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My Hero parody: Tier 1

Thousand Eyes Deku
Izuku was quirkless, he suffered a lot from Hero Society. While at his lowest point he’s given a quirk, but he doesn’t want to be a hero anymore, not if this is the state of the world. He’s gonna use this power to change things.

Chapter 1

“You always liked heroes didn’t you? Loved them even?”

Izuku closed his eyes. He did, he studied heroes, loved them, he was a big ‘ol hero nerd.

“Being quirkless, you saw the darkest parts of hero society didn’t you?” Izuku could still hear the people laughing at him.  Not just in his class, the whole school saw him as a joke. Even those with the D or E list quirks felt they could push Izuku around.

He had no quirk, he was defenseless, even less than those who could only hope to be a side kick to a D lister. Those with strong quirks bully the weak, establishing a pecking order. Izuku was at the bottom of the list.

Even if he tried to speak up the teachers didn’t wanna hear from a boy with no future. Since the time he was 5 he was pushed around.

“I have a way to give you power, a quirk I’ve experimented on, it’s ready for a vessel and you would be perfect for it.” Izuku almost couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Use it to punish the world that rejected you, use it to teach those who pushed you around, and use it to build a better world for yourself.”

The man’s sweet words were tempting, so tempting. He had done this before. This man had the power to take and give quirks, though modern quirks gave him trouble. One of the quirks he had pulled from himself, it was experimented on and left in stasis. It had evolved into something new and wouldn’t return to him, so he needed a vessel.

Izuku fell into his lap.

A quirkless boy, in need of a quirk, who had witnessed some of the darkest parts of this society. When the Doctor gave him a report on him, he did some digging, the boy was perfect.

Midoriya accepted his offer, and the quirk was added to his empty vessel.


Bakugou was brushing his teeth violently. “Die stupid plaque!” He snapped. This guy was seen as a prodigy, he was smart and naturally athletic even at a young age. His quirk Explosion, was a special hybrid of his parent’s quirks, a natural quirk evolution. It was flashy and powerful, only getting stronger as he aged and worked with it.

The whole world told him how amazing he was for having such a great quirk, it inflated his ego. The worst of it was he wasn’t ALL talk, he could back up his bravado. He was above everyone in academics, athletics, and his quirk which had been praised since he was 5 had only grown stronger and more versatile.

Katsuki had big dreams of going to UA, the number one hero school in Japan. He admired All Might the number 1 hero, and wished to surpass him one day. People flocked to him, becoming his lackeys and followers. As kids they made their own hero agency, with Bakugou being the leader.

His inflated ego did make him a bit of a pain, he spoke his mind and didn’t care what the “extras” had to say about it. Because he could kick their ass, and no one can stand in the same ring as him. If they weren’t good enough why should they listen to them, they should listen to him and follow without question.

Katsuki’s parents tried to keep him grounded, his mom mostly. She was quite tough on Katsuki, doing her best to keep him on the right path and give him perspective. His dad was a bit too passive.

Izuku and him used to be childhood friends, but once it was revealed he was quirkless Katsuki was willing to leave him in the dust. Midoriya tried to stay his friend, always following him around, but Bakugou didn’t care about some quirkless nobody. He couldn’t be a hero without a quirk, there was no way to stand in the same ring as him.

Katsuki rinsed his mouth out. After whipping his mouth, he saw something in his bathroom mirror. “What the hell?!” He whipped around and saw something strange.

It was a floating eye and it was watching him. He blushed as he was only in his tight briefs. “Oi, what the hell are you...some kind of quirk…” His hand sparked. “Answer me damn it!”

“Katsuki quit your fucking swearing!” His mother shouted.

Bakugou didn’t take his eyes off the floating eye. This was a mistake, as he gazed into the emerald orb, he couldn’t help but think the eye looked familiar. When he tried to look closer the iris began to ripple and waves of color could be seen.

Green...yellow...blue...back to green...yellow...blue...back to green…

“What is this you trying to hypnotize me or something?” Bakugou wasn’t blinking, his focus was on the eye, he couldn’t look away. The confident smirk on his face fell as he heard a voice in his head.

Just relax…”

“What?” He finally blinked, and the swirl of colors looked so pretty.

Just relax...don’t think...just relax…” The voice sounded familiar but Bakugou couldn’t think to properly place it. “Just relax...don’t think...only relax…” Bakugou yawned.

His eyes were getting heavy, but his focus was weirdly still on the eyes. “Are you getting sleepy?”

“Yeah…” He felt really tired all of a sudden.

Just relax...eyes heavy...so relaxed...sleepy boy...you should rest…” The eye floated and Katsuki followed it, yawning.

“Yeah…” He got into bed and the eye floated above him.

Eyes heavy...head empty...sleep...sleep and forget…” Katsuki’s eyes closed and he began to snore. “Good boy!”

When Katsuki woke up the next day he couldn’t remember going to bed. “Whatever…” He got dressed and went to school. Everything seemed normal, though Izuku Midoriya wasn’t in school today. Rumor had it that there was a villain incident and he would be out of school for a few days. ‘Damn nerd what the hell happened.’

All day long Katsuki got the weirdest sensation he was being watched. It was a familiar sensation like when Izuku watched him doing gym class. He eventually went home, finished his homework, had dinner, worked out, and showered.

When he stepped out of the shower he froze as he spotted an eye watching him. “What the hell?!” His hands covered his crotch. He blinked, getting hit with a surge of deja vu. “Where have I?”

The iris began to swirl with colors and Katsuki smirked. “What’s this shit, you trying to hypnotize me or something?”

Just relax…” Katsuki’s eyes widened. His body physically relaxed and his hands dropped to his sides letting the eye see every inch of him.

“What am I doing?” He blushed.

Don’t think...just relax...so relaxed…everything is fine...”

“Yeah…” The eye led him to the sink and he brushed his teeth. “Everything is fine…”

He did things on auto pilot, like there wasn’t a floating eye ball in his bathroom, watching him and gazing into his eyes. “Relax more...deeper...sink down...feels good…”

“Huh?” He gazed into the eye, looking deeper into the swirl of colors. His body and mind relaxed, sinking down into the depths. The world seemed to fade away around him, leaving him alone with the eye and the voice. That voice so familiar…

Don’t think just relax...everything is fine...no need to think...only relax...sink down…feels good…”

“Yeah...everything is fine...relax...feels good…” His heart began to race, his body getting hotter.

That’s good...good boy...sink down...deeper...the deeper you go the more it feels good...feels good yes?” He followed the eye to his bed and climbed in.

“Yes!” He moaned, his cock was rock hard, standing at a fat 6 incher.

You are doing so good...so deep for me...you want to sleep…”

Bakugou whined. “Horny…” His hands itched to touch his meet and get off.

Go to sleep...you are feeling sleepy...so sleepy…”Katsuki yawned. “Sleepy boy...good boy...sleep and forget...that’s it...good night!” His head rolled back and his eyes closed. In seconds he was snoring away. The blonde’s cock twitched angrily and was left to wilt.

When Katsuki awoke the next day he had a serious case of morning wood. “Aww what the hell!” He beat his meat like he brushed his teeth, hard and rough, one might feel sorry for his dick. “Oh oh oh ohh!” He worked the shaft so hard and fast his balls were bouncing.

He got off, shooting his load a solid six spurts before his cock went limp. “Fuck yeah!” His loads were always thick, maybe a side effect of his quirk. He got some tissues and cleaned up.

Katsuki couldn’t remember the last time he went to bed naked but he shrugged it off. As he went to school he felt eyes on him again. ‘Whatever everything is fine!’ He thought.

Having this strange gaze on him didn’t bother him, he felt so relaxed. When he showered in gym class he actually felt the gaze leave him, and it felt weird. The gaze was back on him as soon as he left, he shivered in delight.

It felt so nice to be watched and observed, it let him feel at ease. He went home and did his usual, as he worked out he felt the gaze on him, he smirked, feeling his loins warm. Bakugou was a bit of a show off, but something was flipped in him. He worked extra hard, breaking a sweat.

His sweaty clothes were peeled off, leaving his chiseled body glistening. The underwear came down and his dick sprang up. He went to the bathroom and got in the shower and there was the eye. As soon as their gaze met, the colors began to swirl.

Katsuki relaxed and smiled. “Hi…” He was so hard and he was being watched. “Are you gonna hypnotize me? Fat chance I’m too smart to be hypnotized.”

Don’t think just feel…” Bakugou moaned and began playing with his cock. “Relax...take it slow...let me see…”

Katsuki panted but obeyed, he slowly teased his length, giving it squeezes and slow strokes. “Mmm~!” His penis wasn’t used to such tender treatment.

Sink down...go deep for me...it feels good...feel good…” The world faded away as Bakugou sank down, he could feel the water pelting him but his focus was on the eye and the voice. He jerked off slowly, water cascading down his muscles, he was really putting on a show.

“Nnnhhhh aaahhh!” Bakugou came, and the evidence was washed away. He was feeling so relaxed and so good, his body was really feeling it, his nipples standing hard and perky.

Katsuki dried off and brushed his teeth, not looking away from the floating eye. He was more aware of the thing watching him now, looking at every inch of him and he loved it. “Are you feeling good?”

“So good!” He moaned.

Show me…” The eye led him to his room, and with each step Katsuki got hard and horny, to the point his cock was bouncing as he walked. He went under his bed and found his secret stash of porn, it was a lewd magazine of R-Rated heroes.

Katsuki looked away from the eye to his porn and began to beat his meat. He was back at his wild pumping. “Stop…” Bakugou whined but obeyed.


Don’t think...forget...sink down…”

“So hard!” Bakugou moaned, his cock twitching angrily. Despite the rough treatment he had been close, and the sudden stopping kept him on edge.

Yes you are...so hard for me...so good for me…” Katsuki shivered at the words.

“Hard for you…”

Good boy!” He gulped as a burst of pleasure seemed to shoot through him. His cock twitched and began to ooze pre-cum. “Such a good boy...you are so deep and relaxed for me...so hard and excited for me…”

“Yes!” The words seemed to slip through his mind without defense, becoming an absolute truth.

You’ve had a big day...now you are a sleepy boy...so sleepy…”

“So sleepy…” He yawned. His porn was tucked away and Bakugou flopped back in his bed, his eyes growing heavy and drifting closed.

Sleep and forget...dream a naughty dream...let your desires flow...now sleep...sleepy boy...and have a naughty dream…” Katsuki fell asleep, having an intense sex dream that felt so real, he had a wet dream.

Waking up to cum shooting on his face. “Oh man…” he groaned and sat up, his morning wood throbbing. “Shit…”

A week passed like this, for some reason he felt extra horny this week. His dreams felt really intense, he jerked off to his porn, but it wasn’t enough. When he was being watched he got this surge, but everything was fine. So what if he was getting hard in class, so what if he was getting hard working out. He actually ditched his “friends” to jerk off in the bathroom at lunch. The only time he didn’t feel the eyes on him was in the lockerroom, it was weird.

He had finished his homework, and he decided to jump on his computer before his work out to take care of business. His pants and briefs were down around his ankles. He felt so relaxed and good he decided to check out something different. Bakugou was pretty vanilla when it came to lust, his fantasies were pretty basic, oral, penetration, and if he was feeling naughty he thought about using breasts to jerk off.

The video he clicked on had a guy fucking a girl, but it changed to a show of anal. “Whoa she’s really into it...does taking it up the ass feel good?” He wondered. “Man I must be horny...I’m thinking weird stuff…”

He finished the video and made a mess of his shirt, his nipples peeking through the tight fabric. Katsuki decided to skip his work out today and grab his shower where a familiar eye met him.

To be continued


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