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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 8 

Chapter 9 Small Town Rumble (Feast of the Mummy)

“Renji?!” Sado and Komamura gasped. Their barbarian friend was very different, not only was he wrapped in bandages, he was...aroused!

“What happened to him?” Sado asked.

“Careful, he doesn’t smell human anymore!” Sajin’s fur bristled.

“What?!” The brawler looked at the red head.

Renji smirked. “He’s right, I’m not...Ichigo helped me become reborn.” He worked his rod, thinking about Ichigo excited him. “To be by his side I gave up my humanity!”

Their eyes widened. ‘Renji...what the hell happened to you?’ Was the shared thought.

Omaeda’s muffled screams could be heard. His mana was drained away. “I’m gonna drain this pig dry!” Renji’s muscles flexed and throbbed as his body was stimulated by the energy. “Mmm oh yeah!”

Unohana took action, she opened her staff to reveal a sword. In a flash she jumped up and cut the mummy wrap. The holy blade was magic infused making the cutting possible.

“You say you gave up your humanity? Just to become a mummy?” He raised a brow at the red head. “Though I must admit I’ve never met a mummy so talkative before.”

Renji shrugged.

Ukitake stepped forward. “Why are you here?”

Abarai licked his lips. “To feed!” He attacked the crowd with his bandages, causing them to scatter. Noticeably enough he didn’t aim his attacks at Sado or Komamura.

Shunsui drew his two swords and went after Renji. “Phantom Slasher!” Two more swords appeared behind him and with four blades he tried to slash up the mummy.

Guard Bandage!” The mummy wrap on his body snaked out and caught Shunsui’s blades, with them locked he was able to dodge the phantom blades. “That’s not gonna work. Don’t you know, you need magic to beat a mummy?”

Shunsui smirked. “I know!”

Clouds formed above the two. Ukitake was wielding a magic fan. “Thunderclap, Lightning Javelin!” He had double spell, which allowed him to cast two spells at once.

Boom! Crash!

Renji got hit with a thundering roar, and a concentrated lightning shot! He cried out in pain.

Sado and Komamura could only watch as their friend was blasted by two powerful spells. This was all happening so fast.

“Hahahahaha!” Renji’s cries turned into laughter. “Stop it, it tickles!”

The spells ended and Renji’s naked body was perfectly wrapped in the bandages. The wrapping had changed to blood red and had black markings on it. “How is this possible?!”

His wrap turned back to white and shifted back exposing his muscles, pecs, abs, and cock! “I guess demon mummies are even tougher!” Renji flexed his fingers. The last of the lightning magic flickered off him.

Without missing a beat he threw a punch at Shunsui, he dodged, but Renji’s blow made a hole in the roof he was standing on. ‘Such power!’ Unohana thought. Mummies were not typically physically strong creatures, their wraps were magically inclined.

Monsters evolved based on the Demon King’s Influence. So new and dangerous species appeared. This was new territory. This caused many of the other adventurers to hesitate, but the seasoned didn’t hold back. If they wanted proof of the demon king’s return this was solid proof.

This was a mummy made from a barbarian, and he was showing signs of both traits, but some kind of catalyst caused him to evolve into something stronger than an average mummy.

Unohana sheathed her sword staff. “Acid Light!” Even if he had both physical and magic resistance, some spells and attacks were trickier than others. Spells crafted to destroy demons for example. Her staff glowed and the green light made Renji hiss in pain.

Strike Full Moon Rondo!” Shunsui didn’t hesitate, his blades glowed pink and he unleashed a barrage of attacks.

Despite the burning light, Renji moved like a barbarian, dodging Shunsui’s attacks. Ukitake pulled out another fan. “Tsunami Strike, Vortex Surge!” One fan was for lightning magic the other was for water.

At Renji’s feet water formed, and with a flick of Ukitake’s fan a tower of water surged up, before it being twisted with the violent force of a Tsunami. “His bandages are as swift as snakes, but he’s as strong as an ape!” The white haired mage deduces.

“We must be careful, who knows what he’s capable of.” Unohana said, preparing a channel of holy energy, blessing them to smite their target.

“As soon as it drops, hit him with everything you got!” Shunsui called for.

The other Adventurers snapped out of their daze and began charging their attacks, supporters worked on casting support spells and buffs. “They’ll kill him!” Sado gasped.

Yushiro appeared. “I know he’s your friend, but we need to bring him down. In his new form he’s quite tough, if there is a chance to bring him down take it. I might have a way to seal him, but if he’s juiced up he might be able to get away.”

They shared a look, before nodding.

As everyone got ready to launch an all out attack, as the pillar of water fell Renji was gone. “What?! Impossible, he couldn’t have escaped!” Ukitake said, he was sweating bullets. He would have sensed it.

Everyone was looking around, but couldn’t see, sense, or detect any sign of the Demon Mummy. “Gah!” Suddenly one of the adventurers went messing. “Aaahh!” And another. “Help!” There went another.

“How is he doing this?” Shunsui gasped.

Sajin sniffed the air. “It’s like he’s all around us somehow.” More adventurers got snatched, pulled away so fast, they barely got to make a sound before they were wrapped up. Even those who could detect magic or good or evil were having trouble pin pointing where he was.

Blood Sense!” Unohana released a strong aura. “There!”

This was a berserker skill, one capable of detecting blood. A powerful technique capable of finding most that can conceal themselves. It didn’t work on creatures without blood, so undead and constructs were immune. There were some exceptions, if said undead and constructs recently killed someone for example.

With it Unohana can sense the blood coursing through Renji’s veins. “Uh oh busted!” Renji chuckled. He sank back into the shadows and moved around.

“Shadow Movement huh?” Shunsui smirked. “You aren’t the only one who can do that.” He vanished into the shadows and the two clashed. “Shadow Oni Rando!”

Renji was forced out of the shadows. “You guys really are tough, feeding on the small fries just isn’t enough. I need a heftier meal!” He blinked. “Huh?”

“I got you, Mountain Lion Rando!” Shunsui attacked Renji from above, his blades cutting into Abarai’s shoulders.

The demon mummy smirked. “Sorry, looks like I’m too tough.” His body flexed and Shunsui couldn’t pull the blades up. “But I gotta admit, you are tough, so strong!”

He grabbed Shunsui’s wrists, and with enhanced barbarian strength. “I’m gonna enjoy eating you up!” The bandages shot out only for…


Sado punched him in the face and knocked him away. “Thanks…” Shunsui coughed.

“No problem!” He gave the man a thumbs up.

Renji rubbed his cheek. “Dang Sado, you really hit hard. Shall we spar like we used to?” He cracked his knuckles.

Sado took a fighting stance. “Renji, where is Ichigo?”

“He’s close, he said he’d watch me work. I’ve been replenishing my power, but I can feel it, he’s still stronger.” He stared at the palm of his hand, before balling it up into a fist. “I’m still discovering my threshold, what I’m capable of. I know I’ll be able to keep getting stronger and he’ll keep me at his side. You understand don’t you...Sado?”

The brawler blushed. “I...I...I don’t!”

Renji flexed. “Sure you do, you trained in secret to hone your skills so you could remain at his side. It’s no surprise you ran, you are reaching your limits as a human, you stood no chance against Ichigo as he was! Not to worry there’s no hard feelings. Ichigo will make us a party again soon...”

Before he could go into details Shunsui and Unohana. “Cyclone Smite!”

Holy Smite!”

Snake Bandage!” He sent a nest of bandages out and they hit the two warriors, and like snakes the wrap slithered and coiled around them. It locked their arms and Renji caused them to slam into each other. “You are full of so much strength and vitality, I’ll savor you to the last drop.”

Before he could drain either of them a giant armored hand came up from the ground and grabbed the mummy. “Sajin!” Renji gasped.

This was a powerful binding technique. Yushiro took action, busting out sealing paper. “I got him!” He moved to place the seal on Renji’s head.

Unravel!” Renji’s body vanished, leaving only bandages. Said wrap slipped between the iron hand’s fingers. For normal mummies this was an escape spell, in Renji’s hands this spell made him invincible, even if only temporary.

He escaped the sealing ward and the iron hold. “Trying to seal me? Not cool guys, I was hoping to enjoy a spar like we used to!” Abarai reformed, his muscles flexing and shifting. “Looks like the feast must continue!” Renji grabbed his throbbing cock. “Ohh yeah!”

“This is bad, he’s just toying with us!” Shunsui grumbled.

“Worse, I’m sensing his magic power is growing. He really is feasting on the other adventurers to recharge!”

“Oh my, so he can get even stronger!” Unohana giggled.

“Quiet you former berserker!” Shunsui snapped at her making her blush.

Renji fully reformed and began snatching up adventures again, pulling them into the shadows so he could drain them. Even Omaeda got spirited away. Ukitake used his magic to free his companions. “This is bad, we can’t protect the others and fight him.”

“Let’s even the playing field, Summon!” Unohana cut her hand and summoned a swarm of manta ray looking monsters with one eye. They began saving the adventurers and the civilians.

Sado charged at Renji. “Heavy Blows!” He punched at the Demon Mummy only for Renji to dodge.

“Too slow!” He grabbed him. “Snake Bandage!” In a flash Sado was wrapped in white. He struggled and thrashed but couldn’t break free.

“Renji stop this, you don’t have to do this!”

“I do, you’ll understand soon enough.” With that said, he had wrap coil around his mouth, making any other conversation muffled nothing.

“Let him go!” Sajin charged in.

Snake Bandage!” He unleashed his wrap, which grabbed Sajin.

Yushiro came in with a burning blade and slashed the wrap and freed the beast man. “Exploding Shuriken!” Renji countered with his guardian wrap, the bandages striking at the shuriken causing them to explode at a distance.

This also protected Sado, the force did cause him to get pushed back.

Unohana made a bold move, attacking Renji and pulling him into a pocket dimension of her own creation. “What just happened?” Komamura gasped.

“It’s Unohana’s specialty, Battlefield of Blood.” Shunsui said.

“When she gets the battle lust, she locks herself in with her target so they can fight it out till the death.” Ukitake explained. “We need to evacuate, if we clear out the civilians and adventurers who aren’t able to fight, we can go all out.”

Ukitake had spells that could potentially wreck Renji, but their scale and power would eradicate the town and everyone in it. They had time, Unohana’s domain had a time distortion which allowed her to fight for what could be an eternity in there, but outside was a lot less.

Sajin looked around. “Where’s Sado?”

Yushiro freaked. “He didn’t get pulled into Unohana’s domain did he?”

“No it’s not possible, she targeted Renji.”

Things took a sudden turn as Unohana’s summons began to burst. Shunsui and Ukitake’s eyes widened. “No way…”

The sky cracked and Renji came out, holding a mummified body. His body was steaming like he was fresh from the sauna. “Hot damn, that was intense!” He set her body down.

“No way, you defeated Unohana?” Shunsui was stunned.

“She didn’t leave me much choice, she said the only way for me to break out of her domain was by her death. So I had to kill her, a real shame, she had a lot of potential.” He ruffled his hair.

This was bad. The amount of energy he had drained from Unohana had taken him to a whole other level. He was far stronger now. “Ichigo needs an army, so he’s gonna need some quality soldiers.”

Renji looked at Ukitake and Shunsui. “You two are quite strong, so full of potential!” He charged at the two, and Shunsui managed to push the white haired mage out of the way. “Decay!”

With a single touch Shunsui’s swords and clothes rotted away, turning to nothing but dust. This was no small feet, as a seasoned adventurer Shunsui’s garbs were either enhanced or magical in some way, destroying them so easily was terrifying. A passing breeze carried the remnants of his equipment away, leaving the man naked and bare.

Abarai slammed his hand on the ground. “Demon Sarcophagus!” From the ground came a sarcophagus with the figure head of a nue on it. The lid opened up and shadowy hands came out and grabbed Shunsui, swiftly pulling him in.

“No wait stop!” The man gasped, only to moan.

“Don’t worry this will be quite enjoyable for you!” Shunsui’s chest was groped by shadowy hands, his hairy pecs were fondled and squeezed as he had done to many beauties in the past. His ass fared no better, his butt cheeks were spread apart   exposing his hole. His booty was kneaded like fine bread, as dark fingers explored his back door.

“No~ohhh!” His back arched.

He couldn’t escape, so many hands had a firm hold of his shoulders, arms, and legs. Even his cock and balls were grabbed, squeezed and stimulated. Shunsui shivered as he was teased to arousal.

Renji slapped his cock with his penis. “Such a dirty boy, but we’ll have a place for you!” After some crossing of swords Renji sealed the sarcophagus shut.

His focus turned to Ukitake. The mage acted fast, creating a barrier of water and lightning. “Scorching Ashes!” With a single breath from Renji the magic was dispelled and Ukitake’s robes and magical tools burned.

“No please...don’t do this…”

Renji summoned the sarcophagus. “Don’t be afraid, I was at first to, but you’ll find Ichigo to be a great master to serve!”

The shadow hands grabbed Ukitake and pulled him in. He blushed as his intimate areas were teased and groped. “Oh what’s this?” Renji put a hand on his chest. “Interesting...very interesting…”

Ukitake’s eyes widened as he felt a pulse inside him. “Ichigo is gonna reward me greatly for bringing you in.” The lid was closed and Renji grabbed both men with his wrap to easily lift them. “Ahh I think I’ve had my fill.”

Komamura could hear the two men moaning from inside their cages.

He saluted Sajin. “See you soon buddy.”

Komamura did his best to stop Renji, unleashing a mighty spiritual blade, going as far as to strike with the intent of killing. Unfortunately for him, Renji’s feast had helped him fill his vessel, allowing him to get a lot stronger.

The phantom blade broke over his body and the demon mummy escaped with his prizes.

To be continued...Friend of Clay


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