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Aladdin/Kingdom Hears parody | Patreon Reward

Giant’s Bracelet
Among the magical artifacts in the Cave of Wonders Aladdin finds the Giant’s Bracelet. It was a gift from the titans when a human wears it they get the ability to bend the earth and the sands to their will and even gain an extra set of arms. Most mortals go crazy from the power but Aladdin is able to use it to be the champion of Agrabah. Imagine his surprise when a demi god comes to try and take it back. Top Aladdin/Hercules/Harem

Chapter 1

The Cave of Wonders held more than a simple magic lamp. The mystical place was practically a vault of magical and divine artifacts from across the realms. Gods, titans, wizards, and sorcerers relinquished their hold allowing the artifacts to be kept hidden.

It had plenty of natural defenses, one needed two keys to even find it. Then only the pure of heart could even step foot in it at all, plus the Cave chooses one that can enter once every few years, the Diamond in the Rough. The cave will devour anyone without a pure heart and it can’t be fooled even by magic. Also it was filled with false treasure, the magical artifacts were buried under mountains of treasure and should someone take the forbidden gold and jewels well...it wasn’t good.

With only the worthy being allowed in the cave it was seen as a fine guardian for the mystical artifacts. If one who was worthy entered then they would be worthy of whatever artifact they took from it. That was the plan anyway…

Over time even many of the gods forgot what got stashed away in there. People spent their whole lives searching for the cave and not even finding one key. Those that got lucky were greedy and power hungry and well...Chop and Munch...Chew and Crunch...they were quickly destroyed.

After a few millennia a dark hearted man located the keys to the Cave of Wonders. He found it, but was unable to enter. Jafar found the Diamond in the Rough, a boy named Aladdin.

The street rat was a thief, but stole to eat and survive, not hesitating to give up what he had for those less fortunate. He got in trouble with the guards on more than one occasion. Aladdin was quick on his feet and quick on the draw. Everything he honed over time to survive on the streets of Agrabah.

His luck ran out when he helped the princess, who had snuck out to see the city in secret. He was caught and Jafar used a disguise to get close to him. They made a deal for Aladdin to enter the Cave of Wonders for a lamp. If Aladdin brought him the lamp, he’d be given a reward, such a reward he could rival that of the Sultan.

Aladdin and his little buddy Abu were sent inside. The monkey was very nervous. “Relax Abu it’s fine, let’s just fine this lamp and don’t touch anything.”

Jafar was after the lamp, he didn’t know the true wealth of magical artifacts that lay inside.

It started with a Magic Carpet. He was alive and though didn’t speak you could tell what he was thinking by his movements. The newly formed trio continued to wonder the cave.

They were told not to touch anything, but Jafar didn’t know everything about the cave. So long as Aladdin didn’t touch the cursed gold and jewels he could take anything he wanted. One object caught his eye, it appeared to be a bracelet of some kind.

When he touched it Abu freaked out, but nothing happened. There were strange engravings on it. Aladdin was about to put it on when Abu screeched. “Okay, okay, lets find this lamp and get out of here.” He hung onto the bracelet which annoyed Abu, he wanted a shiny-shiny to.

Aladdin found the lamp, but while he was getting Abu spotted a cursed jewel. Drawn to it like a moth to a flame, Carpet tried to stop him but Abu was determined. “Abu no!”

“INFIDEL!!!” The cave rumbled. “YOU HAVE TOUCHED THE FORBIDDEN TREASURE.” The gold melted taking with it the mystical treasures unclaimed by Aladdin. Carpet helped them to escape, but Jafar was waiting. He got the lamp and immediately tried to murder Aladdin.

Abu jumped him, taking the lamp back and the two were thrown back into the Cave of Wonders as it was sealed. Jafar thought he had won, only to realize the lamp was gone. “Noooooooooooo!”


Aladdin came to and things were different, the once glorious cave was now dark and dank, just endless stone. Abu reveals the lamp and Aladdin sees some words. “Rub me?” He does and bam boom pow!

A Blue Genie is released. Genies gives Al the run down, of how he’s got a friend like him in his corner now. What he can and can’t do and all he’s gotta do is rub the lamp. “Can you get us out of this cave?”

“Of course I can, but it’ll cost you a wish, I don’t normally do this but since you have that.” He pointed and zap! The bracelet was lifted up. “I’ll save you a wish, put this on and you can get yourself out of here!”

Aladdin was stunned and Genie conjured up a book. Along with his phenomenal cosmic power, he had knowledge of the past, present, and future. It was a crazy thing to remember things that hadn’t happened yet, and forget things that never happened in the first place. Genie knew things, beyond the realms, beyond the stars. Honestly one of his limitations was purely for his sensibilities, as he just didn’t like doing it.

The bracelet was the Giant’s Bracelet a treasure of the mighty Earth Titan. According to the record he gave it to the first giants and allowed them to shape the earth. “It’s magic, put it on and you can bend the Earth itself, you’ll have your own power.”

Aladdin thought about it. The idea seemed solid enough, if he had been stronger none of this would have happened. He never would have been caught, and wouldn’t have been tricked and nearly killed.

The boy probably should have finished reading before putting it on, but Al had street smarts more so than book smarts. Aladdin put it on and it magically shifted to fit him perfectly. “Whoa!” He could feel the magic flowing through him.

Aladdin got a little taller and his hair a smidge wilder. His body that suffered from a lack of nutrition became healthier, his muscles being stimulated by magic. Al’s chest became more toned, and his smooth stomach formed solid abs.

He did suffer some growing pains as he manifested new bones and flesh as he gained two more arms. “Whoa!”

“Ah yes, the wearer of the bracelet gains some traits from the Earth Titan, such as having four arms.” Genie chuckled.

Aladdin would have been more pissed, but as he flexed. “I can make this work.”

Magic lessons were free thankfully, as Genie taught Aladdin the magic of the Earth, which he could bend and use at will. He could feel a connection with the Earth itself, oddly empowering. With his new power Aladdin was able to break them out of the cave. Carpet providing air support and lift.

Now came the interesting part, there was more magic for Aladdin to learn and he had three wishes to boot! Given time he could bend the sands to his will, manipulate metal and even crystal. “Where should we start!”

“Well actually…” He brought his four hands together. “There’s this girl…”

Genie smacked him. He couldn’t make two people fall in love. Love was a far more powerful thing, lust sure, easy peasy, a little sexual attraction, a touch of motivation. “I don’t know if it’s like that. I only met her once, and she seemed to feel as trapped as I was, but in a different way.” He wanted to help her, but the only way he could do that was... “Can you make me a prince?”

Genie needed an official “I wish…” but he made it happen. He worked his mojo on Abu turning him into an Elephant. While Genie worked on making Aladdin a prince, said prince to be was working on his magic.


Agrabah was treated to quite the parade as “Prince Ali” showed up to call on princess Jasmine. Genie pulled out all the stops, making it a real party in Agrabah.

Prince Ali of course was Aladdin, who was happily sharing the wealth Genie gave him. To an outside it looked like he was being a prick, flashing his coin around as if he had mountains of it back home. This was true generosity, he gave the coins out evenly so that everyone would be able to get a good meal today.

At the gates and in the castle, he tried to act like the royals he had seen parade into the palace before. This went as well as one might expect, he made a fool of himself and pissed Jasmine off. ‘I’m an idiot!’ The Sultan liked him at least.

Under his fancy clothes he had his extra arms hidden. “Where did you get such a fancy bracelet?” Jafar asked, eyeing the treasure on his arm.

Ali grasped it firmly. “It’s been in my family for generations.” A lie of course, but he was doing a lot of lying to play his cover.

He tried to meet Jasmine again and showed her a whole new world. She was a smart cookie and was able to figure out Ali was really Aladdin. “You are the boy from the market, why did you lie to me!?”

“I uh...you wouldn’t understand…” He sulked. “That day in the market, I wanted to help you. You said you felt so trapped, and who’d listen to a crummy street rat.”

“How...how did you do all this?” Aladdin rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

“Would you believe I wished for it.” She raised a brow at him.

It was a nice night over all. Jasmine vented her frustrations, she didn’t want to get married just because of some stupid law. He shared his life on the streets. Genie told him to be honest and boy was he.

Aladdin was friendly with the local girls, but not for the reasons Jasmine initially thought. Sometimes stealing to eat wasn’t enough. He learned to survive, even if it meant paying with his body.

Jasmine was shocked at all he had been through. Such things were happening in her kingdom, and whether she believed it or not he was one of the lucky ones.

Aladdin offered to marry her if it’d help, she just needed to appease her father after all, and he could give her the freedom she wished. If she didn’t want that, he’d be her friend, she didn’t have many and could certainly use one.

Jasmine wanted some time to think things over. She had lived such a sheltered life in the palace, there was so much she didn’t know.

After bringing her home, Jafar had Ali jumped and nearly killed. What they hadn’t counted on was Aladdin’s extra arms and new found strength. He broke free of the chains and escaped his near death. Genie came out and made sure he was okay.

The two had a quick chat about the second wish. Could he wish for Jasmine’s freedom? It was a bit more complicated than that. “She has the keys to her freedom, she just needs to know how to use them.” Genie knew all about freedom, wanting it especially.

He could see that Jasmine was a prisoner in her own way, but she didn’t need magic to fix this problem. She had the power to change things inside her, she just needed to find it. In a way he knew she would believing Agrabah had a bright future with her in charge, but giving her what she thinks she needs could cause her to lose what she has.

Genie had seen and heard plenty of wishes, even those with the best of intentions have consequences, sometimes short term others long term. Aladdin’s wish of making him a prince was just vague enough to be specific. ‘He’s not selfish even with his second wish he wants to help others.’ They had a deal, Aladdin uses the first two wishes and he’d use the third wish to set Genie free. To break out of his prison he truly did need magic.


Jafar thought Prince Ali was dead so made his move. Using his staff he had brainwashed the Sultan. Imagine his shock when Aladdin showed back up, he broke the man’s staff and freed the Sultan. Jafar escaped, having spotted the lamp in “Prince Ali’s” possession.

Jasmine agreed to the marriage plan and the Sultan seemed happy.

He sent his own little animal friend Iago. The parrot snuck into Aladdin’s room while he was bathing and getting cleaned up for a royal announcement.

Jafar got the lamp and three wishes.

Aladdin was freaking out when the lamp went missing, he sent Carpet and Abu to find it, he tried to warn Jasmine but in his panic he wasn’t making sense. Then Jafar showed up...

Jasmine learned real quick that Aladdin wasn’t kidding when he said he wished for it. Jafar wished to be the Sultan of Agrabah, it stripped her father of his clothes. “Wish all you want but we won’t surrender to you!”

“If you won’t bow to me as Sultan then you will kneel before a Sorcerer!”  He made his second wish and gained more magic power than any mortal in the realms.

“Jafar stop this!” Aladdin demanded.

Using his magic he undid Genie’s spell returning Aladdin to “just a street rat”. Without his princely robes his four arms were revealed. “Oh what is this?!” Abu was also changed back into a monkey. “What manner of wishes have you been making Aladdin?” He waved it off. “No matter! You can’t stop me boy!”

“Wanna bet!” Aladdin did some earth bending sending large stones. Jafar blasted them with magic.

“So you got power from the Genie to huh? Whatever he gave you I can take away!” He blasted the bracelet.


A magical ripple whipped out dancing across the realms. “What?!” This was a divine treasure, Jafar’s magic couldn’t destroy it. Even a single god would have trouble destroying such an item.

Jafar was done with this game and simply banished Aladdin to the ends of the Earth. Carpet and Abu followed to help him.

When they came back Jafar was abusing his powers clearly. The Sultan was trussed up like a jester puppet, Jasmine was in some fancy erotic attire, Rajah had been charmed and enchanted turned into Jafar’s personal body guard. He had twisted Agrabah to be his domain. The people were turned into beasts for his amusement, and the guards were made into voodoo zombies.

Aladdin was able to slip in under the radar thanks to Carpet, and once in the palace, using the earth he was able to see where all the guards were and using his street rat skills he was able to avoid them.

Using four arms and titan strength Aladdin was able to grab Rajah and haul him away. “Let’s hope this works!” The bracelet glowed. He channeled the power of the Earth to break Jafar’s spell.

Aladdin was able to undo the charm, but not the enchantment. Well, at least he had a big buff anthro tiger on his side, bonus!  Genie spotted them and was happy to see them. Jafar treated him as nothing more than a slave, he couldn’t help but he was rooting for Al to win this. “I’m a street rat remember, I’ll improvise.”

He tried to get the lamp while Jasmine distracted him, with Abu dealing with Iago. It didn’t go as planned as he was blasted away from the lamp. “How many times do I have to kill you boy!”

A fight began, Rajah got Jasmine and the Sultan to safety. Jafar turned Abu into a toy, and unraveled Carpet. “Why don’t you fight me you cowardly snake.”

“A snake am I?” He used his powers to change himself into a giant cobra.

“Bless the Earth and all it’s might, grant me the gift of mountain height!” the bracelet glowed and Aladdin grew to match Jafar’s size. He still wasn’t the best at magic yet, as he needed an incantation and he didn’t make his clothes grow with him.


Jasmine blushed as a very naked, giant Aladdin did battle with Jafar. He conjured stone spikes to pierce Jafar, and when the giant snake breathed fire he turned his body to metal to block it. “How did you gain such power, did you wish it from the Genie?”

“Genie?” Aladdin looked to the blue mystic. “Genie!”

Watch out he had an idea.

“Slave, I’m tired of this game, I wish Aladdin dead!”

Genie shrugged. “I’m sorry “master” but genies can’t kill anybody.”

“Don’t talk back to me, I command you!”

“Scared Jafar!” He glared at Aladdin. “As powerful as you are, you are nothing compared to the Genie. He gave you you’re power, he can take it away!”

“You’re right...his power does exceed my own, but not for long!” For his third wish, he used it to become an “All Powerful Genie!” He thought he’d be able to bend the cosmos to his will. “The power it’s...phenomenal!”

Aladdin shrank down. “You got what you wanted Jafar and all that comes with it!”

“What?” Jafar glared, only to have his eyes widen as two magic cuffs appeared on his wrists. “What is this?”

“Your wish, you are a genie and you get all that comes with it.” He picked up Jafar’s lamp, a pitch black one.

“No!” The lamps magic began to pull him down.

“Phenomenal cosmic power…” Jafar was sucked into the lamp along with Iago who Jafar grabbed in a panic. “Itty bitty living space!”

Aladdin used Genie’s second wish to undo Jafar’s dark magic. The only one not changed was Rajah as he liked his new form. Genie’s magic just replaced the dark enchantment with a more nicer one.

The truth came out Aladdin wasn’t a real prince, and Jasmine was only going to marry him because of the law. “Then it’s the law that’s wrong.” He was Sultan after all, he literally made the rules. Seeing Jasmine stand up to Jafar and fight for her kingdom despite the overwhelming odds, proved he was underestimating her.

After everything that had happened Jasmine was free to choose her own destiny. “But umm young man, could you put on some pants.” Aladdin looked down.

“Gah!” In the heat of combat he didn’t have time to worry about his nudity, now that the situation was done, he now realized he was walking around with his dick hanging out. Assets on full display and such fine assets they were. He used his lower hands to cover his crotch, while his other hands covered his ass.

“This will be a freebie.” Genie pointed at Ash and gave him his clothes back.

Al used his third wish to free Genie as promised. It seemed to be over, Aladdin was offered a job in the palace, with his abilities he’d make a fine champion for the kingdom and with his knowledge of the city he’d make a great adviser. Jafar was sent off to be hidden away.

Sadly it was far from over. The magical battle between Aladdin and Jafar had ripple effects. It was sensed by Zeus, he didn’t know what happened but believed one of the divine treasures had fallen into unworthy hands.

He sent his son Hercules on a quest. Hercules was training to be a hero, so he needed to go to Agrabah and see if the treasure was in safe hands and if not it needed to be taken from him, by force if necessary. “You can count on me father!”

To be continued



Mostly recap to set the scene for further adventures, but already the differences are making it a lot of fun 😋


yeah tried to give a touch more to this chapter since I had to cover the movie and changes to said bits and bobs here and there. I planned my way around the second wish, since it seemed odd that everything Jafar did went back to normal despite him doing stuff before he became a genie. If Genie did it felt like a freebie that could have been used to save aladdin's life instead. So changed the second wish to make more sense since Aladdin freed himself, and dropped the un-needed conflict between them