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Kingdom Hearts parody: WIP

Chapter 3 The Door Opens

There were a lot of questions in the air; who were the heartless? What was the keyblade? Had Dipper used magic? Who was that guy? What did he want? What was this door he wanted open? Why did he come after them? What were they gonna do now?


Such questions were overwhelmed by the emotional feelings welling up inside them as they kissed. Dipper had confessed his feelings in the heat of battle, and Norman had made a move responding to said feeling with his own. The two nerds felt a huge weight lift off them and the floodgates came, washing away everything.

Dipper kissed back with as much passion as Norman gave. Their lips meshed together, the kiss deepening slowly but surely.

They had both wished to protect the other, which brought about Dipper’s power. Their emotions were high, their hearts resonating with each other. When the kiss ended Norman was panting, but Dipper pushed on kissing Norman’s neck. “Ahh Dipper!” The two clung to each other. “Can we continue this…”

Pines pulled away from his neck. “Have you...ever thought about having sex in a van?” The two looked towards his van.

Babcock blushed. ‘Only since I saw it, and realized I liked you…’ He cleared his throat. “Yeah, sure, let’s do it!”

The two scrambled to Dipper’s van which was thankfully Heartless free. Clothes were removed and littered the front seats as the two moved to the back. They got naked relatively privately, the two not able to sneak a peek. Shoes landed on the front floor boards, socks followed suit, shorts got taken off and landed in the seats, shirts were draped over the seats, underwear was thrown to the winds, where it landed it could have been anywhere from the stick to the dashboard, maybe even catching the mirror and dangling from it like an ornament.

They were sitting back to back, cocks hard, their initial excitement meeting a tiny bump of nervousness.


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