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Yu Yu x Hunter parody | Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Blue and Green

They got a good long rest, before morning came and it was time for breakfast. Urameshi fixed them bacon, sausage, and eggs.

Yusuke was in for a long lecture on animal demons from Botan. To those without spiritual senses the two would appear as regular animals, so had Yusuke seen Gon without his awakening he’d have seen a dog rooting around in their trash bins. The two can appear human if they so wish, but they’d have to keep their animal traits hidden.

Gon clearly wasn’t the best at that, having slipped with Yusuke before. “For me it’s easy!” Killua made his cat ears and tail disappear.

“No fair!” Gon pouted. He was easily distracted and let his guard down.

“You just need to work on it.” Yusuke told him and gave him a scratch behind the ears. The animal thing would be fine so his mom wouldn’t freak out about two random boys popping up in her house.

“It’s fine you better take care of them, I better not find any messes in the house!” She said. Yusuke wasn’t too worried about messes given the two were yokai. The broken window was explained away as vandalism and covered by insurance.

He made her some coffee and she was gone before Botan arrived. She had the collars for the two, with these collars they would be bound to Yusuke. Urameshi put them on them, Killua’s collar turning blue, Gon’s turning green.

“We need to get you something to wear other than rags.” Yusuke dug through his old clothes, he found a white tank top for Killua, and a black one for Gon. He found a pair of blue shorts for the neko and a pair of green shorts for the inu. The two didn’t seem to care for underwear.

“I love it, thanks Mr. Yusuke!” Gon’s tail was wagging.

“Yeah...thanks!” Killua said, he sounded indifferent, but the dog boy could tell he was pleased.

“You really run hot and cold don’t ya!” He said making Killua blush.

“Yeah Killua, Mr. Yusuke is our master now, we should be respectful of him!” Gon chastised him. “Should we call you master?”

Urameshi choked a bit. “Nah nah, just call me Yusuke.”

Killua got a cat like smirk. “Are you sure...master?” He purred the word, causing a shiver to race up Yusuke’s spine.

“Oi don’t go messing around. You can give a guy the wrong idea.” He poked Killua on the forehead, making him blink, confused.

“Okay boys, I need to ask you a few questions.” At Yusuke’s request, he had the demons give any information they had on the ones who took them or the ones who were auctioning them off.

“I need you both to guard the house, Botan and I have some training we need to do. We’ll be back by lunch okay?”

“Okay!” Gon cheered.

Killua shrugged. “Whatever.”

“Are you sure it’s okay to leave them by themselves?” Botan asked.

Yusuke shrugged. “It’ll be fine, if demons were gonna attack they would have done so by now right?”

Botan tapped her cheek. “Maybe…” She didn’t press the matter knowing how strong the two actually were.

Little did they know, some demons were drawn to Yusuke’s home, they were just waiting until they had the numbers advantage. “This is good, we’ll invade his home and when he comes back we’ll kill him.”

“What about the two little runts?”

“Those small fry, we’ll just eat them up, any demon willing to get collared for that weakling must be weak themselves.” The swarm of demons crept towards Yusuke’s apartment.

“Gon…” Killua flexed his claws.

“Yeah...I smell them…” Gon punched his palm to psyche himself up.


“Something you need to know Yusuke, with given their collars, they share their power with you the master. By my calculations that should give you three shots a day.” Detective Collar a rarely utilized Spirit Detective Tool, has the power to form a contract with a willing yokai.

“That much huh?” Yusuke smiled. He could feel it. “Who knew those little guys were so strong.”

“It’s not really a matter of them being strong it’s that this is all your body can manage right now.” Yusuke tilted his head in confusion. “As you get stronger you’ll be able to draw more power from them.”

“Normally I’d give you this tool after you’ve grown some but this may be the best time.” She gave him the Concentration Ring. “If you use it it’ll expend all your spirit power for the day at once, the shot will be massive and powerful, unleashing your output seven fold, but you’ll be severely exhausted after using it, so only use it if you’re in serious danger.”

It also had other uses, if Yusuke wore it on his middle finger, the ring would help stimulate his spirit muscles. “With their support you should be able to handle it.” Urameshi slipped it on his middle finger.

“Whoa!” He could feel it, his own spirit energy leaking out of him, he had to concentrate to keep it locked to his body.

“The ring was designed as a training tool, but one of your predecessors figured out it’s offensive use.”

“Yeah...I see where it gets it’s name.” He groaned and had to keep his focus.

“Next you’re gonna need these.” She brought out a pair of handcuffs.

“Damn Botan, I didn’t know you were kinky!” Slap! “Oww!”

She waved off the sting in her hand. “These aren’t for me Yusuke, they are for you. Put these on a criminal and it’ll completely seal their spirit power.”

“Are these really necessary?”

“Well not every case is gonna be finding lost demons, there are bad yokai out there causing trouble, and they’ll need to be captured, processed, and punished.” She twirled the cuffs around on her finger. “You might not win over the next demons so easily.”

“Well I’ve always been good with kids.” Botan blinked at him.

“Yusuke...how old do you think they are?”

“Huh?” Yusuke was about to learn a hard lesson about demon appearances.

Botan couldn’t stop laughing. “How the hell was I supposed to know?!” It made sense, why the two were so close, they’ve spent a lot of time together. ‘So those two are my age.’ Some yokai retain their youth as their powers develop over time, for fox demons they grow more tails, bird demons on the other hand retain their youth and small bodies far longer as they need the smaller frame for speed and flight, others gain transformations, others will actually grow older in appearance after reaching a certain power level.

“You need to know, those boys are actually sweet and like you, others wouldn’t be so kind, they use their forms to lie, cheat, deceive, or gain any form of advantage.” A yokai’s pretty face often masks their demon horns. Yusuke remembered something like that.

“Guess it doesn’t really change much, they are my pets now, and I’m gonna take care of them either way.”

They made their way back to the apartment. “Holy shit!” The place was a mess, a mix of red, purple, and green blood splattered all over the place.

“Oh my!” Botan covered her mouth.

They killed all the demons. “Yusuke!” Gon cheered. “We protected the house!”

“Yeah these guys tried to sneak in, but we took care of them.” Killua said confidently. The two were drenched in a mix of blood and bits.

They were eagerly awaiting praise for the job well done. Gon’s tail was wagging, while Killua’s tail was swaying. “Yeah...you guys did great!” He gave them a thumbs up.

“Hahaha!” Gon and Killua pounced on Yusuke in joy, Botan ducking out of the way, the detective was taken down and his clothes made a mess.

“Wah!!” Yusuke’s back hit the ground and the two demon lads cuddled up to him. Botan couldn’t help but think it was cute. As for Urameshi he was finding demons to be more complicated then he first thought. “Oi!” He grabbed them both and hauled them into the bathroom to get cleaned up. “Throw your clothes in the wash!”

Gon’s ears flattened. “You don’t think Yusuke is mad at us, do you?”

“I don’t think he’s mad mad…” Killua took off his ruined clothes. “We probably should have done a cleaner job.” Thankfully their collars were magically self cleaning.

“Hehe, we did get a little carried away!” Gon said and took off his clothes. The two popped into the shower.

Back with Yusuke and Botan...

“Well Yusuke it seems you have a lot of cleaning up to do, I’ll just get out of your hair.” Yusuke grabbed Botan’s shoulder.

“Hold it, you aren’t gonna help me with this?”

“Ummm….no…” She turned around and bowed politely. “They are your pets and you have to clean up after them. Bye for now!” She took off on her oar.

“Damn it…” Yusuke grumbled. So much for not making messes. ‘How did the demon guts get on the ceiling?’ Urameshi thought, not sure if he wanted to know.

He had a lot to clean up, the last thing he needed was his mom to come home to what looked like a massive crime scene. It was good training at least, doing it all while wearing the concentration ring.

“Yusuke…” Gon and Killua came out. “We’re hungry!”

Urameshi sighed. “Well I’d make you lunch but kinda wore myself out on the clean up. Can you two occupy yourselves while I order pizza and grab a shower?”

“Sure we can, let’s go Gon!”

“Okay!” The two scampered off.

Yusuke called in the pizza, making sure to order enough given their appetites. He tossed his clothes in with theirs and got the washer going. A good warm shower was just what he needed to perk himself up.

After his washing he went to check on his pets and well…

“Ohh Killua~!” He heard the moan a little too late, as he opened the door to see what was going on.

Gon was on his back, legs spread with Killua on top of him, the two were hard, the neko grinding his hips into the inu’s. Their hard cocks ground together, and their balls clapped together. The animal traits were out, Gon’s tail wagging like crazy, while Killua’s tail was curling and swaying mischievously.

‘What the hell?’ Yeah the two were very close, even intimately close.

Killua kissed Gon hungrily, their tongue’s lewdly caressing each other. The dog demon was fisting the sheets tighter and tighter. Gon was bucking up and against Killua, adding more friction and heat between them.

The two were flushed and sweaty, revealing to Yusuke they’ve been at this the whole time. Yusuke’s heart raced and his blood rushed south. His cheeks were burning, as he watched the two go at it with the passion and hate that’d put porn actors to shame.

His room had a musky aroma to it, the smell of semen and sex. If Yusuke looked closer, he’d see that two were covered in more than just sweat.

Killua humped faster, nearing his own orgasm, and the two came together, making a mess between their toned bodies. The neko rolled off Gon and the two panted heatedly.

It took them a minute, but the two soon realized they weren’t alone anymore. Killua smirked. “Look Gon, our master his here!”

“Master!” Gon moaned.

A shiver raced up Yusuke’s spine, his fat 9 incher was tenting his towel. Killua’s tail swayed playfully. “Now wait…” Woosh! The neko was fast snatching his towel and causing his hard cock to spring into the air.

Gon had hearts in his eyes as he gazed at the thick man meat. He pounced on Yusuke and the detective soon had two horny demons going at his manly bits. Gon was nuzzling his length while licking at his balls. Killua was nuzzling his pubes, while caressing his length. “Ohhhh!”

“We’ll take good care of you, master!” Killua purred once more.

Yusuke was pulled into the moment, common sense being kicked by his libido and let his pets please him. All he’s known is his hand as a lover so having two experienced and eager tongues working him melted him.

Gon licked along the left, while Killua worked the right. “Fuck!” It didn’t take long for Yusuke to cum, he was fully caught off guard and double teamed. His release hit and he showered the two in semen.

Killua had hearts in his eyes, as the kitty liked milk. He wrapped his lips around Yusuke’s tip, sucking down the last few spurts. Yusuke had endurance to burn as his cock was still hard and wanting. “Master!” The two moaned.

Yusuke’s eyes had closed in his release and when he opened them he found the two offering their asses, holes twitching. ‘Sweet fuck!’

Thankfully or not so thankfully the door bell rang. “Pizza is here!” Yusuke rushed to throw on some pants, stuffing his erection down. “You two clean up!”

The demon boys sat up and shrugged. Yusuke missed it as they started making out, sharing Yusuke’s taste between them, before giving each other a tongue bath.

Yusuke had time to catch his breath and get his barrings as he went for the pizza. ‘What have I gotten myself into?’

To be continued


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