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All Saints Street parody: Tier 1

AN: Restarting the aplhabet challenge officially with A All Saint street

A Demon’s Delights
Neil Bowman is a young demon, but is actually the vessel of the Demon Lord. So long as he was contained in hell things were fine, but in a moment of youthful exploration he ventured forth to go live in the mortal realm. It caused quite the stir, but Neil is his own demon with his own wants and desires.

Chapter 1 1031

The world of mortals and monsters feared the day of the demon king’s revival. Humans and ayakashi have been living side by side in relative peace for years now, but said peace could be shattered in an instant.

Even demons feared his awakening knowing it would be the End of Days. While some demons considered it a gray area, it’d be bad for all living beings if it happened. There were signs, prophecies, legends and lore. It seemed every race in existence had a story about the end of the days and it was all connected to the Demon Lord.

In the dark ages many demons would have welcomed the great lord and maybe even helped his revival, but those days had long past and 95% of demons were quite happy with the way the world was and didn’t want to see it obliterated.

They tracked his vessels as a means of keeping tabs on him, and his latest vessel was Neil Bowman.

Things were tense, unsure if young Neil would die like the other vessels but he didn’t. This was a red flag, creating a rise of concerns. The years passed and Neil wasn’t like other demons. In Hell School demons were taught how to do bad things, rob, cheat, and cause mayhem were just some basics. Instead of taking money or food Neil would give up his, often splitting his lunch.

When other demons were destroying pretty flowers and defacing a “house” (it was a shed for training purposes), Neil was making a beautiful garden and perfectly painting the house. It was clear Neil wasn’t like other demons. He had demonic powers as other demons did, but while other demons were drawn to wickedness and mischief Neil was more interested in cute things, video games, and the mortal world.

The latter was more concerning to those who knew his identity as the vessel of the demon lord, believing it was the demon lord’s instinct to destroy the mortal world. Neil wasn’t weak as far as demons go, but that to was chalked up to the monster inside of him.

Given his nature many demons believed he’d flunk out of demon school and be stuck in hell forever, but somehow he managed to graduate. Barely, but he did graduate. Concerns lessened as he seemed content staying home and playing video games.

He wasn’t making contracts to gain power, he wasn’t building up any armies or legions, he wasn’t even off training to increase his power. So it seemed things were fine right? The majority of prophecies expected the Demon Lord to be making deals to claim innocent souls, seeking ways to invade the human world, building up his strength for the final battle. None of which had happened.

There was even a time when people wondered if Neil WAS the vessel of the Demon Lord but, every test and seer claimed he was indeed the vessel. All the stories said he would invade the mortal realm one day, and something, something, something would happen and then bam End of Days.

Demons, vampires, werewolves, mummies, angels, and all manner of other races were concerned about this inevitability. The fact Neil had survived unlike other vessels seemed to mean he was chosen to bring about the end of days.

So things were moving onto phase two of their plan, to defeat him before he could gain enough power to destroy the world. Not that the other races could just march into hell and take him out either. Plus there was a danger of angering or awakening the Demon Lord early, attacking Neil could trigger the End of Days early.

The leaders of the clans argued back and forth on it, as the prophecies and legends had different beliefs and path ways. After much back and forth it was decided to simply observe, as many stories foretold that so long as the Demon Lord slept in hell the end of days wouldn’t come.

They kept tabs on Neil as best they could...but….



Escaped was a strong word, Neil simply saved up his allowance and got on a plane to the mortal world. His gaming buddy Ira offered him a place to stay, with his savings he could afford the room while he looked for a job. So without a fuss he packed up his stuff and got a ticket to the mortal world. It all happened so fast, no one had a chance to stop him.

He had already landed by the time anyone could be mobilized. “Nini!”

“Ira!” Neil was approached by a handsome young vampire.

The two had met playing online games, becoming close friends over years. They had shared pictures of each other a year ago so they were able to recognize each other.

Neil had short wavy white hair, innocent golden eyes, a youthful demon appearance, short brown horns. He was impossibly cute for a demon. His red demon tail was wagging behind him in his excitement. Ira couldn’t help but blush at the sight of him.

Ira Blood also matched his picture, he was pale as most vampires were. He had reddish-brown hair, crimson red eyes, and a bit of stubble on his chin. One could see his pointy ears and fangs easily. His casual clothing made him look cool, and he moved with a vampires suaveness. He had the natural good looks a vampire possessed that’d make all sorts swoon and fall head over heels for. He was carrying a sun umbrella, which helped protect him. It was a cloudy day so it was all he needed.

Neil rushed over and hugged him. Ira got immediate jealous looks from onlookers. The vampire hugged the demon back, happy to see his friend in person.

They would be living together in 1031. “Our landlord is an angel named Lynn.”

“An angel…” Neil hadn’t met an angel before, and demon studies didn’t paint angels well.

“It’s fine, he’s really nice, so long as you do your chores…” He said sweating slightly, remembering the horrors of not following the chore wheel or making a mess of his apartment.  They had a vacancy in the apartment now, so Ira reached out to Neil who was looking for a place out of hell. He had wanted to stay in a human apartment, to get to know more humans, but he was in the mortal realm so he was eager to experience things. “He’s a great cook to, it’s been great living with him.”

Ira tried to put Neil’s mind at ease. “Abu is great, he’s a mummy and pretty chill dude.”

They arrived at the apartment and Lynn and Abu were chilling in the common area.

Abu had dark hair and deep brown eyes, he was mostly wrapped in bandages, so Neil couldn’t really see his face. He looked pretty chill, like a musician or something.

Lynn was a handsome angel, he was very clean cut and dressed proper; pressed pants, a nice sweater with a t-shirt underneath. He had blonde hair and green eyes, he gave off a pristine aura. Neil could imagine him hosting a children’s program in some kind of innocent neighborhood or something.

They did indeed seem nice, though Abu didn’t talk much. Lynn seemed more strict but kind. Neil was really so happy that Ira pulled strings for him to move in. “It was no trouble at all after all if it wasn’t for you, I’d still be living in agony.”


Three years ago, Ira was at a crossroads. Neil thought he was having gamer trouble, so was gonna do his best to help. The two options were go back to his parents’ house or stay there. Neil said he should stay there, in the hopes they could continue to play games.

Ira thanked him and did as Neil suggested. What little Nini didn’t know was Ira was from a wealthy family of vampires, he was simply tired of being smothered by the opulence of everything. He felt stifled and trapped in a gilded cage, it was a grand cage but a cage none the less. His home was so vast he needed to go by moped from one room to the next. He would be dragged to functions which meant hours of vampire prep work so he’d be safe in the sun. He also didn’t have people watching him while he slept, ate, bathed, and so on. The choice of what he wore was now his own instead of everything being decided for him.

So he opted out of taking over his family’s company and castle, he became a gamer/streamer otaku.

Neil was sweating bullets feeling bad at the decision he had accidentally made for his friend. ‘Is he really happy about this?’

He was, weirdly enough. Ira was the type to simply enjoy a cup of noodles compared to a five star spread that cost hundreds of dollars. He was happy in gamer t-shirts and regular pants, instead of suits that had more buttons and zippers than most winter coats. His job was now a live streamer, he did game playthroughs and challenges, he also did pod casts where he reviewed anime and manga, and live chats.

Neil was worried, a home cooked meal may not be enough. Ira showed Neil his room, which he had redecorated looking like something out of a horror shop. Blood wanted Bowman to feel at home as a demon, but...it was fine...

“I was gonna cook for you, but I think I have a better way to thank you.”

“Oh you can cook, I didn’t know.” Neil nodded. It was by chance as he was supposed to make toxic or food that made people ill, but somehow Neil’s cooking always turned out so delicious it made proud demons weep. Even if he followed the most vile of recipes it became a stunning cuisine. When given an actual recipe well…

Neil closed his eyes conjuring his demonic magic. Ira’s eyes widened as purple flames swirled around him. “Nini?”

“Aaahhh!” The demon unleashed his power and Ira was swept up in the flames.

There was some initial panic, but the flames didn’t actually hurt. “Eh?” He blinked. “Ehh?!” His clothes were suddenly gone exposing his naked form and his impressive vampire dick. “Nini?”

A mark appeared above his crotch. “Oh...ohh…” It pulsed sending pleasure through the vamp’s body. “Ohh Nini!” Ira began to drool.

His body rocked and shuddered, his manhood swelling and standing at attention. Ira blushed from pointy ear to pointy ear. “Ohh fuck Nini!” He hugged himself, his cock twitching and began to leak pre-cum.

Every inch of him was feeling pleasure and warmth, the strange fire swirling around him. With each pulse of the mark crowning his crotch was another wave of pleasure. Each wave hit him and made him feel all hot and tingly.

He hadn’t jerked off this morning so he was full and plentiful, his balls churning from the phantom/demonic pleasure. His nipples hardened into perfect peeks. “Fuck...fuck...Nini...fuck…”

It was hard to think, his knees buckling and his legs gave out on him. The impact didn’t even hurt, it was as if all he could feel was pleasure. The air in the room, the heat of the flames, seemed to stimulate every inch of him on the outside, while the demon mark used Neil’s magic to pleasure him from the inside out, in a vicious cycle.

As if all his erogenous zones were being stimulated at once. Neil’s mark sent him into sub space, making time slow down as he sank further into the depths of pleasure. Seconds felt like minutes, and minutes felt like hours. Just as he thought he’d get his head on straight, the mark would pulse and another wave would send him right back down.

“Hot...so hot…” He felt like his ears were being licked and nibbled on, his neck was being bit and sucked on, his nipples felt like he was being pinched and sucked on at the same time. His cock felt like it was being pumped and licked in kind, with his balls feeling like they were being sucked on.

Phantom touches seemed to caress and massage him, drawing moans and whimpers out of him.

He felt like he’d cum several times already, but he hadn’t. He was getting stirred all up, being driven absolutely mad and just as he might break, he came! “Neil!” Ira howled as he came.

The vampire humped the air as he came harder then he’s ever had, extinguishing the flames around him with his seed and he just kept cumming.  He collapsed, but even as his dick lay spent a steady stream of cum was leaking out, making a mess on the floor. “Nini...haa….what...haa...was that…?” He panted.

Neil wasn’t much of an evil demon, but when he got older he took some pretty choice electives. He managed to graduate taking the lust course in school, he had demonic enchantments that bring about lust and pleasure in people. “I excelled in Incubus Class, was that too much?”

Ira gave him a thumbs up. “No dude, it’s good...it’s all good!”

Lynn wasn’t exactly happy about the mess. Ira got cum on the ceiling, the floor, and the walls. He used his halo to magically clean everything which caused Ira and Neil to be turned into a bat and goat respectfully.

To be continued


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