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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 3 

Ash Ketchum
Trainer Class: Frontier Brain
Symbol: Adaptability
Pokemon on Hand 6/12 | Pikachu, Pidgeot, Alpha (Houndour), Spoink, Aipom, Magnemite,
Facility Pokemon: Houndour Pack (Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, and Zeta), Tauros Herd x 30
Kanto Roster: Bulbasaur, Kingler, Snorlax, Primeape, Muk, Tauros
Johto Roster: Bayleef, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Heracross, Noctowl, Donphan
Hoenn Roster: Swellow, Sceptile, Torkoal, Corphish, Glalie

Pokemon in Training: Squirtle, Charizard
Size 11 Inches,

Tracey Sketchit
Trainer Class: Pokemon Watcher
Pokemon On Hand: (3/6) Marill, Scyther, Venonat
Size 3 Inches – Caged, Size Queen Bottom

Brock Takeshi
Trainer Class: Gym Leader/Breeder in Training
Pokemon on Hand: Bonsly, Geodude
Pokemon at Gym: Mashtomp, Ludicolo, Crobat, Onix, Forretress
Size 9 inches – Caged, Versatile Top (Bottoms for Ash)

Forrest Takeshi
Trainer Class: Gym Leader in training
Pokemon on Hand: Rhyhorn
Size 10 inches - ?

Chapter 4 Cage Match

Forrest had spent most of his time in his room, jerking off to what he had seen. The more he tried to not think about it, the more it seemed to linger. Brock would come down to his room with food, but he’d always say he wasn’t hungry. He couldn’t face his brother with what he’d seen. Just hearing him from out the door stirred the memories and caused his little tree to grow.

His big bro would leave the food there so Forrest could eat. ‘This doesn’t make sense, why is Brock acting like this, it’s gotta be that Ketchum guy, since he showed up at the gym I knew he was trouble!’ He thought as he ate his feelings.

He got a shower and went to see the status on their arrival to Sinnoh. To no surprise he bumped into Ash. “So how much longer till we reach Sinnoh?”

“I think about a day, are you enjoying my facility so far?” Forrest blushed.

“I guess…” Ash raised a brow at him, but didn’t press the issue. Forrest side eyed Ash a bit, looking him up and down. “What’s the relationship between you and my brother?”

The question nearly knocked Ash over with how suddenly it came. “Huh, where did that come from?” Forrest crossed his arms.

“You aren’t answering my question.”

“We are lovers!” Ash shot back, and the answer was so simple and blunt it nearly knocked Forrest over to. “I’m sure Brock would tell you the same.”

“Then what about the green haired guy?”

“Tracey is also my lover.” Again Ash showed no shame or signs of embarrassment for this.

Forrest’s stance was broken and his hands balled into fists. “Then you are cheating on my brother!” Ash looked confused.

“There is no cheating involved. We’ve all talked about this.” Ash sighed and rubbed the back of his head. “Maybe you should talk to your brother about this.” Ash didn’t want to cross a line, while their relationship wasn’t a secret Brock’s kinks were his, and his reasons for joining Ketchum’s harem were his own.

“I know my brother, and you must have seduced him somehow!” Ash sweat dropped. Having seen how goofy Brck got around girls he could understand the implication. Brock was just lucky he never ran across a girl willing to manipulate him...he had his doubts about Ivy, but still.

Ketchum eyed Forrest, and noticed the boy was hard, his length bulging the front of his pants. He was trying to act tough, but something else was going on here. “Well if you still feel that way, we can have a battle to settle things.”

“What?” Forrest was taken aback.

“We’ll have a cage match!” The younger male didn’t really get it, but went to talk to his brother.


“Yeah we are lovers!” Brock admitted.

“What about that Tracey guy?”

“He’s Ash’s lover too.” Forrest face palmed.

“And you are okay with this? He’s clearly using you!”

“Using me? What’s all this about? I thought you liked Ash?” Forrest blushed.

“I didn’t like him!” He crossed his arms. “I was just curious about him, you were always talking about him when you came home.”

Brock had recanted his adventures when he came home. “Ash did this…” “Ash did that…” “Ash came up with this…” He left out the sexy/naughty bits of course.

“He’s got your dick in a cage!” His words made Brock blush.

“Yeah…” He was so proud/happy about it. It just confused Forrest more. “Look, maybe you’ll understand some day, maybe you won’t. I can tell you Ash makes me happy.”

“What’s a cage match?” He asked, a hand balled into a fist in frustration.

“It’s one of the special rules of the pleasure deck. Those not up to size can battle to have their cages removed.” Brock explained the pleasure deck, and it made Forrest’s face burn at the implications and mental images conjured. His brother noticed his arousal.

“I’m gonna challenge Ash to a cage match and get that cage off you!” He declared before racing off.

Brock didn’t have time to explain that he chooses to be caged. If he wanted it off he had a password. “Oh boy!” He rubbed the back of his head. ‘Maybe you’re gonna learn sooner than I thought.’


The challenge was issued and the guys went to the Pleasure Deck. “Brock told you the rules yes?” Ash asked stripping.

Forrest blushed. “He did, if I win you take that cage off him!” He was sure this was how Ash was manipulating him.

“If you lose, you’ll be caged.”

“I don’t plan to lose!” He snapped. His grip on his monster ball tightened as Ash got completely naked.

Forrest called out his Rhyhorn, but Ash hadn’t called out his Pokemon yet. “What are you waiting for?”

“This is the pleasure deck, I’m waiting for you to get naked. I suppose if your shy, I can give you a pass.”

“F-fine!” Forrest stripped. “I’m not shy!”

He sure wasn’t as he stripped off his clothes and his erection snapped in the air. “Wow!” Tracey’s size queen instincts got flipped.

“Nice, he’s even bigger than me.” Brock pointed out, though he had him beat in girth.

“Alright let the cage match begin!” Ash called out Aipom.

The monkey monster danced about, flipping and jumping before striking a pose. “Is this a joke?” Forrest glared. “Using a Normal type against a Rock/Ground type?”

Ash shrugged. “You only have one Pokemon, I’m trying to make this battle a bit more interesting, plus I wanna see what my Aipom can do!”

Forrest smirked. “You shouldn’t underestimate me, Rhyhorn Rock Blast!” The tank of a pokemon conjured a rock, before hurling it at Aipom.

“Dodge it Aipom!” The normal type did, showing some impressive speed and agility.

“It’s fast!” Forrest was a bit surprised, but the move wasn’t done. Rhyhorn fired four more shots, all of which missed.

“Use Swift!” Aipom jumped into the air and using it’s tail, unleashed a shower of stars that pummeled the rock type. It didn’t do a lot of damage.

“Rhyhorn use Take Down!” The mon charged at Aipom and hit hard. Ash noticed there was no recoil damage. “It’s thanks to my Rhyhorn’s ability Rock Head.”

“Impressive, Aipom use Focus Punch!” Aipom gets up and begins to charge up the attack, it built up fighting energy in their tail.

“Rhyhorn use Rock Blast!” He managed to summon three rocks this time, but Aipom was quick, able to dodge the attacks and slammed their tail into Rhyhorn doing super effective damage.

“Sorry Forrest, my Aipom is pretty hard to catch.” Aipom bounced around, doing all manner of flips and hops.

“We’ll see about that, use Rock Polish!” Rhyhorn began to shimmer.

“Careful Ash that move will make Rhyhorn a lot faster!” Brock called.

Ash’s eyes sparkled. “Interesting!”

To Forrest’s surprise Ash started getting hard. “Ugh, Rhyhorn use Rock Blast!” He only conjured two stones, but the attack came so fast both hit Aipom.

“Aipom use Screech!” The sound waves were unleashed, effecting the Rock type’s aura dropping it’s defense.

“Rhyhorn use Take Down!” He charged at great speed.

“Get ready Aipom, dodge it and use Fury Swipes!” Aipom used their tail, to spring up and dodge the pokemon attack. It jumped Rhyhorn and unleashed a full barrage of Fury Swipes.

Thanks to the drop of Defense, Rhyhorn was able to take quite a bit of damage. He was still standing. “Use Fury Swipes again!” Aipom attacked Rhyhorn with another full volley.

“No way!” Forrest gasped.

“It’s Aipom’s Skill Link!” Ash explained.

Rhyhorn shook Aipom off. ‘We have to finish this!’

“Rhyhorn use Take Down!” His monster charged.

“Aipom use Focus Punch!” Aipom charged in and the two attacks collided.

The clash ended with Rhyhorn being knocked out. “I...lost…” He slumped to the ground. His erection deflated.

Tracey pouted a bit, he was gonna help get Forrest off before caging him. ‘Oh well, maybe next time.’ He got a cage and came over to Forrest.

“Wait...I…” He returned his Pokemon and began to wig a bit at the sight of the cage.

“Forrest!” Brock snapped. “You made the challenge and you lost, as a man you better accept this!”

He slumped and watched as the cage was slipped over his impressive cock, he was locked in. The weight was felt and he couldn’t help but shiver. ‘This is what a cock cage feels like?’ These were quite fancy, one able to hold a dick of his size.

“There ya go!” Tracey said happily.

Forrest blushed as his penis was locked down. “How long do I have to wear this?” He squirmed.

Ash looked to Brock. “I think a week will suffice.”

“A week!” Having broke double digits of jerking off in the last two days, the idea of not being able to touch his cock in a week shook his world. He wanted to plead with his brother but Brock’s focus was on Ash’s erection. Tracey and Brock went over to Ash and began to go down on him, they two licking along his length. ‘Oh fuck!’

His cock twitched at the sight, wishing to swell and get hard only to feel the bite of the cage. “Ahh!” His legs buckled.

Forrest’s libido betrayed him, as he watched the three lovers have fun. Bite...bite….bite...bite...bite…

He couldn’t get hard, but he was still feeling horny. The swell of sensation brought him to his knees, and he had some pre-cum dribble out of his cock. “Nnnhhh!” He shuddered and groaned. ‘What is this feeling?!’

Things only got weirder as Ash finally came and he showered the two with his seed. Tracey and Brock took turns at the head catching a few spurts before making out. “Ahhh!” Ash let out a pleased sigh. “That was fun! Thanks for the match Forrest I was itching to battle.”

A part of Forrest believed he got played somehow, he glared at Ash before glaring down at his caged junk. ‘He hasn’t beaten me not yet, I’ll get stronger and beat him for sure!’

The rest of the day was gonna suck for the horny young man, as youth and libido worked to drive him nuts. All the lewd events he’d witnessed seemed to parade in his mind causing his loins to stir only for him to feel the bite of the cage. ‘It’s just a week, I can handle that, I’ll catch more Pokemon in Sinnoh, I’ll learn and get stronger I’ll beat Ash and it’ll be his cock caged!’

The idea of Ash’s big dick locked up struck something in Forrest. Bite! ‘Ohhh~!’ He squirmed. ‘Damn it!’ Without realizing it his focus had shifted from getting his brother out of his cage and getting Ash in one.

To be continued


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