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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1

Ash Gets Buggy
Ash is bored as Iris and Cilan have a “battle” so he goes off into the woods with Pikachu and ends up finding a Joltik. He catches it and checks his pokedex and learns about all the interesting bug types find in Unova. His love of Bug Pokemon blooms as he works hard to catch Sewaddle, Venipede, Dwebble, Karrablast, Shellmet, Durant, and Larvesta.

Chapter 1

Ash was traveling to Nacrene City, he was traveling with gym leader and pokemon Connoisseur Cilan, and self proclaimed Dragon Master Iris. The two stopped to have a battle, Pansage versus Axew. “Why aren’t we battling?” Ash was wanting to get some training done for his next gym battle.

Iris crossed her arms. “You are too serious, we aren’t gonna get experience if all you do is use Volt Tackle!” Ketchum blinked. He didn’t get it. “Cilan is a gentleman he knows how to serve up a battle we asked for.”


“Axew use Scratch!” Iris called for the move and Axew trots over.

Cilan smiles. “Alright Pansage, Bullet Seed, but gently!” Pansage fires the attack, one seed at a time.

“Huh?!” Ash and Pikachu both gasp at the sight of this. The gentle Bullet Seed hits, and even the vastly weakened move was too much for Axew, who started crying.

“Axew no!” Iris rushed over and tried to console him. “This is a practice battle, so do your best okay?”

Ash couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “We are practicing to get Axew used to battle.” Cilan explained.

“This isn’t gonna work…” Ash said and Iris glared at him.

“What do you mean?” Ketchum crossed his arms.

“I tried this when I was a new trainer, it doesn’t work. Axew needs real battle experience and needs to have a serious battle. If you are just gonna coddle him he’s not gonna grow.” Cilan noted that Ash was speaking from experience, so his words held weight to them.

“You are such a little kid. You’re just obsessed with battling, let us train our way!”

Ash rolled his eyes. ‘And she calls me a kid?’

Axew was put back into the “battle” and was told to use Scratch. Ash could see it was barely even using the move, and more so flailing about. It wasn’t a surprise when Cilan had Pansage block. Axew flailed about unable to make contact. “Come on Cilan take this seriously!”

Cilan smirked. “Oh but I am, blocking and dodging are key ingredients in a Pokemon battle.” Iris pouted.

Ash was getting bored fast and Axew tired itself out, so they took a break. “Doesn’t Axew know any other moves?”

Iris huffed. “Quiet, don’t get involved battle maniac!”

Cilan did his best to break up the fight before it really got started. “Now, now, Ash may have a point. By battling different kinds of pokemon Axew will gain more experience and thus learn more moves and get stronger.” Iris tensed. “Even if you don’t battle Pikachu, there’s Oshawott, Tepig, Pidove, and Snivy.”

Each option Cilan mentioned brought a mental image to the girl’s mind. In each one, Axew lost, be it by water, fire, wind, or vines! “No way, I don’t want to lose!” She huffed.

“With that attitude, Axew is in trouble!” Ash didn’t like to lose either, but he learned a long time ago to take the loss and learn from it.

“Shut it, you’re such a little kid!”

Ketchum snapped. “I’m a kid!? When you’re here pouting and whining about not wanting to lose. I’m at least mature enough to know failure is a part of life, I just choose to learn from it, while you just wanna run from it.”

Iris really had no leg to stand on, she wasn’t a gym leader like Cilan, and she wasn’t a champion or dragon master yet. Ash was new to Unova, but he wasn’t a new trainer. He saw his own past mistakes in Iris and he tried to give her advice, but like a little kid, she was too stubborn to listen.

She only had two Pokemon, and she just got Axew. It had two moves, but “Dragon Rage” wasn’t mastered yet.

“Let’s continue with the practice battle.” Cilan said, once again trying to run interference.

Ash had enough, he decided to go off and do some special training. He called out his other Pokemon, so far he had a Water Type, a Fire Type, a Flying Type, and a Grass type from Unova.

They needed a lot more training so they battled Pikachu, Snivy kept watch as Oshawott, Tepig, and Pidove tried to hit Pikachu. The electric mouse dodged and dodged, quite impressively. Ash showed them the spin dodge technique, which was quite handy.

Tepig and Oshawott both had Tackle and the move wasn’t the best they needed something more, something stronger, at the very least something with more variety. The same could be said for Water Gun and Ember. To wrap up their special training Ash had them dodge Pikachu’s Thunderbolt. It was great to hone their speed and evasion as well.

Pidove and Snivy observed the training and understood what their trainer was going for.

Before they got their turn however, Pikachu’s strong Thunderbolt drew the attention of a hungry Joltik. “Who’s that Pokemon!?”

Dexter: Joltik the Attaching Pokemon. A Bug and Electric Type. Joltik cling to larger Pokemon and absorb static electricity, storing the energy in a special pouch.

A battle started and Joltik was quite fast and because he was so small he was hard to hit. Tepig’s efforts caused him to learn Flame Charge, a fire move that boosted his speed. He soon began to keep up with the tiny bug and deal damage.

“Monster Ball go!” He threw a ball and it hit Joltik sucking him up.


“Alright, I caught a Joltik!” His pokemon cheered in celebration.

That was his sixth Pokemon. Having the bug type reminded Ash of his love of bug pokemon. He checked the Pokedex to see the kind of Bug Types that could be found in Unova. There was a lot of interesting Pokemon.

Ash called out his newest catch and he was adorable. He scurried about and nuzzled all his new friends, before climbing up Ash’s body and resting on his hat. “Welcome to the family Joltik!”

Joltik – Compound Eyes Moves: Thunder Wave, Electroweb, Absorb, Bug Bite

“Alright, let’s do some training!”


“What was that?!” It was Axew’s “Dragon Sneeze”. Every time it tried to use Dragon Rage it sneezed and caused a huge explosion blowing up himself and everyone around it. It had scampered off and got into trouble with a wild Scolipede.

It was going on a rampage and Axew was caught in the middle of it. This wasn’t new, she often let Axew you to wonder about. Scolipede is a bug and poison type, so even when Cilan tried to help, Pansage wasn’t a good match.

“Don’t you have any other Pokemon?” He asked her.

Iris tried to call out Excadrill, but he was in a weird state. She begs it for help but is ignored. “He never listens…”

“Tepig use Flame Charge!” Tepig came in and hit Scolipede’s legs.

“It’s Ash!” The two gasped.

Scolipede was in a rage, launching Toxic all over the place. “Let’s save Axew!” Ash called.

Pikachu hit Scolipede with Iron Tail, Oshawott hit him with Razor Shell, Tepig hit with Flame Charge, and Pidove hit it with Gust. The attacks slowed him down for Iris to swing in and rescue Axew.

Their celebration was short lived as Scolipede lost it. “Jol!” Joltik charged a blue energy and zapped the massive bug.

“That was Thunder Wave!” Cilan confirmed.

Scolipede became paralyzed. “When did you get a Joltik?” Iris asked.

Ash smiled. “I just caught him, he’s so cool!” Scolipede called for help and another showed up.

The new one charges and ends up hitting Excadrill. The Steel Type got annoyed and uncurled. It smacks away the poison attacks and absolutely wrecks Scolipede. It used Drill Run and hit it hard blasting it off. “Drill!” Excadrill let’s out a victorious roar.

“Wow that’s impressive, thanks for the help Excadrill!” Ash praises.

Excadrill looks at Iris before curling back up again.

With six Pokemon the monsters fend off the remaining Scolipede and make it run away. “Sorry Scolipede!” She apologized. Iris returns Excadrill. “And still being difficult!”

It was clear the two had issues, Iris seemed to believe Excadrill was the problem, but Ash felt the problem was deeper than that. Not that Iris wanted to listen to him.

Cilan thinks Iris needs to train at her own pace. He was also sure Iris needed to do some growing before her Pokemon did.

Ash did some more special training. Pikachu showed off the Counter Shield, Ketchum showing it off to block Attract. Oshawott liked it and learned to do it with Water Gun. It helped take his move to another level.

Snivy, Tepig, and Pidove learned the Spin Dodge. Ash even shared his ideas with Joltik on a way of boosting his type moves. Cilan was impressed, recognizing the tactics as coordinator esk. Iris huffed thinking he was just a childish battle maniac.

To be continued… Ash vs Trip 6 v 6

Episode Guide

Ash vs Trip 6 v 6 : Ash reaches the battle club and wants to prepare for his next gym battle. Trip is in town and only agrees to battle Ash if they have a six on six battle. Trip is over confident from their last match and underestimates Ash at every turn. Trip’s Team: Servine, Tranquill, Litwick, Frillish, Timburr, and Patrat Don George is inspired by the battle and helps teach Ash’s mons some new moves Icy Wind for Oshawott and Will o Wisp for Tepig.

Home For Dwebble: Ash’s Joltik meets and befriends a Dwebble, who just after making his rock home, gets his home stolen. Ash helps Dwebble get his home back and the two bond. He gets his next Unova bug type.

Spikey Choice: Pansage meets a Ferroseed. Iris thinks it’s cute and tries to pick it up and gets poked. Cilan feels a kinship with Ferroseed, and works to form a bond with him. He gets a new Pokemon, and Ash gives him a reward for the awesome catch. Ferroseed is more than just a bit prickly, when he gets too excited he explodes.

Trash and Tidy: Some trouble with a wild Trubbish Ash helps out and gets an egg. This egg holds a Larvesta. The gang meets Bianca who knocks Ash and Cilan into a river and trash their camp set. A Minccino shows up and Cilan catches the little guy, earning himself a new pokemon and another reward from Ash.


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