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Aladdin/Hercules/Kingdom Hearts parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2

Things had changed in Agrabah. Genie was free and was off to see the world. He left behind some magic scrolls for Aladdin to study. The earth, the sand, crystals, and metal all aspects of the Earth and each had their own trees of spells.

Jasmine was taking more of an active role in the Kingdom’s affairs, with Aladdin as her adviser and friend. She didn’t have many friends, so having one in him meant a lot.

The Royal Guards were put on probation, their loyalty was called into question given how dutifully they served Jafar. One could say they bet on the wrong horse, or were just as deceived as others. The fact they tried to kill “Prince Ali” who at the time was a guest to the kingdom was a blemish on their records.

As for Rajah, he was enjoying his new form. As part of the probation the guards had to train Rajah, helping him become a warrior. He could use weapons fairly well, but when it came to hand to hand combat Rajah excelled, able to use his animal instincts and strength to his advantage. With grace, agility, power, he was becoming a fine warrior.

The feline wasn’t too fond of clothes, his assets were hanging out on full display. It was distracting! Jasmine convince him to at least put on a loincloth. The hammock supported his balls, with the cloth running along his taint and between his cheeks, from the crotch it had two straps that ran between his thighs. The cloth that covered and supported his intimate bits connected to a band of cloth around his waistline, with a flap to shield his rear and another flap to shield his crotch. Since his penis was in his sheath all his manly bits were covered.

It was enough and a good compromise.


“NO...N...O…” Phil was angry.

“Oh come on Phil!” The satyr grabbed Hercules by the ear.

“Do you got wax in your ears or something?” He took a deep breath. “I SAID NO!”

Hercules had told Phil about the mission Zeus wanted him to go on. “Come on Phil this is important, a godly request from Zeus himself, my dad! How can I turn it down?”

“Like this...NO!” Phil grumbled. Hercules was still a hero in training, and the gods have asked Herc for things now and then, it tends to lead to trouble. He tended to allow it since Herc learned lessons from it, but this...this was different. “I’m your teacher and I’m telling you, you’re not ready to leave this land. Going to the domain of the Seven Sands is not happening!”

“Come on Phil, how bad could this Land of Seven Sands be?” Herc shrugged it off like it was no big deal. Zeus even gave him where he needed to go, the Kingdom of Agrabah.

“There’s monsters, bandits, cut throats…” Hercules laughed.

“Oh please, I’ve battled monsters, soldiers, and even demons!” Phil got annoyed. “I can just fly on Pegasus, and be there, find this guy who’s using the bracelet and be back before anything happens.”

“There’s also magic, elementals, zombies, sorcerers, gods, and deities of their own!” That made Hercules’s eyes widen.

“There’s other gods?” Phil face palmed.

He had the demi god sit down. “Yes kid, while school will only talk to you about the local gods, someone as traveled as me has seen things learned things. You aren’t ready for the Sands kid!”

Sending demi-gods into other domains is typically frowned upon. Hercules riding his gift of the gods into their territory could be seen as an act of war. Worse yet Zeus had no authority in their domain. The other Greek gods wouldn’t mess with Zeus’s kid, other than Hades, but the last thing Hercules needed was to be targeted by one of THEM. Even some of the Elementals were enough to bring trouble with a capital T, Mirage was very much on the side of Evil and destroying heroes was her hobby.

Chaos alone was someone you didn’t want to get on his bad side, he was beyond good or evil, he cared only for his name sake. He’d go to war with the Greek gods for fun and giggles. Even the good gods wouldn’t take too kindly to Hercules swooping in. The Evil gods would either try to destroy him or corrupt him.

“Kid you aren’t ready to leave the Realm, you are too bull headed, you charge in and don’t use your head and think things through.”

“Well come on Phil, I’m the son of Zeus, who could hurt me really?” Yes he had god like strength which made him more durable than a normal mortal, but he was still...mortal!

“And what happens when a sorcerer puts a curse on you, a magical artifact puts a whammy on you, when an elemental steals your shadow, if you pick up a trinket or bobble and you get trapped inside.” Phil trained heroes, he prepared them for what they would need to fight in the future. He had all kinds of chapters on magic users and monsters with mystical abilities. Not all beasties just had natural skills, the older ones picked up all sorts of tricks.

“Phil you worry too much!” Phil grabbed him.

“Kid listen to me, if you are gonna do this, then do it my way. We need to do this covertly! Under the radar!”

Hercules blinked. “What does that mean?”

“It means pack a bag kid we going on a trip.” By air Hercules and Pegasus could reach Agrabah in a couple of days. Phil was having them take the scenic route, it’d take them a couple of months to reach Agrabah.

“But Phil…” the satyr crossed his arms.

“No buts kid, we do it this way, so I can give you a crash course on fighting magic users.” They needed to be careful, even if they were on a mission from Zeus, depending on who they talk to that may end badly for them. If they used the proper channels, they could get to Agrabah without raising any gods ire.


In the months that passed since the Jafar incident Aladdin had become Agrabah’s champion. Jasmine’s changes were improving the lives of their people, increasing trade, and improving the quality of life. Aladdin was using his powers to protect Agrabah, taking on thieves, monsters, and even evil sorcerers.

He kept his thief skills sharp stealing from other bandits, as for his hand to hand combat skills…

Sultan was looking for Aladdin. “Jasmine, my dear, have you seen Aladdin?”

“He’s out sparring with Rajah.”

“Is that wise, what if they hurt each other?”

Jasmine chuckled. “Oh father, Rajah is just having fun, it’s good for both of them.” Aladdin was mostly self taught when it came to weapons, but he was good to analyze and adapt, so Rajah taught him what the soldier had him learn, and Aladdin taught him to fight in the streets.

The Sultan wanted to check on them. “Oh no not again!”

Weapon sparring had turned into a wrestling match. The two were grappling with each other, in the nude! “Oh my!” Sultan gasped.

They were rolling around on the ground, trying to pin the other. Aladdin had his second arms tied behind his back to make this a fair fight, a Rajah had his tail wrapped around his waist for likewise. This was a private training ground but really…

Jasmine could see their clothes off to the side. The two were having quite a bit of fun, muscles bulging and flexing as they worked to win, but neither side was giving up. Aladdin’s skin was glistening with sweat, while Rajah’s fur was bristling with excitement. “Come on Rajah, you almost got me!”

Rajah growled back. The enchantment gave Rajah a humanoid body but he hadn’t learned to talk much yet. They were getting by using yes or no questions, and Aladdin could somewhat understand the feline.

“Do they do this often?” Sultan covered his eyes, he was seeing things he shouldn’t see, but has seen before.

“Sometimes…” She had watched them go at it a few times, it was kinda hot.

Training was over, and since they were in a stalemate they brought out the trump cards. Despite the strength in Rajah’s tail, Aladdin’s four arms landed him the win and the big anthro tiger was pinned to the ground. “Pinned ya!” Aladdin was smiling and panting.

It had Rajah feeling things. The titan got up and helped Rajah up. “Oh Aladdin, Rajah, father wished to speak with you.” Carpet flew over and brought them wet towels to clean up.

“What is it your highness?”

“Aladdin my boy, why are you naked?!” Aladdin looked to Rajah who shrugged.

“Well, we were sparring with weapons, but we wanted to test our strength, but when we wrestle we kind mess up our clothes. So Rajah suggested we wrestle naked, that way we don’t mess up the nice clothes you got me. I read that in grand coliseums warriors would wrestle in the nude, so I figured it’d be good training.” Rajah gave a thumbs up in agreement.

He was getting kinda used to nudity, getting back to nature something natural! “Be that as it may we aren’t in Greece, we can’t have our champion wondering around naked like this.” It wasn’t just the nudity, the wrestling had caused Aladdin to get a bit chubbed up.

“Sorry sir!” Rajah didn’t see the problem, but the man made such a ruckus about his nudity walking around. Physique alone Aladdin had nothing to be ashamed of. The furry male, quite fancied the large meat between his legs, he hoped to prove himself a strong warrior to be mated by the titan. Aladdin had proved his strength, many times before.

He put clothes on. The Sultan even special made Aladdin’s vests allowing him to fit his two arms easily. He tucked himself into his baggy pants, the garment bulging lewdly. Rajah fought back a purr.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’ve received word of a band of thieves. Their leader Abis Mal runs a group of cut throats and has been using...well forcing local men, women, and children, to steal from travelers in a nearby city. We’ve been contacted to bring down their little group and capture Abis Mal and bring him to justice.”

“I’d be happy to help Sultan!” Aladdin got dealt a bad hand, but hearing someone forcing people to become thieves made his blood boil.

“Rawr!” Rajah growled.

He looked to the feline who made some gestures. “Is it okay if Rajah comes with me?”

“Oh well...um he is Jasmine’s guard so it’d be up to her.” Rajah looked to the princess and gave the biggest pleading kitten eyes he could muster.

“You can go, try to keep each other out of trouble.” Rajah and Aladdin high five and low five. With Carpet as transport the two could be off in no time. Abu went along, because of the promise of treasure. It was getting rarer and rarer for Abu to go adventuring, he was enjoying his comfy life in the palace.

Little did Aladdin know he was about to have a fateful encounter.

To be continued...Naked Hero!

Hercules doesn’t listen to Phil and gets tricked by some thieves. He loses the clothes off his back. Because of a mix up he thinks Aladdin is an “evil sorcerer” harassing some traveling people.