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Paranorman/Gravity Falls/Kingdom Hearts parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 The Mystery of Saying I Love You

“I’m gonna tell him!” Dipper said to Norman’s sister. Courtney was visiting and she had heard plenty about Dipper.

“Tell him what?” She looked up from her phone.

“Well...that I you know…” Dipper twiddled his fingers. “I made a plan to tell him how I feel!” He showed off his plan. It was an old habit.

Courtney crumpled it up. “I figured you two were dating already, you spend all your time together anyway.”

Dipper blushed. “We do not!” He rubbed the back of his head.

This had been the longest he’s stayed in one place. It was because of Norman, the two had really bonded. With each passing day they got closer and closer, both of them being awkward but finding a rhythm with each other. “Really, you two are so in sync I thought you two have been sleeping together already.”

Pines felt his whole face grow hot. “No!” While it was true they were hanging out a lot, and maybe something was between them. Neither of them had made a move yet! While anyone with eyes could see they were coupling quite well. No one said anything because Norman seemed so happy and lively.

“Wow really, so you’re both still virgins...good for you!” The words and her tone held different interpretations. Courtney sounded like she was teasing and didn’t care, but she wanted her brother to be happy. “If you were looking for approval, have at it, jump his bones!”

“No!” Dipper’s whole face was burning. “That’s not why I wanted to talk to you...you see, while I care about Norman a lot and we really click, we’ve never made anything official or anything.”


“Well when I tell him, I wanna ask him something...you see…”


“You haven’t told Dipper you liked him yet?!” Norman was on a skype call with his friend Neil.

“Well I mean, of course I’ve said I liked him, but not the big L word ya know?” Norman blushed.

“Dude you’ve been talking about him for awhile, why don’t you make a move?”

“I don’t make moves, it’s not my thing.” Norman has always gone with the flow, outside of that one time. Besides it was just so nice for them to spend time together.

“But you like him and he likes you what’s the big deal?” He didn’t know, love was hard! Norman knew he liked Dipper, there was an instant attraction towards him. The more time they spent together the more he wanted to spend time with him.

“You’ve been working together to find the secret of your powers right? How’s that going by the way?”

“Well from what we gathered, our world is pretty normal, but according to Dipper there are other worlds, other dimensions. Each of these dimensions have their own unique energy certain areas are like lightning rods for this energy which shifts and causes strange things to happen.”

“So things like big foot, the yeti, and nessie are probably creatures that somehow got into our world?” Neil freaked out a bit.

“It’s possible, or perhaps they are product of this weird energy evolving a creature over time. Though Dipper told me it’s very hard to open portals to other worlds.” Hard...but not impossible…

The veil of their world was quite durable and thicker than others. Some worlds were more connected than others allowing travel between them without magic or science. The difference between crossing state lines and traveling to another country. “What we discovered is the mysterious beyond is like a vast void, an ocean of stars and other things.”

“Isn’t that just space?”

“No the mysterious beyond is more than that its…” A sudden chill raced up his spine. ‘What was that?’

“Norman you good?”

He shook his head. “I’m fine.”

Neil gave him a look. “Look dude, if you love Dipper you should tell him, make it official.”

“What if he doesn’t love me back...what if he does?!” Norman clutched his heart not sure which one was more terrifying.

“If this is what love does to people, I’ll stay happily single!” Neil joked.

“Why is love so complicated?”

Neil laughed. “I think that’s one mystery even your precious Dipper can’t solve.”

“We are supposed to meet today.”

“Go, go, enjoy your date!” Norman blushed.

“It’s not a date!” He twiddled his fingers. “We aren’t dating.”

Neil shrugged. He didn’t really see the point of labels and stressing out over such things. His brother and his boyfriend have been together for years, they keep stuff simple and don’t sweat the small stuff. “Well if you need advice you can always talk to my bro. Before you get dating advice you should you know probably start dating first.”

“Thanks…” Norman knew he was stressing about stuff, a whole lot of what ifs. It was just hard because Dipper was so cute, smart, sweet, and they had a lot of shared interests. It was scary, he didn’t want to lose Dipper. Change was scary enough, but when the stakes were personal it amplified the fear. “Laters!”

He ended the call and got up to grab a shower.

His computer flickered. “A heart full of love when taken will produce a powerful force…” A keyhole flashed on the screen before the computer went black.

Norman left the house. “The door will be opened and Darkness will claim this world.” A dark figure appeared in Norman’s room, he wasn’t quite stable...it was like he was some form of phantom.

His presence unnerved the ghosts.


Dipper and Norman met up and sat in his van, they were listening to BABBA, both were fans of the group. It helped fill the silence.

This couldn’t last forever. Pines turned off his player. “What’s up?” Norman asked.

“Well you see…” Dipper swallowed down his nerves. “My Gruncle Stan used to tell me that I needed to take chances, take risks, something I’ve tried to do. When it comes to romance I’ve always been hesitant, I get all wrapped up in my head and over think things.”

Norman remembered, Pines had told him about Wendy, his first crush when he was young and still figuring stuff out. Despite the lessons he’s learned old habits died hard. “I don’t wanna be like that, not with you…” He took a deep breath. “I...I...I…” The little words, I love you, but they felt heavy.

‘Can I do this...should I do this? I want to do this!’ Norman took his hand.

“Dipper, you can tell me anything…” He said, but felt his own nerdy awkwardness surge.

“I um well, let’s do this step by step. You know I travel, hunting mysteries and all that.”


“And I’ve been in this town for awhile, sooner or later I’d have to leave chasing my next mystery.” Norman squeezed his hand on reflex. Yes, he knew, and he dreaded that thought.

‘Is he leaving, is that what he wanted to tell me.’ A swell of sadness began to surge inside him.

“I’ve been going at this alone for some time now, and I don’t wanna be alone anymore. Will you...will you come with me?”

‘What?!’ Norman’s face heated up. ‘Oh my god, oh my god, what are you doing, say something you idiot!’

“I uh...um...I…” Babcock struggled to form words. ‘Use words moron full and complete words!’

“Sorry to spring this on you, I know it’s sudden, but when I thought about leaving it hurt to think I wasn’t gonna see you...so I want you to join me...you did want to see the world right?” Dipper was sweating.

Norman began to tear up. “Oh crap...I didn’t mean to make you cry! Shoot why am I so bad at this!?”

He shook his head. “No!”

Dipper hung his head. “Ah...I see...well I understand…”

“No not that!” Norman face palmed. “Crap I’m bad at this too!”

Babcock took some breaths. “Yes, I’d love to travel with you!”

Dipper’s eyes sparkled. “You will!” He got so excited he hugged Norman, making both of them blush. “You are the best Norman!” Their hearts fluttered.

Norman pulled back, and they were starring face to face. “Dipper...I have something I wanna tell you to…”

“Yeah...go ahead…” They were close so close, in perfect kissing range.

“I…” Norman drew closer. ‘Make a move Babcock, you love him, if you can’t say it then show him!’ Closer and closer…

Just as they were about to kiss. “AHH!” Norman pulled back, clutching his head.

“Norman what’s wrong?!”

“The ghosts….they are screaming….”

Run away...run...go now...it’s coming...they are coming...you must get away...run...run...run…”There were so many voices hitting him at once, so much screaming and shouting he could only make out bits and pieces. ‘They are coming...fear them...get away...go...go...go…’

Norman could feel their fear and terror and it was making him sick. He clutched his head as it pounded from the onslaught of cries. ‘He’s coming...he’s after you...run...go now...he’s here…’

The voices suddenly went quiet and Norman looked up to see a figure in black standing in the road. “Who’s this guy?”

“Dipper we need to go...right now…” The figure reached out and Dipper didn’t stop to question it, he put the car in reverse and put the pedal to the metal! His tires screeched and Dipper’s van drove off.

You can’t get away...You who have gazed beyond...I will have your heart...and the door will open!” He vanished in a swirl of dark smoke. From the shadows strange creatures began to materialize.


Dipper didn’t know where he was going. “Is he following us?”

“I don’t know, but the ghosts were freaking out...now it’s quiet…” He looked around and the ghosts were gone...that’s never happened. Every day he could look in practically any direction and see a ghost.

“So whatever that is has the presence to scare ghosts...great...good to know!” He drove a little faster.

A little too fast…

Sirens blared and the two were pulled over by the sheriff. “Pines...Babcock...what are you two doing?”

“Sorry Sheriff, but something is after us. We need to go!”

The sheriff rolled his eyes. “I am not interested in your mumbo jumbo, the law is the law.”

“Fine, then give me a ticket and let us go.” Dipper said in a panic. He had grabbed a device from his van and turned it on. It was able to pick up foreign energy readings. Something was coming...a lot of something…

“Grrrrr!” The Sheriff turned and something came trotting out of the bushes. It looked like some kind of dog, but it had four eyes, tentacle-like ears, and two rows of teeth.

“What the hell is that?!” The sheriff pulled his gun. “Don’t move!”

The “dog” came forward. “I warned you!” He fired his gun, but nothing happened.

“Grrrrrr!” It lunged at them.

“Phantom Lightning!” Norman fired lightning from his fingertips and zapped the beast, causing it to vanish into smoke.

“What...what was that thing?!”


Dipper’s device was going off alerting that a lot of beasts were coming. They came from the shadows. “Sheriff run!” He did, without hesitation.

The creatures didn’t let him go, they went after him forcing Norman to use his powers. He kept destroying them, but more just kept coming. His efforts allowed the sheriff to get in his car and drive off. Sadly there were other heartless.

From the shadows another creature appeared, it looked like a cat, but it had two tails, large eyes, and Cheshire like grins. They pounced on the man and took his heart.

“What are these things?!” Dipper was tearing through his journal. “I’ve never seen anything like them.”

“There’s too many of them.”

Dipper got into his stuff. “Let’s even the odds.” He pulled out a…

“A flashlight?” Dipper flipped a switch.

A pink light came from the device and shrank the creatures down. Shrunken down their powers were diminished. The creatures chose to self destruct, destroying their physical form and thus breaking the effect. “So they are regenerating…” He kept shrinking them, making them detonate at least.

“How long can we hold out like this?” Norman used his powers to slam them into each other causing them to burst but again they just reformed.

You can’t...the heartless cannot be defeated even by your magic. You can destroy the vessel but they’ll be restored by the darkness.” The dark robed figure appeared again. “Surrender your hearts!”

“Not a chance!” Dipper tried to hit the guy with the size changing light, but the figure opened up a portal of darkness that sucked in the light. “Alright then!”

He went for another gadget only to have his van hijacked by the Cat Heartless. They hiss and lunge at him.

Dipper tried to shrink them, only for them to fade out of existence and appear to attack him. One scratched his cheek before Norman use Phantom Force to smash them into each other, making them burst. “I got your back!”

Fools, you think you can stand against the darkness, allow me to show you how wrong you are.”He gathered the darkness and poured it into an abandoned house. The white walls turned pitch black and the brown roof turned a hellish red, the mark of the heartless appeared above the door. The front windows served like eyes, the door becoming this creature’s mouth.

Monster House Heartless!

“We aren’t scared of that, we’ll see how scary it is when it’s doll sized!” Before he could blast it, a Dog Heartless pounced and snatched the flashlight away.

“Heel!” Norman zapped the creature causing it to drop the tool. Their only means of escape was now infested with Heartless, they were surrounded by Heartless, and a big boss was towering over them.

I only need one of you to open the door, surrender and I’ll spare the other.” A lie of course, once the door was opened this world would be consumed by darkness no one would survive.

“Fine I’ll do it, but let Dipper go!” Norman stepped up.

The dark figure gestured him forward. The Dog Heartless parted creating a path to the house. “Step inside!”

“No Norman don’t do this!” Dipper tried to stop him, but paused when the dog heartless growled at him.

“It’s fine…”

“No it’s not...how is this fine!” Dipper glared at the cloaked man. “I’m not gonna let you get away with this.”

It is your fault this happened, you gazed beyond the mysterious beyond, did you think nothing would notice?” Dipper paled.

“It’s not his fault...I’d have gone looking sooner or later...Dipper please...just run...let me protect you!”

Dipper’s hand balled into a fist. “How can I run and let the person I love get taken away like this!?” He declared.

Norman blushed. ‘Love?!’

A light burst from Dipper’s chest.

No...it cannot be!” The figure was forced to retreat as a keyblade manifested from Dipper’s heart.

The key part was in the shape of a question mark, the blade was like a pine tree, around the handle was square like the journal, and the ornament was in the shape of a hand print with a number on it. “Whoa what is this?”

Heartless attacked and Dipper acted on reflex, he slashed and the hollows burst being purified by the keyblade. “I don’t know what this is, but it seems you don’t like this.” Pines charged, hacking and slashing to get to Norman.

“Dipper!” Babcock rushed for him but the Monster House tried to grab him. “Let me go!” He broke his hold. “Phantom Lightning!” With both hands he unleashed the bolts, making the house scream in pain. Dipper had finished off the dog heartless, seems this blade did destroy the hearless.

A carpet-like tongue shot out, but Dipper came in and slashed it. “Let’s bring this guy down!” The two kept attacking it.

“This thing is tough!”

“Any ideas?” Dipper asked.

Norman looked around and saw the shrinking device. “Yeah, bring it down to size.” Pines looked and smiled.

He went for it while Norman held the house off with lightning. The device was damaged. “Crap what am I gonna do...what can I do?” His keyblade glowed and it absorbed the device. “Okay...I can do this!”

By magic Dipper knew what he needed to do. He aimed the keyblade at the Monster House. “Shrink!” A pink blast of magic shot out and the house was weak enough for the spell to work. It got shrunk down to the size of a doll’s house.

“Whoa…” Pines collapsed.

“Dipper!” Babcock rushed over and held him close. “You saved me!”

“Hehe, I’m sure you’d have been fine…” The keyblade vanished.

“So...you love me?” Dipper blushed. “Good, then you won’t hate me when I do this.”

Norman made a move, kissing the brunette. Pines kissed back, letting his emotions flow.

To be continued...The Door Opens



Oh noooooooo, Norman no don't do it, don't surrender to the darkness. Phew thank goodness Dipper was around. I think you're right about him being definitely keyblade holder material. Well at least Norman finally confessed that's good. Great story so far excited to read the rest of it