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Danny Phantom parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 7 Pecking Order

Chapter 8 Date Insurance

Danny, Sam, and Tucker didn’t hide their new found relationship. He walked with Sam holding hands fingers laced, when they were together, and he walked with Tucker with their fingers laced when they were together.

Suspicions were up when Sam and Danny came to class late, but now all three seemed closer than normal. In typical high school fashion they thought the two were making out. They were half wrong, they were late for being intimate, but they were doing a lot more than making out.

Then all three of them disappeared at lunch and were late coming back. It wasn’t odd, but then all the hand holding raised some flags. “What are those three up to?” Dash couldn’t help but notice.

He’s always had a weird fixation on Danny. ‘There’s something different about him today.’ It was the muscles, the height, or the prominent bulge. ‘When did Fenton get so…’ He blushed and shook the thought from his head before it could finish.

When he saw Danny holding Sam’s hand, something stirred inside him, and the same thing happened when he saw Tucker hold his hand like that. Fingers laced was far more intimate than hands cupped. Holding hands could already be seen as a more intimate gesture, but how one held their hands could raise that level higher.

Everyone often thought Danny and Sam were an item, often using it to tease them. The more they objected to it, the more it was done. Childish yes, but it happened. As for Tucker and Danny, there was always rumors of how close they were. Because of a conversation overheard, rumors were that there was a photo of the two sleeping together somewhere.

However those rumors were often ignored, for the obvious teasing, but with Danny and Tucker holding hands so intimately it was raising some questions. Questions that irritated Dash on some level, a layer of himself his jock brain didn’t venture into out of fear. The irritation bubbled up, so Dash did what he usually did when he faced complex emotions, he picked on Danny!

So when he saw the trio in the hallway. “Say Fentonia! You going on a date with your boyfriend today?” Dash shouted out in jest.

He expected the typical reaction. The two blushing and saying they weren’t together. What he didn’t expect was for Danny to wrap an arm around Tucker and Sam and say. “As a matter of fact, I am! Both of them!” He smiled, the look on Dash’s face was priceless.

You could almost see the wheel turning in his brain as he struggled to process what he just saw and what he just heard. “What...Both...Huh...What...Two…” He pointed at Sam and Tucker. “Both...Say What?!”

Sam flipped Dash off. “You heard him, Danny’s dating both of us!” To prove it, Sam kissed Danny, and the two had a rather heated kiss. The kiss broke only for Tucker to make a move and the Danny and him made out.

Dash seemed to blow a fuse. ‘What the hell?!’ This wasn’t some “fake out-make out!” Dash could feel the sparks from them. Anyone who saw them let out some cat calls at the passionate kisses. There was a tenderness and a lot of emotion in those lip-locks, different but the heat was equal!

Danny’s kiss had both of them weak in the knees, and Tucker’s glasses fogged up and he was left panting. Sam and Tucker were both packing some bulges, the kisses stirring their loins. Foley’s cock tail wagged, wiggling inside his channel and had someone been looking they may have seen his stomach shift from the bulge. Fenton had them supported, keeping them close so they can lean on his body.

‘Lucky…’ Was the shared beginning thought for a lot of guys. ‘Dog’ ‘Bastard’ and ‘Fucker’ came after but it varied from person to person.

Some girls and a few guys looked at Sam and Tucker being kissed breathless. ‘My boyfriend never kisses me like that!’ ‘I wish someone would kiss me like that!’ and ‘Damn…’ were some of the thoughts rolling around.

He left Dash speechless, jaw dropped.

“Let’s go guys, once school’s over we are gonna have our date!” Fenton led them away.

“You sure that was a good idea?” Sam whispered.

“What do you mean? I’m not hiding our relationship. I’m not ashamed of anything!” Danny said. Manson couldn’t help but smile.

“Not that, Dash loves messing with us, what if he tries to pull something on our date?” Tucker pointed out.

Danny stroked his chin. “You are right…” He smirked. “I should provide some date insurance.” Tucker and Sam shared a look of confusion unsure of what the hybrid meant.

Before School let out, Danny made a special kind of call. Since his transformation some new powers manifested in the half ghost, one of such powers was about to be handy now. Taking a deep breath, Fenton exhaled a ghostly wisp, in a manner similar to his ghost sense. He whispered to it, before sending it off.

The Phantom Message shot off like a rocket, moving at impressive speed, seeking out the target. Skulker was found and the message was relayed. “Understood my master, no one will interfere with your date.” He went off to the nest to collect some “gear”.

Eggs weren’t waiting for him this time, but he was allowed to pick up a few, some of these eggs weren’t as large as the ones he’s touched before, but he had the sense they’d be helpful for what he needed to do. The eggs were loaded into his pack and he flew back making it in time for his master’s date.

While Skulker was collecting eggs, Dash was indeed plotting. ‘Who does that runt think he is, just because he got a little hot doesn’t mean he can just flaunt around!?’ Dash angrily/mentality vented, missing completely he just thought Danny was hot. ‘I’ll teach Fentonia a lesson, that little date of theirs is gonna be a disaster.’

As Danny, Tucker, and Sam went on their date, they were followed by Baxter. Skulker followed behind, waiting for his chance to strike, if Dash tried anything.

It was a bit short notice, so Danny didn’t have some grand plan or anything. To say nothing of the fact he’d have to work around his allowance. So Nasty Burger it was.

‘Perfect!’ Dash thought, there was a lot he could do to mess with their date there. He grabbed a soda someone had left behind and moved to spill it on Danny.

Before he could even get near, Skulker swooped in, his invisibility on high. He snatched Dash and pulled him into the storage closet. “What the heck?!” Skulker smirked, before setting up for the next phase.

Dash went for the door only to find it locked from the outside.  “Hey let me out!” He called out, but no one could hear him.

Skulker had set up a noise dampener. Dash could yell and scream all he wanted, but no one could hear him outside of this room. The eggs were set up and began to release their mist.

Dash didn’t notice as the room filled with the white gas, he kept trying to break out of the storage room, but he was having no luck. Skulker had already slipped out of the room to watch his master’s date. His large body was pressed against the door, so it wasn’t budging no matter how many times Dash checked it.

This killed multiple targets with one shot, he could watch his master’s date, keep Dash trapped inside with the eggs, make sure no one else ruins or tries to ruin the date, and keep anyone from letting Dash out.


In the storage closet Dash kept checking the door and calling for help, but both things were pointless. “What’s going on?!” He banged on the door, but no luck. “Come on let me out!”

His focus was all on getting out he didn’t notice the room filling with the strange mist. Said mist began eating away at Dash’s clothes. Bit by bit the garments melted away, his shoes, jacket, and jeans dissolved first, leaving him in his boxers, undershirt, and socks.

By the time he realized things had gone past the point of no return. His last defense melted away, and all he was left with was his birthday suit. All his years of flaunting his nudity in the locker room bit him in the ass. It took him a hot minute to realize he was now bare ass naked, and it took feeling the breeze between his knees for him to look down. “HOLY SHIT I’M NAKED!”

The sudden panic was met with a rational tick. “Oh this is a dream.” He smacks his forehead. “Ow...wait...oww? How can this be a dream if I feel pain?”

“Oh this can’t be happening?” He looked around the room and didn’t see his clothes, all while patting himself down. “Maybe my clothes just turned invisible!” Nope!

As his eyes scoured the room, he spotted two eggs to his left. “What on earth are those?” They opened up causing Dash to back up on instinct.

Out from the eggs came two snake like beings. Dash whipped around and began to bang on the door. “Let me out, there is something in here, let me out!” He suddenly shivered and felt something touch his legs.

Dash looked down and the two huggers were moving up his legs. “Get off!” He tried to pull them off, but one handed, they were able to constrict around his legs. “Oww!”

Baxter focused on one of the huggers, trying to get it off him. The one he released continued it’s trek up Dash’s body. Using his jock strength he thought he managed to get the other hugger off, but it snaked around his hands and began to surge up his arm. “Fuck!”

The creature coiled around his shoulder, and stuck to his body like a slug. Dash shivered and blushed as it’s maw opened and it latched onto his nipple. The other came up from the south and did the same thing but in reverse. It latched onto his nipple and coiled around his shoulder, snaking it’s tail under his pit to lock him down.

Dash gasped as the creatures began to suck his nips making them harden. “Ahhh!”

His moans caused something in the room to stir. Dash’s gaze fell on it, and watched the creature scurry out of it. Now Dash hadn’t seen a lot of sci-fi movies, but taking what just happened to him into account, he actually went to protect the boys.

Baxter’s hands moved to cover his crotch, too bad this hugger had no interest in his cock and balls. It jumped and latched onto Dash’s face with such force it knocked him over. His reflexes kicked in and he managed to catch himself, so he landed on his hands and knees.

With his bare ass exposed the last egg opened up and the creature inside pounced. Dash hoped to crash and mess up Danny’s date, now he was on a date with some cock huggers one that wouldn’t be disturbed.

To be continued


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