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Fairy Tail parody: WIP

Chapter 8 Shadow Mating

The S-Class trial continued, the next phase was locating Mavis’s grave. Natsu and Kage together were able to locate it. Makarov was impressed and as a reward and proof of completing the trial Natsu was to be given one of the three great Fairy Spells.

Makarov and Laxus had Fairy Law. Gildarts and Mystogan had declined the spell for one reason or another. Erza and Mira had also declined, both feeling they were not ready to hold any of the spells yet. Holding one of the three wasn’t just an honor it was a responsibility, those that coveted the spells would seek out and take them by force. Choosing one of the spells was a big decision, Makarov and Laxus wouldn’t be able to learn Fairy Glitter, the two spells would overwhelm a wizard. It is said the only person to wield all three spells was Mavis herself.

Natsu thought it over, and he decided on Fairy Glitter. It was a complex spell, one that gathers the light from the sun and the stars, to reject an enemies very existence. It is said to attack the body and soul. This spell suited Natsu who preferred to get up close and personal with his enemies. He had plenty of aoe spells, but when facing a stronger than average opponent, it’s good to have an ace in the hole.

The mark appeared on his arm a permanent tattoo.


Natsu’s celebration dinner was on hold. He had other business to attend to. “Come along treasure!” They had been waiting for this day, Kage’s hole had been prepared and worked for some time now. Natsu felt fair was fair, so he matched the time Gray took, even though with the extra magic and training Kage’s body was ready weeks ago. The extra teasing made the build up and anticipation for the big event all the sweeter.

‘Is this happening!?’ Kage felt his heart flutter.

Natsu had pulled him aside and the two went to a room Makarov provided to them. It was Natsu’s celebration party he could spend it how he wanted to. He wanted to spend it with Kage.

Dragneel kicked off his sandles and sat in a chair, putting his feet up. ‘Oh fuck the hell yes!’ Kageyama didn’t hesitate.


The shadow user got on his knees and buried his face in Natsu’s talons. He licked his soles, and sucked on his toes. ‘This is heaven!’ All the running around the island had caused Natsu to work up a nice musk.

