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Ultimate Spiderman/X-Men Evolution parody : Bad Day

AN: Hey guys its been a bad couple of days, That's why there hasn't been any posts lately, I got shanghied by my family, and my pain cranked up something fierce. I was gonna do an update days ago, but didn't wanna be negative on new years eve/day. Managed to work this up on my phone between chores and things. I hope you enjoy and hopefully this madness ends soon and I can recover and get back to writing my stuff, very sorry

Six Armed Sorcerer

Peter Parker was bitten by a spider and gained some strange powers, he manifested six arms total becoming a spider mutant. He freaks out and runs off trying to find a cure, but instead finds Doctor Strange. There isn't a way to undo Spiderman's powers but he can be taught to hide his new assets in order to live a more normal life.

Chapter 1 Spider Sorcerer

It had been two years since Peter Parker got bitten by a Radioactive Spider, and gained mutant powers. His body reacted hard, sprouting four additional arms for a total of six. He freaked out and ran away looking for a cure to what happened to him.

Using his genius little brain, he came up with an excuse. Off he went, but everywhere he went there wasn't a cure. Every scientist and researcher he looked up seemed to be looking for ways to combine human and animal DNA, evolving humanity to surpass diseases, illnesses, extending life spans and more. Most of the research was just in the theoretical stage, so a way to reverse a mutation wasn't possible.

He heard about a school for special youths run by a man known as Charles Xavier, but that wasn’t what he was looking for either. He figured out what they were about, but at this time he was looking for a cure, not looking to hone his powers. Xavier kept the door open for him to return or if he needed anything he could reach out.

By chance or by fate he ended up at the home of Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme. Parker wasn't a big believer in magic, he was more science focused.

Strange laughed, as he had been a lot like Peter. A doctor, a renowned surgeon, until an accident took his hands. Now he used his hands to weave magic, and continued to help people. He showed Peter a glamor charm that could hide his multiple arms. It wasn't a cure but it was a chance at a normal life.

“Can't you just work some magic and cure me?”

“You say that as if what you have is something to be cured.” He looked into Parker's destiny, while it branched into many paths, should he take away or seal his abilities it'd cause a ripple effect of tragedies. “What you have is a gift, you could use your abilities to help people. With great power…”

“Comes great responsibility…my Uncle Ben tells me that.” Peter finished.

“Wise words indeed.” He held out his hands one holding the glamor charm the other holding out a book. “You can use the charm to return to a normal life or you can stay and learn the ways of magic.”

“Really?” He weighed the options and risks. If he lost the charm or if it would get damaged or stolen he'd be in trouble. “I'll do it!”

So began Peter Parker's descent into magic. Because of his brilliant mind he was able to process magic in a different way but one Strange recognized. He told his Aunt and Uncle he was in a special program. Checking in at least once a week so they wouldn't worry.

There were only so much phone calls could do, and Uncle Ben wanted to come out and see Peter. Parker had agreed but the two wouldn't see each other. On the way to visit, Uncle Ben stopped at a light and a robber jumped him and well…

Peter was heart broken, he blamed himself running through all the possibilities and what ifs he could think of. He wanted to go back in time and change things, but Strange told him that messing with time had consequences. It was a concept Peter reluctantly grasped. From what he had studied the cosmic balance would either cause the event to happen anyway or take someone else he cared out instead.

For example if he stopped the robber and saved Uncle Ben, a cosmic ripple would have it that Aunt May would go to the store and she'd be the one killed in a robbery. “We can only do so much as heroes, we reach out and try to save as many people as we can within our reach.” Strange told him. “You have six good strong hands to reach out with.”

Peter hadn’t thought of that, even after all this time together, in the back of his mind, he was still rejecting his mutation, learning a few spells to not only hide them but even seal them inside his body, but for the first time as he looked at his six arms with acceptance. “Yeah…yeah I do!”

He took what he learned from Strange and returned home, ready to do some good. His suit was crafted, red, blue, and gold, his webbing and spider crest being the gold. He even returned to school, hiding his arms in civilian form, but letting them out in his hero mode, this served a second purpose as it helped protect his civilian identity, they’d be looking for a dude with six arms.’As long as I keep my secret they’ll never find out Spiderman is Peter Parker.’

As Spiderman, he helped out his neighborhood, busting up bad guys and taking down villains. This wasn’t exactly surprising given the world they lived in, the Avengers were Earth’s mightiests heroes, so another costumed hero running around wasn’t too surprising though some people had their suspicions.

Just as there were people who used their powers for good, there were others who used their powers for evil. So it took awhile for Spidey to gain some trust. J. Jonah Jameson refused to trust him, no matter how much good he did, he saw Spiderman as a menace or a public nuisance.

Not that he was gonna let the sourpuss get him down, he was gonna do the best he could no matter what anyone thought of him. While a sorcerer in his own right, he still made mistakes as a hero. He was just smart enough to learn from them, he was actually doing pretty well going solo. So much so he caught the attention of SHIELD…well he’s been on their radar, but now they approached him.

Fury wanted to recruit him, take him to the next level, make him ultimate. “Thanks, but I already have a mentor.”

“I know, Doctor Strange, he helped you a lot, and let you run off and play hero, while you have magic training, you certainly haven’t been trained as a hero.”

Spidey crossed his arms. “I do alright.” He had just taken down a villain known as Trapster, but it was quite messy. There was glue everywhere. “I can clean that up.”

“Yes, but if you did things right the first time, you wouldn’t have to expend precious magic power on clean up.” He pointed out that Captain America, Iron Man, even Hulk would have handled the job better, cleaner, and faster. Parker hated to admit it, but Fury had a point.”I’m offering you a chance to get even stronger, to gain skills you can use to help be a better hero.”

“Alright Fury, I’m listening.” The man smirked and brought Spiderman to the Helicarrier.

“That’s good, the Team is looking forward to meeting you.”

“Team…what team? You didn’t say anything about a Team?!”

“I didn’t? Oh it must have slipped my mind.” He said coyly.

This was a problem for Norman Osborn, who also had Spiderman on his radar, he wanted to keep Spiderman wild, untrained,...vulnerable…

“Call in the Frightful Four, tell them we have a job for them.”

Doctor Octopus came down. “If you want them to attack SHIELD good luck, no amount of money or tech will get them to agree to take on that fortress.”

“No, not attack SHIELD but they’ll attack Spiderman once he leaves the safety of it.”

“Very good sir.”


Spiderman wasn’t happy, he felt like he had been tricked somehow. Fury explained things along the way, he would receive SHIELD training and in exchange he would take up leading some new recruits SHIELD had enlisted to be the next generation of heroes. They had training but lacked combat and field experience, which he could give them. “These are the files on your new team members you should look them over before you refuse.” Fury said it was his choice, he could still walk away, but SHIELD also wouldn’t train him if he did.

Spiderman agreed to meet them at least. “Good, they know about you already, I made them aware you’d be leading the team if you agreed, and showed them footage from your combat over the last year.” Fury left and Parker had a meeting of the minds.

He had a trio of parallel minds, using a spell he was able to create manifestations inside his head, one for the body, one for the mind, and one for his magic. Together they made the perfect trinity that made Spiderman awesome! He had thought of limiting it to two, having a mind for Peter Parker and a mind for Spiderman but those two could never agree on anything.

Mind: I’m against this, we don’t need to be looking after some rookies. Let’s bail!

Body: If we leave we won’t get the SHIELD training.

Mind: We don’t need it, we’ve been doing just fine on our own.

Magic: We shouldn’t judge them before we get to know them.

With a wave of his hands he opened up the files and began to read over them.

Mind: Let’s see Iron Fist, White Tiger, Nova, and Power Man…

The files had their real names redacted, but it listed their abilities, accomplishments, and training data.

Magic: Not a bad skill set, they each will be fine heroes in their own right someday.

Mind: Why do we have to be settled with essentially babysitting?

Magic: Come on Mind, it might not be so bad. We’ve tried the solo thing, and there is only so much we can do by ourselves.

Mind: That’s just it, we’ll lose focus if we have to worry about these four.

Magic: You worry too much.

Mind: No I worry just the right amount. Body back me up here!

Body: I dunno, this could be fun.

Magic: See?

Mind: Ugh

Magic: Let’s meet them at least, this could be a great opportunity for Spiderman and Peter Parker. SHIELD training could help extend our reach, help us protect more people when the time is right, and if what we pass on to these guys it might help them do the same.

Their little pow wow, ended as Spiderman’s Spidey Sense went off.

Body: Spider Sense, Danger!

They moved out of the way dodging an energy blast. “Not bad, bug boy!” Nova came in glowing with energy.

“Knock it off Nova!” White Tiger said. ‘So this is our new leader huh?’ She eyed him up and down, outside of the six arms she wasn’t sure what was so special.

Parker eyed her as well, sensing mystical energy coming from her amulet.

“What, I’m just greeting our so called leader. If he can’t handle this, maybe I should be leader?” He tapped his chest with his thumb.

“Even if Spiderman refused to come and be our leader, Director Fury would not have picked you to lead.” Iron Fist said calmly. Parker eyed the boy, sensing something mystical about him.

“What?!” Nova gasped. “Who’d be a better leader than me?”

Power Man stepped up. “Fist, Tiger, Me!” He said with a smirk.


Spiderman stretched. “Well you guys seem to have reservations about me being your leader.”

“Big time pal, we don’t need some six armed freak coming in here, and telling us what we can do.”

Twitch! Parker didn’t take too kindly to that.

Iron Fist could see his aura glowing red with anger. Both Power Man and White Tiger could see it in his body language that he was pissed. “Is that right?” He cracked his neck and all his knuckles. “Tell you what, bucket head, you’re a SHIELD trained recruit right? You manage to beat me I’ll walk away and you can lead these guys all you want.”

Nova pointed at him. “You guys heard that right, I want it on record!”

“But when I beat you, I’ll have you crying uncle, you’ll serve me as a loyal pet till the end of time.” He offered his upper hand, and it was glowing with magical energy. This wasn’t just some wager, this was a binding magical contract.

“Nova you should recon…” Iron fist began but Nova zipped forward and grabbed Spiderman’s hand.

“Deal!” Magic surged and their little fuel began. The two were pushed back by magic, and a magical gong sound was heard, signaling the start of their duel. “I’m gonna kick your ass and send you home crying to your mamma!”

Nova shot forward planning to hit Spiderman at top speed.

Peter dodged out of the way, effortlessly. When he landed his hands began to move in different patterns. “He’s working different magics at the same time!” Iron Fist was amazed.

“Eat this!” Nova fired energy blasts at him.

Parker used his middle hands to not only block his blasts, but they were laced with a counter spell, blasting back and hitting Nova hard. His upper hands began to weave webs, thwip thwip thwip, shooting magical webs at Nova. The boy flew, dodging the webs. “Ha, nice try webs, but I saw your videos, you aren’t gonna get me with that.” He tried to attack at a distance, but Spiderman countered his blasts

When Nova got in close, Spiderman dodged him easily, this little dance went on for a while. “Nova’s lost.” Tiger said and Power Man nodded. He just didn’t know it yet.

Iron Fist noticed, the Spiderman’s lower hands were still weaving magic, building up power. Nova didn’t notice, nor did he notice the trap Spiderman had weaved around him. The longer the fight drew out the more tired and angrier he got. “I’m gonna hit you with everything I got!” He began to build up power but it was too late.

Spiderman finished his prep work, he unleashed a wave of blue energy that hit Nova hard, knocking him for a loop and causing him to land in some of the spun webs. In their fight, he had been slowly weaving Nova into a corner, without realizing it he had nowhere to go. Not that the bucket head noticed he walked into Spidey’s trap.

As soon as he touched the webbing, it was like a spring trap, threads spun around him and tied him up like the little prey he was. “Give up yet?”

Nova coughed and caught his breath. “No way, I’m never gonna admit defeat.” Nova built up some power and managed to break free of the webs and fly into the air. “If that’s the best you got, you might as well be the one to give up, because nothing you say or do will make me surrender!”

“Nothing huh?” Spiderman raised a hand, and with a snap of his fingers.

RIP! All of Nova’s clothes were ripped off his body, weirdly only on his helmet remained untouched. “Gah!”

“Ohhh didn’t need to see that!” Tiger covered her eyes.

Nova was bare ass naked, he blushed and tried to cover himself, but being up in the air left him quite exposed. ‘How the hell did he do that?’

“Ready to give up yet?” His lower arms crossed over him.

“Yeah right…” He was trembling. “As if this is enough to make me surrender.”

“Wow, you sure are stubborn, good thing i know how to deal with your type.” Thwip Thwip!

Nova’s guard was down as Spidey caught him in threads and pulled him close. “Big mistake!” Nova tried to summon his energy but found he couldn’t.

“That blast I hit you with was more than just an attack, it was a layered spell. I marked you with it, as such you can’t use your powers.”

“What?!” Try as he might he couldn’t summon any energy.

“Now then!” The six arms grabbed Nova and man handled him, laying him across Spidey’s lap as he sat in a web hammock. “I wonder how long it’ll take before you cave…”

“What are you…” His left arms raised up before raining down on his cheeks, the lowest hitting the left cheek, the middle hitting the right, and the top striking both cheeks. “Aaahhh!” He struggled but Peter’s super human strength and additional arms held him firmly in place.

There was no escaping this, Nova walked into every trap Parker had set up for him, now he was at his mercy, the worst of it was, as the swats rained down, and he was spanked like a naughty child, blood rushed south causing his penis to stir. It was painful and humiliating as his friends watched on in a mix of emotions. He lost count of how many swats he took, but he’d never forget what happened after he screamed. “I give up!” There was a flash of golden light.


When Nick Fury finally arrived, Nova was drenched in cum, a golden collar wrapped around his throat. Spiderman had one hand fisting his dick, another squeezing the boy’s balls, and another fingering his hole. Nova’s hands were wrapped tightly around Iron Fist’s and Power Man’s cocks.

White Tiger was off to the side taking notes. She was a yaoi fan girl at heart and she couldn’t ignore some live guy on guy action. “Good news Fury, I’m taking your offer, I think I’m gonna like having a team.”

To be continued  .