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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 10 

Chapter 11

Renji hasn’t been able to stop thinking about that night, the memories replayed in his head, every night he slept. Slowly his imagination began to spill over and he began to imagine himself in Komamura’s place, getting fucked stupid by his fellow lieutenant. He was either having intense wet dreams or waking up with a raging erection. “You are finally waking up Renji.” Zabimaru told him. “There is hope for you yet!”

‘The hell does that mean?’ Renji wondered.

It didn’t stop there as other thoughts began to fill his head. Thoughts that stirred his loins and made his body ache. His zanpakuto seemed to understand this more than he did, but wasn’t giving Abarai easy answers. He had wanted to wait until Ichigo came back to speak to the two about these feelings. He used his hand to satisfy these urges and while for awhile it was working, it didn’t for long. When he started day dreaming...he knew he couldn’t wait any longer.

Byakuya had stirred him from his lewd fantasies while he was doing paperwork, thankfully he had his desk to cover him. It was still embarrassing, Captain Kuchiki had that kind of presence, elegance with a dash of cold. He was the kind of man, you almost couldn’t imagine him masturbating or having lewd thoughts. The man had a wife, and as far as anyone knew hadn’t taken a lover since.

It happened again during a lieutenant’s meeting when Sajin had been present covering Ichigo’s duties. ‘He’s very handsome, Ichigo has good taste!’

‘Shut up!’ Renji blushed, looking around as if anyone could hear his zanpakuto spirit.

You were the one starring at him Renji, don’t get snippy with us.’The snake said. He hadn’t even realized he had been starring at the man. Thankfully to anyone who knew/thought they knew Renji, he just looked like he was starring off into space.

Don’t worry Renji I’m sure you fit his tastes as well.’ The monkey said. Renji’s cheeks burned.

Zabimaru decided to give Renji a nudge in the right direction suggesting he should speak the large captain about what was happening to him. ‘If you know then just tell me.’ The two simply whistled. ‘Ugh forget it!’

Captain Komamura was a nice guy, approachable, he could do this.

When the meeting was over…

Get moving Renji!’

‘I’m going, I’m going...’ Renji followed him back to the Squad Seven area. He stood outside of Komamura’s office, summoning up his courage to take this step. ‘You can do this Abarai...stand tall and…’ Knock knock!

The door opened. “Oh Lieutenant Abarai…” Sajin was surprised. “Is something wrong? Did you need something?”

Renji gulped. “May I come in?” Up close it was almost intimidating how tall Komamura was. ‘Ichigo dominated this mountain of a man?’

Komamura stepped back. “Sure…” As Abarai walked past him, Sajin got a whiff of his scent, it was a mix of flavors as the storm inside him stewed. ‘Is he okay?’

Renji took a seat and Komamura sat behind his desk. There was a bit of an awkward silence before the larger male took pity on him. “What is it you wished to see me about?”

“It’s about...the full moon incident…” Sajin’s eyes widened.

“I...I see…” He was both nervous and curious about Renji was about to say next.

“That night, I was on patrol and I saw...everything…” Abarai’s eyes shifted.

“Everything?” Komamura gulped.

Renji nodded. “Maybe not everything but I saw enough…”

Komamura began to fidget. “I see…” He was tense, unsure of what else to say. After Tossen got on his case about the whole thing he wasn’t sure what Renji would say. “Were you wanting an apology in person?” Many of the soul reapers had experience the ripple effects of their mating but if Renji was close enough to see.

“No!” He waved his hands in front of him. “I don’t want an apology at all, if anything I should apologize. Stumbling on an intimate moment between you two.” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

“Well, given what happened, I think we can just call it even.” Ichigo’s bankai had essentially broadcast “WE’RE HAVING SEX!” across all of Soul Society.

“That’s not all.” Renji took a breath to calm his nerves. “Ya see, since seeing you two, I haven’t been able to think of anything else.”

“Oh?” Komamura raised a brow.

“I um...I...have been...umm…” His cheeks grew red. “Having dreams...about you two...and me…” Renji suddenly found his hands interesting as he couldn’t meet Komamura’s gaze.

“Oh...ohhh….” Sajin blushed. “This might be difficult to answer but I do need you to.” He cleared his throat. “In these dreams, are you in Ichigo’s place or mine?”

“In the dreams...I was either in your place...or I was involved…” Sajin decided to put a pin in that middle part.

Renji didn’t seem like the type who would go mate stealing. If he tried to take him from Ichigo, he wouldn’t go down easy, more than likely killing the red head so Shiba wouldn’t have to. With that concern out of the way he relaxed. “Involved how?”

“Like…” he looked away, only to look back into Komamura’s eyes. “Riding your dick while Ichigo fucked you!” He confessed.

“Ah.” The pieces were falling into place.

“Is that weird? It’s totally weird right? Not that you two are weird, but me getting involved when you two are together, or is it worse that I’m imagining getting fucked by Ichigo instead AAAHHH!” He ruffled his hair in frustration. “I don’t know anymore! I keep thinking these thoughts and they feel so different but good and when I try to jerk off to stuff I usually do I can’t get off, and when I try to imagine myself in Ichigo’s place it doesn’t feel right unless Ichigo is there.” The floodgates were unleashed. He’d always tried to be tough, that’s how he had survived. “Seeing such a strong man like yourself being dominated it...” Sajin could see that this had been bothering Renji for some time. “Sorry…”

“Tch…” Komamura had to fight back a laugh. “No no, it’s quite alright. Not that I mind, but if you were so confused why didn’t you speak to Unohana or your Captain about this.”

“I just...I don’t know...Unohana kinda scares me, and Captain Kuchiki is...Byakuya Kuchiki…” Sajin got it.

“Well Unohana seems scary.” And she is. “But she is a serious woman, you can approach her about such things and she will help you.”

“I kinda was hoping I could talk to Ichigo...and you about this, but things have gotten so weird for me lately. Zabimaru suggested I speak to you.” They were both lieutenants, it felt easier to approach the orangette about it.

“What is your experience with male couplings?”

Renji didn’t hesitate, he wasn’t sure how the captain was gonna respond but this was nice so far. “Not much,” he knew the basics, the Soul Society health education was surprisingly progressive. “I’ve always went after girls.” Had Ichigo been in the room he would have called out Rukia’s name, Momo and Kira would have said the same thing. Renji could be rather obvious about it. “I know Ikkaku and Yumechika are a thing, and they invited me out for some no strings attached fun before.”

While he knew the mechanics he’s never seen before the full moon event. That was jumping from a pg-13 to a full X rated show.

“But you never went?” Renji shook his head no. “Have you ever been interested in men before?”

“Well...umm…” he wasn’t sure how to answer. Sure he had checked out a few guys in the showers for comparison, he was smart enough to recognize beauty and was honest enough to admit when a guy was hot.

Sajin took pity on him and helped explain the beta mentality. “So I’m a beta?”

Yes!’Zabimaru chimed, in dual audio.

Komamura nodded. “It would appear so,” Renji hung his head, unsure of how to take this. “Just so you know Renji, having a beta mind set doesn’t mean a lot, it might take time but you could find an alpha female, or even find happiness with a beta female and an alpha male.” It was just an instinct, people can overcome their instincts all the time, people could live their whole lives without this instinct manifesting.

Zabimaru wanted Renji to be happy, believing following his instincts would lead him to where he needed to be.

“If your feelings and instincts correlate, that might be something to consider.” Renji processed this information, lingering concerns he had in the back of his mind were put to rest.

“Now as for your feelings for my mate…” Renji gulped as Sajin stood up. “I’m not a jealous man, but even I am a beast of instinct at times, I can’t just look away when another beta waltzes in now can I?”

Abarai shivered. “No?”

Komamura smirked. “You have feelings for Ichigo, you wouldn’t try to steal him from me would you?”

“No!” Renji gasped. “Never!”

“Easy words to say, but you are very new to this instinct, I’m gonna need you to prove yourself, by more than pretty words.” Sajin towered over him, growling ever so softly.

A shiver ran up Renji’s spine. ‘Zabimaru what do I do?’

Why don’t you prove yourself?’ Snake asked.

You could always run, but if you did that I can’t say I’d respect you anymore.’

Abarai gulped. “What do I have to do?” Sajin smirked.

“Strip!” Renji’s whole face got red and his jaw dropped.

“What?!” He gasped.

“I didn’t stutter, and you have good ears. Strip! If you are shy you can strip down to your underwear.”

Renji did as ordered, much to his embarrassment his cock was tenting his fundoshi. “Aww fuck it!” He yanked the garment off and stood fully naked, cock and balls out. His arms folded over his chest. “What now?”

Sajin eyed Renji up and down, fully checking him out. He briefly wondered if this was how Ichigo felt when he found him. Zabimaru shivered at the powerful gaze. “Captain Komamura?” Renji’s voice brought the furry male back.

“I’m gonna mark you with my scent, doing this will help ease your instincts and Ichigo will be able to smell it. He’ll know you aren’t a rival.”

“Fine I’ll do it.” Sajin began to disrobe. ‘Oh wow!’

Komamura was a sexy beast of a man, his massive cock tenting his own fundoshi. It had been lonely while Ichigo was away, this would kill two birds with one stone. He revealed his massive penis and Renji squirmed. “On your knees!”

Renji shuddered and obeyed. He was being dominated by a fellow beta and his cock was hard and dripping. “Good boy!” Renji had to bite his lip to keep himself from cumming at just words.

He made quite the pretty sight, in a lot of ways reminding Sajin of Ichigo. ‘He’s gonna love you!’ He thought and began pumping his cock. The smell wafted into the air getting Renji drunk on his musk.

With a growl he came, showering Renji in his cum. The rod was aimed, to make sure it mostly got on Renji’s hard body. “Touch yourself, use my cum to play with your dick and ass.”

“Yes!” It didn’t take Renji long to climax in this situation. Having Komamura watch him jerk off and finger his ass, all while smearing his most intimate areas in his seed was a lot.

“Ichigo is no doubt planning a pack for us, given the chance I’m sure he’d welcome you into the pack after some courting”

“Wha…” Renji was dazed.

“My seed is my seal of approval, so if Ichigo wishes to fuck you, he will.” Renji’s heart fluttered as Komamura redressed and sat down. He bowed, his forehead getting into the puddle of his own seed.

“Thank you sir!” He got up.

“And Renji…” Sajin growled his name in a low lustful tone. “If you ever need a hand or lessons on being a beta, do come to me. Alphas like it when their betas get along.”

“Yes sir!” He would definitely be back.

Tossen would take notice of the two’s actions over time.

To be continued


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