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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

AN Stats for this chap are at the end for convenience

Chapter 8 

Chapter 9 Stylish Victory

Jessie and James arrived in disguise to observe Ash and Brock’s battle. “Are you sure about this?”

“Of course, Coordinators share information, and this should be very informative!” She adjusted her glasses. “He’s also entering the league, that means he’s one of your rivals, Kojiro!”

James focused on the battle. ‘He asked for a special match, is he crazy, overconfident, or just arrogant?’ When they battled him they could tell he was strong, but still.


Brock smirked. “You asked for a special match, you understand that if you lose, you won’t be able to challenge this gym again?”

Ash nodded. “I understand. I know the risk, but I don’t plan to lose!” Brock raised a bro.

“You shouldn’t underestimate me.” He walked over to the wall and a panel opened up, there were six monster balls. Brock picked up two and added them to his party. “Asking for a special challenge means you facing the gym as if you had at least three badges.”

Ketchum didn’t flinch. Brock shrugged. ‘Well he gives me a chance to show off for Nurse Joy!’ He blushed and waved at the nurse.

‘Seriously...’Ash and Bezai sweat drop. ‘Looks like he’s the one underestimating me. Let’s show him what we are made of!’

Bezai was on back up, with Bloom leading the charge. “Alright Bloom I choose you!” Tornado and Papillon were on standby.

“Bulba!” He looked to Bezai, and they cheered him on. This was his time to shine, Bezai had gotten to show off in the contest.

“Geodude, come on out!” Brock called out the Rock and Ground Type. “I’ll make the first move, use Defense Curl!”

Geodude braced himself, his defense increasing with a slight shift in his aura.

“Get ready Bloom Beauty Style Leech Seed!”

“Beauty style?! You’re a Coordinator!” Ash smiled flashed a thumbs up.

Brock tensed and his hand balled into a fist.

Bloom fired off the stylish move, the seed fired into the air and exploded like a firework. Spores rained down on the field like dandelions. “What on earth?!” The stone battle field suddenly began to grow grass.

Beauty Style Leech Seed – It gained the traits of Spikes or Toxic Spikes but held the nature of Leech Seed.

“Geodude, use Rollout!” The move was super charged thanks to the Defense Curl. Geodude surged forth and hit Bloom hard, knocking him back.

Bloom growled. Another Rollout was coming his way, this one even stronger. “Show him what you got, Tough Style Leech Seed!” His bulb glowed.

“Saur!” He fired a large seed, it hit Geodude and sent him flying back. Not only was the damage super effective and Geodude became seeded.

Tough Style Leech Seed – It had the power of Nuzzle, but the effect of Leech Seed.

“Geo…” His energy was drained and Bloom regained some of their health.

“Bloom use Vine Whip!” He obeyed, striking the rock type for super effective damage. Geodude tried to Rollout, but was met with another Vine Whip and was stopped dead in it’s tracks. The Leech Seed sapped it’s energy and he fainted.

“Geodude is unable to battle, Bloom is the winner!” Joy called.

Brock recalled Geodude. “You did great…” He turned to Joy and tried to look cool. “Not to worry Joy, I’m just warming up!”

“Ehh?” She blinked in confusion. The woman was just here to judge the special match.

“His horny levels are high…” Ash muttered and Bezai nodded.

“Now you’ll have to face my starter, Onix go!” He called forth the large rock snake. As soon as it hit the field.

“Ooooo!” Brock was surprised as suddenly Onix was seeded.

“Onix no!” The grass on the field suddenly latched onto him and Onix was bound by the Leech Seed. “So that is what you did before...so this is how a coordinator battles…”

James felt inspired.

“Bloom you got this!” The battle continued.

“Onix use Dig!”

“Bloom grab it with Clever Style Vine Whip!” The grass starter hit Onix before he could dive underground. They wrapped him up.

Onix dove underground and took Bulbasaur with him. He suffered from both the Leech Seed and the Clever Style Wrap Effect. “Another Style Move!?” Onix burst from the ground and sent Bloom flying.

“Bulba!” He cried out from the pain, but he recovered fast and Onix lost more health.

“Ugh, use Bind!” He caught the Bulbsaur and did quite some damage. The two were having a squeeze off, but Bloom had the edge as the Leech Seed kept healing the Grass type.

“Bloom use Razor Leaf!” The leaves fired and at point blank range. Onix was down for the count.

“Onix no!” He wasn’t responding.

Joy raised a hand. “Onix is unable to battle Bloom is the winner.”

Brock had to call his partner back. “Well you defeated my Pokemon, normally this is when you’ve earned a badge. If you wanna call off this special match now, you can have your badge now.”

Ash shook his head. “I’m not backing down now, let’s do this!”

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” He looked to Nurse Joy. “Watch this, this is when we really cook!” Brock flexed!

‘Seriously!’ Ash fought the urge to face palm.

“Rhyhorn come on out!” He called out the Gym’s Pokemon.

The tanky pokemon came out and became seeded. Ash pulled out his Pokedex. “Who’s that Pokemon?”

Dexter: Rhyhorn the Spikes Pokemon, a Ground and Rock Type! It’s covered in a tough armor. It is known for its physical power and considerable offensive and defensive battle skills. They tend to charge recklessly, trampling over anything that gets in its way. Power Level 30

“Power Level 30?!” This was gonna be tough. Even Bezai was under leveled for this. ‘He’s been seeded but…’ At his power level it also meant he had five moves.

“I tried to give you an out, but now I’m ready to rock and roll!” He shot Joy a look which was ignored. “Rhyhorn use Rock Polish!” It glowed and it’s speed boosted. They were sapped by the leech seed but that didn’t seem to phase them.

“Bloom come back, it’s time for a change up!” Bloom nodded and came back to Ash’s side. “Papillon I choose you!”

“You are using a Bug Type against my Rock Type? I can’t tell if you are bold or crazy!” Brock flexed. “Use Stealth Rocks!”

Rhyhorn conjured stones that buried themselves on Ash’s side of the field. “Papillon use Harden!” He did and built up his defense.

“Use Smack Down!”

“Papillon Harden once more!” Rhyhorn was faster thanks to the Rock Polish and he fired a stone that did a lot of damage bringing the Butterfree to the ground. His energy was sapped and Papillon gained some health back.

“Now Rhyhorn use Rock Blast!”

“Papillon use Tough Style Harden!”

“Free!” His aura flared and his defense increased. A barrage of stones came flying at Papillon and to Brock’s shock the Bug Type was able to block it.

Tough Style Harden – Worked like a form of Protect, using the user’s Defense to shield.

With three boosts to his Defense he was able to block even the super effective move. Rock Blast wasn’t exactly the most powerful of moves, but one capable hitting a target multiple times, the rock type’s answer to Fury Attack. “Another Style Move...” More energy was drained and Papillon gained more health. “Ugh, use Bulldoze!”

Normally a ground type move wouldn’t effect a flying type, but thanks to Smack Down this wasn’t the case. Rhyhorn charged at great speed. “Papillon use Clever Style Harden!”

Rhyhorn hit, but the Butterfree tanked the hit. “Horn!” The armored pokemon took damage from the hit, with five boosts to his defense Rhyhorn took quite a bit of damage like slamming into a hard surface.

“Grab onto him Papillon!” Ash called.

“Free!” The dual type bug monster obeyed.

“No shake him off!” Brock called. Rhyhorn tried but the butterfly hung on tight. It’s energy was drained and Papillon recovered.

“Use Stun Spore!” Orange powder covered the Rock and Ground type causing paralysis.

“Oh no!” His speed boost no longer mattered. “Use Bulldoze!” Rhyhorn charged attempting to slam Papillon into a stone.

“Papillon, use Gust to take to the air!” He obeyed, Rhyhorn took a point blank Gust and he launched back into the air.

Brock was shocked at how much Damage Rhyhorn took. “Your Butterfree it’s ability must be Tinted Lenses!”

“Sure is!” It made Not Very Effective moves deal regular damage. Which was excellent for this fight.

Back in the air Ash called for another Gust. It hit and Rhyhorn lost more energy. “Rhyhorn finish this with Smack Down!” It couldn’t move because of the paralysis. More energy was drained.

“Bug Bite!” Papillon attacked and did solid damage.

Brock called for a Rock Blast, but Ash called for another Bug Bite. “Rhyhorn is unable to battle, Papillon is the winner!”

There was a surge of energy and Papillon leveled up to 17. He was exhausted though. Ash returned him to his ball. “Papillon return and get some rest.”

Brock was down to his last Pokemon for this match. “Come forth!” He threw the monster ball and out came…

“Graveler!” The massive boulder monster

“Oh man this looks tough!” He checked his Pokedex.

Dexter: Graveler the Rock Pokemon, the evolved form of Geodude, a Rock and Ground type. It rolls over any obstacle without slowing or changing it’s direction. Often seen rolling down mountain trails. A slow walker, it rolls to move swiftly. Power Level 33

It was seeded upon call out. “Tornado, I choose you!” The Spearow was called out and sadly was met with Stealth Rocks. They burst from the ground and slammed into Tornado doing a lot of damage. “Tornado!”

Brock smirked. “You aren’t the only one who can lay traps. The Stealth Rocks my Rhyhorn set up will make any pokemon you switch into take damage.”

“You okay Tornado?” Ash called.

“Spear!” He wasn’t down yet.

“Use Rock Polish!” Brock called.

“Use Tailwind!” The two made their moves.

“Now Rock Throw!” Graveler grabbed one of the arena stones and lifted it up.

“Whoa! Tornado dodge it!” With the boost from Tailwind, Spearow just managed to avoid the thrown rock. “Now show them your style, Tough Style Leer!”

Tough Style Leer – It dropped the target’s DEF by two stages instead of one.

Graveler’s Defense dropped and thanks to Tailwind, Tornado was able to do it again dropping it a total of four stages.

Brock didn’t know this, but Graveler was in a bad position. His energy was drained and the Spearow regained some health. “Use Rollout!”

“Tornado get him with Tough Style Peck!” Tornado’s beak glowed and extended out.

He flew fast, the boost allowing him to strike first. Tornado hit hard and managed to soar out of the way avoiding the Rollout. Because of the drop in his defense and the supercharged attack Graveler took a lot of damage before his energy got drained some more.

“Go again, show ‘em how tough you are!” Ash called. Spearow surged like missile, striking Graveler again and again. Tough Style Peck simply made the move extra tough and hit hard.

“Use Sandstorm!” Graveler whipped up a storm, rocks pelting and striking Tornado.

“Hang tough!” The Sandstorm proves quite some trouble Graveler using it like a shield that made it hard to get near. Brock used that chance to use Defense Curl, to counter the defense drop, he did two thinking that was enough. “Push through! Cool Style Peck!”

Tornado gathered wind around him, he charged forward and the surging wind helped him break through the Sandstorm. Graveler didn’t see it coming and got a critical hit. He fell backwards and rolled back into a stone. “Graveler no…” Thanks to Tornado’s Sniper the critical hit did even more damage.

Graveler tried to get back up but his energy was drained and he collapsed, “Graveler is unable to battle Tornado wins.”

“Spearow!” The flying type cried. His power level soared and he reached level 20. He glowed.

“It’s happening!” Ash gasped. Tornado evolved into a Fearow!

“The winner of the Special Challenge is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town!” Joy declared.

“We did it!” Ash cheered.

“No way….I lost…” Brock was shaken. “To a coordinator…”

Ketchum twitched in annoyance.

James and Jessie were shocked. It was truly a stylish victory. Ash was able to make up for their level difference with combat maneuvers and tactics. The style moves had Brock fumbling unable to predict what was coming next. Typically he could overpower his opponents and shake them up, but not Ash.

Ketchum got the badge but his job wasn’t over.

Even after Brock handed over the badge, he immediately tried to flirt with Nurse Joy. “I wanted to take you out after I won, but how about instead you and I go for a cheer up date?”

“I’m gonna be busy, I’ll be treating your Pokemon after all.” Her words were like an arrow through his heart.

‘This guy has some issues.’ This calls for some investigation. Bloom, Tornado, and Papillon were dropped off at the Center for treatment.

After asking around he learned the truth. The Takeshi family was quite large, Mom and Pop, with Brock being the oldest of 11 children. Brock came of age years ago and was given Onix as his starter. Instead of going on a journey his Mom instead set off to go on a journey of her own becoming a coordinator.

Brock ended up managing the house hold, while his father ran the gym. After Brock caught his second Pokemon, his father decided to run off and go on his own journey. This left the young man juggling both the gym and his household.

Ash visited the house and yes indeed Brock was dealing with gym stuff and family stuff. It was a big ask. Add the fact he had his parent’s libido with no source to direct it. He hit on every girl in town, people think he even went easy on female trainers so he can date them. He always wore that “sexy” outfit when he was showing off for girls, and made a fool of himself.

With the pieces falling into place, Ash had to question going forward. ‘This guy needs help but what can we do...huh?’ There was a whole mess around Brock, it was hard to see where to start.

He saw Brock sneaking out of his house holding something. Ash and Bezai followed him. Brock went out into the woods to jerk off! “Oh Joy!” He played with his meat while looking at porn. “Yes I’m so big, and this is all for you, it hurts so take care of it for me!”

‘Seriously…’ Ash face palmed. “Well Bezai...least we can do is thank him for the awesome battle!”



Some rustling in the grass made Brock freeze. “Who’s there?!” He tried to hide his porn.

Bezai came out of the bushes. “An Exeggcute?! Wait aren’t you Ash’s?”

“Eggs!” Their eyes began to glow, hypnotic waves wash over Brock.

“What are you...doing...ohhh...pretty…” His cock twitched. Takeshi fell into a trance, tonight was gonna be a very special night.

To be continued

Ash: Trainer : Size – 8 inches soft/13 inches hard
Badges: 0
Ribbons: 1/5: Viridian Ribbon

Monsters on hand (6/6) : Bezai (Exeggcute), Bloom (Bulbasaur), Kaido (Magikarp), Gale (Pidgey), Tornado (Spearow) Papillon (Butterfree)

Monsters at Oaks Lab: Beedrill
Items: Monster Balls x 1
Key Items: Tent/Sleeping Bag, Pokedex, Pokeblock Case, Rainbow Feather, Contest Outfit, Fishing Rod, Cooking Set, Cash Card, Battle Pager, Kanto Contest Pass, Performance Tools: Hoop, Frisbee, Balls,

Upon reaching power level of 30 they can know 5 moves, monsters with a power level of 60 could use up to 6 moves, and a monster with a power level of 90 can use 7 moves

Bezai (Exeggcute) Ability Trance – Boosts the effectiveness of Sleep Inducing Moves, and when using offensive Psychic type moves has a chance for Sleep.
Power Level: 20
Moves: Hypnosis*(Beauty/Clever), Reflect* (Cute/Clever), Leech Seed* (Cute/Clever), Mega Drain

Bloom (Bulbasaur) Ability Chlorophyll
Power Level 19
Moves: Sleep Powder, Razor Leaf, Vine Whip* (Tough/Clever), Leech Seed* ,

Kaido (Magikarp) Ability: Rattled
Power Level 16
Moves: Splash, Bounce* (???/???), Tackle

Gale (Pidgeotto) Ability: Tangle Feet
Power Level 18
Moves Quick Attack, Sand Attack, Gust* (Tough/Clever), Roost

Tornado (Spearow): Ability Keen Eye
Power Level 17
Moves Peck* (Cool/???), Tailwind, Leer*, Aerial Ace

Papillon (Butterfree) Ability: Tinted Lenses
Power Level 14
Moves: Gust, Stun Spore, Harden* (Clever/???) Bug Bite
Stored: String Shot* (Beauty/Clever)

Beedrill Ability: ???
Power Level ??
Moves: ???

Ribbons 0/5
Monsters: Ekans, Venonat

Badges 0/8
Monsters: Koffing, Growlie (Growlithe), Bellsprout, Pinsir (4/6)

Monsters: Starmie, Staryu, Goldeen


Monsters: Geodude (PL: 16) Onix (PL : 20)


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