charm he's able to take human form and go to the human world to find mates. He's not going alone as his sisters give him a duel monster deck infused with their power as a parting gift.  

Chapter 1  

In the world Jaden lived in was not a normal one. There were very few humans and it was ruled by monsters. He was one to, a monster that is specifically a rare breed of lamia plus he was a male lamia.  

Jaden was tough and cute, with his wild brown hair, cute pointy ears, sexy upper body, and long brown coils. His tail matched his hair, with the lighter side as his underbelly. Still no matter how much he explored no matter how much he battled he was sad.  

He kept searching for something. He knew what he was searching for a mate. His sisters all had their own mates, even his little sisters at least had 1. Everywhere he looked there just didn't seem to be anyone for him. He collapsed in the sand and decided to make sand angels.  

“Jaden what are you doing?”  

“Oh big sister, nothing...” he slumped down. He had many sisters, this one being Apophis the cobra like lamia. She had three men on her, two sucking on her breasts desperately humping against her scales and another lapping at her pussy like a man who'd been lost in the dessert for years and finally found water, his cock was securely locked in her fuck hole. The secondary opening lamias had. “A whole lot of nothing.”  

“Want to play with one of my boys, they quite enjoy anal. I've fucked them with my tail they like it.”  

“Thanks, but I want my own mate.” he folded his arms across his chest. It wasn't like lamias didn't share mates, but for Jaden it was different, since he didn't even have 1 to call his own. It was common practice, swapping mates for a time to teach them a thing or two, or to end up in an orgy pit together.   Apophis sighed, it wasn't fair really Jaden was a good looking lamia male, with two nice big cocks, he deserved to find a mate he could drive insane with pleasure.  

She went back to the village, to discuss this with the others, and the all agreed and began making preparations. When Jaden returns the lamias are waiting for him mates tucked away in their beds already. “Ehh what's going on?”  

“Jaden, we need to speak with you.” the revealed a small golden arm band in the shape of a snake. “This is a shadow charm, it will allow you to take human form and pass into another world.”  

“Another world?”  

“Yes, there are other worlds beside this one, in the world you'll be going to, they play a game called Duel Monsters.” they showed him the cards next.  

“I've fought these guys before.”  

“Yes, in this world they are as real as you or I, but in their world, only a few monster spirits are able to traverse the world without great magical price.”  

“Am I being banished?”  

“No!” they hugged him.  

“Jaden, you are unhappy here. We believe you can find your own mates if you go to this world.”  

“Really?!” he brightened up. They nodded and handed him the charm.  

“This is a shadow charming, it belonged to the great queen of snakes. It will allow you to be able to shift to the new world as well as take human form.”

“You'll be able to keep some of your powers, but be careful when using them.” Jaden put on the charm and he became human but he had two cocks instead of one, and well endowed.  

His sisters blushed at his size. One of them cooed. “Why don't you stay here after all...” She was quickly nudged in the shoulder. “I was kidding...mostly…”

“Before you go Jaden,” they provided him some clothes and a deck. “We infused these cards with our power and spirit, so know that we will be with you.”  

“Thank you, all of you.” he got dressed and took the cards. “I'll miss you!” The shadow charm glowed and Jaden vanished in a sea of light.  

The lamias were sad to, so no better way to cheer themselves up an orgy!


Jaden appeared in the human world. It took him a few days to get used to things. He used his powers to build a life for himself, and learned about dueling along the way. He learned a few names, Yugi, Kaiba, and Joey. He learned the rules and found it fun.  

This was what he had been missing, excitement a challenge. Plus the perfect way to find mates. He learned of a school that taught dueling it was perfect. He just had to get in.  

“I got my cards, and my disk now I just gotta get in!” he accidentally bumped into a guy and was given a card. A Winged Kuriboh. Jaden sensed something special about this card.  

He made it to the test site, and the arena was filled with duelists and holograms. Jaden's eyes sparkled at all the duels. While Jaden was getting more and more excited, another boy was getting more and more nervous.  

Syrus was shaking, he barely passed the written test, major test anxiety. Now his practical exam was coming up and he was shaking like a leaf. 'Oh man oh man oh man, what am I gonna do?'  

“Hey there,” the boy looked up and saw Jaden towering over him. “My name's Jaden, what's yours?”  

“Syrus,” he blushes slightly. The two shake hands.  

“You seem a bit nervous.”

“I have test anxiety. Doing stuff like this makes me nervous.”  

“You should relax, duel with all your might and win or lose you can be proud you gave it your all.”  

“But what if my all isn't good enough.” Jaden sighed.  

“Oh I got it!” Syrus blinked at him, and suddenly Jaden kissed him. His eyes widened in shock. The kiss drew on, and Syrus shivered. His penis throbbed in his pants. “Leave it to me I'll help you relax.” He winked at Syrus and dropped to his knees.  

Syrus was too stunned to stop him, by the time he came to his pants and boxers were around his ankles. His hard uncut 5 incher sprang up and twitched under Jaden's gaze. “J-Jaden!”

'Hmm, the scent of arousal!' he thought before quickly consuming the boy's hard dick. 'Ohh the taste is just as exquisite!'  

Syrus moaned, as the heat of Jaden's mouth surrounded him. 'So warm and wet!' he panted and moaned, his body shaking.  

Jaden was loving the boy's cock, the feel of his length sliding along his tongue. He hummed in approval and Syrus' knees buckled.  

They were not alone as another boy named Bastion watched the scene from afar. His cheeks burning and cock throbbing.  

Syrus was in heaven, every suck to his hard cock making his body shiver. His tongue was not motionless either. Flicking and caressing the boy's erection. Talented tongue as it was it pushed back the boy's foreskin and swirled around the sensitive head.  

The poor boy couldn't hold back, he came. Ropes of cum spraying into the masked lamia's mouth. Jaden shivered, tasting the first drops of semen, he could feel his power surging.  

He sucked the boy's cock clean, letting the rod slip from his lips. He tucked the boy back into his pants and underwear. “Feel better?”  

Syrus could only nod, his whole body felt hot and tingly. His name was called and he went to his exam. “Good luck!”  

Jaden had sensed another presence but was too excited to stop. 'My turn should be next.'  

It was indeed Jaden's turn, but you see Crowler one of the professors at Duel Academy. If there was one thing he detested was slackers. He'd been watching the exam for some time now and he was disgusted with many of the performances. 'I'm gonna show these slackers what real dueling is, and show them they are not welcome at this school!'  

He was Jaden's opponent and instead of using a test deck he was using his own deck.  

Bastion had finished his duel, passing with flying colors. He took his seat in the stands. “Hey there,” Bastion turned and saw Jaden. “You got some sweet moves.”  

He tried not to blush. “Thank you.”  

“You might be the second best duelist here.”  

“Second? Then who is the first?”  

Jaden smiled. “Me!”  

Jaden's name was called and he headed down to the arena. Last duel of the day so they had the whole place to themselves. The Obelisk Blue and Ra Yellow students watched from above.  

The duel began and Jaden got to go first. “I play, Lamia Sister #1 in Attack mode.” The red haired lamia appeared on the field.  

Lamia Sister #1

A red haired red scaled snake woman, she wears a red top, and has ruby red eyes.  

3 Stars Water - Reptile/Effect: All Water Monsters on your side of the field gain 400 ATK/DEF.  

ATK 1500 DEF 1600

The crowd gasped. “He's using a lamia deck no way.”  

“He's got to be crazy.”  

“What's so crazy?” Syrus asked Bastion.  

“I've only heard rumors, but strange things happen around Lamia cards. It's said having just one in your deck gives you strange dreams, but running a full deck makes you disappear.”

“That's just silly rumors right?”  

“It was enough for Pegasus to recall all the cards.”  


Crowler was not so concerned, though little was known about the lamia cards he was sure he could handle it. “Thanks to my monster's special ability all Water monsters on the field gain 400 ATK and DEF points.” Her ATK jumped to 1900 while her DEF was boosted to 2000. “I'll throw down a face down and call it a turn.”  

“Pretty simple move for a rookie.” Crowler didn't hesitate to show off his powerful cards. Using his Fiend Token Heavy Storm combo he destroyed Jaden's trap card and got 2 tokens so he could sacrifice them. “Now I summon Ancient Gear Golem!”  

The huge creature towered high above. “Pretty good move teach.”  

“Yes, quite now Ancient Gear Golem destroy his lamia!” His golem attacked and destroyed her.  

Jaden's life points dropped to 2900.  

“Next I play a spell card.” this spell at the cost of 1000 life points let Crowler look through Jaden's hand and destroy 1 card from it. He saw Lamia Shirohebi in his hand and destroyed her.    

Crowler: 3000

“Don't feel bad, you never stood a chance against an elite duelist like myself...” he thought Jaden had been crying but instead the boy was laughing.  

“This is great, I'm definitely going to this school now, so many things to learn and duels to win.”  

'Win he must be joking, I will wipe that smirk right off that face.' he ended his turn. To his shock Lamia Shirohebi appeared on the field. “What's going on!?”  

“Oh you see when Shirohebi is destroyed by card effect she can can be special summoned back to the field. So thanks Teach.” Crowler grumbled.  

Lamia Shirohebi

A long haired white lamia girl with scales of pure white, she has red eyes and wears a white kimono.  

4 Stars Water - Reptile/Effect: Once per turn you can bring back 1 lamia monster from your graveyard. Should this card be destroyed by card effect bring it back on your next turn.

ATK 1600 DEF 2500

“Now I can activate Shirohebi's ability and bring back my Lamia Sister #1 from my graveyard.” the red haired lamia appeared and their attacks grew. Jaden switched them to Defense mode.  

Lamia Sister 1900 and Shirohebi 2000

“They are still not as powerful as my Golem, a simple mistake.”  

“Oh I'm not done.” the card he drew was Winged Kuriboh. The creature cooed. 'You want me to play you?' the card cooed again. 'Alright!'  

“To end my turn I summon Winged Kuriboh in Defense mode.”  

Crowler laughed. “Such a beginner, a Kuriboh even one with wings is no match for me. As even a monster in defense mode my Golem can inflict piercing damage.” he had the golem attack Kuriboh. While the little guy was destroyed, Jaden's life points didn't go down. “Check your gear it's clearly malfunctioning.”

“Nope gear's just fine, you see when Winged Kuriboh is destroyed by battle I take no battle damage.” Crowler twitched in anger.  

“So your little fur ball saved you for one more turn.”  

“Hey you don't need to insult him.” Crowler laughed.  

“I forget how attached you new duelists are to your cards.” he shook his head.  

“These cards of mine, we have a bond.” he drew his card and smirked. “Let me show you the power of a lamia!” he summoned a new monster. “I summon Lamia Medusa!”

Lamia Medusa

a small chested snake girl with snakes for hair and pointy ears, her scales are a stone gray color and tough as stone to.

4 Stars Water - Reptile/Effect: Once per turn you can target a monster your opponent controls that monster's attack and defense are reduced to 0, until this card is destroyed. Should any card also attack this card and fail to destroy it reduce that monster's ATK and DEF to 0.  

ATK 1800 DEF 2200

When she appeared she got an ATK/DEF boost thanks to Lamia Sister #1.  

ATK/DEF 2200/2600

Crowler laughed, “There is nothing you and those silly snakes can do to stop me. My monster still has more ATK power.”

“Not for long,” Jaden smiled and so did Medusa.  

She looked at the Ancient Gear Golem and it began to turn to stone. “My monster!” It's ATK points dropped to 0.  

“Go get him girls.” The lamias attacked, the golem was ripped to pieces and Crowler got some tail slapping, much deserved.  

His life points dropped to 0 and Jaden was the winner. It came as quite the shock, even Crowler. Still once the shock wore down the crowd erupted into cheers.  

Jaden was going to duel academy, he couldn't wait.  

To be continued


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