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Martin Mystery parody: Patreon Reward

Wolf Mystery

Martin 13.5 - 15 inches with knot

Antonio 8 inches

Beta: Brad Chip Luke


Chapter 9 

Chapter 10 Martin’s Back

Martin and Antonio were surprised when MOM and Billy showed up. “Marty!” The alien in human form rushed over. He flew into his arms, and the werewolf was able to catch him.

The two have a moment doing their buddy hand shake.

“So what’s the verdict?” Antonio asked. He had his hand on his wand, in case of the worst option. Oh yes, he was willing to fight off the whole Center if he had to.

MOM raised her hand. “At ease, we’ve ran tests and observed Martin while he’s under quarantine. He is a phantom werewolf, but he’s also a unique case.”

“So there isn’t a cure?” Martin asked, looking a tad concerned.

MOM shook her head. “We are still looking, we have science, alien tech, and magic. If there is a cure we’ll find it.” MOM pressed a remote. “While we look into it, we’ll be releasing you from quarantine.”

Martin perked up at that. “That means I can go back out on missions!”

“While you are still an agent, you must be on probation. We need to make sure you are stable to go back in the field.” Living a “normal life” as a phantom werewolf is one thing but in the field tensions flared, emotions ran high, all things that could trigger a primal outburst on. Even if Martin continued to work for the Center his activities would be restricted as a safety precaution.

Martin hung his head. “Yeah...I get it…” Antonio frowned. He knew how much being an agent meant to Martin, it made him feel special and important. His dad and step-sister made him feel less. He was a damn good agent and helped save the world twice!

Because of Center protocol no one would remember him, the towns and villages he’s saved, the people he rescued wouldn’t know of the things he’s done. ‘If Martin couldn’t be an agent anymore it’d break his heart.’

“It’s just a probation Martin, consider it a vacation.” They’d be observing him obviously. If he could handle the tensions of University life and stay in control then it’d be a step in the right direction. As pretty as it sounded Antonio could read between the lines, Martin was still under Center quarantine, he was just able to go back to school. It was a good sign, but Martin’s freedom was still in question.

Martin still smiled. “Hey now, at least we can go out on a real date!” He hugged Antonio and nuzzled him. The witch blushed hard, his glasses fogging up.

He wasn’t stupid, he could also see what was happening here, the Center still saw him as a threat.

Mystery wasn’t a threat in his mind, he still felt like himself, just...more! So he was a werewolf, a phantom werewolf, so what he believed he could finish his University life and become a full time agent at the Center. It was his major goal in life.

Now other roads were opening up to him. He just hoped the others weren’t closed off. The paths of destiny tended to go on forever, often crisscrossing and intercepting others along the way. Life had many paths with choices big and small that could effect the future roads and where they’d take one.

Martin had a lot of time to think in Quarantine, how he got here and thinking about where he went from here. He was sure that in other universes there were hims that went through the exact same thing but got a cure either by science or magic to go back to normal, or maybe he defeated the werewolf without getting made the new alpha. It’d be saddening if he didn’t consider if that was true then there were universes where he likely failed and lost his life, not just to the werewolf but to any of the horrors he’s faced in the past. He was rather lucky and should be grateful for the life he had.

Some down time might not be too bad, he could go back to school and work on himself for a bit. He could date and court Antonio and explore his new feelings and desires. Plus he could get out of this stuffy room and not be poked and prodded.

The only annoyance Mystery saw was how he had to make up all the homework he missed while in quarantine. All he could do was take his new life day by day. Solitude gave one a lot of time to think and process.

His best friends were an alien, a caveman, and a witch, so what if he was a werewolf. The supernatural could live along side humans it was possible. Martin was being optimistic and hopeful.

He didn’t know what he was walking into. The Center covered up most of the mess with the Phantom Werewolf incident.

What he didn’t know was what Diana had done. Her campaign to make Martin the boogeyman over the disappearances of the bullies. With their return Diana’s whole story fell apart, and public opinion swayed into Martin’s favor.

Diana had been ostracized at the university, causing her to slowly hate Martin more. The longer he was gone, the longer the cold shoulder remained. She wasn’t as popular as she thought, and didn’t have anyone backing her up. Even her closest friend was clear that she needed to apologize or her social life was dead.

Brad, Chip, and Luke, were also in the dog house until they apologized for what they did to Martin.

Antonio was also in the dark since he was sticking at the werewolf’s side. Billy would also be joining them at the University as a transfer student. The witch was a bit concerned not wanting to distrust the alien. If he was a spy for the Center that could make him their enemy.

Martin wasn’t worried about anything...almost frustratingly so. Antonio felt he had to keep his guard up, to protect Martin from the dangling sword that threatened to come down and end his new werewolf life.


Antonio and Martin arrived at the academy the next day. The blonde felt weirdly anxious. He remembered his first day of school, and this felt similar to that. “You okay?” The wizard looked at him and noticed some drops of sweat.

Mystery chuckled. “Yeah…” He wiped his brow. “I’m fine!”

Antonio took his hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. The anxiety washed away. “I have your back, you know that!”

“And I have yours!” He gave the hand a squeeze back.

They entered the gates and people were shocked to see him. “Martin’s Back!” People cried and the werewolf felt his ears ring. He was gonna have to get used to that, even the faintest of whispers could sound like he was standing right there.

It was a mental thing, if Martin focused he could effectively turn off his heightened hearing. His arrival had certainly caused a buzz, one he could hear deep into the Academy.

“MARTIN!” Java came running out and he hugged both him and Antonio, causing them to drop their linking as they were hugged by the caveman. “Martin, Antonio, Java missed you so much!” He cried.

The fountain of tears cascaded and soaked their hair. “We missed you too buddy!” Java couldn’t visit the center as he had to hold his cover at the school. He had been observing everyone to see if there was any lingering supernatural effects and as far as he saw there wasn’t one.

“Java...air...need….air…” Antonio wheezed.

He released them, but surprisingly Martin had been able to handle the caveman’s embrace. Antonio caught his breath. Java wiped his eyes. The man was made aware of the situation, they were still on lock down but were allowed back into the world.

Both Antonio and Java had gone through this to some degree.

“Okay okay, I’m going!” Martin heard his step sister, her steps were heavy and slightly dragged as it was clear she wasn’t happy. When he saw her he noticed things, her body language was tense and she shifted like a naughty child who had done something wrong and got caught.

“Diana has something to say to you.” Java explained. He had kept the paper she wrote and the retraction she had to write after. Antonio saw this and nearly busted out his wand. The urge to hex her was strong.

Despite everything Martin saw her as a sister and didn’t want her to be bewitched. Not that Diana felt the same, she kept her mother’s name Lombard. She wouldn’t acknowledge being a Mystery, despite the close relationship she had with Martin’s father.

“Well...wow…” Even Martin was shocked. Even if she didn’t know something supernatural was going on, the jump to conclusions could have ruined his life had the boys not been returned. “Diana?”

Their eyes met, and his monster eyes could see into her soul. Anger, frustration, hate, but not so much regret, guilt, or sincerity. “I’m sorry…” She muttered, barely a whisper, and quickly turned around, only to be met by glares from other people. “I’m sorry.” Her tone made it clear it wasn’t so apologetic.

Arms crossed and Diana got some disappointing looks. She put on a fake face. “I’m sorry!” She declared, bowing her head in apology.

Martin was surprised. Diana never apologized for the stuff she did or said to him. He could tell she didn’t mean it, but the gesture alone caught him so off guard. It all worked out and it seemed Diana got some social backlash from it.

‘Accept my apology already jerk!’

“Okay, I forgive you!” Martin said, Antonio wanted to face palm. He knew Diana was only doing this because she was in trouble. Her face shifted to one of delight and she rushed back to her social circle like nothing happened.

‘Just you wait Martin...I’m onto you, you freak you’ll pay for this humiliation ten fold.’

This wasn’t the only apology given as the guys who had been bullying Martin came forward. Their apologies came, but were more sincere. Mystery laughed. “The past is the past, let’s just shake hands and make friends.”

He offered his hand and the guys accepted this. Their last bit of arrogance showed as they went to give Martin’s hand a strong squeeze. Their grip was strong and may have made a lesser man wince but it was nothing compared to a caveman’s grip or a werewolf’s. It was a feeble attempt at dominance, it was a challenge.

Martin gave the hands a squeeze back. A firm grip, but to their awakened instincts there was a whole lot more. For werewolves all senses were heightened even touch.

His firm grip did as much as if he had put them in their place and spanked them in front of the crowd. Brad felt his insides twitch and his loins stir. Chip felt his body grow hot and his legs buckled. Luke squirmed and nearly fell to his knees but managed to keep his composer.

They thought they had masked their hard ons but they couldn’t hide their scent. Martin got a whiff of their arousal and couldn’t help but smirk. He knew those three wouldn’t cross him again.

To be continued...Date a Witch


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