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Akame Ga Kill parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 5 

Chapter 6 The Ooze is Back!

Tatsumi and Ieyasu were tasked with shadowing Akame as their first bit of assassin training. ‘Sayo...it’s a good thing we learned how to cook…’

‘Because that’s all we seem to be doing lately!’ The two shared a similar thought. They had worked hard to study ingredients in case of a food shortage, using cooking to optimize meals to fill their tummies even with little to have. Their efforts showed them how to best prepare and care for the ingredients they use.

As it stood the two took to the kitchen like pro chefs, their fellow assassins asking for seconds, thirds, and fourths. “More!” Was a united cry from the table.

Akame was supposed to be cooking, but she just seemed to be sampling what they made. Tatsumi got the idea the only reason why she handles all the cooking is because she wants to sample and eat as much as she wanted.

In the days they’ve been shadowing her Ieyasu hadn’t seen her do any actual cooking. Judging by how the others were stuffing their faces, you had to wonder what they’ve been subjected to all this time. Akame seemed to be the type to do bare bones cooking. “If it tastes fine and fills your tummy that’s all it matters” type. What she cooked for meals was typically meat and rice, for breakfast it was pork cutlets over rice, for lunch it was tuna over rice, and for dinner she wanted grilled fish over rice. It was the same meal just insert meat dish here….

Ieyasu and Tatsumi mixed it up, but had to deal with a pouting Akame about it. The tasty food made her cheer up though.

The cooking itself wasn’t so bad, but they could do without comments from the peanut gallery. Both boys were accessorized with fresh pink and yellow aprons, the pink having a little bunny on it, and the yellow having a kitty on it. “That’s a good look for our newbie recruits!” Mine kept teasing them, mocking them at every turn.

The only time she was quiet was when she was stuffing her face, but she refused to praise their cooking, saying it was just adequate. Bulat, Mine, and Leone were heading off on assignments today, Lubbock was also off today, but he didn’t say what.

With them gone it was just the boss, who was busy either smoking or dealing with some Night Raid business. Akame had them foraging for food, and figuring our the layout of their base.

The recent attack proved while their base was secret, it wasn’t invisible. If they were found out again and attacked the boys needed to be able to fight on home field advantage. If Night Raid’s location was leaked out they’d have to move and such things were costly, so it was best to end intruders fast and hard.

Tatsumi knew that if the others were going on assignment they were going out to kill. They would also be going on assignments sooner or later. The boss just wanted them a bit more seasoned before going on any solo missions, and if they were shadowing someone they’d go on their assignments.

Akame didn’t make things better, as when they left she said. “Let’s go take some lives of our own.” She meant hunting but that was such a creepy way to say it!

The woman didn’t talk much, but she was teaching them. Their prey they hunted were monsters each with their own ways to track, hunt, capture or take down...just like people. “One assassination method will not work for everyone, its best to study your prey, learn their weaknesses and thus make the effective strike.”

Today’s prey was Elegant Tuna, an elusive monster.

Akame had no issue hunting it, stripping down and diving into the lake. Pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow! She sent them flying high into the sky and making them land in her basket. Her trick was to dive into the center of the lake and mask her presence before striking. “It’s important to make a quick call, can you do it?”

Tatsumi and Ieyasu looked at each other, smirked, and nodded! “Bring it on!” They stripped down to their underwear and dove in.


“So Tatsumi caught four, and Ieyasu caught two.” Najenda said. “Not bad you two...for your first time…” Akame had caught five her first time, and now she could break double digits with ease.

“They are still green.” Akame said.

The two twitched. ‘It’s not like we got zero…’ Ieyasu thought.

‘Man, she’s really cold and hard to read, I don’t know if I can work with her.’ Learn from her yes, but work with her, he just wasn’t sure.

Sayo was different from Akame, she spoke her mind, praising you if you did well, calling you out if you did poor, but with the care to give feedback so you can improve and not make the same mistakes. Akame just observed, and when she did speak she cut them to the quick.

Ugh...my head…”

“Venom!” The ooze had finally awoken.

That was foul, you owe me big partner!” He was a venom that could devour all others, but he still had to eat it. Taste was important, and disease was just nasty.

“I thank you for saving my life.” Ieyasu said, giving a bow.

“Really Venom thank you, my friend and I are alive thanks to you.” The ooze nodded.

Hmph, I appreciate the thanks, but thanks won’t wash the taste out of my mouth, plus you really worked me to the bone partner.”Tatsumi had asked a lot of the little ooze in just a short time.

Teigu did have limits, only by time and bonding with the right master could they properly grow and evolve. “I think it’s only fair I have that.”

“That?” Tatsumi blinked.

‘That?’ Ieyasu wondered.

Venom licked it’s lips. “Yes that!” He grinned a big toothy grin.

The brunette blushed. ‘Wait...does he mean...that?!’

I do!’ Venom sent telepathically.

Tatsumi’s whole face went red, his face burning so hot his sweat turned to steam. “Tatsumi...what’s that?” Ieyasu asked.

“Nothing!” He ran off.

Akame held her food defensively. “He’s not getting any of my food!” Ieyasu sweatdropped.


“Does it have to be like this?” Tatsumi made it back to his room.

You act like you don’t want it, but look…” The ooze shifted Tatsumi’s clothes exposing his hard cock. “Look how excited you are!”

Tatsumi remembered what the ooze did to him before, how good it felt when they became one, how they bonded. It was enough to stir his loins, his natural libido coming up and making his dick stand proud and hard. “Fuck…” He covered his face with his hands.

Venom slithered down. ‘Such tasty meat!’ He thought but the words still echoed in Tatsumi’s mind.

“Just get on with it!”

Relax partner, let me savor this treat.” His long tongue came out and licked along his shaft.

“Ahhh!” Tatsumi moaned.

The ooze licked along his length, tasting every inch and savoring every centimeter. ‘Mmm yeah, so good, so thick, so tasty!’ It spread lower and fondled his massive balls.

You haven’t jerked off while I was fapping have you?’

“No!” Tatsumi exclaimed, his voice cracking into a moan as his nuts were fondled. The ooze clung to his sac like a second skin. It squeezed and toyed with his family jewels, sending pleasure surging through his form.

Good this stuff is all mine!” He squeezed Tatsumi’s balls making the brunette moan.

“Yours?!” Suddenly the ooze encased his cock and began pumping him. “Ohh ohh ohh oh oh oh!”

Yes mine, I call dibs, but I’m not selfish, we can share it with our harem.”

“H-Harem!?” The ooze pumped him faster and Venom began to suck on his tip, drinking his pre-cum. His tongue worked the slit, sending shivers up his spine.

Oh yes, a harem!” Venom purred. “A fine specimen like ourselves deserves a harem. You can share your seed with them, and I’ll get to savor their essence.”He smirked. “It’s a win-win!”

“How?!” Tatsumi cursed.

Did you get it on with that guy we saved?”

“Ieyasu!? He’s...I mean we aren’t...like that…”

Are you sure? I’ve been in your head, I know you’ve been looking, you desire him, and if he’s as endowed as you, he’d be fun to have in our harem!” He fondled Tatsumi’s cock and balls, making him shiver and buckle.

“He’s just my friend...ahhh….he always had a crush on Sayo he told me so.” The ooze raised a brow at him. He had seen that memory, but from an outsiders perspective Ieyasu was acting rather odd in the moment.

If you say so, plenty of men in the world, and I’ll enjoy this cock in the meantime.” It sucked down his cock, merging with the rest of the ooze to form a full suction.

“Ohhhhh!” His entire length was sucked at once, non stop, the ooze didn’t need to breathe so he sucked him with the purpose of getting that milk.

Little did the two know Ieyasu had followed after Tatsumi and had heard and was seeing everything. He had remembered that lie. It was said in a moment of panic and fear. ‘Tatsumi if you only knew…’ A hand slipped into his pants and he began to play with his aching member.

He watched the ooze suck Tatsumi’s mighty rod, a heat pooling into his own. ‘He’s so big!’ He’d seen it in the baths but not erect, certainly not like this. Ieyasu began playing with himself, watching the brunette contort and surrender to pleasure.

‘His expression…’ Tatsumi looked so cute aroused, his body flushed with pleasure, the heat of desire overflowing through him. ‘He’s so beautiful!’

The ooze made him cum. His seed erupting and vanishing into the teigu, it milked him greedily.

Tatsumi shivered and soon felt something playing with his ass. “My butt again...aahhh!” The ooze sank inside seeking his sweet spot and finding it instantly.

Ohh yes, we enjoy it so!” A tendril worked his ass, striking his sweet spot again and again.

‘He’s into anal play too…’ Ieyasu was shocked as he came into his trousers.

Venom worked him from both sides, it’s tongue slipping inside his cock and working into his pipe. His prostate was stimulated from both ends, sending Tatsumi into a cycle of pleasure as his balls were drained once more. The ooze slurped up his seed, restoring the wonderful flavor it had enjoyed before.

Ieyasu left to get a bath, having seen and heard plenty. He would have to talk to Tatsumi again, and explain things proper. This was his second chance at life he wasn’t gonna screw it up. Back then he wasn’t ready to reveal the truth, but he learned life was short.

By the time Tatsumi recovered from Venom’s feeding Leone had returned with a mission.

To be continued


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