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My Hero parody: Kinktober

Kinktober Special 2022 Scent Kink

Bakugou is caught in a scent hell, as Kirishima works out in the gym the blonde is stuck in a trap. The worst part is the faux red head doesn’t realize what a sexy beast he is.


The sounds of weights clanging rang out through the UA Fitness Room. The machines were in full use as students worked their muscles and trained their vessels to better utilize their quirks. Some of the most frequent visitors was Class 1-A!

Kirishima Eijirou went every day he could, he probably had Tetsutetsu beat in number of visits. He worked out hard, not stopping till long after he’s broken a sweat. Eijirou hit the machines hard feeling the burn. This wasn’t exactly a problem, except...the manly hero was just too sexy for his own good!

This is what Bakugou was feeling, he tried to focus on his own weight lifting, but kept getting distracted by the faux red head. ‘Damn stupid sexy bastard!’ The blonde’s libido was surging, he channeled the sexual frustration into his exercise.

He was hotter than most pros, and his attire was so simple. Kirishima was rocking a white tank top, showing off his jacked arms, his broad shoulders, beefy pecs with an amazing  show of muscled cleavage, and those sinful pits. The pointy toothed lad had matching tank tops in different colors he used as work out shirts. It was something so simple and yet he made it look so sexy.

The shorts he wore helped show off his strong leg and thick thighs. Depending on what machine he was on those legs put on an erotic show, and when he was on the bench his big dick bulged out the crotch. Even soft his hefty man meat could present a lewd bulge.

Kirishima was truly a treat for the eyes, when he worked up a sweat, the clothing clung to him, making his muscular body pop. His sweat rolled around the dips and valleys of muscle Eijirou had going for him. He had no idea just how hot he was.

If he was just a treat for the eyes it’d be one thing but Kirishima had something else going for him. His body was evolved thanks to his quirk so the guy had some unique sweat glands. A side effect from hardening his skin. He produced a strong and manly musk, one could smell it from about 10-15 feet away when he was working out.

A true treat for the senses, one whiff would make the purest man hard as a rock. So one could imagine the effect it was having on Bakugou Katsuki. Every time Kirishima invited him to the gym, it was like being treated to a hormone buffet.

He got so hard in his briefs and shorts, his hard on rubbing against the confines and becoming more sensitive. Katsuki was “suffering” from his natural musk, even at a distance. If this was a cartoon Eijirou’s scent would be able to lift him up and carry him over like he was a pie on a windowsill. It was that good.

This wasn’t a cartoon, instead Bakugou just got whiffs of his best friend who made him so hard it hurt. The urge to jerk off was so strong, but he had some control. He’d wait to do it in the locker room or a rest room stall.

Katsuki worked up quite the sweat, pumping his sexual frustration through the weights than his dick. If he used his quirk now he’d probably level the room. Bakugou’s own scent filled the room.

His quirk had its own effect on his body. Some guys even asked to borrow his body spray because of it, but there was no spray or wash that he used that gave him this scent. A side effect from his mother’s side made his manly musk sweet as dessert. Some claimed he smelled like marshmallows, others claimed he smelled like fresh chocolate, but Izuku claimed he smelled like caramel. It was possible his musk was the same, but different based on the one who smelled him. The chemicals triggering something in the brain to compare it to. The unanimous result was that was the blonde smelled sweet like candy.

It made him wonder if Kirishima’s musk was the same, a study claimed that a man ran a mile before every date he ever had working up a nice musk. Based on his dates reaction helped him determine how long their relationship would last. His musk was always the same, but the reaction was different. Some of his dates were more attracted to him, with one not even getting through dinner before they were doing it.

Katsuki rejected the idea because that meant HE was the pervert here, getting hard on Kirishima’s musk. It wasn’t a theory he wanted to test out. ‘No fucking way it’s that pervert’s fault, stupid sexy bastard!’ He gave off an intense aura as he worked out. It was hard to tell the difference between his angry aura and his horny/frustrated one. So people tended to steer clear.

His work out ended but the blonde was still hard. He didn’t have an excuse to put distance between himself and the faux red head, so he was still in the radius of his musk. It’s effect on him was strong, keeping little Katsuki standing at attention, or at least trying to. Even if he didn’t breath through his nose, the scent tickled his sense of smell.

An intake of breath might have ended him, he couldn’t live it down cumming into his boxers/briefs over his friend’s musk. A loud clang pulled Katsuki out of his thoughts. “Ahh what a work out!” Kirishima stretched, sending his musk out in waves though unintentionally.

‘Fuck!’ His cock throbbed.

“Ready to hit the showers Bakubro?” Katsuki clicked his tongue.

“Whatever!” Which Eijirou read as yes. So the two hit the lockers. Kirishima stripped off his sweaty garments, the tank top clung to his body as if the fabric didn’t want to leave his form. Eijirou was bold in the locker room, not shy among men, so he had no issue dropping his shorts and underwear in one go.

The carpets did not match the drapes, revealing that Kirishima was not a natural red head. A thick nest of manly, black, hair crowned his crotch. It wasn’t the only thing manly about him Kirishima’s cock was THICK. He wasn’t the biggest in class, Shoji and Koda held the biggest cocks in Class 1-A but having the bronze medal in big dicks wasn’t a bad thing. His massive balls made his sac hang a bit. “Ahh!” Kirishima let out a sigh.

His sweaty clothes were put in a bag to be taken home and washed. Kirishima had stripped naked in the time it took Bakugou had taken off his shirt. “I’ll see you in there!” Kirishima said before scampering off, his big dick swaying and hefty balls bouncing free as he walked.

‘Fuck!’ Bakugou felt ready to explode. A quick check to see the coast was clear, he reached into Eijirou’s bag and brought out his tank top. He sat down on the bench and freed his aching erection. “Fuck!” The garment was pressed to his face and he breathed deeply. “Ahhhaaahhhh~!”

Katsuki physically relaxed and his penis began to leak pre-cum. “Ohh fuck!” He began to pump his erection.

Too bad for him Kirishima was in such a rush he forgot about grabbing a towel to dry off. He scampered back and was treated to quite a show.

Katsuki had his shirt firmly in place, breathing in the musk of the sweat marked garment. ‘Bakubro?’ Eijirou’s eyes widened. ‘Oh wow!’ He was breathing in deeply and working his dick like a man possessed. His foreskin slid back and forth over the sensitive head.

Pre-cum was spilling out like crazy, the blonde was using it to work his shaft faster and faster. “Ohh yeah...sniff...ohh yeah…” He was so turned on, his nipples peeking through his shirt.

His teeth sank into the fabric. “Mmm~!”

‘This is hot!’ Eijirou’s penis swelled. ‘I didn’t know he was into this kind of thing.’

Kirishima’s penis stood tall breaking double digits, fully erect at 13 inches. A thick nest of dark curls crowned his crotch.

Bakugou had no idea he had been caught in the act, that he had an audience as he revelled in his lust and Kirishima’s musk. He was so horny and wound up, it wasn’t long before he….

“Uhh uhh ohhh!” His toes curled and he bucked his hips shooting his seed and making a mess of himself. He rode out his orgasm, panting and breathing in the sweet musk. His body shuddered in delight. “Fuck yeah...”

“Wow Bakubro I didn’t know you cared.” Just as he came down from his high he heard Eijirou. For a second he froze, before yanking off the shirt to see the faux red head.

“Kirishima I was...I umm I was…” He fumbled over his words, and forgot about his boxers and shorts around his ankles.

Katsuki tripped and fell back, it was a short fall. “Gah!” He landed on his ass, which stung, but he was focused on the situation he was in. The blonde hadn’t even noticed his erection yet, but as he slipped and fell, Kirishima rushed over and red eyes looked up the massive manhood was hard to miss.

“Are you okay Bakubro?”

“Tch...I’m fine!” He snapped.

Kirishima smirked. “Good!” He brought his foot into Katsuki’s crotch, catching his manhood and applied pressure.

“Fuck!” Katsuki cursed.

“I didn’t know you were such a pervert.” His cheeks flushed red, reaching ear to ear.

“I’m not…” He denied weakly, feeling the pads and sole rub his length. He had just cum, so he was sensitive. Kirishima flexed his toes and casually worked his manhood back to full arousal.

“Oh really...I believe I just saw you sniffing my shirt and jerking off.” Bakugou couldn’t help but shiver. “That’s a whole new side of you, you were getting off on my manly musk...so I guess that’d make you a…” Kirishima stroked his chin in mock thought. “A musk whore!”

He stepped on Bakugou’s arousal making the blonde buck and moan. “Fucking hell!” He cursed.

Kirishima chuckled. “Oh man this is amazing, I didn’t know this side of you!” He put his hands behind his head, exposing his sweaty pits. “You wanna draw from the tap big guy?”

Bakugou felt his mouth go dry, so he licked his lips, and gulped. “Are you fucking serious?”

“You are right, I did catch you sneaking around, being a bit of a creep.” His words shot through Bakugou’s heart hard. “You put on quite the show, so I think you should take care of this!” He wagged his hard cock, drawing the blonde’s attention to it.

“You’re fucking huge!” Two inches bigger hard, that massive meat was trapped in the confines of his boxers/briefs all day long.

“Sure am, are you gonna help me out?”

“Fuck yeah!” Kirishima helped him up, only to lay him out on the bench. “The fuck!” The blonde hissed.

“I’m not gonna prep you, I’m not gonna fuck you till I’m satisfied that I’m not gonna rip you apart.” He said and straddled Bakugou’s face. Without missing a beat he planted his toned buttocks muffling any comeback Bakugou had to say.

Eijirou wiggled his ass. ‘Oh fuck the hell yes!’ Bakugou was hit with Eijirou’s musk, flipping that switch in his brain.

“Better get started Bakubro, if you want my dick in your ass, you better work fast!” His lips were firmly pressed against his hole, his nose pressed in sensitive skin that rarely saw the light of day. His manly musk was strong and made Bakugou’s head spin, but he knew what the red head was asking for.

His cock was hard and throbbing, and Bakugou touched it, just enough to coat his fingers with pre-cum. With one hand he spread his cheeks, and the other went to work his hole. Kirishima observed from above, having the best seat in the house.

Katsuki slid two fingers into his ass at once. “Oh damn, that’s pretty manly!” He praised. Bakugou worked two fingers into his ass, thrusting them in and out. “Seems like you’ve done this before, so you masturbate with your ass bro?”

Eijirou was enjoying himself, lazily stroking his member. He marveled at how the blonde’s entrance swallowed and squeezed the thrusting digits. They sank deep and worked him open.

He curled his fingers and rubbed a spot inside him. “Mphhhhmmm~!”

“Oh are you touching a good spot inside you, your dick is twitching a lot. You better not cum or no dick for you!”

Katsuki whined and added a third finger, finger fucking his hole to stretch it out. To distract himself he focused on the tasty hole in front of him, he licked the entrance, tracing the rim with his tongue. He tasted Kirishima’s sweat.

“Ohh...yeah Bakubro!” Eijirou wiggled his ass some more. The faux red head had a strong core, so he clenched his cheeks and hugged the blonde’s face and kissed back with his hole.

His cock kept twitching and leaking feeling so very close to the edge. He collected his essence and used it to wet his hole, making it glisten lewdly. “That’s good!” Kirishima got up, his cock was also slicked up with his pre-cum.

He fetched a little gift, his jock strap. “Here you go, a nice muzzle for my musk whore!” Katsuki shivered.

The garment was stretched over his face, forming a perfect mask. The deep musk of Kirishima’s crotch was etched into the fibers. With every breath Katsuki took the musk filled his brain and made him all fluttery. “That’s a good boy!” Kirishima ran his hand through spiky locks. “Breath it in deep!”

Katsuki was moved onto his hands and knees his ass raised high in the air. Kirishima spread his cheeks and inspected the work, the hole parted and winked at him. ‘So cute!’ He got into position slapping his cock against Katsuki’s ass cheeks. “You got such a plump manly ass Bakubro! I’ll confess I’ve always wanted to fuck it!”

Bakugou wasn’t really listening, too lust in the fog of musk. Eijirou decided to get his attention but thrusting in. “Ohhh!” His walls clenched around the intruder, only to suddenly get even tighter.

“Aaahhh~!” Katsuki came, making a mess beneath him. The combo of musk and dick was too much.

“Cumming from my dick already...I’m only half inside!”

“Only half!” He felt so full already.

“Yeah...see!” Kirishima pushed into untapped territory, his pre-cum paving the way. His cock was fully buried inside the blonde, making his brain short circuit as his stomach bulged from the massive size.

He could feel his channel get stretched wide and deep. His soft cock twitching as he finished cumming. “Man you are so tight, yet a little soft. Is this the first real cock you’ve taken.” He traced the puckered rim, watching it hug his penis lewdly.

Katsuki groaned, his body shaking and trembling. “Only...toys...fuck you...big dicked….bastard…” He panted out.

Eijirou squeezed his hips. “I gotta say that dirty mouth of yours has always made me wanna fuck you bad!” Without another word he began to fuck Katsuki silly, his thrusts were long and hard. The clap of his pelvis against his plump cheeks bade them jiggle.

His balls swung and connected with Bakugou’s, sending a burst of pleasure through his groin. Katsuki’s limp penis bounced and swayed from the force of their fucking. Bakugou’s eyes rolled up as the heat from the friction melted his insides, and he was reshaped for Kirishima’s use.

He took it well. Kirishima’s strong humping shaking him to his core, all he could do was take it and breathe, the crotch musk making his head spin and increase his pleasure.

Leave it to Eijirou to have endurance, no matter how tight Bakugou was, or how his hole clenched around him the mighty rod seemed to be far away from cumming. “Ohh your ass is so good, taking my manly cock, such a manly hole I love it!”

The sound of skin striking skin, echoed through the locker room. “Fuck...fuck...you bastard...fuck...me...yes…” He said between sniffs and moans.

It wasn’t long before the blood rushed south once more and made his penis swell. ‘Fucking hell...he’s gonna...fuck me stupid…’ His hard rod slapped against his abs.

Kirishima’s cheeks were burning. He was enjoying this a lot, so he picked up the pace, his manhood ramming Bakugou’s sweet spot with every pass. “Fuck!”

“Oh am I hitting something good inside you, I feel you around me bro, enjoying my manly dick!” His pure and honest words were hitting the blonde hard making him get driven closer to orgasm. “Did I ever tell you how good you smell, you always smell sweet like candy or caramel after a work out. I’m not much for sweets, but you...I always wanted to eat you up!”

Katsuki grit his teeth, he couldn’t hold it back anymore. Because of his quirk he had a sweet aroma about him, some guys used to make fun of him for it, but he taught them a lesson, but being praised for it that was a whole different thing. He saw stars as his climax hit and he blew his load.

“Ohhh!” Kirishima followed suit. “I’m cumming Bakubro!” He howled and unleashed his seed.

‘So much cum…’ Spurt after spurt after spurt shot inside him. Those big balls saved a lot.

Kirishima’s penis softened and slipped from his hole. He removed the jock strap mask he had gifted Bakugou revealing his blush and lustful grin.

Normally for someone so big like Kirishima they needed more of a recovery time, but thanks to his quirk he had a trick up his sleeve. “You were great Bakubro, you’ve earned your reward!” Using his quirk he hardened his cock. “I can’t cum like this, so enjoy my dick while sniffing my pits!” He put his hands behind his head.

“You shitty hair bastard, so you do have more than rocks for brains!” Katsuki climbed into his lap and mounted his cock, sinking down onto it fully. “Fuck yeah!”

He leaned forward and buried his face in Kirishima’s pit. “Ohhh~!” He breathed in the musk, his cock oozing all over Eijirou’s abs.

“Sniff~sniff~sniff!” Katsuki shuddered in delight.

He bounced up and down on the hard shaft, using it like so many dildos in the past, it made the cum slosh and shift inside him. He came making a mess on Kirishima’s abs and pecs, but he just kept riding and sniffing.

When the other guys came into the locker room, this is what they found. Katsuki’s big secret was out, but the class was very open and accepting. He didn’t have to hide his kink, and the guys were willing to let him enjoy their musk.

A blow job was a good enough thank you. “My ass belongs to Kirishima, touch it and die!” Eijirou was still his favorite, no one could match his rich musk.

Eijirou had awakened a voyeur kink, catching Katsuki in the act stirred that switch. Watching him sniff and lick other guys’ pits riled him up. Not a day went by the two didn’t fuck in the showers, Kirishima pounding him so hard it made his beefy pecs bounce and jiggle.

Katsuki’s musk kink blossomed to the point he could cum from Eijirou’s musk alone.




Awesome story! Eijiro sure let Katsuki go to town on his musk! Also love how he called him Bakubro lol