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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2

Rukia paused. “Renji’s spiritual pressure disappeared!?”

It didn’t seem possible, even with a seal his spiritual pressure seemed to vanish in an instant. “Could he have been captured or knocked unconscious?” If he had been better at Kido she’d wonder if he was cloaking himself somehow.

It didn’t make sense to her somehow, why would a hollow capture Renji? If he was unconscious…how did it happen? If there had been a fight she was sure she’d have sensed it. Even if a hollow got the drop on Renji and kill him so easily she’d have sensed something...anything!

‘No there is no way Renji could have been killed. I’d have sensed the hollow attack.’ What happened clawed at the back of her mind. ‘Damn it, Renji isn’t a child anymore, he can take care of himself.’

Despite her words, she promised herself to check on him after her patrol. She had to focus or risk getting caught off guard. ‘You better not be dead, idiot!’


Renji was in trouble but not life threatening trouble. Ichigo’s wards were designed to keep ghosts and hollows out of his home to give them peace, as he’d never crossed paths with a soul reaper before he didn’t have the right formula prepared.

So having this red haired spirit pass into his home and peep on him came as quite the shock. Not only was he knocked out but he found himself bound by rosary beads.

The binding spell was quite strong, not only did he feel physically weak, he couldn’t summon up any amount of spiritual pressure. ‘What is this, how did this happen?’

“Alright pervert, who the hell are you?” Ichigo was wearing a bathrobe.

Renji blushed. “I’m not a pervert!”

“I saw you, you were peeping on me in the shower.”

“That was an accident!” Ichigo glared at him.

“What are you anyway, how did you get past my spirit wards?”

“I’m a Soul Reaper, I’m just here to investigate!” Kurosaki raised a brow at him.

‘So he’s like dad, so this is a soul reaper.’ Ichigo thought.

“Investigate what?” Renji sweats.

“Look you need to let me go, messing with me will get you in trouble with my superiors.” Renji could be stupid sometimes but he wasn’t that stupid. The fact this guy had the power to bind him meant he was likely the target he was supposed to be investigating.

“Uh huh…” Ichigo crossed his arms. “Would your superiors find it okay that while you were on a job you stopped to peep on a guy in the shower?”

“I didn’t...I wasn’t…” It was hard to form words. Renji had seen men naked before, plenty of times in the showers at the academy and in the squad communal baths. He’d even been turned on by said men, but something about Ichigo had taken his breath away. This was the first time he was turned on by a human.

As much as he wished he could deny it he did stop and stare, taking in the sight of Ichigo’s wet beauty. He had no idea Ichigo could see him so he let himself observe eyeing the mortal and checking him out in great detail. How much did he see? Enough to know the carpets matched the drapes.

He tried not to think about it, remembering would no doubt stir his loins, which wouldn’t help him in this situation.

Ichigo flashed his visor. “And what’s this some kind of peeping tool.” He twirled it around on his finger.

Renji panicked. “Be careful with that!” If that thing got broken Mayuri would have his head.

“I wonder if your group or whatever is all just a bunch of perverts?” Renji had to bite his tongue, he couldn’t deny some were perverted.

One soul reaper told him a tale of how he played around with humans during his stint in the living world. He had haunted a stud and sucked him off and rode him nearly every night.  While it was tended to be frowned upon for a Soul Reaper to fall in love with a human, but there wasn’t any rules against it technically, and using a human for sexual relief while working in the human world wasn’t that strange.

Not that Renji was gonna confess to such a thing given his situation. This wasn’t gonna go well for him especially since Ichigo had him bound somehow.

Ichigo also had his zanpakuto. “And what’s this, bringing a weapon into my house, are you some kind of creep?”

“No! That’s my zanpakuto, give it back it’s of no use to you, and I need it to do my job as a soul reaper!”

Ichigo drew the sword. “Looks like a regular sword to me.” He lied, he could feel the weapon had a lot of power from it. ‘There’s something in this weapon…’ He sheathed the blade back up.

“Listen we got off on the wrong foot. I’m Renji Abarai, a Lieutenant of Squad 6 in Soul Society. I’m...I’m sorry for peeping.” He bowed his head.

“You also broke into my home and trespassed on my property, in the end to sneak into my bathroom and peep on me. Quite the naughty boy aren’t you?” Renji grits his teeth.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself. “Sorry for being naughty.” He said, bowing his head again.

Ichigo was a bit surprised. He sets the visor aside. “Well I guess I can forgive you, but you should still be punished for what you did.”

Renji sweat drops. “I think you blasting me and tying me up is punishment enough.” Ichigo shook his head no.

“That was for surprising me, honestly didn’t even know you were a spirit, I thought you were some random prowler who broke in.” He had acted on instinct. His Spirit Reflection Blast was more effective on spirits but if used on a human it’d attack the soul and knock them unconscious. The fact Renji was a spirit is what saved the police from being called to the Kurosaki clinic.

He got a blank talisman. “I think turn about is fair play.”

‘What does that mean?’ Ichigo approached him and placed the talisman on him.

“Goh Toh Jin!” Ichigo cast and the talisman glowed. Renji’s clothing unraveled and was pulled into the talisman.

“Oi!” He blushed, his shinigami kimono was made of spirit particles, so in the right hands it could be freely manipulated. Every stitch was undone and pulled away and stored into the paper. Even his fundoshi wasn’t spared, unraveling and soon the soul reaper was in nothing but his birthday suit.

The talisman gained an image of his shinigami clothes. “Oh…” Renji’s cheeks felt hot. He was now bound butt naked.

“You saw me naked, so it’s only fair I get to see you naked.” That seemed fair enough, Abarai accepted this and just let the orangette finish.

Ichigo eyed his naked form. Renji was rather hot, toned and muscular from no doubt years of training. He was older than he appeared and had at least a hundred years of training under his belt. His muscles were not only fantastic, they were tattooed.

Kurosaki had some interest in tats and piercings but because of his hair he was already treated like a punk and a delinquent  by the teachers so it wasn’t something he saw in his near future. On Renji though these tattoos were something else, as if they were made apart of him. The way they were weaved over his body, his muscles and intimate areas in such a way as if they had appeared on him by magic. Not far off as these markings were a sign of Renji’s growing power.

“Beautiful…” The word slipped from his lips, and it made Renji blink.

He had been feeling Ichigo’s gaze on him and it was rather exciting, but hearing the word beautiful shocked him. He had been called hot or sexy in the past, but never beautiful. Abarai looked at Ichigo and saw him gaze at his tattoos. It was rather strange, as even those he had been intimate with never praised his markings. Not even a “nice” or a “these are tastefully done”.

They had started appearing on him long ago, he didn’t notice when but they appeared on him more and more as he got stronger. His face, arms, shoulders, back, pecs, abs, legs, and feet, were one thing, but he also had them on his ass, along his cock, and his balls. Something only he noticed is they even changed, the design might change from one month to the next, as if they were growing and shaping with him.

His eyes followed Ichigo’s gaze, he was tracing the intricate patterns on his body. From the look on his face he wanted to touch them but was holding back. Renji was touched by the compliment and the interest Ichigo was showing in his body.

A bit more than touched. The attention he was receiving was stirring something in him and before he knew it… ‘Oh no…’

His cock stood at attention. They both looked down at his hard rod, twitching and throbbing for attention. ‘Fuck!’ Renji wouldn’t call himself an exhibitionist by any means but in this situation he got hard.

The two looked up, their eyes meeting. Abarai blushed harder and Ichigo’s eyes narrowed. “You really are a pervert!”

“I’m not, I swear!” He shifted but still couldn’t move. This boy calling him a pervert was making him feel things. He praised his tattoos and called him a naughty boy, such words and actions were throwing the red head for a loop.

“This begs to differ, naughty boy!” Ichigo got caught up in the moment and brought his foot to Renji’s crotch, stepping on his dick and pressing it against his abs.

“Aaahh!” Renji moaned.

‘Fuck what the hell am I doing!?’ Ichigo mentally panicked. He was used to having control but he kinda jumped into this without a plan. His own libido was being stirred up by the sexy Soul Reaper. There was indeed something otherworldly about his body, a maturity to it like perfectly aged wine.

Renji had the energy of a wild beast which was kinda hot. He knew the red head heard him, heard the slip, and might have questioned it if his sword didn’t decide to stand at attention. ‘Retreat or double down, what the hell should I do?!’

He shifted his foot slightly. “Wait!”

‘Wait? Not stop? Does he like this?’

Renji gulped and licked his lips. “If we are doing this...can you tell me your name?”

‘Fuck that’s cute!’ The look Renji gave him shot him through the heart like a bullet. Ichigo cleared his throat. “Ichigo...Ichigo Kurosaki...I wanna hear you say it when I make you cum Renji!” Double down it is.

Renji nodded dumbly and Ichigo proceeded to run his foot along his hard cock. Using his toes to play with the head and foreskin. ‘Let’s do this!’ The two shared the same thought.


While Renji was enjoying being stepped on and getting a rather spur of the moment foot job. Rukia was not in the best of the situation.

She was tracking a hollow when she bumped into a familiar brown haired boy doing some shopping. Keigo had been sent out by his sister to run errands despite the late hour.

Rukia was caught off guard when a human suddenly approached her and asked her out. ‘He can see me?’ Keigo was shooting his shot, unaware of the danger he was in.

The hollow attacked and while Keigo could see her, the hollow was more of a blurry blob. “What the hell is that?!”

“Run you fool!” Rukia snapped at him. “Dance…”

Before she could release her zanpakuto the hollow shifted away. “Damn it!” Keigo ran unaware of the fact he was now a target.

Rukia had to protect Keigo as the hollow was intelligent enough to use the human against her, and the fact Keigo couldn’t see him. The two were chased around, with the hollow moving between the worlds making it hard to track.

“What is happening, are we being attacked by a ghost?” Keigo cried.

“Something like that, but it’d take too long to explain.”

Keigo ran. “Where are you going?”

“To my friend’s house he told me if I ever got in trouble with a ghost to come to him.”

“What?!” Rukia gasped.


Renji was left panting, his skin flushed and slightly sweaty. His face, pecs, and abs were soaked with cum.

Ichigo got some tissues to help clean him up and get a free touch in on his body. ‘Fuck that was hot!’ They weren’t looking at each other, but they eventually met their gazes.

Ba-thump ba-thump!

Their hearts skipped a beat. Ichigo drew closer, and closer…


The two jumped and Ichigo pulled away. “The proximity bells!” Ichigo gasped, he threw off his robe, giving Renji another free look at Ichigo’s naked body.

“What is that, what’s happening?!” Ichigo dawned another robe. He looked ready for combat.

“A hollow is coming!” He grabbed some talismans.

‘He knows about hollows and can see ghosts but knows nothing of soul reapers?’ Renji pondered.

Ichigo grabbed his rosary and freed Renji from the seal. “Stay here, my wards will protect you.”

Abarai didn’t have time to protest as Ichigo was racing out of his home, jumping through the window and moving like a soul.


Rukia managed to release her Zanpakuto but what she didn’t know was she wasn’t fighting one hollow, she was fighting two. Two twin hollows of same size and mass with near similar masks. They worked in unison to fool opponents.

Just when she thought she had one trapped in ice, the other made it’s move. Keigo got in the way of the hollow’s attack. She blocked the hit, but took a hefty wound. Ichigo was coming but would be too late for what was about to happen.

Kuchiki needed someone to fight for her and Keigo, she believed was her only option. She gave him her powers, unaware that having Sode No Shirayuki released and doing this was gonna drain her nearly completely.

Keigo gained Soul Reaper powers, his Zanpakuto was a large double sided blade, technically it was a large swallow. He managed to cut down one brother, but the other broke free of the ice and came charging at Keigo’s blind spot. “Look out!”

Before he could be hit something caught him. The hollow howled in pain as a rosary was wrapped around him. “Hollow...be purified and be gone from this world...Purification Blast!” Ichigo fired a pink energy and turned the hollow to dust.

‘Who is this guy and how did he purify a hollow?’ Rukia was now clad in white spirit garb.

“Ichigo!” Keigo cried.

“Keigo?” Ichigo was confused, why was Keigo dressed like Renji...like a soul reaper!

To be continued


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