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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

AN: Took a bit longer but got everything I wanted to do in this chapter

Ash Ketchum Badges 0 Pokemon 6/6 | Total mons 9  
On Hand: Pikachu, Pidgeotto, Poliwag, Kakuna, Ponyta, Butterfree
Oak’s Lab: Fearow, Ekans, Sandshrew
Ring Plates: Electric/Barbed, Water/Tentacle, Flying/Drill, Fire/Knot, Grass/Multi Vine Tentacle, Bug/Sounding-Beads
Abilities: Aura
Items: Rainbow Feather, Pokedex, Moon Stone, Monster Balls x 8, Premier Ball x 1
TM: Rock Polish


Pikachu: Ability Static | Size: 5 Inches | Moves: Nuzzle*, Extreme Speed, Double Team*, Thunder Shock*

Pidgeotto: Ability Keen Eye | Size 10 Inches | Moves Whirlwind, Sand Attack*, Gust*, Quick Attack

Poliwag: Ability Water Absorb | Size 5 Inches | Moves Water Gun*, Belly Drum*, Pound, Hypnosis*

Fearow: Ability Sniper | Size 8 | Moves Peck*, Feather Dance*, Leer, Fury Attack

Ponyta: Ability: Flame Body | Size 8 | Moves Tackle, Ember, Flame Charge*, Hypnosis

Butterfree: Ability Compound Eyes | 4 Inches | Gust, String Shot*, Bug Bite*, Confusion
Mastered Moves: Harden*

Kakuna: Ability ? | ? Inches | Poison Sting*, String Shot Harden,

Ekans : ?

Sandshrew : ?


Toren Badges 1 Pokemon 6/6
On Hand: Roots (Ivysaur), Bloom (Oddish), Ivy (Bellsprout), Jam (Nidoran M), Jelly (Nidoran F), Rumble (Paras)
Oak’s Lab: Hermes (Pidgeotto)
Items: Moon Stone x 2, Journal, Pokedex Monster Balls x 9 Premier Ball X 1

Brock: Badges 0 Pokemon 3/6
Mons: Geodude, Onix, Zubat
Items: Camping Set,


Roots (Ivysaur) Ability ? | Size ? | Moves: Sleep Powder, Vine Whip*, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf

Bloom (Oddish): Mega Drain, Poison Powder, Acid, Sweet Scent
Mastered Moves: Growth*

Ivy (Bellsprout): Vine Whip, Stun Spore, Wrap, Synthesis,
Mastered Moves: Growth*

Jam (Nidoran M): Ability: Poison Point | Moves: Horn Attack, Poison Sting*, Fury Attack, Double Kick

Jelly (Nidoran F): Ability Poison Point | Moves: Scratch, Poison Sting*, Fury Swipes,

Rumble (Paras) : Ability: Dry Skin Moves: Absorb, Stun Spore, Poison Powder, and Venoshock


Geodude : Ability Sturdy | Moves: Defense Curl, Rock Throw, Rollout, Tackle

Onix: Ability Rock Head | Moves Bind, Dig, Rock Throw,

Zubat: Ability Infiltrator | Moves Whirlwind, Wing Attack, Supersonic, Astonish

Chapter 15 

Chapter 16 Ore Hunting

It was a long night of dancing and partying, even morning light couldn’t wake the travelers. The morning light warmed their bodies, the sun bathing them gently as it rose high in the sky.

Brock was having a very good dream, his morning wood was pressed against something nice. He couldn’t help but bump and grind against the warm softness he was up against. “Mmm...Ash…” His eyes fluttered, the fog of sleep lifting. “Ash?!”

He was snuggled up against the trainer, naked and hard, not that he was the only one. Toren was asleep right next to him. The two of them were cuddled up to Ash, his arms wrapped around them. Their mons were circled around them forming a protective barrier from onlookers, but in this situation.

Brock began to sweat. ‘Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!’ He began to panic. In his mind this was very bad, sure they had danced naked under the moon together, but here he was grinding his dick on him.

Toren stirred, and his face went red. ‘When did…’ It didn’t really matter, they were both in Ash’s arms. His own morning erection was standing tall. Toren tried to will his erection away, but Ash’s manly musk wasn’t letting that happen.

Ash’s aura was blanketing them, making them feel all warm and tingly. Rubbing their cocks against his skin, got an extra spark going. They could feel his natural warmth, his muscles, the special contact of skin on skin, his natural musk filled them with each breath, and they could see his arousal. All the senses were being stimulated except taste and hearing. It was more than enough though…

They were both caught in a pleasure trap, unable to withdraw, but terrified of getting caught. Toren was worried about getting caught by Brock, and Takeshi was worried about getting caught by Ash. “Yawn~!”

Ketchum stirred and the two began to sweat. ‘No not now!’

“Morning guys!” Ash blinked and shifted feeling their hard cocks against him. “Looks to be a good morning!”

“Ash I can explain…” Brock panicked.

“Want a hand?” Brock was stunned while Toren blinked. “I have two!” His hands roamed their forms. The body language asking for permission.

“Really?” Brock shivered.

“Yes please!” Toren moaned. Ash took hold of his rod and wasted no time pumping him. “Ohhhh~!”

Takeshi blushed. “Please~!” Ketchum grabbed his penis and began stroking him. “Fuck yes!”

The two men bucked and moaned, getting squeezed and fisted as they were. Ash’s technique worked the heads and shafts. ‘Oh man, he really knows his way around cock...fuck this feels so good!’ Brock shivered in want, feeling the dam get ready to burst.

This situation had Toren reeling, having Brock so close and watching them was making his head spin, it was different then having the pokemon watch.

He made them cum, making a mess on Ketchum’s hands. Without missing a beat he brought their seed to his lips and licked them clean.

‘Oh wow!’ Brock gulped.

‘Hot!’ Toren thought with a blush, his glasses fogging up.

“Do you want us to return the favor?” Brock asked, eyeing his massive length.

Before Ash could answer his stomach growled. “Looks like my stomach is saying it’s breakfast time.”

Takeshi smiled. “Leave it to me!” He scampered off to prepare the meal.

“Does it bother you, me being intimate with Brock, like I am with you and my Pokemon?”

“Well...I suppose it’s a bit strange, but you were also so open to me when you had your Pokemon.” Toren said. “It’s just really new, and I’m not the best with people.” Ash hugged him.

“I’d like to bring Brock into the fold when the time is right.” Telling him that made it more real. “I wish to help adjust the bonds between people and pokemon. For you as well Toren, you don’t have to be afraid. Do you trust me?” They looked into each other’s eyes.

Ash’s eyes seemed to shine with such warmth, hope, and honesty. All of Toren’s concerns seemed to melt away. ‘It’ll be okay, I trust Ash, he’s shown me so much already, maybe I can evolve bit by bit.’ If he had told his past self that he’d be dancing naked with a couple of guys and Clefairy, his past self would have keeled over in disbelief.

He was getting bolder, braver, more used to the world, he was able to find his comfort zone but keep moving forward. His world was really opening up. ‘How did Ash know I was feeling unease...ohh!’ It made sense, Ash could read aura’s he knew of Brock’s feelings and Toren’s by their aura. “I trust you!”

The two shared a kiss, and Ash prepared for his Pokemon’s breakfast, an appetizer. He worked his rod, the golden ring around the base pulsing and giving off a glow. “Oh wow!”

It was like ringing the dinner bell as his mons woke up for “breakfast”. Their bowls were laid out and set up for Ash’s release.

Ash’s release came, and thanks to the power of the ring, he came and came and came, the sweet nectar filling the bowls. The mons dug in, drinking their master’s seed, enjoying the ambrosia so much the bowls were licked clean. “Whoo!” Ash panted. “Let’s eat!”

“Ash, I have to ask, is your seed special like with your divine rod?”

“Hmm, not exactly, human seed helps awaken a pokemon’s potential but it’s also the bond that matters. If I gave your Pokemon my seed, they might like it but since they aren’t mine the benefits won’t be as great, but if they partook of your seed.” Toren blushed.

“I...I...see…’ He wasn’t sure if he was ready for that yet. Trainers didn’t have to mate with their pokemon to unlock their potential it just took more work.

Breakfast was prepared, the trainers and Pokemon were fed and they got dressed. “So you boys will be going through the Mt. Moon tunnels yes?” Seymour asked.

“That’s the plan.”

“I’m gonna stay with the Clefairy, but my friend works in the Mountain, if you see him I’m sure he’ll help you out. He helps gather ore and fossils for the Museum.” Seymour wrote something down on a paper. “His name is Audrey, Audrey the second.”

“If we bump into him we’ll let him know, thanks Seymour.”

“I really must thank you Ash, you’ve given me a lead on my research, and I never expected to get this hands on before.” He cried happily.

The group ventured forth. Little did they know they had someone following them. “So Ash have you considered catching a Rock type pokemon?”

“Of course, I saw many of them on tv, and yours were awesome!” Brock blushed. “I’d really like a Ryhdon someday!”

“Hmm, Rhyhorn are quite rare, it may be awhile before you’d find one of those.”

“It’s fine, I wanna get at least one of every type of Pokemon. It may take time but that’s part of the fun, plus now I have you guys with me!” Ash looked to Toren. “What about you Toren, what kind of Rock type would you like?”

The greenette adjusted his glasses. “I’d like to study one of the rare fossil Pokemon, maybe Kabuto or Omanyte!”

“The fossil Pokemon huh?” Ash checked his Pokedex.

There were three lines of “ancient” or “fossil” Pokemon in Kanto. The Kabuto line, Omanyte line, and Aerodactyl. “Whoa they all look so cool!”

“You won’t be able to catch one in the wild, but maybe you can find a fossil and have it restored.”

“So cool, let’s go!” Ash cheered.

They traveled the path, venturing through the Mountain. Sure enough they started finding red ore deposits. “This is where they collect Red Tumblestone.”

“Maybe we should have gotten some pick axes or something.” Toren eyed the ore.

“There are Pokemon capable of breaking rocks if you don’t have the tools.” Brock said. “Rock and Fighting types are capable of learning the move Rock Smash.”

“Aww man.”

“So you guys are interested in mining?” A guy sprang up on them, he was tall and bulky, his jacket was covered in dirt. “The name is Audrey, Audrey the Second, I’m a scientist for the Pewter City Museum, a mining fanatic.” He had goggles over his face and glasses on his head. “You want to mine, I’ll rent you some quality pick axes, Old 500, Good 2000, and Super 5000!”

“Oh you are the one.” Ash told him about Seymour.

“Well, well, well, friends of Seymour huh? Well any friends of Seymour are friends of mine.” He offered them some old pick axes they could use for free.

“Thanks!” Ash said happily. “Have you seen any strange ore deposits.”

“Oh like Blue and Black, you’ll find those in other regions. If you are looking for the rare Yellow Ore I haven’t been able to find any here.”

“What about fossils?” Torren asked.

“Well…” He wiped his brow. “You can find them here.”

“You liar!” Everyone turned to see a woman with red hair, a guy with blue hair, and a tiny man. “We’ve been using these pick axes for hours and have barely found a thing.”

“You guys asked for the cheapest axes I had, the older axes take longer to break through the ore so it takes time to mine, so it takes time to find the treasures.” He showed off his super pick axe, it was his pride and joy.

“Bet with that thing you’ve discovered all kinds of treasure, like rare fossils perhaps.” The tiny man asked. Audrey began to sweat.

Ash narrowed his eyes. “So it is you, back off Team Rocket!” He snapped.

“Team Rocket?” Audrey asked.

“How...what are you talking about?” James tried to play dumb.

“Don’t bother, you can disguise yourselves but I can see your auras!” They tossed off their disguises and began their motto.

“Wait be careful, this area is for mining not battles, if you aren’t careful you could fall through unstable ground.”


“Good to know!” Jessie and James smirked and called out their Pokemon.

“We know you have fossils hand ‘em over!” Jessie demanded.

Audrey panicked, he did have fossils but they took him a long time to find so he didn’t want to give them up.

“Knock it off Team Rocket!” Ash defended the scientist.

“Do it James!” Jessie demanded.

“But Jessie…” She glared at him.

“I said do it!”

“Koffing use Self Destruct!”

“Koff!” He flew by the group before glowing.

“Oh no!”

“Hah!” Ash erected an aura bubble around Audrey, Toren, and Brock! This created a barrier for Jessie and Meowth as the explosion happened, sending Ash and James blasting off into the tunnel, when they landed the floor crumbled beneath them and they feel into the deep areas of Mt. Moon.

“No Ash!” Toren cried.

Koffing fainted and the barrier crumbled.

“Now that the freak is out of the way, now I can deal with you punks, let’s get em Meowth!”

“But Jessie, what about James?”

“He’ll be fine, we’ll get him after we take the fossils and steal their Pokemon.”


Ash came to and found his Pikachu injured. “It’s okay Pikachu I got you!” He used his aura to heal him. “You okay buddy?”

“Pika!” The Pokemon recovered.

“Aaahhh!” James got up and his arm was broken.

Ketchum took a defensive stance and Pikachu’s cheeks sparked. “Oh my poor Koffing!” He cried. This surprised Ash.

‘Why’s a guy like him with Team Rocket?’ He wondered.

Ash could tell he really cared about his Pokemon. He flinched and clutched his broken arm. “Here…” He summoned his aura and used it to heal the man’s arm.

“Why help me?”

“Because I might be too nice for my own good!” Ash wasn’t stupid, he used his aura to stimulate James, triggering his natural healing ability. He’d heal, but be too weak to cause trouble.

“So you really are special...I read about people capable of using Aura I thought it was just a legend. It was hard to believe seeing it with my own eyes.”

“I’m real. You really care for your Pokemon, why’s a guy like you with Team Rocket?” James looked away.

“That’s a long story.”

Ash got up. “You’ll be fine, but you should get back to your Koffing and get him treated.”

“I’ve never used that move before Jessie thought it’d be a good idea to learn it! My poor Koffing!” James cried. There was a lot to cry about they were in a Dark Area, parts of mountains and caves where no light could be found, trainers needed to bring Pokemon with Flash or could give off a glow to see anything.

Ash closed his eyes. “Aura Sense!” His aura reached out. “Okay I know where my friends are...and...no way…”

Ketchum called out Ponyta illuminating the area with flames. “Hey wait!” James stumbled behind, not wanting to get left in the dark.


Jessie and Meowth faced off with Brock and Toren. “Leave them to me!” He called out Jam and Jelly. Though this didn’t go well as the two began to cuddle. “Come on you two.”

“This lovey dovey crap makes me sick!” Meowth attacked Jam, while Ekans attacked Jelly.

The two Nidoran fought back but their lack of battle experience had them fainting. “Oh no!”

“I’ll help!” Brock went for a ball.

“No you won’t!” Jessie let loose some capture rings, which caught the trainers and tied them down. “Now your Pokemon are mine!”

“No stay back!” Toren struggled.

Jam and Jelly got caught in Ekans’ Wrap and were squeezed and squished together.

“We’ll be taking those Fossils!” Meowth flexed his claws and Audrey cried.

“Clefairy!” The pink Pokemon came in and popped Ekans with a Pound.

“It’s you again!” Clefairy nodded. “Quick Clefairy use Life Dew!”

He did, conjuring up magical dew the dropped healing Jam and Jelly. “Ugh Ekans get that little loser, use Wrap!” It slithered around the fairy type, but nothing seemed to happen. “Why isn’t it working?” Meowth shrugged. “Ugh where is James when you need him!?” Getting his arm healed.

‘This Clefairy must have Magic Guard.’ Clefairy gave Ekans a kiss, which made the snake monster confused, it began to hurt itself in confusion. Toren took note of this. ‘That was Sweet Kiss!’

Clefairy then gave Ekans a good smack with Pound, knocking it out. “Meowth get them!”

He charged in for a Fury Swipes. “Clefairy!” He began to perform Metronome, this made Meowth pause in panic. “Fairy!”

Metronome turned into Moonblast, and Clefairy sent Team Rocket blasting off.


Ash knew Toren and Brock were okay, he hadn’t been able to sense Jessie or Meowth’s aura with them when he released his aura sense. What he did sense was this. “No way!” James gasped.

“Yellow Ore!” Ash got off Ponyta and went to the vein. It wasn’t very large about three good chunks. Ketchum wasn’t gonna let this chance slip by.

He grabbed his pick axe. “You’ll be at that all day with that old thing.”

“You’d be surprised when a little effort can do.” Ash channeled his aura and used it to coat the pick axe. If he could he’d have mined the whole area, but he wanted to get back to his friends.


The aura coated tool cut through the deposit like butter. Ash found 12 pieces of Yellow Tumble Stone and something special, an Old Amber!


Clefairy helped free Toren, Brock and Audrey. “Thanks Clefairy!”

“Clef!” He saluted.

“You followed me from your clan?” He nodded. “Does that mean you wanna join my team.” Another nod and Toren got all teary eyed.

“Catch him and let’s go find Ash!” Brock said getting up.

Koffing groaned. “Can you use Life Dew on Koffing?”

“What? Are you crazy that thing blew up and it’s his fault Ash is missing.”

“Maybe, but it’s what Ash would do. Besides if we left him here, he could get seriously hurt.” Brock frowned, he hadn’t thought of that in the moment.

Clefairy used Life Dew and revived the fallen Koffing. “Now no tricks, behave yourself and we’ll get you back to your trainer understand?” Koffing nodded.

Toren turned to Jam and Jelly, who were already back to cuddling. “I’m glad you two are so in love, but I do think we need to train properly. I’ll work with Jam first okay Jelly?” Jelly got all teary but the two did want to get stronger, and getting knocked around by Ekans and Meowth was a wake up call. Jelly agreed to go back and Toren caught Clefairy.

Using his Pokedex he sent Jelly back to Professor Oak.

“Thanks, you guys saved me!” Audrey cried happily.

“You should probably turn those fossils over to the museum, either revive them or donate them.” Brock suggested. Audrey twiddled his fingers.

They bumped into Ash and James, the bluenette happily reuniting with his Koffing. “Oh my Koffing!” He returned him. “Thanks for looking after him and for my arm, farewell!” He fled.

“Ash you’re okay!” Toren and Brock rushed over to him.

“Sure am, and look what I found!” Ash showed the Yellow Tumblestone.

“No way, you found a yellow vein?” Audrey cried.

“Sure did!” The proof was right there. “I even found this!” He showed the old amber.

“Amazing!” Audrey was gushing. “Here, you guys can have these.” He gave Brock the Dome Fossil and Toren the Helix Fossil. “The true passion of mining is the exploration after all, say buddy could you tell me where that vein is?”

Ash gave him the location, but warned him it was a small vein. He didn’t care he was sure to get a bonus from studying the Yellow Ore.

The group left Mt. Moon and were heading for Cerulean City.

To be continued...Ash’s First Gym Battle


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