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Yugioh Gx parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 7 

Chapter 8 A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste

Chazz was annoyed. “That damn Bastian, we agreed to check in with each other instead of hanging around each other all the time. Making me come out here to the slums, I’ll teach that loser a lesson!”

He didn’t want Bastion in his room at Obelisk Blue, and he didn’t want to hang around the inferior dorm, hence leaving Misawa alone and vulnerable. The genius had been fine with that at the time but…well…as he learned...that was a mistake….

Princeton had waited two hours after their check in time because he didn’t want to be bothered. It was only the fact that he was gonna be chewed out if something happened to Bastion. ‘That dork!’ After calling him for thirty minutes and getting no response, he had to make the trip to the Yellow Dorm. ‘This damn nerd must have gotten lost in his equations.’

Bastion had been late to different classes because he was lost in his research. Even if he was late for a class or two, his grades made up for it. He even took on extra lessons for fun. Given his talent, skills, and study ethic many of the teachers let him slide here and there.

The Obelisk Blue Duelist made it to the dorm and found Misawa’s room. “Oi geek open up!” Bang bang bang!

He pounded on the door, and much to his shock the door swung open. “What the hell?!” Chazz pushed in only to find the room empty. “No way...he couldn’t have…” He looked around the room, but there wasn’t a trace of Bastion. ‘This has to be a joke…’

Chazz looked all over but Bastion was nowhere to be found. His reputation didn’t help as most of the duelists he came across didn’t want to talk to him. Misawa wasn’t at the Ra Yellow Dorm. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m gonna be in so much trouble.’ It wasn’t the missing student that upset Chazz, but the fact he was gonna get chewed out for ignoring the buddy system. If another key was taken this wouldn’t go over well.

“Where the hell is he?”


Bastion was in the abandoned dorm, clad in only his birthday suit under the care of the shadow rider. He was strung up and suspended in the air, his legs locked and spread, his arms bound above his head. His whole body was supported by Jaden’s threads, they were so strong and yet softer than silk.

He was in his own little sex swing unable to move. “Please...please...ahh...ahh...ahh...ohhhhh~!” The genius was in quite the predicament. His skin was flushed and sweating.

Jaden’s upper arms were busy tormenting his nipples, the untouched buds were being pinched, flicked, and even tugged on. The middle arms were focused on Bastion’s cock, working the shaft and teasing the head. As for the lower arms, the left hand was fondling and squeezing Bastion’s nuts, as for the right...was currently fisting his tight ass. What had started as a few fingers turned into a full fist.

Misawa was bucking and flexing, overwhelming pleasure surging through his veins. He had many erogenous being stimulated at once, to say nothing of the fist knocking on his sweet spot. The stretch in his guts was painful at first, but slowly twisted into a sinful pleasure that had Bastion mewling. “Please...Please…”

Jaden hadn’t said much, simply introduced himself and began his work. While Chazz had been wasting time, Bastion has been locked in the spider’s web. While the shadow rider hasn’t said much his gaze said plenty.

He was reading him, every twitch, every jerk, every moan, every whimper. Jaden knew when to ramp up the attention, increase the pace, slow it down, and adjust the stimulus! With six arms working him at once, he had amazing control, keeping Bastion’s body guessing.

Bastion always wanted attention, now he had Jaden’s full and unyielding attention. It flipped his switch, having such focus on him when he was writhing in lewd pleasures. ‘He’s looking at me...he sees me…’ His heart raced.

The silence from his partner was shaking. ‘Say something...anything…’ His gaze kept falling on Jaden, the shadow rider was a sexy man, rippling with a chiseled physique, and the beast between his legs made Bastion hot. A growing want burning and burning, his body yearning. “Please…”

Suddenly Jaden stopped and Misawa gasped, his body trembling. “Do you wish me to stop?” Eyes widened and he gulped.

After a brief pause Bastion shook his head. “Please...let me cum!” Jaden smirked seeing the hunger and lust in Bastion’s eyes. He was starving for attention and love, and Jaden had plenty to give.

The six arms retreated making Bastion whine and gasp. “Please no I’m sorry I beg you ahh!” The fist left his ass making him gape and shake.

“Shh,” Jaden pressed a finger to his lips. “I see you, I hear you!”

He lined up his massive cock and buried his full length into Bastion at once. “Ohhh~!” His eyes fluttered and his belly extended from Jaden’s length. ‘I felt that!’

Bastion got a dry anal orgasm, making his mind melt. Jaden began to move pounding Misawa’s ass, his heavy balls swinging and clapping against his ass cheeks. “OHH AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH!” He was quite the loud slut.

The friction of Jaden’s dick helped melt Bastion’s insides, every thrust in and out! His girth was...amazing! Jaden reorganized his guts with his cock, the pre-cum paving the way and watering the soil as Jaden tilled. He crushed the duelist’s sweet spot again and again, while hitting him hard.

Misawa’s eyes were fixated on his belly extending from the dick, bulging lewdly as if he was a cock sleeve. His toes curled at the thought.

Jaden’s eyes were still fixed on him, his pace growing harder and faster. Bastion’s beefy pecs began to bounce and jiggle from the force. Dry orgasm after dry orgasm left Misawa dizzy and heated, his hole clenching around the thrusting dick.

Then Jaden stopped and pulled out. “No!” Bastion cried out. “Don’t stop fuck me more!”

“I’m gonna cum, do you want me to breed you?”

He didn’t even think. “Yes! Breed me, make me yours!”

Jaden chuckled. “As you wish!” Thrust!

He came and flooded Bastion’s belly. ‘So full!’

It was now when Jaden freed Bastion’s penis. “OHHHHHH~!” All the orgasms he would have had, Jaden’s webs held the memory and unleashed them on Misawa’s cock all at once. He came and came and came!

Thick white goo splashed Bastion’s face, giving himself a bukkake! His dick erupted like a hose, shooting cum all over his neck, pecs, and former abs, even his arms, pits, legs, and feet were marked in his seed. When his chain of orgasms finally ended his seed soaked his crotch.

Jaden watched the show, seeing the genius cum his brains out. The shadow rider unleashed his full force fucking the fucked out duelist, not holding back as he bread him. He pumped Bastion with seed, making his abs bloat and swell, he looked well knocked up. His stomach was so swollen one couldn’t see Jaden’s thrusting cock anymore. “Take my seed, you love it don’t you slut!”

“Yes!” He moaned. “So much cum...breed me...give me more!” His cock twitched and spat more seed, vanishing into the white. The man’s essence ran and dripped onto the floor.

“Such a good slut!” Jaden’s hands came back, the upper and middle groping Bastion’s pecs and pinching his nipples, the lower hands focusing on his balls and cock. Misawa was so hyper sensitive at this point, everything went white as the shadow rider played with him.


When Misawa came to he was blindfolded and bound to the floor. He was bound in Shibari style, Jaden’s webbing making his tits stand out even more and squeezed his cum stuffed belly. Bastion was so sensitive, he could feel every inch of the silky bondage and it made him tingly all over.

His body was still shaking from the overwhelming orgasms that had shaken him. The man’s ass was still gaping and Jaden’s cum was leaking out of him like a water fall.

He wasn’t alone for long as Syrus entered. “Open!” Bastion obeyed without thinking and opened his mouth.

Truesdale wasted no time and began fucking Misawa’s mouth, humping with wild abandon. The Ra Yellow duelist was shaken by the dominance. He was being used, used by Syrus to sate his lust. A shiver raced through him.

Oh and Syrus did use him, fucked his mouth and came down his throat. Used his pecs to jerk off, cumming all over his face, neck, and tits. Also got off some frustrations with Ra Yellow duelists using his body, slapping his dick around and pinching his nipples. Bastion loving the attention.

Syrus wasn’t able to stay long, having to keep up appearances, but Bastion had more company.

Jaden and Hassleberry visited him together. Misawa couldn’t see it but Tyranno was enjoying his reward for capturing Bastion, he was webbed up and harnessed on Jaden’s dick.

The shadow rider fed Bastion Tyranno’s aching cock and nothing else, just holding him pressed into the dino boy’s pelvis. The powerful musk flooding Bastion’s senses even more since he couldn’t see. He was used as a cock warmer.

Jaden fucked Tyranno from behind, allowing him to cum down Bastion’s throat. He did so over and over, Bastion becoming a cum dump in the process. Yet...he looked so happy with his faced buried in another man’s crotch, chugging cum.

After the dino boy was pumped full of cum he had him sit on Bastion’s face, Bastion getting his protein shake from Tyranno’s ass. “Ohh yeah baby eat my ass!” He did indeed, even sucking the man’s hole to get the tasty cream out faster. “Ohhh he’s sucking my ass!”

His mind was empty of all thoughts except sex and how to please a man. He felt a drift unaware of how long he’s been in their web, only pleased when he was visited again. Like a happy puppy out of the kennel he hung on Jaden’s every command.

If it was days he was here, Jaden visited several times a day, stringing him up again to get fucked all over, bred full! Some times he remained bound to the floor and just got to drink from the tap of Jaden’s mighty dick. Some times he was a cock warmer others a fleshlight, but always an eager cum dump.

He was getting stronger, not whiting out as easily. It was a treat to bask in the after glow of sex, his hole gaping, cum gushing out of him because there was so much.

His body was responding to the sexual delights, to the point his mind began to calculate ways to better pleasure men. Bastion was Jaden’s now, caught and devoured by the crafty spider.

Misawa now had the mind of a genius slut, loyal to Jaden and his nest. When he was complete Jaden restored his mind with his dream catcher, putting back Bastion’s dueling skills and necessary memories. Such a mind would be a waste to completely destroy, so he kept a copy. “Are you ready?”

“Yes master!”

The next time Syrus saw him Bastion was in a tricked out cock harness, his cock was bound as was his balls, a strap leading across his taint, along his crack, to the leather belt he wore. It was equipped with a sizable knott butt plug that was lodged in Bastion’s rear. From the belt there were two leather straps that helped show off his abs and beefy pecs, the staps went over his nipples. The straps were fitted with deck holsters having elemental dueling decks. They went over his shoulder and down his back. He was fitted with a dog collar with a shadow charm pendent. “Your slut is ready to be commanded!”

The genius had become a fine pet.

To be continued


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