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Creation Cure

In order to bring his wife back Gabriel makes a deal with dark forces. They are willing to revive the woman but they want the Cure Crystals which all kwami have inside them. Marin is chosen to fight with Tikki the Kwami of Creation, he becomes Cure Creation when transformed a ladybug esk themed hero with magical cards for different skills. His partner is Adrien aka Cure Destruction, Tikki and Plagg are very lovey dovey, which brings the partners together often. Marin becomes Adrien's first friend and helps him come out of his shell.

Chapter 1 Darkness

Since the dawn of creation there has been a mystical balance, a cosmic order to the universe. As it happens forces have sought to disrupt that balance for one reason or another.

These forces had trouble doing anything on their own because of the kwami. Each Kwami had a Cure Crystal inside of them which helped protect the balance and the universe. United or scattered the Cure Crystals gave off a light that repelled the darkness.

The kwami loved mortals, finding their world to be fascinating. As mortals lived their lives they found and forged new concepts which helped create new kwami and thus craft new Cure Crystals. Sensing this some dark forces tried to destroy humanity, snuffing out mortal life now and then. The kwami tried to help but the raw power of the Cure Crystals could be overwhelming. Only by unifying with a chosen human could they properly channel their power and battle the dark forces.

Over the centuries the mystical warriors known as The Cures appeared on record, battling one evil after another, protecting humanity and the world. The kwami have changed masters, and some could synchronize better than others discovering new powers and abilities. Said powers were immortalized in cards, kept safe by the kwami themselves.

Each holder seemed to strengthen the Cure powers before passing it on. Thus the game was set, with the powers of light growing brighter and stronger to combat the darkness.

Even among the laws of nature there were loopholes. Should the Cure Crystals be given to the dark forces by mortal hands or won in combat, then the dark powers could take the crystals and corrupt them, even destroy them.

If the kwami could use mortals, so could the dark forces. Humans...such wonderful creatures...so complicated
so unique

In a world full of so many wonders and possibilities, humans created the concept of Boredom. Truly remarkable.

Humanity was a melting pot of desires, having dreams for the future, wishing for a random burst of luck or chance. Humans can crave things from power, money, and status, to intangible things like friendship, love, and even happiness. There were even humans that desired chaos, that wished for the suffering of others.

Mortal life could also be so fleeting. The loss of one’s loved one could push one’s desire to even darker paths, either hating the world; wishing it’d burn, or even willing to do anything to get their loved one back.

The dark forces used this to get their hooks into mortals, making deals. Just as the kwami uniting with humans can bring about great good, the dark forces made deals with humans granting them dark power to see their wishes come true. Even if it means throwing the universe into chaos


Gabriel Agreste thought he had it all, money, fame, power, influence, a beautiful and talented wife, then recently a son. His wife loved their child, and kept him close to home. Gabriel never questioned her odd behaviour. He was happy in his own little world, but suddenly everything changed when his wife fell ill.

No doctor could save her, no medicine could treat her, it was as if she was a wilting flower. All he could do was watch as she got sicker and sicker, losing the ability to walk. She could barely be awake a few hours a day.

It was as if her life force was leaving her with each passing day. ‘Why is this happening?’

His wife had a strange mirror in their room. She called it a rare treasure that’s brought her good luck.

“Sad isn’t it, mortals are so fragile
” A sinister voice washed through the room, sending chills.

Gabriel shuddered. He looked towards the origin of the voice, and his eyes landed on his wife’s mirror. The once pristine reflection turned black, as if it was showing an endless void beyond. Agreste stumbled back as his eyes met a pair of red eyes. “Who...What...are you?”

“As for who, I have gone by many names for the sake of simplicity you may call me Zakenna.” The voice sounded like a collective of sinister whispers. “As for what? The mortal mind wouldn’t understand. All you need to know is that I can help.”

“Help? How can you help me?” He approached the mirror cautiously.

“Simple, we make a deal. If you help me, I can help you.”

“You haven’t answered my question, how?” The man was desperate. He wasn’t thinking logically in this situation.

Zakenna pointed at the woman on the bed. “Her life is fading fast, in less than a year she will be dead.” Gabriel’s eyes widened, he shakily looked back at his wife.

He began to tear up. “What afflicts her?”

“It matters not, just know I can save her from her fate.”

“You can save her?” A weight lifted off Gabriel’s chest, the deep pit of despair that plagued him sprung forth a spring of hope.

“I can, but for a price.” Zakenna chuckled. “I have powers beyond this world, you mortals would call it magic but all magic comes with a price. If you help me I can easily restore your wife to full health.”

It sounded too good to be true. Gabriel was desperate, so with the promise of his wife’s health and safety he bought into Zakenna’s words. Thoughts of who this was and what he could do may have prevented the many tragedies that were to come.

“We have a deal!” As soon as those words left his mouth it was a mistake. Zakenna’s eyes glowed bright, a pulse of energy burst from the mirror and struck Gabriel ripping open his shirt.

His bare chest was exposed. Darkness leaked from the mirror and poured into his flesh. “Aaaahhhhhh!” Pain burned through him, but the darkness struck him like a lightning bolt making him unable to move.

The darkness converged into one spot, forming a black heart over his chest with a white star in the center. “This is the form of our pact!”

Gabriel dropped to the floor, panting and clutching his chest. “What...what do you want?”

“I want the Cure Crystals.”

“Crystals? I can buy them at a store as many as you want, just please save my wife!”

Zakenna chuckled. “These are no mere stones, the Cure Crystals embody the primal light, the very constructs that build the fabric of reality.” The mirror shifted showing heart shaped crystals of different colors.

“What do you need them for?”

“That’s not for you to know, you simply have to find them and bring them to me.” The image shifted some cure crystals were in the shape of the card suit heart, others spade, others club, and others diamond. “There are numerous of them, bring a few of them to me and your wife’s life will be spared.”

“Fine, fine, I’ll do it, I’ll find them just please save my wife!”

“I’m afraid I won’t be healing her now.”

“But you said she didn’t have much time!”

“I did and she doesn’t, but I suppose I can give you a loan.” Darkness spilled from the mirror and changed their bed, twisting it and forging it into a coffin.

Gabriel ran over and saw his wife, and she looked...okay? “What is this?”

“This coffin will preserve her body and spirit. She’s perfectly safe untouched by time and space. She’ll not age nor die so long as she’s in the coffin.” It was almost like a fairy tale. “Consider her a sleeping princess, waiting for her prince to wake her. All you have to do is bring me the Cure Stones!”

‘I’ll wake her, Emilie...just wait...I’ll save you for all our sakes!’ He told himself he wasn’t just doing it for himself, but he was also doing it for their son. ‘Adrien needs his mother! I need her!’

Gabriel had no idea what he was getting himself into just as Emilie had before him.


Over the next two years Gabriel poured his time and money into finding the Cure Stones. He ran his business from the shadows, he had his assistant Natalie handling most affairs in the home and got his son a chauffeur and bodyguard.

Gabriel decided that Adrien would be an idol like his mother. He was home schooled and only left the house to go to shoots, rehearsals, and auditions.

Adrien was already living a sheltered life, the only youths his own age he ever got to see was his cousin Felix, and a girl named Chloe. After his mother fell ill things only got worse, he felt like he was trapped in a cage, only let out to be shown off like some pampered pet. Even his birthdays he’d be lucky to get gifts from family and Chloe.

Everything in his life was decided for him, what he did, who he saw, what he ate, where he went, if he wanted something he’d have to talk to Natalie or his bodyguard, and they’d run it by Gabriel and he’d decide if it’d happen or not.

All he wanted was a normal life, he wanted to be a normal boy, go to school, hang out with friends, try some sports, play some games with buddies, he’d kill to have a sleep over it sounded so fun. He sometimes saw commercials for a big meaty cheeseburger and it always had him drooling.

Adrien was craving friendship so much, he wasn’t even looking for love yet. Most boys his age were looking for something-something, dating, kissing, romance. Adrien wanted a friend a real friend. He thought Chloe was his friend but that was
.complicated. ‘Please...I just want a friend
’  On his calendar he had a date circled.

He was gonna get that and more.

To be continued...Today’s the Day!



Great start Paper and looking forward to more!