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Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple PArody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 3

Chapter 4 Control

Kenichi was working at the dojo, all the chores he did were great exercise.

Apachai at first, was really excited about Kenichi living with them and increasing his training. The sad truth was, just teaching Kenichi the handful of techniques he had learned, he had nearly died. If not for Kensei and Akisame he would have. It was very hard for the Muay Thai master to hold back, holding back usually meant death in Muay Thai.

Even serving as sandbag for Kenichi to punch or practice techniques on, his switch would get flipped and he’d lash out without warning. Often sending Kenichi flying. It was scary, but the fear of taking a master’s strike did open up Kenichi’s senses, he’d be able to read opponents and not fear them even if they had surprises.

If he didn’t gain SOME kind of control he’d end up killing his one and only disciple. So he decided to train.

He “borrowed” some of Akisame’s statues. “Apapapapapa!” Unleashing a barrage of strikes, he TRIED to hold back...he really did.

Smash Smash Smash Smash Smash!

They were reduced to rubble. Akisame sighed, feeling a tad frustrated. “If that had been Kenichi he’d be dead five times over.”

“No!” Apachai cried and tried to put the statues back together again. He picked up the stone pieces and tried to match them like puzzle pieces. “No break Kenichi!”

“Kenichi has moved in and has been just cleaning and exercising. He’s gonna need to be taught a new technique sooner or later.” Kensei said.

“As soon as he does the kid is dead meat.” Sakaki added.

Shigure glared at them as Apachai cried. It was hard to break bad habits, going for the kill was the polar opposite of holding back. ‘What am I gonna do?’ He didn’t want to kill Kenichi. What kind of master would he be if he killed his disciple? A bad one.

You had to feel bad for Apachai, fighting got him into the zone, and when he was IN the zone he went off instinct. Instincts his own master drilled into him.

“Why don’t you let us help, if we teach him our styles, he might be able to survive your training better.” Akisame suggested.

Apachai pouted. This wasn’t the first time they offered to help train Kenichi, but the muay thai user was possessive. Kenichi was his first disciple, and he didn’t wish to share. The mountain of a man was absolutely miserable.

Seeing the big guy so down and depressed, it made Sakaki’s booze sour. He sighed and ruffled his hair in frustration. “Quit your moping, if you wanna figure out how to control your strength, the answer is simple, just sleep with Kenichi!”

“Apa?!” He was stunned.

“You must be joking.” Akisame face palmed.

Sakaki shrugged. “What, it’s the best way. Student and master will bond, and he wouldn’t dare kill his lover.”

Shigure whipped out her katana. “Don’t put weird ideas in his head!” The man began to sweat bullets.

“It’s not that big of a stretch. Intimacy between student and master has been done through the years.” Kensei said. “Intimacy can certainly strengthen the bonds between them.”


Shigure stabbed her katana into the floor, very close to Kensei’s crotch. “What did I just say?!”

“Now hold on Shigure, while the idea might seem perverted, there is some merit to the idea. Martial artist philosophy has gone back and forth on the idea for decades and there is no definitive answer.” She put her katana away.

“So I just gotta have sleep with Kenichi, and I no kill him?” Akisame rubbed his chin in contemplation.

“I mean...it couldn’t hurt.”

“It’ll work, once you two do it, you’ll bond and that’ll keep the kid alive.” Sakaki added.

“Apa!” The man jumped up. “Apachai will do it!”

He bolted off.

“Do you really think this will work?” Akisame asked.

“Maybe...if anything it’ll get him to loosen the reigns and he’ll let us train him to.”

“Hmm...I wonder...has Apachai ever had sex before?”

Crash! Sakaki dropped his bottle.

“Oh dear.”

Shigure sighed. “Morons…” Of them all, Apachai was possibly the most pure. Sakaki had visited brothels before for stress relief, Kensei and the Elder had children, Akisame was so handsome it was hard to believe he was a virgin, and Shigure well she’s used seduction to get close to her targets before. Apachai knew what sex was, but that didn’t mean he’s had any.


Kenichi had finished cleaning a room and before he knew it his sensei came in and scooped him up. He was carried bridal style to his room. “Master Apachai...is it time for training?”

“No training today, first we must bond as master and student!” He declared. “Apapapapa!”

“Okay...what does that mean?” Apachai opened the door to Kenichi’s room.

“We are gonna have sex!”

The words hit Kenichi harder than a fist. Maybe it was the combination of the words plus how blatant the man was with them. It could also be the fact those words came out of Apachai Hopachai’s mouth in such a bright and cheerful manner.

He was stunned into silence as Hopachai carried him across the threshold. Only coming back to reality when the man put him down. “Wait what?” Apachai wasted no time and started stripping, he pulled off his yellow top showing off his physique, not that the yellow tank top really hid it.

Apachai stopped stripping for a moment. “Do you not want to?”

“I um...I just…” He rubbed his temples. “What brought this on?”

“Oh!” Apachai exclaimed resting his fist in the palm of his hand in an aha moment. “Apachai wants to train Kenichi, teach more techniques, but Apachai doesn’t want to kill Kenichi so Sakaki suggested that we should have sex. We have sex and bond and you no end up dead win-win!” He cheered.

Shirahama face palmed. This was a lot to take in. “I thought the whole Master and Disciple thing was just in doujinshi and erotic movies.” Kenichi said with a blush.

“Well my master and I never did that, but he also nearly killed Apachai many times Apa!” Maybe if they had, he wouldn’t have this death fight instinct in the first place.

“Master Apachai I have a lot of questions, can we talk a moment?”

“Apa!” That was a yes, as he sat down on his knees.

“Have you ever had sex before?” He asked, genuinely curious.

“No Apachai was focused on his training, whenever those urges happened Apachai took care of them on own!” His master confessed cheerily. It painted an image of the man masturbating which got Shirahama blushing harder. “Have you had sex Kenichi?”

That just made it worse. “Well no...I know about sex...having read about it...but I’ve never done it!” He started twiddling his fingers. “I always thought that stuff was about doing it with the one you love you know…”

A part of him didn’t want to have sex for a martial arts thing. “Apachai loves Kenichi very much, that’s why he no want you to die!”

‘He loves me?’ Kenichi’s heart fluttered. “Ahem, who taught you about sex master?”

“Apa! Master taught Apachai about the bulls and the cows.”

“Don’t you mean the birds and the bees?” He shook his head no.

“He took Apachai out into the wilds, found a bull and grabbed him by the horns and showed Apachai what made a bull a bull. He did the same to a cow next, and explained how mating worked.” Making children didn’t really interest Apachai, it wasn’t till much later did he learn that two “bulls” could also mate.

“Do...do you like me Master?” He rubbed his shoulder feeling self conscious. “Would you really want your first time with someone like me?”

“Apa!” Apachai showed it, standing up and yanking down his red shorts and underwear in one go. The man’s erection sprang up.

“Oh wow!” He was quite huge. There was no denying he was eager, this definitely answered his question. ‘So big!’ Kenichi squirmed at the sight of the massive rod, only knowing his owner’s touch. It was quite impressive in the double digits.

“Apachai wants to bond with Kenichi, but Apachai will not force this if you not want apapapa.” He bowed his head. This was his problem, and if this wasn’t a solution Kenichi was for they’d never speak of this again.

‘It’s up to me?’ This man wanted to sleep with him, his master wished to bond with him. It warmed his heart. “Can we take it slow?”

“Apa!” He nodded.

Kenichi began to strip, removing his gi and his jockstrap. Apachai’s eyes widened, gazing at the brunette before him. He wasn’t the scrawny noodle he was when he first came here, his body was toned up from his training. While not in double digits Kenichi had an impressive length at 8.5 inches long.

Shirahama wanted this, he’d be a liar if he said he hadn’t had a wet dream about this situation. He pinched himself to see if he was dreaming. Nope, he wasn’t.

The student was impressed with Apachai’s body. “May I?”

“Apa!” He flexed and Kenichi began to explore his muscles.

Shirahama gulped and licked his lips. He squeezed his biceps and triceps, feeling up his arms that could lift him off the ground and carry him with ease. Kenichi ran his hands over Apachai’s back muscles. ‘Such a strong back…’

He moved back around to feel up Apachai’s pecs and DAMN! They were so thick and beefy, Apachai could flex and make them pop. Kenichi squirmed. ‘Such powerful muscles!’ The hands wondered lower feeling up his abs.

Hopachai eyed the dazzled look Shirahama had on his face, his student was drinking him in, with his touch, with his sight, and even with his nose.

Kenichi moved lower his hands coming to rest on Apachai’s 13 incher. ‘So thick!’ With both hands he worked the shaft.

“Apaaahhh!” The man moaned.

Feeling emboldened Kenichi squeezed his length and worked his dick. His right hand focused on pumping, while the left teased the head. Apachai’s foreskin was peeled back exposing the sensitive tip. His left hand squeezed the tip and teased the glans with his thumb.

“Apa apa apa papapapapapapa!” Apachai moaned and trembled his body shaking like a tree in a storm.

Kenichi increased the pace, squeezing, rubbing, and pumping, using the leaking pre-cum to smoothly play with him. His touch was so different than his own, it had Apachai churning and pleasure bubbling. Higher and higher until. “APA!”

He came, his big balls lurching and his seed launching out. “Ahh!” Kenichi gasped as he got bukkaked. Cum splashed his face, neck, chest, and developing abs.

“So goopy!” Apachai had been saving up.

“Kenichi…” Seeing his student covered in seed...his cum! It flipped a switch in the man and he began to slip into the zone. “APA!” He pounced on the brunette.

To be continued...Master and Student


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