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So a lot has been happening, I wasn't expecting July to go about this way, things have been difficult but I've been pushing on. I had tried to get a lot done before I went on my medical trip because I didn't know how that was gonna go. Sadly a few days ago I returned from a medical trip and asked if not pleaded with my family to not go crazy with plans to work on the house, because they always drag me into it and when they realize it and I don't do what they ask immediately they then get mad at me because I'm not helping them despite my earlier pleads. (Which isn't stellar for my mental health either)

Unfortunately I had a slip and fall where I banged my bad knee, this has been a critical problem and I've had to go back on my stronger pain medications and for those who've been in contact with me have sadly felt the difference, I've been incoherent, my sleep is all over the place, and its made my already not stellar health issues far worse, which trigger other things, the pain spasms trigger bouts of nausea and once i toss my cookies things spiral down from there. I've had trouble walking and have needed my cane again to help walk. Despite it all things have been rocky especially the last few days, and even with my slip and fall my family hasn't given me any peace on the matter. 

I still have today, tomorrow, and the 17th to work on things but sadly I don't think I'm getting to clear my backlog (it's been shrinking down, but bad days back to back shrink the window of working on stuff). To do so I'd need to finish 5 fics on each of these days and today has already been shot to hell. (It wouldn't be impossible but I do not wanna skimp on the quality of my works just to clear the backlog, I don't wanna go down that road. I've been working so hard to raise my standards and improve my writing I don't wanna slip) 

I will prioritize the fics that people request every month as I wanna avoid double ups as much as possible. In my current state it would be a very bad situation. At the end of the this sadly there will be roll over. The kinktobers and some of the patreon tier 1's will be rolling over. I'm not overworking myself i'm keeping tier 1 comms and tier 6 closed until everything gets sorted out. 

The kinktobers yes I'm still working on them i have notes ready for each of them I'm just trying to flush them out as best as I can. Many of these kinktobers have been fun to work on and i just wanna do them justice. I appreciate the patience and understanding please know there isn't gonna be breaks or anything just some roll over.   


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