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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 7 

Chapter 8 According to Plan

Aizen was observing Ichigo on a monitor. ‘So lovely…’ A hand slipped under his robes to grasp his manhood. His libido had been sleeping for some time, it was meeting Ichigo that had caused it to stir. ‘Ichigo…’ He squeezed his cock.

The man had been hard since the events of the full moon/bankai incident. Ichigo’s raw spiritual pressure had washed over him and shaken him to his core. Aizen wasn’t very sex positive, he was often too busy running his double life.

It wasn’t easy acting as a Soul Reaper Captain and King of Hueco Mundo! Aizen had taken over, and was already working on creating arrancar. The process was slow as his Hogyoku was incomplete, so it took time to make the powerful arrancar he needed. He was probably one of the few virgin’s in Soul Society.

Even the status of arousal was such a foreign concept to him. Given his vast strength and intelligence, he couldn’t help but look down on others as beneath him. How could he be roused by someone beneath him? Logically it made sense to him so it never bothered him.

When Ichigo’s reiatsu washed over him and stirred his loins it caught him by surprise. An honest to goodness surprise. Aizen felt the heat of desire and want for companionship for the first time. He knew enough to jerk off, his true spiritual pressure leaking out as he beat his meat.

Another surprise, Ichigo’s power dominated it. Sosuke pushed back, only to be pounced on and mounted. His back arched and he moaned lewdly. One might argue it was the full moon giving Ichigo a boost, but the thought was relevant as his body writhed in pleasure, feeling vulnerable for the first time...ever…

Aizen came, but as the night carried on Ichigo’s bankai pressure seemed to treat him like a toy. It held him tightly, chewing him up, and knocking him for a loop. As he came he thought it was over, but instead he came again, and again, the orgasms lasting long.

There wasn’t a thing he could do but lay back, taking it, his balls being drained, orgasms rocking his form. ‘Ichigo Shiba...you have surprised me…’ His body was trembling, flushed and hot with arousal. He almost whined at the loss as morning light came and the power that drove him wild receded.

In that moment he felt the loneliness that always haunted him, creep up and bare its fangs at his neck.

He’s had his eye on Ichigo for some time, but he’s never wanted someone like this before. It wasn’t logical, but it felt like it’d fit into his plans. To think he initially was a threat he’d have to put down.

Just seeing him at his trial had caused him to stiffen up, now once again watching him on a screen had caused his loins to stir. ‘Oh Ichigo…’ He pulled his cock free. ‘What have you done to me?’ As if the orangette had cast some sort of spell on him, lighting a fire in his heart.

It was a risk to use his spy tech from Las Noches to keep an eye on Ichigo but he couldn’t help himself. Aizen watched Ichigo kill hollows. ‘Ohh so strong, so beautiful!’ He chewed on his bottom lip and worked his cock faster.

If Ichigo crossed the bridge between shinigami and hollow he’d be even stronger. “Ohhh~!” Aizen moaned and came, his release was still so powerful it splattered the screen and masked the video in white.

Seeing Ichigo marked in cum in such away had the wheels in Aizen’s head churning. Oh the plans he had for Ichigo now.

“Lord Aizen…” Aizen nearly jumped out of his skin. Had he just been caught with his cock out, cumming all over the screen.

He turned slowly. “Oh it’s you Kaname.” Aizen breathed a sigh of relief. The man didn’t see a thing.

“Are you observing Ichigo Shiba?”

“Indeed, the surprise of his bankai has increased his known potential.”

“Tch…” Aizen raised a brow.

“Do you not approve?” He tucked himself back into his robes.

“I think the boy is a potential threat, one I’d be happy to eliminate, just give the order.” Tosen put a hand on his sword.

“Now now, the boy could be of use to us.” Aizen said. “We’ll continue to watch him and observe him more closely.”

Kaname released his sword. “Tch.” He was annoyed. It was another surprise for Aizen.

“Do you not like him Kaname?”

Tosen shook his head. “He’s a fool, and a piece of the corruption that can be found in Soul Society. To think he’d be allowed to sleep with his captain, how vulgar!”

Aizen rolled his eyes. Kaname was always a stickler for the rules. Sex between a captain and lieutenant wasn’t technically against the rules but it was frowned upon. It led people to think there was favoritism, and could cast doubt on both one’s captain and lieutenant. There was a gray area, and of course Captains and Lieutenants who were closer than most had rumors and whispers about them.

Many would argue that having a more intimate relationship leads to more trust between them. Men bonding through skinship, understanding each other in the sheets, means you can have each other’s backs on the battlefield. It was because of a lack of a close relationship that allowed Aizen to fuck with Shinji and betray him. The older captains believed that bonding through sex was perfectly rational. Given the long/short lives of Soul Reapers a few rounds in the sack were but drops in a bucket in the vast time they were alive.

Some captains chose chastity and focused on getting stronger and living for the job and the noble work.

Even if it was more than just sex, there was nothing Soul Society could do to punish them for it, that would be idiotic. Where would the line be drawn, between Captains, between Captains and Lieutenants, between Lieutenants of other squads, or even between them and other seated members of the squad. It would just be something that would get too complicated and divide Soul Society over something trivial. Kaname claimed to be old fashioned, but it was more likely he just had issues. “Did you know the two were having an intimate relationship?”

“I did not, though it is something I’m sure we can use in the future.” Information was one of the greatest weapons, and if they were having such a relationship, Sosuke felt he could use it to his advantage one way or another. Aizen knew many things, but knowing ones sexual partners was asking a lot of the genius. “They hid it well.”

He read Tosen’s body language. “Do we have a problem Tosen?”

“No, I’m just reminded of the corruption in this place, the sooner we can bring justice to this world the better.” His hand balled into a fist. “We must cleanse this world of the trash and filth that dare to stand in the light, the foundation of justice must be pure.”

“You believe Ichigo Shiba and Sajin Komamura to be impure?” Kaname nodded.

“These resent actions have proved that they are impure. Unless properly cleansed, I can’t see them holding a place in the new world!”

Aizen disagreed, but not out loud. He believed he had the perfect place for Ichigo in their new world. At his side….

Tosen left and Aizen cleaned up the mess he made.


Sajin was busy busy busy! It was amazing how many duties Ichigo handled, even extra ones he took on. Because of his secret he had Ichigo take on some of his duties. ‘He’s so amazing!’ Even with all the apology letters he was also keeping up with his Captain duties and Ichigo’s lieutenant duties.

He finished the next portion of letters for today. ‘Almost done!’ He broke the work up into daily quotas, which he was tackling bit by bit. It helped him balance work, chores, and day to day tasks.


His stomach rumbled. “Just in time, I should eat!” He got up but before he could leave he was stopped by Tosen. “Tosen?”

The man hadn’t come by in days. “Let’s talk Sajin, I even brought you lunch.” And it was full of carrots, much to Sajin’s displeasure.

“Oh thanks, you didn’t have to.” He opened the box and yep carrots carrots carrots, even the meatloaf had chunks of carrots in it.

“I figured I’d give you time to think about what you did before talking to you again.”

“Excuse me?” He raised a brow.

“I gotta ask, was it a moment of weakness? Did he seduce you? I thought you knew better.” Sajin’s hand balled into a fist.


“Once he returns you need to set him straight. Keeping your relationship professional is for the best. It’s just sex, it’s not like you two are in love…”


Kaname jumped as Sajin banged his fist on the table. “That’s enough Tosen!”

“What? You don’t think he actually loves you do you? He’s just using you, to increase his strength.” When soul reapers have sex, they share reiatsu, allowing them to increase their powers. There was a lieutenant known for fucking captains to gain boosts to their strength. Tosen saw Ichigo as a little parasite.

“He’s not!” Sajin growled.

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because he’s my mate Tosen!” Komamura declared.

Kaname chuckled. “Your mate?” He smirked. “You must be joking, you’re a captain, he’s your subordinate, taking him as a mate is shameful and…”

“Enough!” The furry male roared. “I have always seen you as a friend, but you have no right to dictate my love life!”

Tosen’s jaw dropped. “Sajin…”

“No Tosen, you are always judging me on my behavior! Ichigo is my mate and I love him, he’s good for me and makes me happy. If you were really my friend you could be the least bit happy for me, at the very least reign in the judgment a smidge.” The thing with the bankai was an accident but he didn’t regret mating with Ichigo not one bit.

“He’s just using you for your power Sajin, open your eyes!” Usually the top shares the power with the bottom, but mates can share power with each other freely.

“You think...hahaha!” Sajin shook his head. “Just leave Tosen, until you wanna respect our friendship to respect my relationship with Ichigo, we don’t need to speak to each other outside of captain’s meetings.”

“Fine...have it your way Sajin, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He grabbed the food he made for him. “Don’t expect to get any of my lunches anymore.”

“That’s fine with me, I don’t even like carrots!” He confessed.

Tosen gasped. “It’s like I don’t even know you!” The man stormed off in a huff.

To be continued


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