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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 7 

Chapter 8 A Bath

Iba was busy dealing with the duties of Squad Seven given the absence of their furry captain. ‘To think the Captain would be holding back this much.’ He had finished training the squad members and had worked up quite the sweat.

“Is Shuuhei finished yet?” He asked.

Hanataro was keeping watch. It was his job to keep the rotation going as to keep Sajin fucked to help ease his heat. “He hasn’t come out yet.”

“Still?” He rubbed his temples. “I knew I should have been in charge of this.”

Hanataro felt bad, he wasn’t doing that bad of a job, Iba could just be harsh. He had a gangster-esk look about him, and his tone was always gruff. When it came to his captain Iba was his biggest supporter. So he could be very intense, and come off aggressive and rude without meaning to.

With Sajin being in this hyper slut state, Iba was likely feeling frustrated. To say nothing of the fact Hanataro had fucked him first. So he was a bit grumpy...

He stood outside the door, tapping a finger against his arm. His patience ran out as some cum began to trickle out from under the door. “Ehh?”

Iba threw open the door causing semen to spill out onto the floor. “Oh my!” Hanataro gasped.

Sajin was strung up, chains binding him in a shibari style. The furry male was completely drenched in semen, a mix of his own and Shuuhei’s. Hisagi had made the mistake of using his bankai on Sajin, his arms were wrapped in chains. A ball of chains hung in the air, connecting the two in different ways. He thought his bankai could help in draining Sajin’s reiatsu, by linking the two together, what he didn’t factor in was his bankai’s recovery effect.

Each orgasm Shuuhei had was seen as a “death” by his bankai, so it immediately healed him. Because of this Hisagi could continue to fuck Komamura and drain his balls. However, this was also true for Sajin, each orgasm he milked from the horny wolf was immediately healed causing his body to recover. While not a bad idea to drain Sajin’s balls, the recovery factor meant that this could go on to infinity, with neither side giving in. In theory the two could have flooded soul society in semen had this continued.

Iba had to sever the chains, causing Shuuhei to finally go spent, his own sweaty and cum soaked form falling back as his dick slipped out of the hungry hole. The two collapsed. “Honestly…” Iba picked up Komamura, hefting the large man onto his back so easily.

The cum spilled over and made a mess of Iba’s robes. “Show some restraint will you!” Iba chastised Shuuhei. “Clean this mess up!”

“Right…” As soon as he got feeling back in his arms and legs he’d do that.

Iba carried Sajin out of there and headed towards the baths. He removed his soiled robes, stripping down to only a fundoshi. The large man was plopped down, still in a horny daze. “Honestly Captain look what a mess you are.” Iba began washing the cum out of his fur.

The lieutenant was very thorough, washing every inch of him off. Then he scrubbed the furry male down, the suds spilled over. Iba was able to deep clean Sajin, running his fingers through soft fur, and feeling the wall of muscles underneath. The smell of semen was purged from his form, getting replaced by a nice soothing aroma.

Iba was so happy. He’s always wanted to bond with Komamura like this, skinship was a manly way to bond, and washing each other’s backs was great way to do it. Sajin was a good boy, letting his lieutenant scrub and wash every inch of him.

He hadn’t washed from training, his manly musk was out and it tantalized Komamura’s snout. Sajin breathed deep, his tail wagging in delight. “Hey now!” He began to get frisky, his cock throbbing for attention.

Apparently it was his turn as the large male turned around and pounced on Iba. ‘If only you were this forward before!’ His cock stirred in his fundoshi. “You wanna bathe me captain?”

The man panted lustfully.

Iba put his hands behind his head. “Go for it!” His pits were fully exposed, the musk washed out and tickled Komamura’s senses.

Go for it he did, wasting no time burying his muzzle in Iba’s pits and started licking. “Ohhh~!” Iba didn’t seem the type to be ticklish but he was. As the tongue swept his pit, he could feel Sajin inhaling his musk. Sniff~Lick~Sniff~Lick~Sniff~Lick in rapid succession.

He was getting a tongue bath. Sajin was enjoying himself even after the pit was clean he kept licking for his own want. “We don’t have all day Captain, be a good boy and clean me!”

Sajin’s fur bristled from desire. He started bathing him properly giving long licks, licking up any sweat and cleaning his skin. Iba shivered and shuddered. He actually didn’t want Sajin to stop, but if he kept going the tickling would have made him crack.

Komamura licked his beefy pecs clean, stirring up Iba’s nipples in the process. He cleaned the man’s other pit before moving down and cleansing his abs. Sajin started to nudge Iba’s crotch, his dick pitching a tent in his fundoshi.

His musk was even more powerful in his crotch area. “Ah ah, keep going!” Sajin whimpered but obeyed licking down the man’s legs to his feet, where he found another treat to enjoy, Iba’s feet!

He licked the soles, the heel, between his toes, all while enjoying his musk. Iba shivered and trembled, his toes flexing and curling as the tongue bathed him.

As Sajin enjoyed his feet Iba undid his fundoshi, allowing his cock and balls to be free. It was almost as if, he had rung the dinner bell as Sajin’s head shot up and eyed the heavy meat and big balls. “Ah ah!” Iba wagged his finger. “You need to finish your cleaning.”

He had the male get on his knees, he was so large. Iba draped his fundoshi over his muzzle. His pupils dilated. The lietenant tied the fundoshi around his head, making the crotch cloth serve as a mask. “Ohhh~!” He came, making a mess across the floor.

“These balls are really something else!” He grabbed Komamura by the balls, giving the furry orbs a squeeze.


Iba pressed himself against his back. ‘He’s so warm!’ His hands came around and he began to feel up/wash his front. “You didn’t take care of yourself captain, now I gotta take care of you.” He flicked the man’s nipples earning moans. “I may share you now, but I’ll be your favorite!”

He humped against Sajin, loving the fur against his intimate areas, it tickled and stimulated his muscled form. Sajin’s tail wagged between his legs brushing his balls, taint, and ass. Iba’s hands got tough on the man’s nipples, pinching them and tugging them. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh grrrrrllll!”

Komamura came again, the nipple play mixed with the musk and equaled an orgasmic release. His penis bounced as he unleashed his pent up lust. Cum splashing on the floor  before him.

His hands roamed down, one hand took hold of his erect penis.

“You need to wash properly dirty boy!”  Iba fisted him with his right hand, while his left hand came back and began fingering his well fucked hole. “I wish you had given yourself to me sooner, I’d have loved to break your ass in.” One finger became two, and swiftly three. “Such a fine ass!”

“Nnnnhhhh!” Komamura had both ends played with at once, another orgasm surging forth.

Sajin was now clean and was allowed in the bath. He whined as the fundoshi was removed from his face. The warm waters soothed his heated body. “Oooohhhhh!”

Iba sat at the edge of his bath. “Come here.” He wagged his cock. Sajin came over and took him into his mouth.

Komamura got to lick his cock, dragging his tongue along the hefty meat. “Open up!” He obeyed and Iba filled his mouth, keeping the furry male flushed against his crotch, his nose buried in the thick nest of manly hair.

His eyes fluttered, his moans surging around his shaft. He gulped his throat massaging Iba’s cock head. Sajin tried to move but got a hand placed on his head. “Stay!” Stay he did, his tongue curling along the underside of his shaft, even slipping out to swipe at his balls. His mouth remained along his full shaft, slurping and sucking his cock, warming it.

They stayed like that for some time, Iba enjoying the mouth of his captain. He showed off his endurance, Sajin needing to work for his treat.

Iba’s climax came and with a manly grunt he filled the man’s mouth and throat with cum. Sajin drank it all down.

His lieutenant pulled his cock free, playfully slapping Komamura’s muzzle. “You want my cock don’t you pup?”

He nodded, eyeing the meat hungrily. “Too bad, I’m not gonna fuck you now, crave my dick, let it haunt your mind, you’ll have many dicks to satisfy your slutty hunger, but when this is all over I will fuck you good and proper!”

Sajin pouted, but Iba was stern. He didn’t let Komamura go away empty handed, he had the man get out of the bath, lay on the floor and sat on his face. Iba couldn’t enjoy his bath just yet, he had another spot for Komamura to clean, deeply!

To be continued


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