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Ben 10 parody: WIP

Chapter 6 Turning Up the Heat

Kevin and Alan were laying out on Ben’s mana, side by side, just basking in the afterglow of what Ben did to them. Alan wasn’t so scared of heights after a few orgasms, well he still was but was too blissed out to care.

This was a wild situation he found himself in, here he was lying butt ass naked, soaring through the air, with another hot guy lying naked next to him. He wasn’t sure if he was exactly the cuddle type. There was only a handful of times he went with a guy, and usually they they were a hit it and quit it type of guy, or often asked him to leave after paying. It didn’t really bother him, but he often went home alone, and it was just really nice to have someone nearby.

He hadn’t slept with Kevin sure, just was apart of the pleasure Ben offered to them both, but it was nice to just have someone by your side like this, basking in the warmth of another person. Ben wasn’t far off, he was piloting the mana.

They were both so relaxed, ‘This is so nice!’ It was so peaceful up here, they were moving at just the right speed to cast a gentle breeze over them.

He looked up at the sky watching the stars go flying by, though it was them who were moving. Casting a look at Kevin, he saw the man was just as blissed out as he was. A small side effect of Ben’s mana touch was feeling a touch energized after. Gotta love magic.

They could both bask in the aftermath, after having several orgasms, and not be dragged down by exhaustion. The two were riding high. ‘He’s so handsome.’ Alan thought.


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