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Danny Phantom parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7 A Ghost Scorned

Danny had been half ghost for some time now. There was a lot about the ghost zone that he did know and so much more that he didn’t know. He’s battled a few different kinds of ghosts as he worked to get a handle over his powers and abilities.

Those that have died and have become ghosts are referred to as Specters, new specters have many memories from when they were alive and are driven by their previous life and attachments. Strong emotions shape their powers and abilities which grow as time marches on. The longer a Specter lives the less attached to their human lives they become, they soon forget most things to their previous life outside of things with emotional weight behind them. From here they can either find new life as a ghost or become a Lost Soul.

A Phantasm is a pure ghost, often the child or descendant of Specters. They were never human and tend to have more power than either of their Specter parents combined.

Ectosapians – Also pure ghosts but their creation is a bit more complicated. Their life and existence explains many human supernatural phenomenon. Vampires, Werewolves, Yetis, Dragons, etc...

Then there are Primordial, ghosts that have either existed since the dawn of time or embody concepts of the universe. Time, Space, Weather, Nature, some of which have even been worshiped as Gods and feared as Titans! Primordials vary in power and ability but it’s best not to anger them.

Though a ghost with a grudge can be just as dangerous.


Dash had his alpha bros keeping an eye for Fenton. An alpha tended to go into their first rut roughly a month after presenting. He wanted Danny all wound up and horny when his first rut came so he could make his move. Breaking an alpha was difficult and Dash wanted to stack the deck in his favor.

Normally Fenton was off limits, but Baxter gave his bros a pass, they could do mess with Danny if it kept him out of the stalls.

As far as he knew Fenton hadn’t gotten his rocks off since he presented. Which is good for Baxter as that’d make the inner alpha weaker, vulnerable, and desperate. With the majority of the football team keeping watch he planned to keep Fenton pent up until his rut.

Things were going good until suddenly his bros were getting distracted. He entered the locker room and half the team were pitching tents, sighing and panting. “What’s wrong with you guys?” Each of them were holding a letter.

“They got proposal letters.” Kwan said. Dash looked around the room.

“They ALL got proposal letters?” Big time red flag. “Did you get one?”

Kwan nodded. He showed the unopened letter. “Yeah...but there’s no point, my family is already planning an arranged mating for me for my next rut.”

“Yikes really?” Kwan nodded again.

“Yeah, my parents are old school, they want me to find both a beta and an omega at some point. They feel an arranged mating is the best way, so there’s no point in even opening a random letter.” His parents wouldn’t approve.

Kwan’s parents were super old school, they wanted their son to have a beta and omega mating partner, and wanted at least five kids from the omega and three from the beta. He was under a lot of pressure as an alpha, it was nuts. Even if his parents rules helped him dodge this bullet, it still was crazy. Dash knew a bit of his home life, so changed the subject.

“You haven’t seen Fenton using the stalls have you?” Dash asked.

“Nope, haven’t seen him at all.” Kwan gave him a thumbs up. He didn’t really get it, but Dash and him were bros. Baxter patted his shoulder.

“Thanks man, knew I could count on you.” His focus lands on his fellow alpha bros and sees them acting all gaga. The opened letters were doused in pheromones. Dale and Garret were pitching tents and gushing. ‘Jeez…’

Dash did some checking and it seemed a lot of alphas were getting letters, from jocks, to nerds, to band, to cheerleaders, to nearly anyone who had presented as an alpha. There were even some in his locker. He didn’t open them because of a few reasons, one being his focus was on Fenton and two... ‘This seems like a scam.’ The envelopes didn’t have his name on them. ‘Something isn’t right here.’

He met up with Garret, the red head was reading his letter for a second time.

“Yo man, what is up with you?” Garret sniffed the letter and sighed happily. Betas and omegas often left there pheromones on letters to help entice alphas. This made this all the weirder cause fake love letters and mating proposals happened but to go as far as to use pheromones?

“I think I’m in love!” He held the letter to his chest.

“Love? You haven’t even met this person yet?” Garret just sighed.

“You don’t get it man, I think I found my soul mate!” He continued to sigh and he seemed high. “I know everything I need to know, their letter speaks to me!”

Dash raised a brow. “Let me see that letter!” Garret got really defensive, clutching the letter tightly and even letting out a growl.

“No it’s mine!” His inner alpha was on edge.

Dash didn’t even flinch. He growled back and made Garret back off, but he didn’t relinquish the letter. Baxter had to back down, he had no interest in fighting his friend for this omega, whoever they were. “Fine, whatever, I’ll just check Dale’s, where is he?” Garret shrugged.

“Haven’t seen him.” He went back to reading his letter. His features softened and his cheeks grew red.

‘Weird...’ Dash went looking for Dale. Had the blonde looked closer at the letter Garret had, he’d have noticed it was blank.


Dale had read his letter over and over again. ‘They are perfect, I’ve found my soul mate!’ He had some fine omega wanting him, and he knew just where to meet them. The alpha jock was high on omega pheromones, and they were extra powerful because this wasn’t just some horny omega, this was a ghost.

Every time he took a hit of the pheromones his mind became clouded and his body was heating up. His cock had been hard for hours and his balls were churning. If things kept up like this Dale would go into a premature rut!

‘I have to see them, we have to meet!’ Dale forgot all about class and ended off walking off.

He walked down, around, like his body was on autopilot. Soon he caught a familiar scent. “I’m coming baby!” Dale ran towards the scent.

If he had been in his right mind he’d have realized he was in the school’s basement. The pheromones led him to a storage closet. Dale checked himself and flexed. “I’m here!”


Dale hit the floor hard, his head spinning. “Yes you are, but you won’t be “coming” any time soon.”


Baxter wasn’t the only one finding things odd around here. Fenton noticed a lot of alphas were acting...off...and there was one common factor. They had opened up the letter in their locker. “This can’t be coincidence, it’s a prank right?”

Sam looked over the envelopes, they were all perfectly identical. “Maybe we should open them.”

“If a ghost is involved I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Ghosts of different sorts had the power to mesmerize and manipulate people.

“You guys worry too much, even if it is a ghost maybe they are just horny.” Tucker popped some breath spray. “If that’s the case I’ll volunteer as tribute!” He went to open one of Danny’s letters and Sam slapped his hand.

“And if it’s some crazy praying mantis ghost that eats its victims after sex?” Tucker thought about it...not hard but he did at least stop and think.

“Totally worth it Sam!” He went to open a letter only to get his hand slapped by Danny this time.

“Will you knock it off Tucker this is serious. Look at them!” The alphas who had opened their letters were totally zonked out.

“We need to see what those notes have to say.” Sam said.

“On it!” Tucker went to open a letter and this time got smacked by both men. “Owww!”

Danny went ghost, turning invisible to do some spying. ‘What the hell?!’

Each note was blank, but ghostly messages appeared for the alpha who read it. It told them exactly what they wanted to hear and the pheromones did the rest.

Dash was doing his own investigating, he couldn’t find Dale, so he started talking to the other alphas in school, and they were just as crazed as Garret was. ‘Soul mates this, soul mates that, no omega is that perfect.’ Not all alphas fell for this, some had common sense not to open a random letter found in their locker, others were already courting and didn’t need the drama. ‘If whoever did this wants alpha...then…’

He made a direct run for Danny. “Hey Fenton!” Baxter’s shout made Danny jump out of habit.

“Jeez Dash, can you not…” The blonde jock suddenly grabbed him.

“You didn’t open those letters did you!?” Danny pushed Dash off of him.

“I haven’t no, why do you care?” Dash blushed.

“I don’t, just something weird is going on! If someone’s messing with Alphas of course I’m gonna take action.” He punched his palm. “Have you seen Garret?”

“I haven’t...is he missing?”

“No...I mean, I don’t think so, but Dale has also…”


Garret was wondering around, his body moving on auto pilot. ‘My love...I’m coming for you!’ He followed his nose and wham!

“Stupid alphas…” The unconscious alpha was dragged off. “You all will pay for what you did to me!”

To be continued...Missing Alphas

One by one alphas are disappearing, but not all of them opening their letters so the scorned ghost takes action. Dash gets captured and Danny meets the angry ghost. Tucker gets a letter and helps lead the group to where the alphas are.


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