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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Bad Day

Paradox of the Unown

The Hale family were studying the Unown, the pokemon. It is said that the unknown have strange and mysterious powers, traversing time and space. Ever since he discovered a journal he believes that the Unown can connect to other worlds, even discovering Pokemon unknown to them.

Chapter 1

Ash, Brock, and Misty have come to Johto. It started as a simple quest to bring the GS Ball to a man named Kurt. Ketchum learned of the Johto League and he wanted to enter it. Ash got one badge under his belt when he defeated Falkner. He left his Charizard to train at Charizard Valley.

So far he’s caught a Heracross and a Chikorita, adding the Johto Pokemon to his roster.

Brock caught a Mareep, that he nicknamed Wooly.

Ash gained a rival in Shingo, who decided to travel and sharpen his skills.

Ketchum caught a Cyndaquil. His new fire type was a little odd, but all his Johto mons were a bit quirky. Heracross LOVED sap, Chikorita LOVED him, and Cyndaquil was a bit of a slow starter.

They battled Team Rocket and protected the Slowpoke Well with the help of Kurt of all people. Ash turned in the GS Ball and learned of special Apricorn Monster Balls. They each got a Fast Ball from Kurt as a thank you for helping with the Slowpoke Well, but offered access to their garden to pick Apricorn.

Ash wanted one of every ball, hoping to use them to catch new Pokemon. He wanted to be a Pokemon Master, but his journey through Kanto he made many mistakes and he wished to learn from them. Ketchum wanted to train his Pokemon more, maybe rotate them if he could.

The first Apricorn Tree they come across was Pink Apricorn, it could be used to make Love Balls. Ash picked one.

On the next tree it was Yellow Apricorn, good for making Moon Balls. The tree was full of Pineco but Ash managed to snag an Apricorn. Brock wanted to catch a Pineco, but missed his chance here.

Next was a Green Apricorn Tree, the apricorn could make friend balls. A swarm of Beedrill attacked but Ash wasn’t backing down. With Pikachu, Heracross, and Cyndaquill they chased off the swarm.

Ash got the Apricorn, before they headed off. The next grove was that of Red Apricorn and Team Rocket attacked trying to steal them. The gang fought them off, there was irony as they fell down a Diglett hole. Ash got an Apricorn.

Their next stop was the Blue Apricorn Grove, Misty was interested when they learned they could make Lure Balls from them, so Ash and Misty both got one.

Last was Black Apricorn which could be used to make Heavy Balls. Team Rocket came back for another attack to try and steal the Apricorn, but despite Ash’s best efforts they were quite stubborn.

A wild Pineco helped, and didn’t stay wild for long as Brock used his Fast Ball to catch it. Pineco and Pikachu team up to send Team Rocket blasting off. Two Apricorn fall from the tree and Ash and Brock claim them.

They bring the Apricorn to Kurt to be made into balls.

The Azalea Gym was back up and running so Ash was able to take on Bugsy. Misty insulted the gym leader who decided to give Ash a tougher challenger, it was a four on four.

Spinarak vs Chikorita with the winner being the Grass type.

Bugsy sent out Metapod and it got revenge, defeating her.

Pikachu defeated Metapod next.

Bugsy’s next pokemon was a Ledyba, it was quite tough and fast. Even Pikachu was caught off guard.

Ash called in Heracross, the battle of the bug types came and Heracross landed the victory. The clash with Bugsy’s last Pokemon was even tougher.

Scyther and Heracross dueled. Even Bugsy was impressed with how Ash had raised his Heracross. They fought back and forth, but Scyther was just a bit faster.

It was time for Ash’s final Pokemon and he called out Cyndaquil. The fire type got his engine going and managed to bring down Scyther in a blaze of glory. The battle was exciting, Bugsy was eager to catch a Heracross of his own.

With second gym badge in hand the gang was ready to move on. Kurt was still studying the GS Ball, but he finished their orders.

Ash got his Love, Friend, Moon, Heavy, Lure, and Level Ball adding them to his Fast Ball.

Misty got a Lure Ball adding to her Fast Ball.

Brock got his Heavy Ball.

The gang reaches Palmpona during their Pokemon Swap Meet. Trainers are eager to trade Pokemon, a lot of breeders have come to trade the monsters they’ve raised and get a new mon to raise. A boy named Benny was eager to trade his Wobbuffet.

Palmpona was offering a great reward for trainers. It was a grand Tauros competition, and the winner got the Scarlet Badge. It wasn’t an official gym badge, but trainers who had it were allowed to carry 9 Pokemon at a time.

Ash entered his Tauros. He had thirty, but he used the one he entered in the Orange Islands.

His Tauros stunned and astounded. Ash had a whole herd of Tauros, too many for him to train. They had grown strong on Oak’s lab, and from Oak said some were feeling a tad restless. It wasn’t uncommon for Tauros to grow stronger and eventually leave the herd to start a herd of their own or become a partner to a trainer. The fact Ash had a whole herd had allowed Samuel to study a Tauros herd.

Ketchum bested opponent after opponent, it was the finals between him and Fernando. They clashed and in the end Ash was the winner!

He got the Scarlet Badge which allowed him to carry 9 Pokemon now.

That wasn’t all his show of strength in the coliseum had trainers eager to trade with him. Ash didn’t want to part with this Tauros, but he thought about some of his other Tauros. Oak mentioned some were feeling restless, so he decided to trade them. There were no hard feelings this was a part of nature.

Oak sent three of the Tauros over and Ash got to give his goodbyes to them. The trainers were still eager to trade even Benny. Ash traded one Tauros for Wobbuffet, getting a rather unique pokemon to his team and his first Psychic Type.

Another trainer wanted to trade a Tauros for a Rhyhorn, which Ash made the trade. He had wanted to catch a Rhyhorn in the Safari Zone, but things happened. With the trade complete Ash got his first Rock type.

Then another trainer wanted to trade, he had a Scyther. Ash thought about the Scyther’s he met on his journey and was eager to raise one himself. So he agreed to the trade, what he didn’t know was this Scyther was holding onto a Metal Coat, which allowed him to evolve into Scizor! ‘Just like Shingo’s!’ He thought.

Scizor was happy to evolve and was happy to have a strong trainer. He became Ash’s first Steel Type.

Ketchum sent the trio back, but promised they’d be rotated in. He had other Tauros that were restless and could use a good home.

Another trainer had a Machoke, they traded for one of Ash’s Tauros. The Machoke evolved into Machamp, and while not Ash’s first Fighting type it was a happy event.

Ash traded a Tauros for a Seadra, he remembered facing them in the League and the Orange Islands. It was holding a King’s Rock and it evolved into a Kingdra, Ash’s first Dragon type.

His last trade he traded a Tauros for a Ursaring, it was a big bear monster from Johto. He still had 24 Tauros left, but they wanna stay with Ash in the herd.

Ash named his main Tauros King, and going for a theme he named four of his Tauros Rook, another four Bishop, and another four Knight, eight of them were named Pawn. The other three were set up as Ride Pokemon. Palmpona had the gear to set up Tauros where you can ride them.

As it stood on hand he had Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Heracross, King (Tauros), and Wobbuffet. He had two empty slots on his team and he could rotated his Pokemon out.

In training he had Primeape, Charizard, and Squirtle. At Oak’s lab he had Kingler, Muk, Snorlax, Tauros x 23, Scizor, Ursaring, Kingdra, Machamp, and Rhyhorn.

Team Rocket tried to steal the Pokemon from the Meet, but they had to face Ash’s new Wobbuffet. The blob of a mon was quite tough, able to take hits and send them back harder. His Counter was a beast. Wobbuffet was able to respond to Ash quickly thanks to his special ability Telepathy.

Ash checked his Pokedex and learned that he had moves for blocking physical attacks with Counter and special attacks with Mirror Coat. He also had the moves Encore and Destiny Bond. Benny had made a very powerful Wobbuffet. Ketchum was gonna take him and make him an outstanding battler.

Team Rocket was sent blasting off and the Swap Meet was saved.

The gang traveled on Misty getting herself a Wooper. She called it her secret weapon as it was part ground type so it was immune to Electric attacks.

They encountered a pack of Houndour who was stealing food for their sick friend. Ash was able to fend off the pack impressing their leader. He helped the injured pack member and gained the trust and favor of the Dark types.

Ketchum got the great idea to catch the pack, they’d have a good home at Oak’s lab, and can help protect it. The pack barked it over and agreed. Ash got his first Dark type.

He named the leader Alpha, and named the pack Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, and Zeta. The pack would be safe and well cared for. This capture had dwindled his monster balls down to one besides his special ones.

Their next stop had Ash and Misty looking for Water Pokemon. A wild Totodile had the two at odds with each other. They both used their Lure Balls, but couldn’t tell them apart.

So a duel began, the winner got to keep Totodile.

This was a round robin fight, the first to get three wins won.

Ash started with Pikachu first, Misty started with her secret weapon, Wooper! What she didn’t figure was just because it was immune to electric attacks, didn’t mean it was able to handle Pikachu. A few Quick Attacks and Wooper was knocked out. Type advantage lost to level this time. It was just too soon for Wooper to face Pikachu or other Electric types.

Next was Staryu vs Chikorita, Misty hoped her more experienced Staryu could defeat Chikorita. They clashed by Chikorita had gusto, eager to help Ash win no matter what. When she was in a pinch her ability activated strengthening her Grass type moves and helping bring this round to a close.

If she lost this next round it was over. So it came to be Poliwag vs Bulbasaur! The two clashed but Poliwag was determined to win even evolving into Poliwhirl to try and land the victory. One Solar Beam finished off the Water Type and getting Ash the Totodile.

They reached a mountain and met up with Shingo again, he was training not only his Scizor but also his new Skarmory, looking to hone their skills against fire types. Shingo and Brock had a battle with Blade defeating Vulpix, and his Skarmory defeating Mareep. Alpha helped Cyndaquil toughen up and get his fire power going. Alpha defeated Blade and Cyndaquil defeated Skarmory that Shingo named Scabbard.

Since they were both aiming to take on the gym in Goldenrod City, Shingo traveled with Ash for a bit. He caught a Girafarig that he nicknamed him Swallow, it was a technical term for a double sided sword weapon.

Ash’s next catch was a Shiny Noctowl, he nicknamed him Wisdom because of his high intellect.

In the next town there was a big hoopla about Pokemon Fortune telling. Though one group was just Team Rocket scamming people, there were real psychics and fortune tellers in town.

Brock wanted to get his Love Fortune told. A girl named Cherry was ecstatic. “I’m the best at love fortunes, I can do one for each of you.” Shingo wasn’t really interested but went with it none the less. Misty was eager, Ash didn’t really buy into the fortune telling stuff.

Cherry also had a Girafarig who helped her with her fortune telling, she said she’d give them all a free reading if they beat her Girafarig. While Ash wasn’t big on fortune telling he was big on battles so faced her with Alpha. As a Dark type he was immune to her psychic attacks and once it got inflicted with burn it’s power was cut down. “A deal is a deal!”

She started with Brock. “You are looking for love in the wrong places and yet love is closer than you know. When the truth is revealed to you, you must embrace it or misfortune and loneliness will be your future.”

Next was Misty. “Your love is as wild as the sea, but a choice will decide if your paths cross. No matter the choice you make I can see a bright future for you.” Misty was a bit confused but accepted the fortune.

Then came Shingo. “You don’t have to really…” Too late. Her eyes glowed and she gazed into her crystal ball.

“You have also met a potential love, this person has opened your eyes and expanded your view. Does this sound familiar to you?” Shingo blushed.

“How...how do I know if this person is my love or not?” Cherry leaned in close so only Shingo could hear.

“This person will soon give you a gift, one that will help you become even stronger.”

Last but not least there was Ash. “Now let’s see your fortune is...ehh…” Both Cherry and Girafarig’s eyes glow red, a lot of energy is felt from the crystal ball. “Beware...Beware...a dark cloud looms on the horizon...the power of one will bring chaos to this world… her wishes granted...fear her...pokemon both real and not...awakened by unknown power...beware...if not stopped they will run wild...their power both legendary and not...a paradox...paradox...unknown...unknown...fear the unknown...they answer her call...beware…” She screamed before fainting.

Cherry recovered but didn’t remember anything about Ash’s fortune. The group stopped Team Rocket which turned out to be Cassidy and Butch this time, using a bogus fortune book to scam trainers out of their pokemon. They got blasted off and the pokemon returned.

Ash tried not to think about the fortune he had received, and just wanted to focus on his gym battle.

They made it to Goldenrod City and were eager to fight Whitney the gym leader. Ash and Shingo played rock paper scissors to see who got to go first. Shingo won.

Since he only had one badge it was gonna be a three v three.

Whitney used Clefairy, Nidorina, and Miltank…

Shingo had a strategy, rumors of Whitney’s Miltank were terrifying, that was her ace pokemon and basically the only one she needed to sweep a whole team. He started the match with Scabbard who set up a double layer of Spikes.

Scabbard defeated Clefairy.

Nidorina was called out and got damaged by the Spikes. Shingo switched calling out Swallow! With Psychic power Nidorina was defeated.

Then came out Miltank which took damage from the spikes. Miltank defeated Swallow, and Scabbard came in and with great speed managed to avoid Miltank’s attacks. They chip away at Miltank, before getting taken down. Blade was able to come in and finish the match. Shingo got his second badge.

Whitney needed time to recover to face Ash but told him since he had two badges it’d be a four v four.

Ash readied his team Cyndaquil, Totodile, Heracross, and Machamp! Since she used Normal Types he was preparing a counter strategy, he had seen how terrifying Miltank was. A part of him wondered if this was the her the prophecy foretold.

Their match came with Shingo and Brock cheering him on.

The first match was Cyndaquil vs Teddiursa. Cyndaquil landed a swift victory.

Whitney’s next pokemon was Jigglypuff. Ash used Totodile against it and managed to win, even with a powerful Attract.

Her next Pokemon was a Smeagle. It had some weird movements, but Totodile’s dancing nature helped him out a lot. Totodile brought him down in the end.

Then came Whitney’s Miltank. It was a terror defeating Ash’s Cyndaquil and Totodile.

The next Pokemon on Ash’s side was Heracross, the Bug and Fighting type. He took Miltank’s Rollout, and Ash even used the horn to send Miltank in the air. Ash had Heracross pummel Miltank, but just when it looked like they were gonna win Miltank used Milk Drink, recovering her strength.

Miltank charged in and defeated Heracross. It was up to Ash’s final pokemon Machamp. He was eager to do Ash proud since they were in their first gym battle.

Machamp flexed.

The four armed fighting type knew Bulk Up, boosting his ATK and DEF. With his strength he was able to tank the first Rollout. With a boost to DEF and type advantage it barely did any damage.

Another Bulk Up made Machamp even tougher. This time he was able to stop Miltank’s Rollout completely, with two hands and landed a super effective Karate Chop. Miltank tried to roll one more time but Machamp caught her and used Strength to send it flying.

She was down for the count and Ash won his third badge. Whitney was so impressed she invited them to visit her farm. There were even wild Miltank.

Ash’s Tauros King caught the attention of a wild Miltank. The two battled hard making a good match. The two kept clashing but neither seemed content on stopping. Whitney suggested catching the Miltank so Ash used the Love Ball.

It worked and the Miltank was caught. Ash named her Queen and sent her and King back to Oak’s lab. Heracross did such an amazing job he also sent him to Oak’s lab to enjoy a little vacation. Plus Oak wanted to study Heracross a bit more.

Ash rotated some of his Pokemon around.

A bug catching contest brought a few of Ash’s rivals around. Shingo and Casey entered, Shingo used Scabbard, and Casey used her Chikorita. Ash decided to use his Scizor.

The top three who placed got to keep the bug pokemon, but first place got an evolution stone.

Casey got a Weedle, and Shingo managed a big score, his Flying and Steel type doing well against Ariados. ‘I’m gonna call you Arrow.’

Ash’s Scizor helped land him a Beedrill.  Team Rocket caused trouble and Shingo helped save Ash from the crooks.

In the end Ash won the contest and he picked a Moon Stone.

“Here Shingo!” Ash held out the Park Ball with the Beedrill inside it.

“Huh?” He blinked in surprise.

“I want you to have him, I named him Lance!” Shingo blushed.

‘Is he giving me a gift...the fortune...but no...he’s not...I’m not...we’re not...what?’ He took the ball. ‘Wait...if my fortune came true...then what about Ash’s…’

That dark horizon was coming closer as Ash and the gang drew closer to Greenfield!

To be continued


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