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One piece parody: phone fic/Bad day/tier 1

Mantra Trained

Luffy and the crew had defeated Eneru and his priests, but the power of Mantra was an ability that proved difficult for them to handle. While in Skypiea they learn its an ability that can be learned. So the crew hangs in the sky island to learn the ways of mantra. 

Chapter 1 

The Straw Hats found a way to reach the island in the sky, Skypiea! A place so many believed wasn't real. Luffy was determined to prove it was real by ringing the Golden Bell. 

The place was wild, the crew being labeled criminals for not paying an entrance fee. What they didn't know was the island was being ruled by "God" or at least a man calling himself god. Eneru was a monster from another sky island with logia powers. 

After some of the crew was taken to a sacrificial alter, the rest of the crew made their way there. They faced one of Eneru's priests, but he had a weird power known as Mantra. They were able to predict their moves and dodge attacks. Another girl could use mantra to "hear voices". She was detecting presences and battles going on. 

Along with Sky Warfare, Mantra made the priests difficult to deal with. Eneru was terrifying combining his devil fruit with mantra to listen in on conversations. With his logia power he was terrifying, a demon in god's seat. He had an evil plan, and pit the priests and guards of upper yard in war against the Shandians and the Straw Hat pirates. 

Luffy proved to be Eneru's natural enemy, being made of rubber he not only was immune to his lightning, but he could also hit him. Mantra gave Eneru the edge in their fight and proved problematic for Luffy despite his best efforts. 

Eneru was chased off and the Golden Bell was rung. There WERE people in the sky, the great city of gold was launched into the sky. Noland wasn't a liar. 

The crew partied and feasted in celebration of their victory and survival. The conflict between the Skypieans and the Shandians could rest now, let the past die and the two groups could move on from here. 

As for the Straw Hats they found a bunch of treasure inside a giant snake, Usopp made some trades for dials, but what else? Do they leave? They could but why should they, it took so much for them to get here and they didn't really get a chance to explore the island. They didn't have to worry about marines hunting them here, they could relax a bit. 

The treasure was safely stored away, it'd take time for Usopp to learn about dials. " If it means partying with more angel babes I say we stay!" Sanji declared.

"Moron!" Zoro groaned earning a glare from the blonde cook. "I think we could do for some training, that mantra stuff was no joke."

"Hold it Zoro I hope you don't expect me to train!?" Nami huffed. 

"And why not, if even that little girl can use Mantra then so could you." His words hit Nami hard. She had once confided in Usopp at their lack of strength compared to the others. 

Chopper poked his head up. "Do you think I can learn it?" Zoro ruffled his fur.

"Atta boy, I don't see why not." 

"I'm for staying, I think I can get even more dials if I trade some plants. Nami if you give me some tangerines I'm sure I can get some stuff to upgrade your climatact!" Usopp was drooling at the possibilities. 

Robin was absent, currently studying the poneglyphs they found in the Golden Belfry. 

"Come on Luffy, do you wanna stay?" Luffy had been quiet for a while. There was something peaceful about Skypiea almost familiar though Luffy didn't understand why. 

There were more adventures to be had but they had hardly spent any time here. If this mantra thing could be learned, it would benefit the crew going forward. "Let's stay, I wanna learn this mantra stuff, plus this island is cool I wanna explore it more." This experience was crazy, his crew had suffered while he was stuck in a giant snake, Nami was nearly taken away. It was a painful feeling. "Let's get stronger, together!" He smiled brightly. 

Robin returned and actually was fine with staying. There was more history she could learn from both the Shandians and Skypieans. The crew was given a giant pillar of gold but their ship was too small to take the huge thing with them. The Skypieans felt bad after all that's happened. "There must be some way we can repay you?" Luffy chuckled. 

The monster trio asked around and there were a few mantra users that agreed to help train the saviors of Skypiea. They needed to recover so they'd start the basics with Aisa. She was the only Shandian with this power. The warriors had refused to learn it not wanting to use that power. Wiper made the choice but may have been speaking out of pride. 

She helped explain Mantra varied from person to person, even the warriors they had with it had lost to Eneru and his priests. Aisa could use it from birth, she could use it to sense someone's presence and tell one's strength somewhat. She was also able to tell someone's emotions, often sensing Wiper's anger and rage. From where she was she had been able to tell when Luffy and Sanji had defeated Satori, and when the Sky Knight got defeated. 

The other mantra users confirmed it could be taught, some people had more of a knack for it than others. "With the right training you could surpass that of the priests and even Eneru!" 

So the training began. 

Aisa had them doing the basics doing hide n seek with blindfolds. Taking away one sense allowed them to open their sixth. She also attacked them with different dial weapons. It was a double form of training not only were they supposed to dodge but also predict which dial weapon was which. 

Since Luffy was made of rubber he could take physical hits well. So the dial training added a touch of danger to help push those limits. 

Many of the dials used by the priests were confiscated. So Aisa used some flame dials, flavor dials, heat dials, flash dials. Flame and heat were the dangerous ones.

If they dodged the harmless one they got penalized. 

For Luffy he was denied food, Zoro booze, Sanji…well he didn't talk about it. Aisa's training methods were actually quite effective. 

Nami and Robin opted out for the dial training, so stuck to the game style of training. Hide N Seek, Guess Who, Red Light Green Light, even Dodgeball for some combat training. Usopp and Chopper partaking in this as well.

While Usopp was busy trading for dials, Chopper joined the monster trio in some of their more intense training. He wanted to be braver and more manly so he agreed to do the dial training even if it was scary. If Chopper failed his trial he joined Luffy in not eating. 

Using a Ball Dial they recreated the ordeal of Spheres which served as a good way of training their mantra. 

Once the Skypiean warriors were recovered they joined the fray giving hands on combat training. The monster trio had to fight blindfolded. Their natural combat instincts and ability to adapt helped them tap into Mantra. For some reason Sanji was very adept at Mantra which he loved to rub in Zoro's face. 

Wiper even swung by to observe, he didn't say much. 

Days turned to weeks. When the crew wasn't training they kept busy.

Usopp's trading landed him some very rare dials, a couple of Thunder Dials, Cold Dials, a Snow Dial, a Jet Dial, some Milky Dials, Gust Dials, Axe Dials, Water Dials, and even a Roar Dial. The last one was quite rare it was similar to a tone dial takes in sound, but it can be released with a higher output. 

Nami had fun on the waver or enjoyed relaxation time on angel beach. Robin learned lots about Skypiean and Shandian history. Noticing both spoke of a god, a god was said to have been the Skypiean's first leader and protected them from invaders, when he vanished he chose a new "god" to lead. The Shandian's had legends of a sun god, it is said the god vanished one day returning to the sky. 

She theorized that both clans may have once been apart of one larger group. Sadly many historical recordings were lost, even carvings on the ruins have been worn by the elements and time. Robin discovered an old worn carving that looked like there were three winged tribesmen. It was possible Eneru's group was the third clan.

From what she could follow, one tribe was great and mighty warriors, the second were wise and bold inventors/craftsmen, and the third were devout and could "hear the voice of god". Potentially this was the mantra ability. All three tribes had potential for these gifts, but specialized in one. It saddened her that she couldn't gather all the pieces. 

So much had been lost over the years. There may have even been information implanted in the gold the city protected, Eneru had found it and melted it down to craft his ship. It was clear he didn't care for history. Even the name of the sun god seemed to have been lost. 

Robin could tell that the clans were old potentially reaching back to the void century. The fact they were tasked with guarding the poneglyph was a telling sign. She hoped a greater collection of their history existed somewhere. 

Chopper was learning about Skypiea medicine and some Shandorian medicine. Some were a bit out dated as it was stuff Noland shared with them. Over the years they had tried to continue Noland'a work. They had made some interesting discoveries being on the White Sea. 

Sanji was learning about sky island cooking techniques. Zoro did more training. 

Luffy just seemed to explore the island. Wiper kept an eye on him for reasons he didn't fully understand. 

To be continued Luffy versus Wiper


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