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Fairy Tail parody: WIP

Chapter 5 Morning

Alzack was early to rise, it was typical for him. “Ugh my head!” He ran a hand through his messy dark hair. His head was foggy, and for a moment he couldn’t remember anything. “What did I do last night?”

The last time he felt something like this was when he ended up in a drinking contest with Cana. A big mistake he swore to never do again.

He slowly got his barrings, and realized he wasn’t in a bed alone. The blankets were so warm and cozy, especially with the heat the other two gave off. Alzack nearly sank back into the warmth, and felt two bodies. ‘Oh shit, who did I do last night?’ He began to sweat.

Doing a mental check he felt no soreness in his back door. In fact outside of feeling groggy he felt pretty good. ‘What the hell?!’ He pulled back the covers and revealed Natsu and Samuel. ‘Holy!’

His heart began to pound in his chest, his cheeks growing red and hot. ‘HOLYFUCKHOLYFUCKHOLYFUCK!’ His mind began to run a mile a minute.

The initial shock wore off, and the pieces came back. Bora, the ship, the fight, the drug, Natsu rescuing him, and the… “Oh man!” He covered his face with his hands.

It was all coming back, the things Natsu said to him, the things Natsu did, then Samuel joined in and just wow! His face got so hot his sweat evaporated and became steam.

Despite how this all happened Alzack couldn’t help but feel a little/lot happy about this. Natsu had been so loving and caring.


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