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Ranma 1/2 parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 8 

Chapter 9 First Day of School

Ranma and Ryoga were changing for school. They had already finished their morning spar and grabbed a shower. “Ranma aren’t you worried that your dad is gonna tell Mr. Soun or Akane the truth about the curse?”

“It’s possible, but even if he did it wouldn’t matter given the type of person Akane is. Stubborn people have an issue with certain things. You can be 100% clear and honest with them and tell them what they need to do to make things better for them, and it doesn’t go through.” Odds are she either wouldn’t believe it or be to stubborn to do it. “Knowing doesn’t exactly help, to break the curse it requires sincerity if she apologizes just to break the curse it won’t work.”

Kasumi was making breakfast and the two families gathered around the table. Akane was still moody, you could feel an aura of gloom around her. She was having a rough morning, she had gone for a jog early and saw the two guys training when she came back. “Dumb boys...stupid perverts!” She whispered. Phantom pain struck her and she collapsed onto the ground. ‘What the hell?’

When she went to take a shower, she found the bathroom occupied. “Stupid boys!” Another attack of phantom pain shook her to the ground. ‘What is happening?’ Kami: Karma

All Akane knew is every time she thought or spoke angrily about the two guests she was hit with pain, but that didn’t stop her from glaring at the two at the breakfast table. ‘Stupid jerk pervert boys!’ A needle like pain shot through her legs. “Oww!”

“Akane are you okay?” Kasumi asked.

“I’m fine!” She snapped and continued to eat.

“This is a great breakfast Kasumi.” Ranma complimented, making the oldest Tendo smile.

“Thank you Ranma.”

“It’s so good...can I have more please?” Ryoga asked.

“Ugh, you are such a pig.” Akane muttered. The phantom pain took the form of oral pain, making it hard for her to eat. It was as if all four of her wisdom teeth came in crooked, and every tooth had a cavity. “Nnnngh!” She shook in pain.

Ranma held back a smirk, while Nabiki raised a brow. Kasumi gave Ryoga a second helping. “You okay Akane?” The middle sister asked.

“Yep!” She grabbed a piece of toast.

“Well I’m off, see you boys at school.” Nabiki ran off.

Akane groaned, not happy about going to the same school as these two. “Why don’t you show the boys the way?” Kasumi asked.

“Why don’t they find the school themselves!?” She snapped, and tried to stand up, only to be brought down by a phantom pain cramp.

Soun lowered his news paper. “Akane are you okay, do you need to stay home?”

“I’m fine!” She stomped off.

Genma was sweating bullets. He hadn’t told Soun anything about the curse, while he hadn’t seen the man in years he had a sense he was very protective of his daughters. As a coward, he didn’t wish to confront the man on the trouble.

“It’s fine Kasumi, I know where the school is, Ryoga and I will walk together.”

“Okay, if you are sure. I’m sorry about Akane’s behavior, but do try to get along with her.” Kasumi may have been a saint, such a pure and honest apology. Sadly the apology had to come from her. If Akane apologized like this the curse would be broken.

“We’ll try.”

“Hey Kasumi, Ranma and I can help cook to, if you don’t mind?”

“Really, you boys know how to cook?”

Ranma laughed. “Probably not up to your skills, but we can hold our own in the kitchen.” Having to cook for themselves led to a lot of trial and error.

Kasumi giggled. “We can alternate, I’d like to see your skills in the kitchen.” She collected the dishes. “You boys better hurry don’t wanna be late for school.” The two finished breakfast, getting their bags, they walked to school hand in hand.

They arrived at school and witnessed something insane. A ton of boys were fighting Akane. “What the heck?”

“Should we help her?” Ryoga asked.

“Umm…” Ranma was confused. These guys weren’t trying to hurt her, there was no anger in their aura at all. Plus they were saying things like…

“Accept my attack of love!”

“Akane let me date you!”

“With this technique I will win your love.”

Ranma crossed his arms. “I don’t think so.” Given that the curse wasn’t activating, these guys were challenging her and she was allowed to defend herself. “But what do they see in her?” Kami: No idea…

“She’s certainly tough, I’ll give her that.”

“She’s got power and some technique, but she’s fighting too much with anger in her gut.” Ranma analyzed the fight.

“Ranma, Ryoga, what are you doing, hurry up!” They heard Nabiki call. Quite a few girls were watching the show, but up in the classrooms and hallways.

“Does this happen often?” Ranma asked.

“Every day!”

“Reminds me of the lunch rush at school.” Ryoga said.

Akane finished off the guys, flipping her hair in triumph. Suddenly a red rose was thrown at her. “Ugh Kuno…”

“Who’s this guy?” Ranma muttered.

Tatewaki Kuno, he was an upper class man and rising star of the kendo world. He was calling himself the Blue Thunder of Furinkan Academy. “Looks like he changed the name again.” Nabiki rolled her eyes.

“Akane Tendo, I Tatewaki Kuno the Blue Thunder of Furinkan High, I challenge you!” Ranma eyed the swordsman.

“Kuno I’ve told you over and over, I don’t wanna date you!”

He chuckled. “Though she is little she be fierce. Oh sweet Akane face me in combat and I will prove my love for you!”

‘He’s different than the other guys.’

“This guy has some skill.” Ryoga points out.

‘Well Kasumi wanted us to be nice and get along with her.’ Ranma jumped in, and Ryoga followed. “Yo Akane, do you need a hand with this guy?”

“Ugh, I don’t need help, especially not from dumb boys like you!” She snapped, and she got pain in her hands causing her to drop her bag.

Ranma shrugged. “Fine, just figured I’d ask. Let’s go!”

They tried to move forward only to have a wooden sword pointed at them. “Who are you two, and why are you so familiar with Akane?”

“I’m Ranma Saotome.”

“I’m Ryoga Hibiki.”

“We are just new students, we’ll be going to school here from now on.” Ranma said.

Ryoga gave a slight bow. “Nice to meet you!”

“What business do you have with Akane?” Ranma tilted the sword away from him.

“None at all, just saw someone being attacked outside of the school. Quite the curious thing is all.” Ryoga nodded.

“So you are a man of honor, very well then I shall tell you!” At the start of the year Kuno made a declaration of “war” so to speak. He said anyone who wished to date Akane had to defeat her in combat. So began the daily trial of trying to win a date with Akane.

Ranma almost felt bad for her...almost...

Sure guys could be dumb, but it seems Akane had other options besides fighting them. A part of her enjoyed kicking their asses, plus the way they acted affirmed her idea and opinion on “dumb boys”, and she’d rather be right. Soun never mentioned this as it was more than likely Akane never said a word to him about this.

“If you wish to date Akane Tendo, then you and I will be rivals!” Ranma patted his shoulder.

“Yeah...no...I don’t have any interest in her, if you want her go for it!”

“Same here, laters!” The two went inside, leaving Akane and Kuno to duel.

“You two best be on your best behavior, this school is proud of its martial arts and academics. If you bring shame upon this school I’ll cut you down.” The two were already gone.

Akane recovered from the phantom pain and was ready to face him.

Ranma was a bit curious so he watched the duel from outside the classroom. ‘How has he not defeated her before?’ He was pretty sure both Ryoga and him were stronger than Kuno, and was for damn sure they were stronger than Akane.

“Something isn’t right here.” Even Ryoga felt it.

Ranma’s ear twitched. “Hmm?” He heard a rumble of thunder in the distance.

Kuno and Akane fought and it was clear from the get go something was wrong. Kuno’s moves were sharp, he made strikes that missed by a mile, and was leaving opening for Akane to attack. ‘Is he going easy on her!’ It was clear Kuno was skilled with the sword, some of the strikes he made seemed clear could have taken Akane out, but instead he slowed or stopped his strike enough to avoid hitting her.

“I can’t tell if he’s honorable or just an idiot.”

“Both?” Ryoga pondered.

“Yeah probably both.” The fight lasted long despite the openings Akane kept missing. So the two were still fighting when it began to rain. That seemed to annoy her and she took Kuno out hard. “Ouch!”

It was rather confusing. Akane wasn’t ugly physically or anything, academically she was different, athletically she excelled but was that it? She was just as mean and violent as an angry gorilla, with a shorter fuse, from what the two had seen of her. If she cooled down she’d be a lot cuter. Having gone to an all boys school, they understood tensions and hormones could run high, but there were plenty of girls here, so what made Akane so special?

Akane was late to class as she had to dry off from the sudden shower. Ranma and Ryoga introduced themselves.


Kuno and the other boys recovered and went to class, getting another lecture from the teachers. Nabiki saw a money making opportunity as Kuno was still curious about the two boys who knew Akane. She charged him for information, Kuno had deep pockets.

“Staying with the Tendos!” He became furious. “Under the same roof as Akane!”

“They are paying rent Kuno, they also want to turn our dojo around.” They had a guest room, so its only natural they rent it out.

“I knew something was off about them, they weren’t intimidated by me at all.” Kuno began to freak. “To think I fell for the pigtailed one’s words, he has the edge living with Akane...or maybe its the headband boy!”

‘Well Ranma-kun is bi...I’m still on the fence about Ryoga. Even still…’ Nabiki sighed. “I don’t think you need to worry about them going after Akane.”

“No don’t you see, even if that’s how they feel now, living together so close, there’s bound to be a spark of attraction, and the longer they live together the more that spark will be fanned into a roaring flame.”

‘Where does he get this stuff?’

“Then one night...one of them will be in the bath...and dear sweet innocent Akane will walk in...and one thing will lead to another!”

“Technically that kinda sorta happened…” She muttered to herself. Akane did walk in on Ranma and Ryoga, together!

“Which one, which one saw Akane naked?”

“Technically both of them, they were in the bath together...together!” She emphasized, but he didn’t get it.

“Ohhh I can’t stand it!” Kuno shouted, and ended up getting sent out to the hall for disturbing class.

Kuno was plotting vengeance upon the two who had seen Akane naked.

To be continued...Tanuki vs Blue Thunder



Oh~! This series is getting picked up again! :D


Yeeaaah, there's no getting around Kuno's antagonism. Man would pick a fight with a monk, if said individual had asked Akane for directions. 😅 Good exposition overall, as well as set-up work for future interactions and routines. 😉


well it is gonna be different having both ranma and ryoga in the mix at the same time. While not happening here, its always bothered me how kuno will sometimes work with ryoga and other characters despite any relationship or attraction to akane. Yet Ranma who says he doesn't want her kuno doesn't listen and antagonizes him. kodachi will actually attack ukyo and shampoo for wanting ranma